Welcome to Demon School Iruma...

By SmartZelda

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A collection of mostly pairing oneshots for the anime/manga Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun. More

The Demon King's Final Fate (Iruazz)

See Yourself (Iruazz)

985 25 9
By SmartZelda

A/N: Before we begin, this fic does contain minor spoilers. As for the manga, it's the mention of arc titles and a few various happenings. One is a spoiler for the end of the Harvest Festival Arc, but it's essentially mentioned like in passing. It also contains spoilers for season 2, including mentions of a scene in the currently unreleased episode 9 of season 2.
This takes place when Iruma and friends are second years at Babyls. This is an Iruazz focused fic, but the ending does imply that Iruclarazz will start dating (romantic iruazz + iruclara and platonic clarazz to be specific).
Also, happy birthday to Alice Asmodeus! I wrote this fic specifically for his birthday yesterday, and I hope everyone enjoys!


It's been almost a year since then, and yet…

A growl tears its way out of Asmodeus's mouth as he slams his palms on either side of the sink before him. His eyes bulge as he leans over, staring intensely into a mirror behind the sink.

Why can't I stop thinking about it?!

Iruma had promised before that he would take him and Clara each on their own "date". Though, Asmodeus hadn't quite understood the concept when Iruma explained it originally.

Early this morning, Iruma showed up at the gate before Asmodeus's house in the chair demon's carriage. Asmodeus had rushed to get ready, and when he arrived outside, Iruma peeked his head out of the carriage.

Iruma apologized with flushed cheeks for bringing the carriage, since he rarely used it, but Asmodeus had merely smiled, telling him that there was no problem. Though, Asmodeus was still surprised.

First of all, when they went out together, usually it was Asmodeus and Clara that would show up at Iruma's house to wait. Even when spending time with other classmates, they too would wait for Iruma at the gate. Second, the few times Iruma had showed up at Asmodeus's house instead–or anyone else's for that matter–he'd prefered to walk to their destination.

In all actuality, when Asmodeus had seen the carriage, he'd assumed that the chair demon had pressured Iruma into taking it. However, after brushing off Iruma's apology, Iruma had added that he'd brought the carriage because today was special.

"I just want you to be comfortable," Iruma had said, smiling, and Asmodeus's heart nearly stopped.

Once he and Iruma had arrived at their destination, the weight of it all finally began to settle in.

It was just like all those other times he and Clara had spent time with Iruma outside school–both as pairs and as a trio.

He and Iruma were alone. Together.

The final puzzle piece clicked into place as memory emerged in Asmodeus's mind. In the past, Iruma had described several solo outings with the student council president as "dates" also.

So then did that mean a "date" was…

Does that mean…?

Asmodeus immediately shook his head, shaking his thoughts away, as his cheeks began to redden.

There was no way. Asmodeus couldn't just assume that Iruma had promised to go on a date with him and Clara just because he likes them. And he certainly couldn't assume that it was because…


It was true that Iruma considered Asmodeus and Clara his soulmates, but did that really mean that he-


Thank the demon king!

Iruma took Asmodeus's hand in his, squeezing it, which almost caused his heart to stop again.

"What do you want to do first?" Iruma asked, giving Asmodeus such a cute, well meaning look that his brain began to scream something unintelligible.

Asmodeus couldn't even bear to just ask Iruma to pick first. Though it's true that Iruma would just insist that this day is for Asmodeus, the truth of the matter was that Asmodeus wasn't sure if he could speak in the first place. He'd barely been alone with Iruma for thirty minutes, barely aware that they're on a date for only a few minutes, and he's already been unable to handle being alone with Iruma on a special occasion.

It at least comforted him knowing Clara probably was the same the day before.

Instead of attempting to stammer something out, Asmodeus managed to nod. He squeezed Iruma's hand back as he pulled him in the direction of nearby market stalls.

Really, Asmodeus had chosen the market because they were close, and because he was sure he could get something nice for Iruma, but he'd ended up enjoying roaming the stalls for himself as well.

However, no matter how many times Asmodeus would manage to settle back into comfortability around Iruma as the day went on, something would happen that would reduce him to a blushing mess again.

At the market stalls, it was the buildup of emotion Iruma's smiles instilled in him. It was the emotion that finally exploded when Asmodeus had bought something for Iruma, because Iruma smiled like that when he thanked him.

At a clothing store, it was the way Iruma praised him for how he was able to pull off most things he tried on.

After a roller-coaster ride, it was the mere sound of Iruma's giggles that pierced his heart.

But as the day continued, what really got to Asmodeus was a dumb picture.

It was a stupid "photo op with the missing demon king" thing. There was a dining room table chair that had appeared to be even slightly fancy with its seat cushion and curved arms. The wood was painted gold–probably to attract more people–and it sat on a wine red rug. Beside the chair stood a cardboard cutout that pictured the silhouette of Delkira, the missing demon king.

In Asmodeus's opinion, the craftsmanship of the "photo op" was shoddy. He also wasn't sure if it was respectful to make money off of the missing demon king, but, nevertheless, the photo op did draw in a small group of customers.

Iruma had excitedly insisted that Asmodeus get a picture. Of course, Asmodeus obliged, cheeks flushed, but he couldn’t help but frown as he sat in the chair. He just couldn't help but feel that he doesn’t belong in that chair.

Not since the first day of school at Babyls–after Iruma won their duel–had Asmodeus desired to sit on a throne. Since then he knew he was destined to serve Iruma. He knew it deep inside.

Just like he knew that it was Iruma that should be sitting in this chair, even if it was just pretend.

The very thought brought back a memory from a year ago. Under Iruma's leadership, the class had earned their transfer to Royal One–Delkira's old classroom. Iruma mounted a throne in one of the rooms as the class looked on, and Asmodeus had seen a vision of the future.

Just the thought of an older Iruma sitting on a throne, gazing down on him with sharp yet kind eyes was enough to make Asmodeus's heart race.

It surely didn't make things better when he got up from the chair and Iruma rushed to show him that picture of him. It didn't help Asmodeus's already dying heart as Iruma praised the photo of a blushing Asmodeus with a large smile.

Asmodeus had made that face because he was thinking of Iruma!

But everything would be fine, right? They would finish up here, move on, and Asmodeus could shift into his comfortable form around Iruma again–the one that allowed him to be confident rather than a puddle of feelings.

Unfortunately, Asmodeus really couldn't get over that feeling that Iruma should be in the chair.

"Y-you should take a picture also, m-master Iruma!"

"Really?" Iruma cocked his head to the side, frowning. "I'm not so sure I-" 

"Don't!" Asmodeus's cheeks reddened further. "Don't even… I'm sure…!" In the end, unable to figure out what he wanted to say, Asmodeus puffed out his cheeks as he led Iruma back over to the chair. He dropped the change in the picture taking demon's hand.

"Azz, are you sure I should? I don't know if I…"

Asmodeus shook his head. "Don't... I.. Don’t worry about it, master I-Iruma! You just… You have to take one too!" he burst out.

"Okay." Iruma nodded, and Asmodeus shielded his flushed face with a hand as he ran back to where the photographer stood.

It was a terrible idea.

I mean, it was an adorable picture. Iruma could barely frown for a moment before he looked over to Asmodeus and smiled. It was a large smile that was so full of happiness that even the light blush on Iruma's cheeks could cause the most cold-hearted demon to smile.

It was a terrible idea because now Asmodeus really couldn't get the image of "Demon King Iruma" out of his head.

He tried to shake his thoughts away by shaking his head. He tried so hard to throw his thoughts away, stuff them down, lock them in a cage, anything, but to no avail. Iruma was as cool as he was adorable, and Asmodeus knew that Iruma would look so good in that suit he saw in his vision.

Asmodeus averted his eyes for half a second before they flew to Iruma again. Maybe he could stop thinking about all that if he stopped looking at Iruma, but he couldn’t do that either! His eyes continued to flit away from Iruma, back to Iruma, and away from Iruma as Iruma approached him.

"Azz, are you okay?" Iruma asked, concerned. He stood up on his tiptoes to place the back of his hand against Asmodeus's forehead.

Asmodeus's breath caught in his throat at Iruma's cool and gentle touch.

"Hmm…" Iruma rocked back on his heels. "Your face is really red, Azz. And it's burning up too. I wonder if you need- Wait."

"Does Azz need sunscreen?" Iruma whispered to himself. "Do demons even need sunscreen? Have I even used sunscreen here?"

"...Do they even know what sunscreen is?" he asked himself under his breath.

Asmodeus had stopped listening to Iruma the moment Iruma stood up to touch his face. Instead, he thought about that vision of the future–about demon king Iruma–once again.

It was almost like he was there in the vision. He was kneeling until the older Iruma commanded him to rise. Asmodeus obeyed.

The older Iruma then beckoned Asmodeus closer, until he was standing just in front of him, legs against the front of the throne even. Asmodeus said nothing as the older Iruma leaned forward so their heads would be parallel, cheeks nearly pressed together.

Iruma angled his head a smidge so that every breath of his hit Asmodeus's ear, and Asmodeus bit his lip.

"Good…" the older Iruma purred, breathing hot air against Asmodeus's ear as he praised him in that deeper voice of his. "You really performed perfectly, Azz."

A shudder fell through Asmodeus's body. His face reddened as he bit his lip even harder.

Master Iruma…

"You know… Azz, you really are the best-"

"I-I," Asmodeus stammered, shaking his head as he forcefully pulled himself out of his daydream. "I need to… I have to…" he averted his eyes, "...go to the bathroom."

Asmodeus turned tail, running straight in the direction of the nearest restroom he'd seen. He hung his head to hide his beet red face, adding loudly, "And I'll…! Be right back, m-master Iruma!"

And now, Asmodeus stands with his hands pressed into the counter, staring into the mirror behind the sink.

Why is it now–a whole year later–that Asmodeus can't stop thinking of that vision?

Stop. Stop thinking about older Iruma. Stop thinking about Iruma as demon king. Your Iruma is right outside and…

Asmodeus gulps.

You've been in here forever. You're gonna make Iruma wait.

But I can't go out there while my face is still red like this! 

He squeezes his eyes shut while clenching his teeth.

Stop thinking about his deep voice and kind gaze and his hot...breath…

His breath catches in his throat again.

Stop. Stop. Stop!

But… Wouldn't it just be so nice to kiss him? To taste his lips? To receive his praise?

You WANT that.

"Aaaahhhhggg!" Asmodeus growls, hands flying to his hair. He ruffles his hair very fast, pulling at it almost hard enough to rip it out.


Asmodeus freezes abruptly, eyes shooting open.

"Azz, are you still in there?" Iruma calls from outside the bathroom. "Are you okay?"

Asmodeus untangles his fingers from his hair and quickly smooths it back down while looking in the mirror. His hands rush to turn on the sink before dipping under the water. He quickly splashes the cool water against his hot face carelessly as he rushes out of the bathroom.

"You've been in there for a whi- Azz!"

Asmodeus leans over, placing his hands on his knees as he pants a little. He angles his head up just to look at Iruma's face, but his adorable smile sends an arrow straight through his heart, causing his head to fall again.

"Are you okay?" Iruma asks again in that soft voice of his, concerned.

Asmodeus chuckles as he slowly lifts his upper body back up, straightening his body. "Yeah. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Iruma raises an eyebrow as he points at the fabric at Asmodeus's chest. "Your face is still red and you've got some water right…"

Asmodeus's eyes widen, and he looks down at his sweater. There are darker colored splotches at the neckline where the sink water sunk into it after he splashed his face.

I am...a mess.

Asmodeus smiles nervously as he grabs Iruma's hand. "So, master Iruma. Where to next? You really can-"



Iruma sighs, puffing out his cheeks a little. "I know you've been picking some of these events for me."

Asmodeus swallows slowly. "But...master Iruma, I just like to see you happy…"

"Today is about you, Azz. So, please, genuinely pick what you want to do."

Asmodeus cocks his head to the side, squinting his eyes as he begins to think.

"What do you want to do, Azz?" Iruma asks.

"What do you want to do, Azz?" Asmodeus hears again in an older Iruma's voice.


Asmodeus curses his own imagination, and his hands shake as he restrains from reaching up to pull out his own hair.

The cold water couldn't do it so maybe…

"Ice cream."

"You want ice cream?" Iruma asks, smiling.

I really need to cool myself down.

"Yes." Asmodeus nods.

"I know a place, then!" Iruma exclaims. A soft, loving smile grows on Asmodeus's face as Iruma pulls him by the hand.


Iruma and Asmodeus each sit beside each other on a bench, ice creams in hand. Asmodeus had chosen a small bowl of what resembles blueberry ice cream to Iruma–because the color reminds Asmodeus of Iruma–and Iruma had chosen something akin to a punch bowl of rainbow sherbet–or whatever the netherworld equivalent is.

Asmodeus knows the ice cream that Iruma got barely qualifies as a snack, but, nevertheless, he smiles softly at Iruma. He dips his own spoon in his ice cream, slowly ferrying it to his mouth as he watches Iruma savor his own.

He could gobble it up in an instant, yet today… He chooses to eat slowly...

For a half second, Iruma stops, holding his spoon that's stuck into his ice cream. Suddenly, the ice cream disappears from the bowl, Iruma pulls his disposable spoon from his mouth for the final time, and he lets it drop into his empty bowl as he sets it down on the bench to his right.

Iruma sighs deeply, slumping down into the bench, and Asmodeus quickly spoons his own ice cream into his mouth as he keeps his eyes locked onto Iruma.

"What's wrong, Iruma?" Asmodeus asks, discarding his own empty bowl of ice cream on the bench to his left.

"I… I don't think…" Iruma begins. "...No, I shouldn’t. Not now. We're supposed to be having fun. You are…" He sighs again. "I don't...want to ruin-"

"It's okay, master Iruma." Asmodeus places his right hand atop Iruma's left hand over his left thigh. "Just tell me."

"Well…" Iruma hesitates. He looks up to Asmodeus, then gulps loud enough for Asmodeus to hear as he looks forward again. "I… I don't think I'm...that cool."


"I-I just mean… I'm still surprised everyone hangs around me. I'm a magnet for danger and...it's not like I'm that interesting…"

Iruma sighs again. "I know I've asked this before, just… What's so special about me that you and Clara see? That Ameri sees?"

"Why does everyone...actually like me?"


Anger flares in Asmodeus's chest. "Master Iruma! Of course it's because...you're amazing!"

"Am I?"

"You are! You're so nice! You do so much for so many demons!"

The anger continues to grow as Asmodeus continues. "It was you who inspired our class to take what they deserve! It was because of your leadership and generosity that our class was able to transfer to Royal One!"

"It was you that won the title of "Young King" with Lied at the Harvest Festival! You were the one who decided to save a demon child when no one else cared! You fell in with the student council and withstood their training!"

Iruma looks back up at Asmodeus, and Asmodeus's eyes bear deep into those serene pools of blue.

"You made the decision to help the devidol Kuromu out when she needed it! You won Purson over with your kindness and gentleness! You're an expert at dodging! You eat the most out of anyone I've seen! You could eat any demon out of house and home!"

Iruma laughs nervously, "Is that really something to compliment?"

"In any case… I admire you, master Iruma! And...Clara too!" Asmodeus throws his right hand over his heart. "We want more than anything to make your ambitions realized! We'd follow you to the ends of the Netherworld and back!"

"You're the only one I could see as our Demon King! You own all of the correct attributes! Your kindness! Your beauty! Your capability! Your overwhelming drive! You could get anyone to follow you! So why...?" Asmodeus's air finally runs out. He takes a quick breath in. "So why don't… Why can't you…?"

Knowing all that, why don't you see much in yourself? Why don't you think you're cool? Why are you confused why anyone would follow you?

Asmodeus's eyes flutter shut as he takes in a few deep breaths, letting the air completely filter in and out of his lungs slowly. When he finally opens his eyes again, he's frowning.

"Master Iruma…" he begins, voice careful, like he's forcefully holding his anger behind a gate to talk softer. "If I could give you one thing right now… I would gift you the ability to see yourself through my eyes–Clara's eyes too, even. So then…"

Asmodeus sighs out all of his anger, and a genuine, soft smile replaces the frown on his face. "Then, you could see–realize–just how special you are to me. To us."

The pools in Iruma's eyes begin to ripple from the center, almost like Asmodeus broke the surface himself, tapping it with his own pointer finger.

"I don't know if she told you yesterday or not, master Iruma, but Clara and I… We want to be with you forever. We like- No."

"We love you."

A smile breaks out onto Iruma's face at the confession, and tears emerge at the corner of his eyes. "I know."

Asmodeus's eyes widen in surprise.

"Clara didn't confess yesterday, but I've already known. That's why… It’s a date!" Iruma laughs, and the sound is music to Asmodeus's ears.

"I consider the two of you my soulmates. And I don’t wanna go anywhere without you. Today and yesterday...they were almost like tests for the two of you. I had to be sure, but…" Iruma sighs, shaking his head as the first tears cut pathways down his face. "The point is…I love you guys too. It's hard for me to believe in myself sometimes, but I'm glad you guys always believe in me."

"Here." Iruma wipes the tears from his eyes before he reaches a hand into his pocket. What emerges in his hand is a black box the size of his palm.

"What's that, master Iruma?"

"It's...for you." Iruma sets the box down on his lap before lifting the lid carefully. He pulls out a small, metal, rose gold colored chain as he explains, "I had a spell put on it so it'll never break. It'll never waste away."

Asmodeus gasps as Iruma turns to him, holding one side of the unclasped chain in each hand. Hanging at the bottom of the chain is a rose gold metal butterfly, and at the center, the body of the butterfly is a sparkling ruby in the shape of an octahedron.

It's beautiful…

"Master Iruma, that necklace… It’s exquisite," he comments, breathlessly.

"I gave Clara hers yesterday. All three are color coded for us, and they're to symbolize our relationship. Our soulmateship."

Happiness, true joy begins to flutter from Asmodeus's heart. "And...about yours?"

"Well…" Iruma scratches his head nervously. "You and me and Clara will have to go over all this later, but I think then… I think I'll have the two of you put my necklace on me."

A dark blush runs across Asmodeus's cheeks. He lifts his chin up to bare his neck for Iruma as he squeezes his eyes closed. The cold touch of Iruma's fingers dances at Asmodeus's neck as Iruma clasps the necklace around it. He knows Iruma's pulled his hands away when only the coldness of the thin chain rests atop his skin.

I've never felt…

"I'm done now, Azz," Iruma reminds him with a giggle.

I've never felt so

Asmodeus opens his eyes, relaxing his neck, only to see Iruma's smile. Right then, Asmodeus gives Iruma a special soft smile. It's bursting with a soft love, joy, and it's reserved especially for Iruma.


"...Can I-" Asmodeus begins to ask, but Iruma interrupts him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Coldness spreads across his lips at the touch of Iruma's, but just as quickly as the kiss came, Iruma pulls back.

Iruma smiles first, a smile that shoots a barrage of arrows through Asmodeus's heart. Then, he scoots closer and leans his head beside Asmodeus's own.

Asmodeus's entire face reddens this time as Iruma breathes hot air against Asmodeus's ear. His heart starts to pound loudly in his ears, and he starts to bite his lip.

"I love you, Azz…"


And that's what finally destroys Asmodeus, heart and all, sending a shudder down his body.


A/N: By the way, this is my reference for what the necklace looks like if you're wondering:

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