DIFFERENT - Katsuki Bakugo


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bakugo finds out that a girl in his class he used to never pay attention to, hid a side of her quirk and pers... More

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Aizawa greets the brown haired man as he walks through the front door.

"Why have you called me to visit on a school day?" Aizawa questions Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo who've both sat him down on the couch across from them.

"Well, it's in regards to (Y/n)." Mrs. Bakugo states simply, and Aizawa sighs.

"I promise you, we're doing everything in our power to find out what exactly happened to (L/n)." Aizawa responds, sounding slightly disappointed in himself.

"We know you have been working hard to find out how she passed, but you don't need to anymore." Mrs. Bakugo reassures him and he looks at her confused.

"Ma'am, I'm confused by what you mean." The raven haired teacher says as he looks at her puzzled by her words.

Not even a second later a tired (Y/n) walks down the stairs with Katsuki trailing close behind her. Aizawa widens his eyes seeing his supposedly dead student, alive and well and with the Bakugos.

"Goodmorning, Mrs. Bakugo- oh... hi Aizawa-sensei." (Y/n) sheepishly says and smiles at the scruffy man while he remains in shock.

She doesn't exactly know what to say to people after being kidnapped and thought as dead, so she kind of just awkwardly says whatever comes to mind.

"(L/n)? You're alive?" Aizawa says still in disbelief.

"Last time I checked I was still alive." (Y/n) jokes lightly and Katsuki smiles behind her, seeing as she's no longer too worried about the league.

"Very funny, but in all seriousness what happened?" Aizawa says to the girl and she sighs realizing she'll have to tell this story a million times now.


"You got a villain to help you escape?" Aizawa questions (Y/n) and she hums with a smile.

Mr. and Mrs. Bakugo left for work during their conversation, but wanted to stay a bit longer to be there to support (Y/n).

"To be honest, he's not really a villain. He seemed like a very hesitant guy, so I doubt he's the one in their group doing the awful shit. I feel like he's just a criminal, not a villain." She replies and Aizawa furrows his brows along with her blonde boyfriend.

"(Y/n), are you stupid? He's still a villain and a bad guy even if he's never killed anyone." Bakugo tells her firmly and she pouts.

"Your stupid girlfriend was saved by said "villain", so I don't think he's a bad guy." (Y/n) retorts with a scoff.

As much as she loves Bakugo, she cannot tolerate Twice slander. (Y/n) knows Twice had so many opportunities to kill her or harm her, but he never did. She needs Bakugo to be appreciative of the man who saved her life.

"(L/n), I know Twice may have helped you out, but the doesn't remove the fact he's still a criminal and a villain. Bakugo is just worried you're being too naïve, and so am I." Aizawa tells her and she glares at the two.

'Naïve? Naïve deez nuts.' (Y/n) internally thinks to herself with a small smile tugging at her lips. She wants to laugh so badly, but if she does, she thinks she'll look stupid.

"I get that you don't respect and appreciate what he's done for me because he's a villain, but I seriously owe Twice my life. Naïve or not, I'm here today because of him." She says strongly with determined eyes.

"Can we not talk about Twice anymore? It's obvious we won't find common ground at this point." (Y/n) asks and Aizawa and Bakugo nod at her words.

"Well another important matter is your schoolwork, I doubt you can go back to U.A. without having to take makeup classes." Aizawa says to her and nods understandingly while Bakugo grows a little frustrated.

"I know you're afraid that you might be attacked or kidnapped again, but I'm doubtful it'll happen. We'll increase security surrounding you anyway, but I'm sure the league wouldn't try to harm you again." Aizawa says to her and the girl feels some level of relief, but she also feels like her fears are being invalidated.

"I knew everything wasn't going to be easy for her coming back, but can't you give her some time before she goes back to school?" Bakugo asks his teacher calmly, and Aizawa's heart almost stops in shock hearing his angry student's unusual calm demeanor.

"I'm fine, Katsuki. I can go back to school as soon as possible." (Y/n) tries to reassure her stubborn boyfriend, but he just feels more frustrated.

"I think it'd be fair for your mental health to take some time off, but if you want to come back sooner, that's alright too." Aizawa adds in and she hums in acknowledgement.

"Just take a fucking week off. It wouldn't hurt you." Katsuki replies and she sighs in defeat.

"You're the worst..." She mumbles out as she buries her head into his chest and Bakugo smiles in victory.

"She'll be taking the week off." Bakugo tells Aizawa smugly and he nods in response.

"I'll have to figure out what to do to get her back on track for her education, and notify her grandparents... it might take a couple days anyway to get everything set up and things to get back to normal... I'll see you in a week, (L/n)." Aizawa explains monotonously and excuses himself from the Bakugo household.

( 𝑌/𝑁) 𝑃𝑂𝑉

"Katsuki, you still have school today..." I mumble into his shirt and he hums.

"I won't go. I'm not leaving you here by yourself." Katsuki replies firmly and I pout.

I don't want to be the reason he avoids school. I know he's worried for me and all, but he still has to keep going to school and live his life for himself.

"You have an education to uphold." I tell him and he chuckles at me, and I stare at him in slight confusion.

"You sound like a mom." He tells me and I blush in embarrassment... is that actually what I sound like?

I turn away from him and internally figure out whether or not I really do sound like a mom... wait was he trying to insult me? That bitch.

He pulls me into his lap from behind and I gasp for a second and try to wiggle my way out of his grasp. I turn to face him and I scowl at his smirk.

"You are literally the worst." I whisper to him and he begins to kiss my neck... weird way to respond to an insult, but okay.

I grasp at the back of his shirt as he continues to move down my neck to my collarbone. My grasp tightens and my breath hitches when he bites weak spot.

"Katsuki...." I breathe out weakly and he hums as he continues to pepper kisses all over my neck.

"It's 8 in the morning... why are you so horny?" I tease and he stops and blushes and buries his head into my neck, to conceal his beet red face.

"I'm alone with you for the first time in months..." He shakily breathes out and I realize that we really are all alone.

"I've missed you... so fucking much. The extras tried to make me feel better and relax, but they couldn't. I only wanted you to be there and safe with me, and now that you are... I'm so relieved." Katsuki sighs out and I pull his chin up to kiss him.

"You'll have to learn to rely on your friends for support too, but until then I'm here for you, okay?" I tell him with a small grin and he nods after waiting a moment to respond.

"I'm not the only person who cares for you, and I wish you could see that." I whisper below his ear and he hugs me closer.

"I know..." He mumbles out and I pet his hair as his heartbeat steadies with mine... this is nice... this is simple.

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