Classroom of the Elite (Karma...

By Rico10909

2.9K 67 39

After the battle againts Grimm and his forces. Satsujin Karma finally begun his journey to live a peaceful Hi... More

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110 5 0
By Rico10909

*Cruise Ship : Karma's POV*

It was finally morning. We had finally reached our destination....the Island. I went out a bit and looked over towards it. I sighed as i then pulled some strands of my hair to be interrupted by someone in particular."Well it seems you're up early as well."She said with a smug look."Sakayanagi...."I paused as i sighed once more and turned around to see her."Its been quite a while since the attack on school, hasnt it?"She asked me with a smile."Eversince your childhood friends shown up, you became very distant from both me and the Student Council President."She said with a smug look."Have i now?"I asked with a sigh."Yare yare, sorry then."I said as i continued to watch over the island."So you've figured it out as well? As expected of the Number One Assasin."She said with a smug look."It just didnt seem right to me that they'd give us a free luxury cruise to an island."I told her as i observed the island."Well then, how about we do a little match?"She asked me with a smile."Hm?"I asked her with a confused look."If you can win in this Special Exam, i'll share a little secret with you."She said with a smile."And what secret would you be hiding?"I asked her with a confused look."Its about Kiyotaka Ayanokouji."She said as she gave me a wink. My eyes widened a little bit after hearing what she said.'Hold on a sec, she knows something about Kiyo that even i dont know? Well its true her father was one of the people working at the White Room think she knows something about Kiyotaka....'I thought to myself as i looked at her."Interested are you?"She asked me with a giggle."So? Is it a deal?"She asked me with a smug look."You got me, just so you know....i'll come out on top."I told her with a slight smirk."Now if you'll excuse me-"I got cut off as a broadcast was heard from the entire cruise ship.

"All Students, please proceed to the back of the ship."The broadcast announced informing us what looks like to be the beginning of the Special Exam."Looks like its begun."I said with a sigh."Good luck."She said with a smug look."I shouldve been the one that said that."I told her with a sigh."I guess."She said with a smile as she then walked off.'Looks like i'm gonna have to pull out some of my energy for this...unless of course that she wouldnt be competing....then that means shes gonna have one of her classmates do the work for her....which one though? I've heard rumours of the snake Hashimoto.....but i'm pretty sure she has two more individuals who might be her puppets..'I thought to myself as i pulled some strands of my hair.'Three actually....including Katsuragi...the second leader of Class A....i see, so thats what you're really up to Sakayanagi...but why go for all the trouble to have me compete againts you when winning isnt your goal?'I asked myself as i was then interrupted by a gust of wind.'I'll figure this out later.'I thought to myself as i made my way to the back of the ship.

*Back of the Ship : Karma's POV*

Everyone was lined up according to their classes. I was somewhere in the middle of Class D's line as Chabashira-sensei started walking up a podium infront of the classes."As we prepare to arrive at the island, we will give an explanation of what to expect."She said as she glared at all of us."Until then, wait here."She said as she turned around to grab something.'A Class A alliance is not gonna be forged here since Sakayanagi has declared a competition beetween us, which means i gotta be wary of both Class C and A....i also need to worry about maintaining our alliance with Class B.'I thought to myself as i stared off onto the sky. As i was thinking of a strategy, i noticed Horikita standing right beside me."You alright?"I asked her as i turned my head towards her."Yes, i was just reading in my room."She told me as she sighed. I gave her a confused look and raised my brow."It was really engaging, but as we werent allowed to bring personal belongings, i wont get to finish it."She said coldly as she sighed. Little did she know, i knew that something was very off about her. It wasnt her personality...rather, she looks like shes a little sick.'I can use that to my advantage....sorry Hanako, i'm gonna have to turn your sister into a tool for a bit.'I thought to myself as i sighed."Dont push yourself too hard, there are limits that we human beings can reach."I told her as i turned my attention back to the podium.

"Your school ID's will be confiscated."Chabashira-sensei announced as she held a wristwatch on her right hand and showed it to all of us."In exchange, you'll be wearing these wristwatches. Those who take them off without permission will be penalized."She said with a cold tone as she glared at all of us once more."They're being especially if they're on high alert."Horikita said as she tried to find out whats about to happen."You havent figured it out?"I asked her with a confused look."Hm?"She asked me with a confused look. After she gave me the look, a male teacher with grey hair and grey eyes stepped on top of the podium holding a megaphone.

"I'm Mashima, Class A's Teacher."He introduced himself through the megaphone."First off, i'm glad we made it here safely today. But at the same time, its a shame that one of you was unable to join us due to illness."He announced with a straight tone.'Must be Sakayanagi.'I thought to myself as he continued his announcement."Anyway i'd like to start the years first special test!"He announced through the megaphone.

Everyone but me, Katsuragi and Ryuenn were shocked to hear what Mashima-sensei had just said. Horikita turned her head towards me with a glare knowing that i never told her that the Special Exam was today."Before you say anything, i thought you already found out."I told her with a sigh,"That doesnt give you the excuse to keep such important things in the shadows from me."She told e with a glare as she pulled out a compass from her P.E. Jacket.'I'm dead.'

"The Testing Period will be One Week. You'll be living as a group on this deserted island."Mashima-sensei announced through the megaphone."It'll be up to you to make your own decisions from here on out."He told us through the megaphone."Now, let the Survival test begin!"He yelled through the megaphone commencing the start of the Survival Exam.'Let the battle begin....Sakayanagi.'I thought to myself as i sighed.

*Deserted Island : Karma's POV*

We were sent into the island through a small dingy from the cruise ship. After we were sent, Hirata suggested that we have a little look at what we have to start the exam."First, lets review what we know so far."Hirata said as he took out the rule book for the exam."The school gave us two tents for eight, two flashlights, one box of matches, backpacks of amenities for everyone here, sunblock for the women...."Hirata stopped as he flipped onto the next page."A whole week with only this?"Kushida asked with a worried expression."A survival test on a deserted island? For real?"Ike asked with a concerned expression.

I noticed that Horikita's health was starting to deteriorate but not detoriated enough for me to excecute my plan. Besides, before i could excecute it, i gotta scout the enemy for a bit to find out their plan."We're on our own for food."Hirata said with a serious look as he flipped a page on the rule book."We have to survive outdoors until noon seven days for now on."He said as he read the rule book."But remember what the teachers said? We're still free to swim in the ocean and hold barbecues and stuff."Yamauchi said with a smile trying to stay positive."But thats only if we spend 300 Special Test or S-Points for short that we were given."I told him with a sigh as i looked off into the wilderness."Karma's right, theres a wide range of things we can buy with points. Food, Drinking water, tools for a barbecue.."He said as he then sighed."But you're not gonna use them?"Yamauchi asked with a confused look."Well, any S-Points we have left when the test is over will be added to our class points."Hirata added as he read the rule book."If we can tough it out for a wekk, we'll get 30,000 a month!"Ike yelled with a smile."Thirty freakin thousand!"He yelled once more out of excitement.

"Whats that?"Kei asked Hirata with a curious look."A list of things we lose points for."Hirata said as he read the rule book."Illness and serious injuries, pollution of surrounding enviroment, absence at morning and evening roll calls, violence againts or stealing from other classes.."He said as he continued reading the rule book."There was a way to get more points, wasnt there?"Kei asked as she tried to have a little peek at the rule book."Each time we secure certain spots on the island, we get bonus points."Hirata said as he looked through the rule book."So the theme of the exam is "Freedom to choose.""."I said with an emotionless look."Seems so."Horikita said with a serious look."If we do this right, we could close the distance with the upper classes."She said with a sigh."This thing is so restrictive.."Horikita said as she looked at her wristwatch."Sadly theres a penalty for removing the watches without permission."I told her with a sigh."There are hidden censors and GPS's built into them...So they can send aid immidietly in case of emergency."I told her as i analyzed the wristwatch more.

"Hey, Hirata-kun."Kei called Hirata with a smile."Dont you think we should be able to spend our points, within reason?"She asked with a smile. Hirata thought about it but was instantly cut off by a classmate with grey hair, red eyes and round glasses."No way! We should refrain for as long as we can."He said with a serious expression."Thats gonna be tough though."Karuizawa said with a worried look."Actually, its not a bad idea."I jumped into the conversation."Our goal is to save points correct? Not using our points is a way to go."I said with an emotionless look."However, might i suggest instead of not using our points, we can use our points but in case of emergencies?"I asked with an emotionless look."Actually, that could work."Hirata said with a smile."And for the girls who think its gonna be pretty hard because you wont have any privacy when you need to go to the toilet, dont worry i've thought about that as well."I told them with a sigh."We'll use leaves to create a cover somewhere hidden from the boys tent."I told them with an emotionless expression."That way, we dont have to spend too much points for a basic toilet."I told them with a sigh."Well then, all in favour of Karma's plan?"Hirata asked as he raised his hand on the air. The girls and the boys agreed to the plan since its the most safest.'Honestly, breaking a couple of branches doesnt count as polluting the enviroment correct? Its what you're gonna need to survive.'I thought to myself with a sigh.

*Timeskip to 5 Hours Later*

We've spent 5 hours looking for somewhere to claim. We even had to split the three idiots from the main group to look for a spot since the island is too big. Some of us were already tired while the girls started to whine about how hot it is on the island.'I'm about to lose my sanity over their whining asses.'I thought to myself as i placed my right hand on my forehead. Hirata noticed my behaviour and gave me a worried look."Are you alright? A-are you sick?"Hirata asked me with a worried look."No, i'm fine....just a little annoyed by some people who are whining over the heat."I told him with a sigh."O-Oh.."He said as he then backed off a little to tell the girls to keep it down."That should do it."He said with a smile."Thanks."I told him with a relieved sigh.

We continued walking and looking for a spot to secure. As we were walking, i monitored Horikita once more noticing that her illness is getting worse by the minute.'Perfect, keep getting sicker and sicker.'I thought to myself as i kept an eye on her."Doin alright?"I asked her with an emotionless look."I'm fine...All this walking is just not my forte."She said with a soft tone."Both living primitively and having to be around people."She told me with a soft tone."You'll get used to it."I told her with a sigh."I guess the thing you said to me have come true.."She said as she turned her head towards me."That they would test us on things besides academics."She said with a glare."Thats what you said to me.."SHe said silently."Ike and Sudo volunteered to go searching."She told me with a glare."Thats something i couldnt do.."She said with a sad expression."You can still hold out right?"I asked her with an emotionless look."Thats good enough as it is."I told her with a sigh."Why do you say that? If Class A and B are focusing on taking the spots, we should do the same."She told me with a cold tone."Indeed we do, but we dont have to do all the work."I said as i approached her and grabbed her right hand. I got close to her ear and whispered."If you start to feel too ill, call me so i could escort you back to the ship."I whispered in her ear. Her eyes widened after noticing that i've known about her illness since arriving at the island."H-How did you-"I cut her off with a sigh."Its very obvious, you cant hide the smallest details away from me."I told her as i let go of her right arm.

*Temporary Camp : Karma's POV*

We gathered up to have a little briefing with Hirata and the rest of our classmates."We're a class of twenty with a single basic toilet we're not used to using but with Karma's idea, we might be able to get used to it alot smoothly."Hirata said with a serious tone."But still, do you think we can manage that without problems?"He asked his entire class as he looked through the rule book once more."Well....if we can make the best of it..."Yukimura said stuttering a little bit."Sharing a single toilet is guaranteed to cause issues."Hirata said with a worried look."I think spending points in moderation will pay dividends."He said with a concerned tone."What do you think Karma?"He asked me with a worried look."Thats up to ya'll to decide, i'm gonna wander off a bit so you can go on ahead without me."I told him as i made my way through the forest.

*Jungle : Karma's POV*

I went in through the jungle and i found a spot to stop at. I sighed as i then looked up at the sky as the sun shines brightly through the leaves of tree."I know you're there, Nobara."I said as a figure appeared behind me."What is it do you wanna talk about? And how the hell did you get here?"I asked her with a confused look."I snuck into the cruise ship you were in and snuck my way through the island."Well thats one question down, now onto the next question...Why are you here?"I asked her with a cold tone."You know exactly why."She said with a glare."I told you i'm not interested."I told her with a sigh."Kiyo's already thought of a plan that will guarantee us victory, if you're fighting with us, our chances of winning might be-"I cut her off as i yelled coldly."I said no!"I yelled at her cutting off her words as i gritted my teeth."Murdering Akihiko is my last job, thats it.."I said as i sighed calming down."I've accomplished my last goal."I told her coldly."Now leave me alone."I said as i walked back to the group."Theres a new Assasin out there, he goes by the name Plague."Nobara told me with a glare."He wears a plague doctor mask to hide his identity along with a plague doctor uniform."She told me with a glare."Whats your point?"I asked her with a confused look."Just be careful....rumours say that he kills people by spreading some kind of virus around with a vile."She told me as she then walked off from the area."I'll keep that in mind."I told her with a sigh as i walked off back to the group.

*Temporary Camp : Karma's POV*

I came back to see that the group were all getting ready to move on ahead."Karma, just in time."Hirata said with a smile."We're gonna look for a basecamp or some sort of shelter, i was thinking maybe you'd join our group?"He asked me with a smile."Whatever, lets just get this whole test over with."I told him as we then walked off to find a basecamp.

*Jungle : Karma's POV*

Hirata's group and i went off looking for a spot. Kouenji was jumping from tree to tree looking for a spot as if hes in a hurry to do something."Oi Kouenji, wouldnt it be best if you slow down?"I asked him with a confused look."Fear not! Karma-boy! I am moving the same pace as you all are!"He yelled as he continued jumping from tree to tree.'This guy might be the death of us.'I thought to myself as i sighed."Theres also the fact that you wouldnt be able to get lost in a jungle like this in daytime!"He said as he kept going."Well, i guess you're right on that one."I said with a sigh."Karma-kun!"A voice of a girl called my name. I turned around to see Sakura running towards me panting."Tired already?"I asked her with a confused look."Ara ara~"I said with as sigh."I'm not used to running through a forest like this so..."She said as she panted."Well too bad, looks like we gotta pick up the pace."I told her as i started making my way to gain up with Kouenji.

We kept on moving but we eventually lost sight of him. We stopped at a nearby tree where we spotted a cave with what looks like a card scanner right beside the entrance."Do you think this is a spot?"Sakura asked me with a curious look."Judging by that card scanner, probably is."I told her as i leaned on the tree."The only question now it occupied?"I asked myself as i pulled some strands of my hair."If its not occupied, its an easy bonus s-points."I said as i crouched down to observe a little."But if its occupied....then its a no go."I sighed as i then felt the presence of Class A in the area."Sakura, get down."I told her as i pulled her down and hid her behind a bush along with me.


"There are multiple spots on the island."Chabashira-sensei told us as she looked through the rule book."Each time you declare possesion of a spot, you earn bonus S-Points."She told us with a glare."However, you cant spend bonus points during the test period."She said as she then glared at us more."They;ll be added to your class points until the test is over."She brief us with a glare."Each declaration of a spot lasts eight hours."She told us with a glare."Only the class leader has the authority to declare possesion."She told us with a glare.

"Class Leader?"Hirata asked with a confused look."Yes."She said with a glare."The key card needed to take possesion of a spot will be given to your leader."She told us as she held up a green key card on her right hand."Also, you cant change leaders without a legitimate reason."She told us with a glare."In addition..."She paused with a smirk."On the last day, when we take roll, for each class you correctly identify, your class will gain 50 bonus points."She told us with a smirk. The whole class started rambling about the 50 point bonus mentioned by Chabashira-sensei. I sighed as i then pulled some strands of my hair analyzing the rules."However, for each one you guess wrong, you lose 50 S-Points."She told us with a menacing smirk."High risk, high return."She said with a smirk as she then looked at me.'High risk, high return.....its basically gambling a big amount of cash in a poker game with your opponent gambling twice the amount....if we win, we get the big sums of cash but if we lose, we lose ours....'I thought to myself as i sighed."You can search for other class leaders and make efforts to hide your own class leader."She said with a smirk.

*End of Flashback*

'Spots are important, i guess...But moving to hastily to secure them will reveal your leader to others.'I thought to myself as i sighed. Sakura was confused on why i pulled her behind a bush until two people from Class A came out of the cave. One of the students was bald and looked like an adult while the other had green hair with matching eyes. The bald one was named Kohei Katsuragi while the other one is named Yahiko Totsuka. I noticed that Katsuragi was holding a keycard but it was flipped around to conceal the leaders name.'You thought you could hide that from me, but i'm not stupid enough to fall for a trick like that.'I thought to myself as i glared at the card.

"We got lucky, huh? Katsuragi-san."Yahiko said with a relieved look."Securing a spot this early."He said with a relieved look."Lucky?"Katsuragi asked him with a confused look."I had my eye on this since before we made landfall."He said with an expressionless look."It was inevtiable that we'd find it."He said as he scouted the entire area around."Also, be careful what you and do."He warned Yahiko with a glare."R-Right."Yahiko said with a nervous look.""We dont know when or where others might be listening."Katsuragi said as he watched through the entire area."Take care to avoid even the slightest mistakes."He warned Yahiko with a glare."As leader, i have a responsiility to manage you."He said witha  glare at Yahiko as he then raised the key card."S-Sorry.."Yahiko said with a nervous look."Before we docked, the boat did one lap around the island from a distance."Katsuragi said explaining his methods."That was a hint."He said with a glare."A hint?"Yahiko asked with a confused look."From the deck of the boat, i could see the path cut through the forest."Katsuragi said with an expressionless look."From there, itwas just a matter of finding the shortest routes."He said as he then closed his eyes and sighed."You could see what the school was trying to do?"Yahiko asked with a confused look."Brilliant as usual....Sakayanagi wont have much to say, will she?"Yahiko asked Katsuragi with a motivated look."Quiet down, Yahiko."Katsuragi told him as he pushed him off the side a bit looking at our direction.

'Looks like its time to bail.'I thought to myself as i then escaped with Sakura. When we escaped him, he opened a bush to see nothing there."K-Katsuragi-san?"Yahiko asked him with a confused yet nervous look."Its nothing."Katsuragi said with a sigh as he then made his way back to the cave."Lets move on. We shouldnt stay here long."He said as he got back in the cave with Yahiko.

'That was a close one.'I thought to myself and sighed."Sorry, Sakura."I told her with an emotionless look as she then curled up into a ball looking embarrassed. I noticed her curling up and got a little confused."Sakura?"I asked her with a confused look."You good?"I asked her raising a brow."I-I-I-, i'm fine!"She said with embarrassment.

*The Cave : Karma's POV*

We went into the cave to explore for a bit. We noticed one of the spot claiming devices inside of the cave indicating that the cave is indeed a spot we can use to earn points."Those two were from Class A, right?"I asked myself as i rubbed my chin.'I'm pretty sure Class A's cant be that reckless....if it was me, i wouldnt have shown the card at all...i'd just leave it inside of the cave.'I thought to myself as i analyzed the spot claimer."K-Karma-kun, d-does this mean that the Class A leader is K-Katsuragi?"Sakura asked me with a shy tone."T-This means we learned an important secret, huh?"She asked me with a smile."I'll report to Hirata later."I told her as i then left the cave along with Sakura following suit.

*Temporary Camp : Karma's POV*

"Koenji got ahead of you?"Horikita asked me with a glare."Yeah, i've already guess what hes probably about to do."I told her with a sigh."I better let him do his thing, that mans power is something not even i can keep under control."I said with an emotionless look."Pretty sure you're already aware of that."I told her with a sigh."Well then, what should we do now?"Hikari asked me with a confused look."SInce the cave is already taken by Class A, we got no choice but to wait for the three idiots to find a spot."I told her with a sigh as i sat down next to Horikita.

"Everyone! Good news!"Hirata yelled with an excited tone."Ike and the others found a spot at the head of the river!"He yelled with a smile."Lets meet up with them!"Hirata suggested as everyone then started packing."Looks like our prayers been answered, or maybe its just luck."I said with a sigh as i started get up and helped Horikita up too."I'm not a baby you know, i can get up myself."Horikita told me with a glare."Just wanna end this quickly."I told her with a sigh."Lets go."I said as i then walked off along with the group. 

3rd POV

Horikita glared at Karma with a slight blush on her face."Looks like hes got a soft spot for you."Hikari said with a smile."Eh?"Hoikita asked Hikari with a confused look."I can already tell just by his actions."Yu said with a smile."S-S-Shut up you two!"Horikita yelled with an annoyed look."Ight ight, by the way....if he does turn out to like you, take care of him."Yu said with a smile as he then walked off."Lets go!"Hikari yelled with a smile as she then ran off like a litle kid. Horikita looked at both Yu and Hikari and noticed how happy they look together. Her eyes widened as she the started to think about herself.'They're so happy....but why? When wa sthe last time i was happy?'She asked herself as Hikari then called her with a smile."Horikita-san! Lets go!"He yelled with a smile."I-I'll be there in a minute."She told them with a glare.'I have no time to think of these thoughts, i must complete this matter what.'She thought to herself once more.


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