The Underworld's Champion

Oleh PJOhno

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When Percy originally embarked on his quest to the underworld to save his mother, he was given three pearls t... Lebih Banyak

An Alternative Sacrifice
Someone's Jealous
Training in Tartarus
The Mission
Percy knows more than Athena!
The Group of Eternal Virgins
The virgin gets sassed
Not a chapter, an author note which i hate
Capture The flag and some reunions
Percy failed?
More of a super important update
Skeletons are annoying
Annoying Love, pesky war
Mum! Can we get harry potter!
Dear Federick

Discussion of the O-

5.2K 80 29
Oleh PJOhno

Sorry for the lack of chapters but there will be more in the upcoming future that is unless I don't die. Anyways, Yeet is taking a break and Aggelos is angel is helping me, who is Grandpa Kronos (Not old enough, missing a few millennias) the picture above should help you forgive me.

Campers and Hunters circled a ping pong table. They each stood by their respective seats. The Hunters, however, didn't really stand by the majority of the camp. So the Huntresses who are in the meeting mainly stood close to Chiron as they didn't mind the centaur.

The sombre mood did not help the case that an Olympian Goddess was missing. Of course, that fact was true which made the Hunters more agitated.

"What are we waiting for? This meeting is completely useless," Zoë continued onto her rant once the meeting had started, "The Hunters are completely capable of completing this quest on our own! We don't need thou campers." She added, specifically glaring at Percy. And she wasn't going to take demands from these Campers too. Phoebe, another Huntress, quickly agreed to her lieutenant.

"Zoë, it says Campers and Hunters combined. You need us, as much as we also don't like working with you, we have to work together. After all, they got Annabeth.(Correct me if i'm wrong, grandpa_kronos) So I need to go on this quest. Whether you like it or not." Thalia quickly leapt to her feet in a fit of rage, arguing against them.

"We don't need thee-" Zoë's face turned into a completely rage-full face, but Chiron quickly attempted to resolve the conflict. "Zoë-your Mistress was captured by this very enemy you may be hunting. I don't mean it in this way, yet, you and your Hunters may not be able to gain victory against our foe. And we shouldn't be defying a prophecy, as much as you hate the odds, we must work together." Chiron had such a way with words, no one wouldn't argue against that fact.

"Uh-Yeah!" Percy supported, quickly cutting into the tense silence. A few counselors snickered as the Son of Poseidon's face turned red. Thalia and Zoë, despite all the grudges, turned in sync towards Percy. "Who says you could come?" Thalia fired back, and she had to admit that she was jealous of him.

"Yeah. Not to be boastful or anything, obviously, but you guys do need me as I am a pretty dang good fighter. Son of Zeus, after all." Liam burst in straight at the right time, but Zoë wasn't letting any males get into the group. "No! We are not going to travel with males."

Liam instantly looked offended by the ordeal, "Seriously?" He turned towards Percy, basically the only other male with the balls to annoy the Tartarus out of any Huntress. The Son of Poseidon nodded in agreement, adding his own 'Seriously?' The trio started arguing heavily, Phoebe quickly joining into the fight against Percy and Liam. "SILENCE! We need to pick our quest members: and yet here we are, arguing with each other for no particular reasoning except personal opinions! You guys can't change fate, but you can ride along with it. Zoë, clearly, wants to be on the quest. So lieutenant, whom do you choose to come with you?" Chiron yelled out, silencing the entirety of the room.

The Daughter of Pleione smirked victoriously, turning to Phoebe as a silent answer. The Adopted Daughter of Artemis' smirk fell into a face of panic. Zoë instantly saw this, though, so she quickly turned to the closest girl she could find. "I choose Bianca!" Picking one of the newest campers wasn't that great of an idea. However, those thoughts were argued against because Zoë could maybe, just maybe, convince Bianca to join the hunt.

Chiron's face morphed into one of horror but Zoë was standing her ground, making the centaur yield. He knew that a death threatening quest wasn't good for someone so new, but Percy did it, barely making it out alive, but he could feel the exact same potential from Bianca as he did from Percy before he came out. The Son of Kronos could tell that Percy's power somehow increased tremendously since he came back, somehow.

"What? Why me? I don't even know what the heck a quest means in this gods-filled world! How do you expect me to know what the heck (Remember, Bianca still doesn't know exactly about Greek Mythology. So she would say, 'what the Zeus' instead of 'what the heck' in the future) a quest means?" She screamed at them all, trying to get them to get the right age of brain. "Hold up-we'll figure it out on the way, Bianca." Percy reassured the Daughter of Hades, in which she just sighed in defeat. He was honestly the most trustworthy source, in her opinion, as he reintroduced her to Nico's and Bianca's father.

"Alright-now for the Campers. Hold up-" He quickly denied Percy's, Liam's, and Thalia's attempts at raising their hand, "You three. It is dangerous for a single child of the Big Three to go on a quest. Three? That is a questionable topic."

Luke decided to interrupt the case, coming in hot for the trio to go on the quest. "Chiron-they are trained. Percy went into the Underworld, and somehow made it out alive. He also almost won the Capture the Flag game too. Thalia is also trained as she had been on the run, outside, and we barely survived making our way across the whole country. Liam went into the Sea of Monsters, and that is a feat on its own. So I believe they should be on the quest. It would prove that they got each other's backs after all..." The Son of Hermes trailed off, glancing reassuringly to the 4 campers. Or more specifically, Thalia.

Chiron stroked his chin in thought. 3 Children of the Big Three was never a good idea. However, Luke did make exceedingly good points. So he may have to just have faith in their abilities and willpower.

"I think they should go, this way more campers will die and less I have to bother about," Dionysus laid on a couch with Seymour hanging above him. Just another hard day of being the dictator, or Tyrant. Whatever mortals say nowadays.

"Alright, alright, you can go," Chiron finally gave in. "But be careful, ancient monsters are rising. I cannot specify what kinds of monsters, but they are beyond what the average demigod knows. So, Zoë, you may know some of these monsters. Watch over them." Zoë nodded, a devious smirk appearing in her face.

"Moving on, I think I know what the bane of Olympus the manticore was talking about." Percy ignored Zoë's face: picking up a ping pong bat, he started to play with it, "It could be the O-"

Percy was cut off by Thalia, and again she ignored Percy, "We can figure that later, we have to go west now! Annabeth is in danger! And Hades knows how much I would want my sister back. So, what are we waiting for?" She challenged everyone else.

Zoë nodded, and she didn't really want to travel with males. Unpredictable wild monsters, but if there is a 40 percent chance that they could die. She had to agree on it, and plus her lady was in danger. She wasn't going to let her Lady suffer from her father. Even if she has to do whatever, and anything. Her lady gave her a new life, and it may end well soon.

"Thou are right. The Hunters would help pack for the quest, however, don't expect us to prepare anything for the male pigs." Zoë sneered at Percy and Liam, and Percy stuck his tongue out in response as Zoë started storming out of the big house with the rest of the hunters trailing behind her.

"What's up with her?" Liam murmured under his breath, crossing his arms. Thalia slapped his back in response, "Shut up Liam."

"She's right, you know, if you want to save Annabeth you have to go now." Luke had a steely look in his eyes. He was determined. He would not lose his sister but he did not care for that idiotic goddess. Given the chance, he would have joined Kronos. However, he knew that he could never betray Annabeth or Thalia.

"You can take Argus' van for the journey ahead. Campers you are dismissed. Percy-wait, I want you to stay behind." Chiron ordered as campers filed out of the big house like ants. "Percy, I know you are strong, I can feel a change in your aura, but please know that Ancient Beasts are rising. And they may be, probably a low chance, stronger than a Titan."

A feeling of shock blew through his insides. Of course Tartarus did remind him of multiple Titans that may rise, but he didn't know that this war wasn't going to be an easy going one. Even with all his powers. However, he was fairly confident that he could probably beat them. Yet, he couldn't show all his powers to the world as that wouldn't work in the gods favor. So he nodded with confirmation at Chiron, letting the centaur know that he at least understood what would be laying in front of him. "I'll make sure to be safe, Chiron. And don't worry-everyone else would be safe along this journey. After all, I found a way out of the last prophecy I was in. As you can tell, along with middle school, I manage to find my way out of nearly anything. So: Don't worry about me. I'm pretty sure Mr. D needs you more than I do." He joked to Chiron, trying to make the Son of Kronos at least a bit more comfortable.

"I'll see you after the quest, Chiron. Bye!" He quickly left the big house, leaving Chiron shaking his head at Dionysus' snoring form. Chiron decided to give Percy one last response, "It doesn't matter if you manage to finish all those tasks. This prophecy is seemingly straight forward, so make sure to watch every corner!"

(1645 words)

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