Ackerman Clan Cannibals

By DipperPinesCipher

23 0 0

We've all heard of them. A family, the byproduct of Titan Science, who's purpose is to protect. Strong, agile... More

Protect Him
Human Too
You're The Same

Protect Her

6 0 0
By DipperPinesCipher

Eren P.O.V

Dad and I were on our way to one of his patient's houses. He wants to show me how to be a doctor like him when I'm older, but I think Mum just wanted me out of the house because I "cause too much trouble" when Dad isn't around.

Yeah, I get into fights but don't all kids? Now I'm far from the town in what feels like the middle of nowhere. Dad did say that there was a girl there my age I can make friends with. He said must play carefully because she's a girl and they don't like rough and tumble. I say bring it on! Girls can fight just as good! We're all big kids here, we can be fair about it, it's just playing. Sometimes I think he's just being a stick in the mud. That's adults for you. Always so boring.

"Now remember, Eren, be careful when playing with young Mikasa. I'm here for a check-up of a patient which means I do not want to add another to my list for the day" My Dad says sternly. As if I came with to just cause trouble. I don't do that all the time. But I look at him and nod in agreement. "I know how clumsy you can sometimes be so- "

Clumsy. CLUMSY?! "I'm not clumsy!!" I protest. Right as I do I stumble over a small rock poking out of the ground and fall flat. "Dammit," I whisper under my breath, but I wasn't quiet enough with that last bit.

"Eren! Would you use that language around your mother?" My dad exclaims, clearly upset with my word choice.

"N-no sir" I stutter still on my hands and knees on the ground. He looks at me with mild pity and amusement as he helps me off the ground, "sorry," I mutter. He gives me a small hug and checks me over. My knees are a bit scraped and my Dad sighs.

He too then lets out a sly note. "Dammit." My eyes shoot up and look at him. All I can think to do is scold him back. "Dad?! Would you say those words around Mum?" I give him a questioning look of wide eyes trying to look as serious as I can. With pursed lips, arched brows, the works. My dad just looks at me for a second and it feels like forever until we both start laughing. Second scolding avoided!

I do like spending time with my dad especially since he's either out visiting patients or working in the basement. I don't see him very often but when I do we have our fun moments. "Let me see your knees," he says, and I do so, sitting on the hard ground with that stupid rock laughing at me. I scowl at it. I stop when my dad opens his brown worn down briefcase. Mum was thinking about getting him a new one. She says it's older than me and I'm nearly ten! That's a really long time! I sneak a peek at the inside. The material covering of the case is coming away at the seams, but the bandages and tools inside look very clean in comparison. 

He pulls out a bandage, a cloth and that stingy stuff he puts in my cuts and scrapes. He says it makes the pain go away but I think it makes it sorer. He pours it on the cloth and swipes away at my knee. I hiss a little bit as I feel the stuff 'working'. Cleaning away the dirt and little bit of blood he then wraps me up with the bandage.

I don't get it. Usually, he wipes my knee and lets me go on my way but today he's wrapping me up a lot and it's really tight it kind of hurts. Maybe because we're far from home? After he's sorted me out, he picks me up and helps me to my feet. He closes and grabs hold of his briefcase too, offering to take my hand. I look at it for a second, look up at my dad and give him my biggest bravest smile. I gladly take his hand in mine. And it's not because my knees hurt, and I need to know he's here for me. I'm a big boy now. I can take a little cut or two. It's because I'm letting him know that I'm okay and that he doesn't need to worry. Yeah, that's it! As his only son I help him too! My knees so do not hurt, even a little bit...


Walking with these bandages wrapped tightly around my knees does make it hard to walk. I can't move them right. I feel like a baby learning to walk. It feels odd. My Dad notices and offers to carry me the rest of the way but I said "No thanks Dad, I'm almost ten remember? I can do it!" He smiles at me, and we keep walking a few steps more until he stops with his hand holding mine tighter.

"Dad?" I ask and all he does is hush me. I see him looking around and do the same thing. I see the house in the distance and wonder why he's just looking at it, but I join him in doing so. 

"Eren, I'm going to ask you not to utter another word, I'm certain something's wrong. Don't make a sound and at all costs do not let go of my hand. If you think you see something, then tap my hand three times and point. Understood?" I nod, sure that he was right. We start walking carefully towards the house to see the door lying a bit open. Mum tells me to always close the door when in and out of the house. She says she wants us to be safe. Whatever that has to do with the door I don't know but I listen anyways. If this door is open with no one in sight then something must be wrong!

My Dad quietly marches up to the door and pushes it open with his briefcase in hand trying not to let it thud. The door swings slowly open all the way to reveal no one. There's some stuff on the table that's been left there and...

I want to scream. I want to scream so bad... a man is sat leaning over in a puddle of blood. I look to my dad who is staring - not at the man but - at a woman just to the side of the door. Lying in blood. They have both been stabbed. I tap his hand I'm holding with my other three times just like he said. All he can manage is a small, "I know son... I know". It was really quiet. Fear started biting at me, but I tried not to let it show. My dad squeezes my hand for a second and takes me back outside. "I'm sorry you had to see that" he says while patting my hair to soothe me. He takes me away from the house to a little bush and sits me down.

"Eren, I'm going to go find some Military Police Officers to help. They should have a post nearby. I'll be as fast as I can. Can you stay here and keep an eye on the house? If you see anyone, do not engage with them. Stay back but try and see where they go. If they come towards you, run in the same direction I left and I'll help you. Understand?"

I choke out a "yes," and he leaves fast. He runs off down a small road and disappears into the tree line. I turn my attention back to the house. Was that the girl's parents? What was her name again? Mikasa. Poor Mikasa, I didn't see her in there. Wherever she is she must be terrified. Unless... They have her!! I have to help her! That's so scary. If I were a bad guy, then where would I go after I hurt people.

I shut my eyes firmly trying to think what they would do next. 'Bad guys sneak around. The house was too quiet though so maybe they-' I stop the thought and start looking around the outside of the house. There are some trees a little ways behind it and what looks to be a small building in the shadows of all the leaves.

I know Dad said to stay but what if Mikasa was in trouble. I head towards the house and go inside. I look at Mikasa's parents' bodies one last time feeling angry that someone did this. Why hurt people? I grab a knife off of the ground and hide it in my trouser belt just underneath my cardigan and shirt. Mum would be furious if she knew I had this. But what she doesn't know can't hurt her. I hope.

"Stupid bandages" I growl. I don't know why Dad put them on. I need to get to Mikasa and they're making it harder to move. I pull them off to reveal the scrapes. Definitely no more blood, it's dried a bit so I'll be fine. He's being over protective.

I leave the room and go straight to the woods behind the house. I don't slow down or stop walking; I don't even think twice before arriving at a little cabin and knocking on the door. I hear people inside suddenly go quiet as heavy footsteps approach the door. I feel brave and ready to help Mikasa.


Mikasa P.O.V

What is Dr Jaeger's son doing here? My parents said...

My parents...

Mama. Daddy.

It hurts. It was such a good day until-. I hate them. I hate these men. No... Men implies humanity. They are monsters. My parents have told me bedtime stories and its monsters who do bad things! They were going to tell me another story tonight. A new one about a monster and a woman who lived happily ever after. They said not all monsters are evil. But I can't believe that they had such a story. Not after this.

My... My parents said that Dr Jaeger was bringing his son Eren. I was excited to make a friend. It's lonely this far away from the town but it's good. Not anymore though.

I'm really scared. Everything is moving so fast. All I can do is lie on the ground and watch as Eren yells and stabs these monsters to death. Down goes one. Down goes two. Their blood spilling. The way they spilled... I feel so hopeless but here he is, protecting me.

"It's going to be okay now. Don't worry." He says to me. I feel empty and can't move. He helps me sit up and cuts away the rope around my hands. "You're Mikasa, right?" he asks. I don't say anything, still lost in myself. He continues, "I'm Eren. I'm Doctor Jaeger's son. I'm pretty sure you've met him before. We came to visit your family, but then..."

I want him to stop. Stop talking. Don't mention my... Please. It hurts. But I find myself speaking in turn.

"There were three of them," I say. Just like that, the last one appeared behind us yelling about all the noise, its footsteps heavy and as Eren reached for the knife, it powered over and kicked him really hard. Then it angrily started talking. 

"Did you do this?" It grabs him and lifts him off his feet by his hair and then his neck. "Did you kill them?!" It demands. "Was it you?!" I start to panic, watching more bad things happen at the hands of these monsters. I can't bare it but I have to do something. "I'll kill you! I'm gonna fucking butcher you!" Eren's face starts burning a bright red and he looks over to me. All I can do it stare. I can't even focus on what I'm looking at. I'm looking through him now.

"Fight!" He chokes out. I know I should, but I don't know how. "You must fight!" I continue staring, lost for thought, it's too much too quickly. "If you win, you live. If you lose, you die." I glance over at the knife and become entranced by it. The silver glistening underneath and crying through the gaps of crimson that cover it. Calling me to help.

His words are pushing me to do something not just for me but for him. He helped me, a stranger. Now I must return the favour to him.

"What the hell were you thinking brat?!" Yells the final monster.

"If you don't fight, you can't win!" Eren chokes out while still suspended in the air. I'm scared and shaking. Nevertheless, I snatch the knife up from the floor, seeing it glisten more in what little light there is. The blood still warm in my hands. I stand and try to brace myself to attack but:

"I... can't do it!" I'm still shaking until all those thoughts speeding through my head slow. My hands steadying with the knife pointed outward to the monster. My thoughts begin to focus. I've seen this before. Life preying upon life. It was always happening in front of me. I pretended not to notice. The violence, blood, feeding off the life of another, all of it was so natural with animals.

That's right.

This world is... merciless.

With that in mind I could perfectly control myself. I can do anything.


I grip the knife


I take my stance and lean down.


I spring forward and charge at that monster gripping Eren. I move so fast and with such a force that the knife goes in without an effort. I feel as light as air. Moving is as easy as breathing in this moment. It feels like I flew across the room without a thought, my feet not touching the ground.

I let go of the knife and leave it embedded in its body as I watch it collapse to the floor. Soaked in red along with my hands. What do you do after stabbing someone? I step forward and lean down. I look at his face, wide eyes and a face of pain. Immortalised in this moment. I hope it hurt you beast. I took the knife out, this time taking force to move the small blade. I look at it closer to my face. I breath in to calm myself. The smell of blood so strong I can taste the metal in my mouth. My heart threatens to race but I keep myself steady. Lowering the blade, I look into the eyes of the deceased brute., then I'm filled with a hunger to punish him. I hope he feels what's coming to him beyond the grave. I hope he suffers for eternity the way he made my family suffer in a minute. there's only one way to quench how I feel right now. I've plunged the knife again. And again.


"Mikasa!" I feel a tug at my shoulder and waist. I scream. I scream not because I think another is trying to take me. But because I want to hurt this thing as much as it hurt everything in its path. A hand grabbed at my mouth and covered it mid scream. 

That taste.

I silence myself. My thoughts slowing right down. Eren turns me towards him and checks me over. He checks my blood drenched hands. Scans my arms and face for cuts, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as he checks my cheeks. I take his hand in mine without thinking. I move it to sit at my eye level. Blood.

My thoughts continue to slow as Eren watches me. He isn't judging me. I bring his hand under my nose and smell.

That smell.

I look at my own hand now wrapped with his. I step towards him and put his hand over my mouth again. Gently pressing his hand to my lips. Once my lips feel warm, I let go of his hand. Turning on my feet to look at the scene in the room before us, I lick my lips.

For all the chaos, I feel calm. 

It's rich. It's warm. It's sharp. It's delicious. 

I fall to the floor. The shock of the day hitting me. Eren dropped down to the floor following suit and tells me it's okay. I feel drawn to him. He smells. Maybe it's his drenched clothes. I take my turn inspecting him. At least that's what I tell myself I was doing. I saw the cut on his leg. It's bleeding. Only a little, he must have scuffed it in the fight. 

Something takes over and I pounce. I grab hold of his leg and start ingesting the blood. Not enough. I bite at him and will for more blood. I get what I want but I heard him yelp in pain and I am suddenly brought back to my senses. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" I start pleading with him. "Help me, I don't know what's wrong with me!"

"Mikasa," he says gently. I glance up at him. His eyes still not judging. "You're safe now." He embraces me in a hug and I start crying. 

Before I know it the MPs arrived and were looking around. Doctor Jaeger following them in. He rushes over to us and helps us up.

A while passes by and I stand by a fire next to Eren and his father who was telling him off. He calls those monsters 'animals'. He argues with his father about why he did what he did to help me. I'm just trying to process everything that has happened today. My parents. Those monsters. What they did. What Eren did. What he did for me. He shouldn't have but he did anyways. What I did. What I went on to do.

"Mikasa. Do you remember me?" Doctor Jaeger is talking to me. "We met a few times when you were younger." I can't answer his question. Not right now.

I'm thinking about a lot of things and I ask first "Dr Jaeger, Mama says 'family is where home is', how do I go home?" I want to go home. Do I still have a home without my family? I don't know what will happen to my parents now or me... I don't know what to do. "It's cold." It hurts, I should feel sad but it's more than just sad. I'm sad whenever Mama's ill and can't show me our family tricks of embroidery. I'm sad when Daddy has to work late and I can't see him until the morning. This is more than that. It hurts. "There's nowhere... for me to go home to." Is all I can say right now.

Dr Jaeger and Eren just look at me for a moment and I feel hopeless. I notice Eren walking to me but I can't look at him. He then wraps me in his scarf. "You can have this" and I look at him. "It's warm right?" I blink and look down into the scarf, warm and safe.

"It's warm" I agree.

"Mikasa, why don't you live with us?" Dr Jaeger asks. I look at him as he continues, "you've been through a lot. You need plenty of rest." I look from Dr Jaeger to Eren.

"What?" Eren returns my quizzical look, "come on, let's head back already." Taking my hand in his and walking for the door, he stops. He looks back at me. "To our home".

After everything that has happened, having Mama and Daddy taken from me, being taken from my home, watching those monsters die and killing one myself. To having another family take me in and give me a new home to go to. Making a friend through it all.

My eyes start to well up with tears and I manage to choke out a simple, "okay," before going with them to start a new life. Maybe I can leave this one behind me as though it was a bad dream.


Eren P.O.V

I took Mikasa's hand like my Dad did mine earlier on to keep me safe. And now, I will keep her safe.

I will protect her.

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