The Strong Deadth Part II

By phoenixdreamwizard

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This story mainly focus on the couple Nathan and Rakshit from previous part, like how their relationship move... More



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By phoenixdreamwizard

When Rakshit came out of the club, he saw Nathan was moving towards the sea. He called him from behind "Nathan!... Nathan!" But Nathan was ignoring him. Rakshit was continuously calling him and finally Nathan turned back and shouted "Don't move! (Rakshit stopped there at the position) Don't you come near to me." His eyes were wet but not a single drop coming out of his eyes.

Rakshit said "Nathan, I don't know what happened there and I don't know what happened with you. But, I know that something has happened. Tell me, maybe I can solve your problem."

Nathan said "There is no one who can solve my problem. Understand?"

Rakshit said "Okay. I can't solve it. But, you are suffering from something and I can't see you like this. If you are suffering, then let me endure it with you."

Nathan said "Why?... Why do you love me? I am... I am not the one you are looking for."

Rakshit takes small steps towards Nathan and said "Who said that you are not the one? You are smart, talented, cute, handsome and many more. You are a bunch of perfections. Yeah, you have some flaw too. Everyone does, but your flaws are beautiful."

Nathan said "Please, you are getting my point. You will get hurt if you love me. Don't love me, please. You deserve much better person than. Who... who can give you the thing that you want. I can't give you anything. I don't have anything to give to you. Please!"

Rakshit was still taking small steps and said "I am already hurt, but you are my healer. You know that I got famous is just because of you. When I lost my friend, I was so miserably sad and I couldn't focus on my work. But, when I see your smile, I forget about every pain in my live and try to do everything I can. And now it's too late to stop loving you. You are perfect for me. And I don't love you as you look. I love you because of your soul, your pure soul. And I am not expecting anything from you except one. I want your heart. I want your love. And I told you that I will wait. I can repeat it everytime you want that I will wait. Even if we became old enough to love each other, or till my last breath, I will wait."

Rakshit went near to Nathan and tried to put his hand on Nathan's shoulder but Nathan shifted a bit to side. He doesn't want anyone to touch him right now. So Rakshit pulled his hand back and said "Let's go to the room and take a rest first." Nathan started moving and they went to the hotel. Others were waiting for them near to the reception. When they saw Nathan they quickly ran to him, but Rakshit stopped them by giving them sign with hand and shook his head. He wanted to say that it's not the right time to speak to him. And everyone understood. Rakshit took Nathan to the room and asked him to take and shower and rest and so he did. After that they haven't talked about it. The whole night was so long for both of them. No one in the room can sleep. Nathan can't sleep because he was remembering his worst childhood memories which he don't want to remember and Rakshit can't sleep because he was worried about Nathan.

Nathan got asleep late at 4. Rakshit took a breath of relief and he slept too. In the morning Rakshit went out of the room early. When Nathan got up from sleep, he saw Sneha, Gautami and Shaurya in front of him. Nathan asked "Where is Rakshit? Why are you all here?"

Shaurya asked "What are you hiding from us?"

Nathan said "What?" He pretended that he doesn't know what he was trying to say.

Gautami said "Don't pretend that you don't know. You have helped us in many ways. It's our turn to help you."

Sneha said "But if you are not going to tell what is wrong, then how could we solve the problem." (Rakshit enters the room.) Rakshit saw them talking in a serious way so he said "Oh! Sorry. I think I should come a little later."

Nathan responded "No, you can stay. Come and sit here." "Okay" Rakshit said and sit beside Nathan.

Nathan took a deep breath and said "I am not hiding anything from you. And if you are asking about last night, then that thing is my secret. And we all a secret which we don't want to tell anyone."

Sneha said "But Nathan, it is affecting your life. You have to let go of your secret."

Nathan said "I can't... I can't undo the things which had happened. And it's not just me. No one can let go of things which had happened which them. They can just learn from it. And I have learnt so many things and I am getting better. I just need more time."

Shaurya said "What is that thing that you are not comfortable to tell us?"

Nathan said "It's not like that Shaurya..."

Gautami said "Then why are you not telling us anything?"

Rakshit said "Okay enough. He said that he will cure himself with time then why do you all barging about it huh? What happened was happened. Now, we have to move back in afternoon. So, pack your bags and meet for the lunch in half an hour."

Shaurya said "Oh! Nathan, now you have your protector. It will be so hard to tease you now."

They all sighs, looks at Nathan and went out. Nathan looked at Rakshit and realised what he said last night must be hurtful for Rakshit. So he wanted to apologize. Nathan said "Last night..." Before Nathan completes his sentence Rakshit said "Don't talk about last night. Let's just think that it was a bad dream. Okay?" Nathan nodded and Rakshit started packing up things.

{Nathan's P.O.V.: -

He must be hurt but he doesn't want to talk about it. He seems like he is fine but maybe deep inside he is mad at himself or me. I told him that he deserves someone better but I don't want him to go. Will it be only a bad dream?}

After eating lunch, they all gathered in front of the reception waiting for the mini-bus which they have booked to go back. Nathan was standing near to Rakshit. And the point is that Rakshit haven't touched Nathan since last night. Not even put his hand on the shoulder. Because he was afraid that Nathan will again move back if he take his hand on him.

Their bus was up on the road and they asked the servants to put their luggage into the car. Nathan was standing still thinking about holding hands with Rakshit but he was afraid that maybe Rakshit will not like it because he thinks that Rakshit is mad at him. Shaurya said "Okay, we are ready to go now." Nathan heard that and quickly grabbed Rakshit's hand. Rakshit looked at Nathan shockingly. It was the first time that Nathan is holding Rakshit's hand so it was really surprising for Rakshit. Nathan saw Rakshit's shocked face so he loses up his grab from Rakshit's hand thinking that Rakshit is angry. But Rakshit holds his hand more tightly. Nathan looked at Rakshit. He was smiling so Nathan was relieved that he is not mad at him.

{Rakshit's P.O.V.: -

He grabbed my hand. That means he is afraid of me. He was just shocked last night. Thank God! He is not mad at me. I thought that I might lose him. It's good that he grabbed my hand and I got his sign. He trusts me. I don't know how much but at least he started trusting in me.}

Rakshit grabbed Nathan's hand tight and went inside the bus and sat on the middle row. He let Nathan sit on the window-seat and he sit beside him. And as usual they were not talking with each other. They are the silent couple who just talk with their shyness. Everyone was shouting and talking so loud and discussing how great the trip was while Nathan was looking at Rakshit time to time. He was watching his hands, his eyebrows, his lips, his eyes, his nerves on hand and suddenly was like "What I am doing?" Then finally he stopped looking at him and starts looking outside. Rakshit knew that Nathan was checking on him and now he is not. So, now he was staring at him.

Rakshit moved his hand near to Nathan's to hold his hand again, but he was shy and scared that it may offend Nathan. So he just kept it near to his hand. And it was so close that Nathan felt his hand as the bus was moving on rough road. He saw Rakshit's hand and just hold it. He hasn't thought anything for a second and holds Rakshit's hand and felt asleep. Nathan's head was on the mirror. Rakshit was afraid that it may hit his head as the bus was so shaky. But, he was also afraid that if he is gonna touch him, it might wake him up.

After a few moments, Nathan adjusted himself and moved his head on opposite side. This time, Rakshit adjusted him and let his shoulder come under Nathan's head to support it. He thought that Nathan doesn't know about it but He was asleep. He was just tired.

{Nathan's P.O.V.: -

I don't know but his hands feel so good. I feel good when I hold his hand. It is warm and I can even feel the heat from the nerves of his hands. He may be shocked that suddenly I grabbed his hand. His shoulder is feeling so comfortable too. I started feeling sleepy now.

Rakshit's P.O.V.: -

He suddenly grabbed my hand. Yeah, I wanted to do that but, he did it. I was so surprised. And I was afraid that he might his himself with the metal window but glad that he shifted to opposite side. I don't know that it will be comfortable for him or not, but I should just give his head a little support. He is sleeping, he would not know about it.}

After that Rakshit felt asleep too. Shaurya and all were discussing about the fight between Nathan and the stranger and Shaurya wanted to include Nathan in it, so he turned to Nathan and said "Nathan, you were so..." he saw that both Nathan and Rakshit were holding their hands and were in sweet sleep. So he set down again on his place with a smile.

They all reached back home at late night and everyone was half asleep. So Nathan asked everyone to sleep in his house as it was a great risk to drive in that condition and everyone agreed with him. So, Vinita, Mitali, Sneha and Gautami went to Shaurya's room and Shaurya, Kuldeep, Arjun and Kiran went to Nathan's room. They all adjusted in bed somewhere. There were only Nathan and Rakshit remaining. So, they both decided to sleep on the sofa. But, they both can't sleep together on it, Nathan was not comfortable with it. So they just sit there and slept like that. They haven't lay down on it. They were just sitting on the opposite side and slept.

In the morning, when Nathan woke up, he found that his head is on Rakshit's chest. Rakshit was sleeping on sofa and Nathan was sleeping on Rakshit. When Nathan noticed it, he quickly get up and sit on other small sofa. Rakshit woke up too and he rubbed his eyes and saw Nathan sitting. He got up too and said "Good Morning!" Nathan replied "Good Morning!" He looked at the clock, it was 9:14 A.M. He called "Vinita! wake up. We have to go home now. Mom and Dad will be waiting for us." He haven't got any reply so he stand up and go to the room and knocked the door and continuously calling "Vinita! Vinita wake up." And finally she came out of the room and after that everyone came out one by one. Rakshit holds Vinita's hand and went to the hall again to say goodbye to Nathan. He said "I am going now. See you soon and take care. Okay?" He turned back and asked everyone "Anyone need a ride?" Sneha said "No, I can drop them afterwards." Rakshit nodded and went out with Vinita and Kiran. Before moving out he just gets a two second look at Nathan and smiled. Nathan got panicked by it. He starts thinking "Why did he give that smile? Did I do anything last night? I don't think so."

After they all have finally woke up properly. Shaurya decide to tell them what he wanted to say. He stands up from his place and said "Hey! Listen everyone. I have something to say to you all."

Nathan said "What is it?" and they all gathered at sofa.

Shaurya took a deep breath. Everyone looked at Kuldeep hoping that he knows about it. Shaurya said "He doesn't know about anything." Gautami said "Then say it already."

Shaurya said "Umm... Err... well, the thing is..."

Sneha said "What umm, err? Are you going to say it or not."

Shaurya finally said "I am moving out."

Kuldeep asked "Moving out?"

Nathan asked "You haven't told me that you are moving out of my house. You should have told me."

Shaurya said "I am not moving out of this house. I mean, yes I am moving out of the house. I mean, I have to go out of Mumbai."

Everyone just exclaimed "What?"

Arjun asked "Wait! Shaurya bhai, you said that you got a job as a designer of model, then why are you going out of Mumbai?"

Shaurya replied "Well, I have to go for training in Andhra Pradesh day after tomorrow."

Gautami said "Oh! Good."

Shaurya looked at Kuldeep. He was so shocked about it. He was panicking. He didn't know what to do. He said "You haven't told me about this."

Shaurya said "I was about to but..."

Kuldeep asked "But what? What you were waiting for? Why you..." He looked at Nathan started crying and said "Nathan bhai, I told you right? I told you that I am scared. I am scared that he will leave me one day. And see, he is doing it now."

Shaurya said "I am not leaving you Kuldeep. It's just for one year."

Kuldeep said "No, you are leaving me. You are leaving me behind alone. All alone. What if you met someone there and then you decided not to come back again? What will I do then?"

Shaurya said "That's not going to happen Kuldeep. Just stop crying." And Kuldeep left from there. Everybody called him from behind but he never stopped. Nathan said "Arjun, Mitali, go behind him, fast. (Arjun and Mitali went outside to Kuldeep) Sneha, Gautami, take them to their home."

When everyone went out Shaurya said "Nathan please talk to him."

Nathan said in a rude way "What did you left me to talk now?"

Shaurya said "It's just for one year dude. It's just for training. I have to come back eventually."

Nathan said "Why you haven't told me before? I should have talked to him earlier and he wouldn't have gone like this."

Shaurya said "I am sorry. I don't want to ruin out trip. That's why I stayed quite."

Nathan asked "Day after tomorrow right? Have you done your packing?"

Shaurya said "Yes, I did."

Nathan said "Fine! I will talk to him. But I can only try."

Day after tomorrow, Nathan, Sneha, Gautami, Shaurya and Rakshit were sitting on Railway Station waiting for train to come to the platform. But, Shaurya's eyes were on the stairs. He was waiting for Kuldeep to come, to see him off. When the train came, Shaurya went inside the train and sit on his seat number. Everyone was standing in front of the window of his seat, but he was still watching to the stairs. The train starting moving and they all waved to Shaurya and saying goodbye to him and he was responding them too but he was looking for Kuldeep. The train left the station but Shaurya's eyes were still on the stairs, it started getting blur but still looking for him in a hope that he will come. But, he never showed up. Shaurya's hope was broken. He wanted to cry but he couldn't. He doesn't want nearby seat passengers to know anything.

{Shaurya's P.O.V.: -

I hoped that he will come, he will come with a smile and will say that he will wait for me. But, he was there. I hope that Nathan will talk to him and he will understand the situation. He is still young. He doesn't know anything yet. Nathan will talk to him. Just be patient Kuldeep, just for one year. I will be back. I will be back soon.}

After seeing Shaurya off they all moved out of the station. Outside they saw Mitali, Arjun and Kuldeep. Kuldeep was crying and wiping his tears. Everyone was like "Aww!" But Nathan got angry. He said Rakshit "Give me the car keys." Rakshit gave him the keys and Nathan grabbed Kuldeep's hand and told everyone "No one will follow us, I want to talk to him right now." Nathan took Kuldeep to the car and let Shaurya sit inside the car and he sit too.

Nathan said "Are you crazy? Does crying like this will do any magic? NO. I told you to be strong. Then why are you crying like this?"

Kuldeep said "But, he is gone."

Nathan said "He has not gone forever. He will come back after a year of training."

Kuldeep said "No, he will not come back. He left me." and started crying again.

Nathan shouted "Stop crying like that. Kuldeep, stops crying." Nathan sighs and said "You know what, he was waiting for you on the station to show up but you were not there. His eyes were waiting for you. He has gone for his training. He has to come back and he will come back." (Kuldeep becomes sad.) Nathan continued "I know that you are going to miss him so bad and it will hurt. But, sometimes distance makes the relationships more stronger and I know that he loves you more than you love yourself. He will focus on his work there and you will focus on your studies here. Then, after a year he will come back from his training and then, you both would be together again. So stop being sad. Okay?" "Okay." Kuldeep replied. Then, Nathan told everyone to come in and they went back to their home. 



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