My harem snaccademia (lemon)...

By shade-1

492K 3.1K 1.3K

*WARNING! INCLUDES LEMONS AND EVERY Character is of the age of consent! 18+!!!* You are y/n, a devilishly goo... More

Small beginings
Fucking pinky (lemon)
Cinnamon roll (lemon)
Two new friends (lemon)
Milfy mama yaoyorozu (lemon)
Sloppy froppy toppy (lemon)
Smooth like glycerin (lemon)
Rockin the bed!+ Consolation from the cougar(lemon)
Two ravenettes pt 1 (sex warning)
Two ravenettes pt 2 (sex warning)
Honey bunny (lemon)
Pillow princess with Pink cheeks (lemon)
Class-mating (lemon)
Silky soft Immorality (lemon)
Cougar tendancy (lemon)

The midnight hour (lemon)

34.1K 217 80
By shade-1

Y/n Pov
Me and the girls locked on my arm make
our way down the hallways of UA towards class
Mina hugging my arm between her
breasts and cheekily smiling up at me
with a slight blush on her already rosey
cheeks while tsuyu holds my hand and
just stares forward in her usual strange way
"Did I do good you two?"l ask breaking
the admittedly blissful silence
They both nod and squeeze me in their
own way, Mina pulling my arm further into her plump breasts while tsu just
squeezes my hand
"Always. Every time I'm with you I leave
feeling...*happy sigh* weak to my knees
and a little light headed"she explains with
blithesome joy
"Well that's because I catch you not
breathing while I'm fucking You, try and
remember to breathe babe"l quip smugly
"Yeah? Easier said than done, you try
having a cock as big as a forearm shoved
halfway to your stomach and see how you
fair"she replies with her own smug smile
I can't help but laugh and nod
"Touché"l say shrugging
"What about you tsu? Happy to stay with
me and the other girls?"l ask the green
haired frog girl to my left
She doesn't look up at me but shakes her
"No I think this should be a one time thing
ribbit"she replies coldly
Me and mina both stop and stare at each
other in shock before turning to tsu
"Tsu come on. You can't deny it was
incredible,we saw how much you enjoyed
it!"mina retorts defensively
Tsu turns to look at me and mina
"It was. But it's not sustainable and I don't want to interfere in your guys'
relationship ribbit"she explains blankly
"You sure tsu? I kinda like the idea of
making this a regular thing. You being my
newest cum dump....mmmmm yeah just
thinking about your tongue makes me
get all hot"i ask but get sidetracked in my
lustful thoughts
She stares blankly making me a bit
"I'll think about it ribbit"she replies in her
monotone voice
I nod at her and begin walking again
Me,mina and tsuyu all come back from
our fuck session into the classroom
where our peers are sat waiting,chatting
amongst themselves for our teacher for
these next two lessons to show up
My personal favourite of all...midnight
the R rated hero, the hottest and horniest
hero of all time. I will happily admit that
I could and would stare and ogle that
Divine god sent body ALL day and night
Many times I've jacked off thinking about
smelling her sweet aroma, feeling that
plump figure in my hands, Thrusting
my cock into her what I imagine is an
amazingly tight and wet cunt
As I walk back through the class with tsuyu and Mina close to me I spot jiro
Momo and Uraraka obviously looking
jealous that I didn't include them in our
previous "engagement"
So I stop walking and stand near jiro who
stares hungrily at my slightly sweaty body
through my shirt
"What's up jiro? You look frustrated"l quip
with a smug smile as I lean down to her
She stares with squinted eyes before
grabbing ahold of my tie and pulling me
down to eye level
"You are fucking me after
prepared because I want at least what
they had" she growls in a hushed whisper
I lick my lips and smile toothily before
"I'm always ready my goth bitch"l reply
cockily with my own whispery voice
although showing less concern for being
She shivers as I call her that,content with
the results I stand up and walk to the back
of the class. Stopping again at Uraraka
where I crouch on my toes and smile at
"Hey sweet cheeks and I don't mean these
*pinches her cheek softly*"l whisper
softly in an extremely loving tone

"Hey y/n..umm I've got something to ask
you"she replies nervously
i frown and place a hand on hers
"Anything"l say instantly
"Since I can't come to your house
today...could you send me a picture
please? It's okay if you can't or don't want
to"She asks extremely embarrassed and
"Of course I can, like you even needed to
ask"l reply while caressing her hand
"Thank you y/n I'll come to yours as soon
as I can. I'd umm I'd like to spend some
time with you and after we
know?"she shyly suggests
I nod and squeeze her hand softly
"Of course. Anytime anywhere. We're
definitely gonna have to spend some time
in the bedroom so I can grasp more of
your body and find out what makes you
hot and bothered. "i seductively whisper
into her ear
She bites her lip and brushes her hair
with her free hand before resting it on
her right breast
"Yes sir."she replies lovingly with a lustful
"Ohh good girl. You really know how to
please. Well I'm going to sit down, stay sexy"l whisper now with my lips touching
her cheek
She nods and presses her face into my
lips, I stand and stroll over to Momo as
the last girl I need to talk to
As she reads one of her notebook she
looks up at me with an ecstatic smile
"Hello again y/n....san! How are you?"She
asks excitedly so much so she Almost
forgets the honourifics
I walk behind her then lean over her
shoulder to read what she has in her hand
"Pretty good thanks... Linear
approximation? Ugh you are too smart for
me Momo."l comment happily as I subtly
wrap my arms beneath her breasts
"Y-y/n.. what if someone sees?"She asks
quietly as she blushes deeply
"Then scream and blame me. I don't want
people to think you are something your
not"l whisper lovingly
She leans back into my arms and moves
my hands up slightly until I'm touching
the bottom of her breasts
"Do it properly."she replies Sounding
extremely dirty
I feel her long jet black hair brush up
against my cheek to which I turn and
blow it away

"Ohh Momo that reminds me. I'd like to
meet your parents at some point. Like
formally ya know?"l whisper into her ear
"B-but my mother already saw you? When
you called her"she retorts confused and
"Yeaaaah but like I said I want to meet her
formally... and your father of
afraid I'm going to fuck your mother?"l
reply with a not so subtle mischievous
Momo blushes even more before turning
her head and looking into my eyes
"They are busy people but..l'll make
it happen for you y/n"she promises
sincerely while ignoring my cheeky
I kiss her cheek and smile at her
"Thanks babe For that you deserve a
big treat..l can't wait to meet them"l
whisper with mischievous thoughts
running through my head, thinking of ms
Yaoyorozu again. How she'd act if me and
Momo walked into her house,her body
in those amazing dresses of hers...the
prestigious high class woman being
brought down to the level of a common
whore by my cock
Momo watching me fuck her mother until Mino forgets her daughter's name
however i don't want to hurt Momo so my
thoughts quickly change
"Okay I'll leave you be now babe. Text me
if you need...ahem me"l reply with the not
so subtle suggestion of sex
She nods and smiles so I walk to my seat
and sit down
I slump in my chair and look at the
ceiling,completely satisfied I smile and
close my eyes
My head slumps back as I get more
comfortable so I lift my legs and rest them
on the desk in front of me
"GET YOUR FEET OFF THE DESK! THAT'S DISRESPECTFUL!" Iida shouts in an annoyingly orderly voice
I sigh and shush him
"Calm it rep. Momo tell him! I'm just
resting my eyes"l calmly reply
"Yes iida-san. It's okay. I'll clean the desk
after he uses it"Momo comes to my aid at
my request trying to just sound like the
vice rep of the class but I can hear her
desperation to please me
"No need,l'll clean it but I just want him
to be quiet"l interject with my eyes closed
They both go silent so I relax and try to fall asleep for a while until class starts
Due to immense satisfaction I start
napping a few minutes later

"AHEM!"a seductive voice clears their
Instantly recognisable I smile as I wake
up but keep my eyes shut
"Well well L/n..stubborn as usual.
Don't make me give you a...just
punishment"midnight purrs in her sultry
I open my eyes and lock gazes with the
absolutely stunning teacher who reminds
me a lot of a more dominant and sex
driven ms Yaoyorozu. The thought of
which makes my blood get hot and rush
to my groin. however another set of
emotions hit me, sadness mixed with
The thought of what I did with Mino
makes me feel down. The images in my
head of her perfect body sends shivers
down my spine
How she backed up on me so shamefully
but couldn't help it. I miss her

"Ahh I'm glad you could join us! Now legs
off the desk young man. "she whispers
as she pulls hard on her leather whip
making it creak with the pressure
Slowly I remove my legs from the desk all
while smiling seductively,Watching as she
eyes my movements with subtle glee
"Good boy"she purrs as she drags her
other frilly whip along my arm before
walking away to the front of the class, of
course I stare at her voluptuous behind all
the way
"Now! Open your books to page 43 and
read paragraphs 8 through 15. These will
tell you everything you'll need to know
for today's work. Speaking of which any
work left undone will be completed in
the staff room at lunch out of your time.
Enjoy! Hehe"she explains mischievously
with a cute giggle to top it off

Everyone else's eyes dart to the book
but me, mine stay glued to midnight's
tight,firm figure which poses at the front
with her arms behind her head pushing
her breasts out and slowly swaying her

I continue to stare at her entranced by
her beauty like I usually am, this woman
built her reputation for being one of the
horniest heroines so watching her pose
there sends lewd extremely hot images to
flash through my head.. the majority of
which include my cock down one of her
three orifices
"Although adorable staring at me will not
complete the work mr L/n"midnight calls
me out in front of the whole class, almost
everyone especially the girls turn and
stare while the boys snicker at my situation
Embarrassment falls upon me but I play it
off cool and smirk
"Maybe I want to do my work at lunch?"l
suggest not wholly telling the truth but
not exactly lying either
Midnight embraces her stomach in a self
hug while smiling ecstatically
"Ahh! The witty lust-driven humour of a
teen boy! It's so adorable!"she exclaims
sounding excited by the stares and
Mineta and kaminari both stare at me
with evil jealous glares, squinted eyes and
whispers galore
I giggle cutely in an attempt to win her
over which seems to work as she tenses
her hug and puts her knees together

"Sorry teach I'll do my work and stop
bothering you. "I apologise in a fake
serious tone as I begin writing down the
answers while also glaring at her body
with obvious sexual intent and resting my
free hand on my crotch under the table
She bites her lip while looking at me
before starting to wonder around the
classroom,making sure to keep me in her
peripheral vision constantly
After a few minutes she walks over to me and stares over my shoulder as I lazily
write my answers, painfully aware of
the plum haired bombshell over my right
shoulder. Hints of her perfume float to my
nose as well as her overall scent
"Very good L/n. Keep working hard and
you'll get a treat"she whispers lovingly in
my ear,gently blowing on my ear lobe
"Thank you ms midnight"l reply trying
not too hard to hide my seductive nature
and lust
"Ooooh I love your politeness. You boys
could learn a thing or two from lovely y/
n here"she replies blushing happily as she
roasts the rest of the boys
Kaminari and Mineta both start getting
annoyed at midnights words but mainly
at me
"How come he gets all the
praise!?"kaminari shouts with a confused
"Yeaaaaah! I thought teachers were
supposed to be unbiased!"Mineta adds
"Hush now and continue your
work"midnight shuts down their
complaints with a smug smile
They begrudgingly go back to their work
as do the rest of the class

Midnight leans down to my ear and rests
her left hand on my right shoulder with
her fingers down towards my pecs
"If you need help just ask okay?"She asks
I nod slowly so she stands up again so
she's by my side
Just then koda puts his hand in the air
asking for help so midnight steps forward
until she's in front of me slightly to the
right giving me the most perfect view of
her ass but it gets even better when she
bends over in front of me showing koda
what to do
I bite my bottom lip and stare at her
curvaceous ass while rubbing my erection
Completely mesmerised by her
dominatrix outfit which I'm totally a fan
of. Her ass crack blatantly on display
and the crease where the weight of her
ass pushes down on her thighs being the
place where my happiness is created
"Ffffffuuuuuck"l groan in a low tone
as I ogle her body with lustful intent.
Imagining all the lewd things I could do to
My cock bounces up in my pants as I think
about how soft her ass must be
I feel someone staring at me so I look to my right only to see Uraraka blushing at
what I'm doing.
With a smirk I lift a finger to my lips and
hush her to which she smiles and motions
on her lips like she's closing a zipper
I squeeze my dick through my pants as I
stare at my teacher's ass.
"I'm so weird, squeezing my cock in class
to my teacher"l joke to myself in my head
while closing my eyes from the pleasure
for a second
I open my eyes and instantly smirk at
what I see
Midnight looking over her shoulder at
me,smirking at my lustful appreciation of
her behind

"Something caught your eye y/n?"midnight asks in her usual alluring tone
"Uhhhh yeaaaaaah"l reply with a smug
She shakes her hips back and forth
enticing me to pounce on her.
My hesitation of fucking in front of the class being the only thing that stops me from lunging from my seat and fucking her
over the desk
"So brazen...aahhhh As expected of
someone your age."she responds lowly in
an aroused voice as she stands up straight
and looks at me
"Uhhh! Midnight! Shouldn't you be
helping the whole class?"Kirishima asks
kinda embarrassed
Midnight keeps her gaze locked on me
and winks at me before walking to
"What have I told you about talking
before raising your hand? Tut tut tut"She
lectures in a sultry tone to Kirishima
Jealously crawls up my spine as I think
about how she's speaking to Kirishima
rather than me
To take my mind off of it I pull my phone
out and open my contacts and scroll down
Deku 😎
Ms Mino Yaoyorozu💄💋👠💦💸🥂
I smile and open Mino's chat and see what
has been sent
Ms Mino Yaoyorozu💄💋👠💦💸:
Thanks again for yesterday. I'm sorry I
ran out on you like that but it's better this
way. I don't want to hurt you anymore,
I don't wa..can't get attached and I
don't want Momo to..well you know get
destroyed by what we did. I understand if
you hate me now but I enjoyed it. Thanks
y/n hopefully we see each other later on
in life on better circumstances- Sincerely
Mino Yaoyorozu
I stare at the message and shake my head, ashamed I didn't even read it yesterday
Me: hey Mino. I'm in class right now but I
need to say.. I miss you. I didn't read your
message yesterday because I was nervous
about what I did. For what it's worth I
loved our time together and not just what
we did,even if we just sat and talked I
would love it
I understand why you can't see me again
and I don't hate you for it,nor will I ever
but I would love to see you again.
And also thank you for the goodbye kiss, it
made it a lot easier for me
Whenever you need me just call,my offer
is always available for you
I hit send and smile content that I got that
off my chest
"Is she someone you like?"midnight
whispers in my ear making me jump
I spin around and come face to face with
midnight at an uncomfortably close
distance, so close to the point our noses
almost rub together
"Y-Yeah can we talk about this after class
or another time though? It's not that great
a time to talk about her"l whisper with
worried eyes
"Of course y/n. Whenever you want to talk
I'm here for you"she replies sweetly but
hiding something beneath her adorable
I nod and return the smile
"Thank you miss midnight"l reply before
drifting my eyesight down to her breasts
that hang just in front of my shoulder

She lifts a gentle finger to my chin and
pulls it back up to lock eyesight with her
"My eyes are up here"she whispers
entrancing me with her captivating smile
and eyes while I practically melt from her
A quiet exhale escapes my lips as I
become fully aroused and I quiver from
her touch
Midnight drinks in my satisfaction
through her eyes while licking her lips
"MISS! I'm confused! Help!"toru shouts
I snarl and grit my teeth at the girl's
distracting of midnight
"Fucking invisi-bitch. I'll be sure to fuck
you at some point for payback"l think to
Midnight strokes my cheek with her soft
palm and smiles at me
"You need me let me know"she insists
I watch as she smiles at me and walks to
the invisible girl
My lust,hormones and quirk beg and claw
at me to fuck her as my dick rages down
my left pant leg
Now extremely distracted I can't do my
work and all I can do is stare at and daydream about the cougar in front of me
while squeezing my dick subtly
Todoroki looks over at me not doing any
of my work so I put my hand up quickly
"MS! I need help!"l call out nervously
Midnight turns around and smirks
ecstatically while biting her lip and
fingernail at the same time
"Of course!"she replies happily before
walking over swaying her hips as she
I look down at my book and make up a
problem I have so she can help me and
therefore Todoroki won't be suspicious
So I start writing something down.
She stands behind me and places her
hands on the table with her arms on
either side of my head over my shoulders
I feel the heat of her breasts behind my
head and her hair tickling my cheek
"What can I help you with?"She asks
smoothly in my ear
I point to the thing I was writing before
: if X is equal to ME
and Y is equal to YOU
X + Y= some naughty fun?
I wait anxiously for her answer while still
rock hard from her smell, her body, her
voice...her touch

My body accidentally releases my quirk
right into her nose which she happily
She giggles quietly and moves forward
slightly grabbing my pen from me,
incidentally pressing her tits against the
back of my head, she begins writing down
an answer
💜Wait after class until everyone has
gone then we'll go to the staff room
together,Ohh and I can see your manhood is
excited to see me, naughty boy💜

I lean back slightly so my head rests
against her breasts even more and cover my dick
"Right! I get it now! Thanks ms midnight"l
feign understanding of the made up problem
She strokes my hair and leans down
"Anytime y/n.."she whispers staring into
my eyes with devious sexual intent
As she stands and walks away I make a
risky move. I bring my hand up quickly as
she's walking past and grab ahold of her ass, full on grasping her left cheek
She stops and looks back at me then walks
back until she's by my side fully and I can
grope her without fear of attracting unnecessary attention
"Naughty boys who grope their teachers
need to be punished"she whispers not
moving and letting me fondle her fat ass
So plump and round,firm but also soft and
jiggly to the touch.
Her words cause me to falter and give in
to her dominance slightly
"Punish this boy's cock well ms midnight"
I whisper to her while slipping my fingers
into the valley which are her asscheeks.
Wanting to find more amazing angles and
gripping points
But midnight pulls my hand away and
"Ohh I will buuuuuut..You have to
wait"she whispers seductively while
effortlessly taking control and stealing my
heart by holding my cheek
For the remainder of class all I can do is
stare at midnight, imagining what's about
to happen once we are alone
Her breasts were so close to me,her eyes
were locked in combat with mine and her
breath brushed against my lightly haired
My mind melts at the thought of what we
will be doing, I can already feel her plump
thighs in my hands and her teeth clamping down on my chin as she takes
My blood gets even hotter and a light
blush appears on my face as my dick
begins throbbing,begging for release
After what feels like an eternity the bell
finally rings signalling lunchtime but
more importantly my time with midnight
that is about to begin
Group by group my classmates trickle out
of the classroom until only me,midnight
and my girls remain
Mina,Uraraka,Momo and jiro stand
waiting for me
I look up at them and smile to which
Momo understands why midnight is just
standing at the front of the class
"Come on girls, let's leave him to it he's got
things to do"Momo says tugging jiro away
by the arm
"UGHHHH! Again!? Seriously we aren't
going to get any today are we!?"jiro
complains so I grab her hand
"You will,just after school okay?"l soothe
to which she nods and crosses her arms
"I better"she growls before all four
walk out and close the door with
giggles,leaving me and midnight alone
She walks halfway down the row of seats to me then smirks seductively
"Come here big boy"she demands with a
stern tone
I stand while licking my lips, she instantly
notices my full erection down my pant leg
which causes her to rub her left breast
We meet in the middle to which she
holds my cheeks and stares into my eyes
"Having an erection in class due to ogling
your teacher's body? Tut tut naughty
boy"she lectures jokingly while pulling
my bottom lip down with her thumb to
see my teeth
I reach down and squeeze her thighs in
my palms,being as warm and plump as I
imagined they'd be
"Ah-ah-ah! Not so fast now!"she says as
she pulls my hands off slightly
I frown blankly
"I thought I said we'd go to the staff
room?"she asks with a sultry smirk
I take control and walk forward until she
is forced to lean back on the desk in front
of my own while looking up at me slightly
"I don't remember when I said I cared. "I
reply trying to be dominant
She walks her index and middle fingers
up my chest until they rest on my neck

"So you wanna do it here? In the
classroom where in 45 minutes your
peers will be sitting?"she asks softly with
an excited smile
I lean forward until our lips almost touch
"Does that not work for you?"l ask in
She bites her lip and pushes her body
against mine so her soft squishy breasts
press up against my chest while lifting her
leg and arching it until the inside of her
knee rubs against my waist and her foot
rests against the back of my calf
"Ohh believe me..*bites my chin
gently*..l'm fine with that but there's a
couch in the lounge and you are definitely
going to need it"she coos seductively
She pulls away slightly before grabbing
me by the hand and leading me down the
corridor to the lounge with a smug smile
and closed eyes all the while my cock
begs to be let out and random students
watch in shock and awe as a one of their
peers walk hand in hand with the famous
midnight who up until this point hadn't
shown serious interest in any of the
Finally we reach the teachers lounge
door,midnight opens the door and peeks inside not seeing anyone she pulls me in
She slams the door behind me and pushes
me against it,locking my lips in a skilled
dominant kiss. Her sweet delicious saliva
spreads across my tongue which i eagerly
drink and savour
I try to put up defences against her but
her lust outweighs mine,her skilled lips
and experienced hands dominate my
whole being
Instantly I falter against her and just
accept the kiss as it is..perfect
A trickle of saliva drips Down midnight's
right lip to her chin as our tongues fight
for control
Closing my eyes I place my hands on her
thighs and grab massive handfuls
"M-m*moan* midnight. *kiss* I've been
hard since I woke up a while ago"i admit
not caring about how desperate that
She runs her hands up and down my solid
torso and moans quietly
"Mmm I know. It looked delicious through
your pants and now I really can't wait to
dig in"she whispers lovingly as She now
rubs my cock with the palm of her hand
through its fabric prison
A quiet shaky sigh of euphoria escapes my mouth as her experienced hand rubs
and tugs at my cock. She takes advantage
of the sigh and begins nibbling on my
chin while staring up at me amused at me
being unable to hide my pleasure.
"Ara ara! Watching such a strong well
endowed boy moan and freeze in
pleasure.. makes my dominant side kick
in"she coos while licking her lips
Her hands begin unbuckling my pants
and belt while she watches as I anticipate
what's about to happen in suspenseful
"M-midnight..when I put it in am I
a-allowed to cum inside?"l groan as her
hand rubs my cock still
She giggles and unzips my pants
"Who said I'm letting you put it in?"midnight asks cheekily
I recoil from her words and throw my
head backwards
"What!? I thought we were gonna fuck?"l
groan as I rest my head against the wall
"We might...depending on how
good your sperm is. Many
factors need to be examined.
Volume,viscosity,scent,temperature ..after
that I'll determine if you can cum inside
me"she explains as she gets down,crouching on her toes,dragging her
hands along my body as she goes all while
maintaining eye contact until her hands
rest on my now very loose pants
"Let's see what we have here.."she coos
while smiling ecstatically
She pulls my pants and boxers down
exposing my extremely sensitive and
swollen cock, the head of which is
dripping with precum from midnight's
torment of my genitals
Midnight stares and gawks at the
absolutely huge cock(which seems to have
gotten bigger)that hangs in front of her
"Oh my! Such a huge well hung cock! It's
instantly making me wet! I've only seen
one so big in all my years! Ahhh! It's
as expected of someone your youthful
age"she moans with a slight blush as she
rubs her forearms together against her
breasts while staring at my rod
I frown down at her with a shocked face
"You've seen one bigger? Ohh yeah? Was
he better looking too!? Did he fuck you
well!? Did you enjoy sucking his bigger
cock and having him dominant you?"l ask
defensively with a tone of unintentional anger

She leans closer to my dick smiling until
she rubs her cheek on the head,which
incidentally spreads sticky clear precum
onto her soft cheek just below her mole under her eye
"Ohh relax big's perfectly
acceptable, *deep inhale* it even smells
like a woman. I suppose you've had
Uraraka recently? She seems to be your
favourite based on your stares"she comments trying to diffuse my anger which works surprisingly well.
I feel a wave of calm wash over me
She opens her mouth and licks the head
making me shiver in pleasure as another
slightly embarrassing moan escapes me
"You didn't answer my question"she
whispers with a smile before laying a lick on the bulged veins on my shaft
"I had M-Mina and tsuyu today"i answer shakily as I freeze in pleasure
"Mmm nice. Mina seems to love sex and
I've seen the way she looks at you, you
must fuck her very very well to make her
look like that" she comments softly
"I best"l manage to mumble
Midnight smiles beaming beautifully
"Try your best with me as well big boy"she adds sweetly in her alluring tone

Finally she opens her mouth fully and
accepts the dick into it. It's warm wet
embrace slides all over my rod.
My breaths quicken as I blush deeply at
the prospect of my sexual idol sucking my
Soon after My fists clench tightly as her
tongues swirls expertly around the head
and underneath the foreskin. The tip of
her snake like tongue attacks my glands
and slurps up all the left over juices from
my previous sexual encounters with my
other girls
"Ohh what's this? *lick* mmm *slurp*
you had some cock cheese underneath
the foreskin. Don't worry I cleaned it
ALLLLL up and wow it was delicious. In
fact everything about your cock so far is
sublime. The taste,smell,size and weight.
All of it"she seductively praises me
"Thank you ms midnight! *moan* you
are perfect too!"l compliment with an
unintentional blush that makes me
look very lame and my quirk gradually
beginning to release my musky scent that
makes women want me even more
"Such a sweet boy. I'm so glad that the youth nowadays are still interested in me"she adds while running her tongue down the veins of my cock not noticing my quirk or doing a very good job of hiding it
She suddenly opens up her throat and
accepts my cock down her throat, her
pursed lips rub down my shaft until they
finally kiss the base of my cock.
Easily managing at least 9 inches without even a blink or gag
"M-M-Midnight!...all of my cock is
down your throat and it feels like a
pussy...almost better!"l groan as the
bumps of her throat rub my shaft
She giggles and nods
"I'm well aware"she replies sounding more muffled than that
I can't help but begin to thrust in and out
slowly and hold onto her head with both hands
With a smirk I begin to pull her head off
me before shoving her back onto my base
"Sensei you are making such a delicious
vulgar face"i comment smugly while
enjoying her throat to the fullest
She plummets her face to my groin
and starts licking my balls while deep
throating me effortlessly. Her tongue
some how cups my balls and tightens
around them in it's sloppy humid hug

Her long red fingernails softly press into
my pelvis surrounding the base of my
My legs begin shaking as her goddess
tier blowjob sends shivers and waves of
ecstasy over me
"Aww lost that confident tone quickly.
Is my mouth really that good?"she asks
sounding muffled
I try to respond but no words come out so I nod quickly with bitten lips
"So be a good boy for a bit, right now I
have business with your cock"she quips with a certain tone of mischievousness and desire
Certainly I have no choice but to nod and obey her with pleasure
"Y-Yes ms midnight"l manage to groan
She raises her hands and holds onto my
wrists,her handcuff bracelets rattling and
clinking as she does. Rubbing my wrists
with her soft thumbs
"You are very complaint so I'm letting you
thrust harder"lovingly midnight concedes
"I can face fuck you!?"l ask as excitedly
due to my idols allowance of my sexual desires
She nods with squinted eyes and a smile

"Your excitement makes me even more
wet"she comments lovingly
I hold her head tighter and begin gently
face fucking her, slowly at first but
gradually I increase the speed until the
room fills with the sounds of gags and slurping
Her tongue coiling and tightening around
my shaft before I yank her head off then rinse and repeat
"*gag gag gag gag* ahh! *slurp* mm wow!
*wretch* so desperate for release. As
expected of a youthful man"she succumbs to my sexual intent
Suddenly midnight's mouth locks around
my shaft at the base seeming to anticipate
my orgasm before I can announce it
"Agghh I'm c-cuming ms midnight!"I groan as I hold her head at the base
She only moans in response before the
flood gates open and out sprays ropes of my cum down her throat
"UGHHHHHHHHH!" I groan as her throat contracts on my rod and my seed shoots down into her stomach
Her tongue comes out and stretches to lick my balls again
"Anymwore! *gag* in there! I'm shure you'll have fun in my throat! "She encourages my sperm to come out
One final thick spurt shoots out which she
catches in the back of her throat
My knees wobble at the feeling of her mouth and throat.
"This *pant* beats tsuyu's blowjob even
with her incredible tongue. Your an
expert ms midnight! You moved your
tongue so well like you knew all of my
weak points"I gasp in pure euphoria, a
blushing and sweating mess.
She giggles and swallows the last couple
of drops before licking her lips and
standing up while dragging her hands
along my six pack underneath my shirt
"Such high praise! Of course I am. Hehe
I know how to please a man..ohhh
and thank you for the meal it was
delicious"she replies with a sweet smile as
she puts her arms over my shoulders until
they rest on my back
Her face rests only an inch away from mine
"Still suppressing your quirk? I know you
aren't satisfied fully yet"she asks while nibbling on my chin again
I frown while still breathing heavily
"W-What?"I ask confused

She shakes her head and smiles while stroking my hair
"It doesn't matter right now...let's get to
the main event"she whispers
My heart jumps ecstatically at the thought
of what's about to commence
"Main event!? You mean!?"l ask barely able to contain my excitement
She nods and grabs ahold of my hand,
beginning to pull me towards her office to the right of the room
"That's right handsome since I can't leave
this dangerous quirk alone untamed.. I
need to tame this Ecchi quirk like only
an R rated hero can!"she explains while
grabbing my cock with one hand and
opening the door with the other
Once we are inside she grabs me and plants a sloppy kiss on my lips, eyes closed and hands running through my hair
A fairly mundane office greets us which I
see over midnight's shoulder

Quickly midnight strips me like she's
done this hundreds of times,first my shirt
is practically torn off my chest then she
stands on my pants so I step out of them leaving me naked
Lowering my hands down her
back until they rest on her plump
asscheeks,squeezing tightly while her
tongue invades my throat
"Ready to go again?"she asks almost
impatiently but with a sweet tone and smile
I nod quickly while rubbing her ass and releasing more of my quirk
She spins me around then pushes me
backwards until I'm leaning against her
desk. Quickly midnight swipes all of her
files and paperwork off the desk which
clatter to the ground heavily

Then she shoves me back so I'm laying down
Instantly she climbs on top of my waist and kisses me again all while I slap and squeeze her ass again
The sweet taste of her saliva dowsing my tongue
I move my hands from her ass to her
pussy clothed in her typical hero outfit.
"Ah-ah-ah! You need to pleasure me while
I get your dick ready! can rip my suit
by the way I've got hundred of pairs"she
reminds me before spinning around on
me so her ass and pussy in her tight outfit
is all I can see.
Her lips press against my erect dick
At her request I bring my hands to the clothed pussy a few inches above my face and tear the soft fabric letting her amazing smell hit my
Sweet,seductive almost like an aphrodisiac similar to my quirk her ripe mature pussy that I've worshiped lays just a lick
The pink clearly wet folds looking very tight and inviting
"Amazing"l whisper before leaning
up and finally indulging in her sweet
delicious pussy.

Instantly her taste spreads across my
tongue. My brain instantly memorises it's
taste as one to remember and one of its
favourites. Slightly salty but very sweet
and thick, warm and sensational. I could
literally drink it anytime
My tongue easily slides up her baby
tunnel made up of little soft platelets that
rub and lock onto my tongue
"Ooh such an eager boy..*moan* you
already know how to eat a woman"she
moans lovingly as she begins sucking my
cock like it's a lollipop
Her juices flow down her tunnel into my
mouth while I eagerly try to make her
cum,wanting her to feel some pleasure as
well. Luckily my licks cause her to moan loudly
Midnight plummets her mouth to the
halfway point on my dick then twists her
hands. My cock throbs already at her
masterful touch
I push my tongue even further in so my
nose incidentally presses into her ass
which I make no complaints about
"Mmmm sniffing my naughty
boy..but you're lucky I like it so why don't
you tongue my ass as well?"she more
demands than asks seductively

I comply and pull my tongue from
her pussy and lick her asshole. Clean
and presentable but still making me
apprehensive so I carefully lick the tight
pink muscle
"Oh don't be so shy! Really get in
there!"she demands ecstatically sounding
like she has her "slut switch" being flipped
as she lifts her ass off my face then firmly
planting it down onto my tongue again
"MMM!"I moan in shock
"You're going to have to be more open
to perversions if you want to please
more women"she lectures while roughly
jerking my cock and licking the tip
Begrudgingly I put more effort into
licking her ass. The inside being more
smooth and less bumpy than her pussy
I suck and lick on the tight pink muscle
until it's swollen
"Wow. Not only getting a blowjob and
licking midnight's pussy but I also get to
lick her ass." I think to myself
Midnight begins fondling and rubbing my
balls as she deepthroats me effortlessly
I pull my tongue from her ass,replacing
the decidedly unpleasant but not horrid
taste of her ass with the beautifully sweet
taste of her pussy

Midnight tightens her grip harshly just
as I begin laying long licks up her tunnel
then pulling out and licking her clit
My orgasm skyrockets in me causing me
to buck my hips so my dick goes into her
"M-MIDNIGHT! I'M CUMING"I groan into
her fat ass as I begin licking that again
She jerks me even quicker and giggles
sweetly while I bring my hands to her ass
cheeks and squeeze them, pulling them
apart to see her ass even better
"So quickly this time..well I guess it can't
be helped. Cum for me! Let me have your
sperm so I can take it where it
my stomach"she demands in her usual sultry tone
My dick now stained in her irresistible
saliva throbs and aches from the pleasure
as her rough hand movements coax my cum out of me
Sweat trickles off my head onto the
wooden desk beneath me.
Almost paralysed with pleasure I freeze and just grit my teeth however soon after
"Ahem! Shouldn't you be doing something
as well?"she asks with a disapproving tone
I nod quickly

"Yes ms midnight!"l moan before leaning
up and locking my lips with her cunt. For
the final stretch i lap at her pussy
Seconds later my cum comes spurting
out into midnight's mouth which I can
audibly hear her swallow
"*gulp* *gulp* *gulp*"
But I'm not the only one succumbing to
the pleasure. Midnight's cunt locks on to
my tongue as she begins grinding out her
orgasm on my face like I'm just a pillow to
grind on
Regardless I eagerly swallow all the
liquids that shoot from her pussy then
drop my hands from her ass to the desk
beside me,panting, happy and in love
"Ahhhh..that was incredible"l moan as I
stare and ogle the huge ass and soaking
pussy above my face which continue to
pelt me with seductive smells
Midnight then turns around and sits on
my waist while holding my cheek with
her hand, stroking it with her thumb
"Twice I've made you cum and you
still aren't satisfied fully yet..such
overwhelming stamina..if you perfect this
cock's ability,you'll be able to make any
woman yield to you in submission"she
comments with a wide smirk and a piercing sexual gaze not breaking eye
contact for a second
I frown up at her while still breathing
"What *breath* are you talking about
midnight? You've been talking weirdly
ever since we got in here"l reply confused
She gets off my waist and stands next to
the desk with her hands on her waist so
still frowning I get off the desk and stand
in front of her
"You need to show me what you've got
now big boy. Don't be so mundane either
I want it rough!"she finally speaks up also
completely ignoring my questions
I lift my hands and feel up her breasts,
letting the huge soft mounds of flesh fill
my palms until it overflows. Midnight
leans closer and licks my neck while
I lower my right hand to feel her
pussy..soaking wet and eager for more
"Midnight sensei..your so wet"l gawp at
her juices flowing out of her cunt
"Of course I'm leaking. No woman could
stand it after seeing such a big and hard I wonder if you could mark my
womb?"she whispers as I take control and grip her tit tighter and begin running
circles around her clit with my fingers
I spin us around so she leans back over
the desk while holding herself up with
her palms pressed against the wooden
"You want me to take control? To show
you what I've got? Well I'm going to show
you that no matter how big the other guy
you talked about was..l'm always going
to be better. You better get used to what
I'm about to do because it's going to be
a regular thing from now on. So enjoy
your last few minutes as a single woman
midnight "I growl seductively as I press
my forehead against hers and push my
index and middle fingers into her pussy
She giggles and nibbles on my chin
"Such youthful confidence! Go on then
big boy. If you think you can own me
then prove it"she whispers lovingly with
excitement showing through
I turn her around and push on her back
until she leans over the desk in the
doggystyle position,shaking her ass at me
like before in class but this time I can act
on it.
Harshly I slap her right asscheek causing
her to yelp

"Oooooh so aggressive."She coos with a
slightly submissive tone
While I begin Jerking my cock swiftly
midnight grinds her pussy on my dick
helping me get even harder and wetting
my shaft
However I quickly become desperate
so I shove the head of my cock into her
surprisingly tight snatch
The bumpy platelets instantly wrap tight
around the head as if they are sucking on
"Mmmm! God so fucking tight! Ugh. For
a mature woman you are so tight"l groan
Without missing a beat midnight spins
her head around and glares angrily at me
"Mature! I'm only 36!"she growls angrily
I rub her asscheek and thrust further into
her so about half of my cock is inside her.
"Ohh relax ms midnight. I love older
women. That's why I fucked that woman
you saw me texting." I explain lovingly
Slowly and with a frown she nods before
"I love youthful boys who don't care about
my age"she adds before licking my lips
She moans and grabs ahold of my hand
which rests on her ass as I push her harder into the desk so her tits spread out
to the side
"I wonder what will break first? My
body,will and spirit or this perverted
cock"she moans into the desk
I shove the rest of my shaft into her
cunt until I feel her womb pressing back
against the head with some pressure
"I'll take bets it will be your body"i
whisper knowing I'm the best at this
Now commences the harsh fucking,
thrusting harder and harder into her
pussy. Causing sloshing sloppy noises and
moans to come from midnight
"Ohhh! Ohhh lord..ughhh yes! Ohh
lord!"she praises as my hips clap against
her ass
*clap clap clap clap! * the repetitive noises
come in time with her moans after every
The silky but bumpy insides of her
lady tunnel contort to my shape almost
memorising it
Bringing my hand back I slap her
asscheek causing her to yelp but giggle
and shake her ass afterwards
I grit my teeth and smile at the state of the
supposed "R rated hero" some hero who
can't even hold back a moan from one of her students . My hair falls down into my
eyes as I speed up my thrusts
"UH! UH! UH! UH! AH! AH! AH! S-such
amazing power! This is truly a dangerous
cock! No woman will be able to fight this!"
Midnight tries to form sentences but
mainly just moans
*CLAP CLAP CLAP* even louder
claps come from midnight's fat ass as my
pelvis slams against it
I want to hear it you cum and squeal!
Squeal like a fucking pig!"i demean down
to her as I assert my superiority over her
and her previous men
She is thrusted forward again and again
due to my violent lustful thrusts
"Is this what those young girls have to
endure? My lord they must *loud sudden
moan* be so loose by feels sooooo
gooooood ahhh!" She questions while
grabbing onto the other side of the desk
My tongue hangs out of my mouth from
my smile, and since my vision is blurred
I push my hair up and to the back of my
head again with my right hand
Midnight begins throwing her ass back
against my cock looking very appealing.
Suddenly her pussy tightens even more and begins pulsating, In waves her tunnel
rubs my shaft as if coaxing cum out of me
however none comes out. Just her orgasm
rocking her to her core. Sticky clear liquid
flows out from the top of her pussy and
coats my dick
"MMMMM! LORRDDDDD!" She screams while she cums surprisingly hard
considering she's the R rated hero
Her legs straighten out even more and
shake subtly while she lifts the high heels
of boots off the ground so she's on her
"I'm still cuming! Amazing!"she shouts
with her tongue near her chin and a pink
hue of a blush adorning her cheeks and
just underneath her eyes
Once she rides out her orgasm and begins
panting heavily I continue my thrusts,
enjoying her almost pained moans due to
my thrusts on her sensitive pussy
*AHH! *clap* mmm! *slap* I-Lord!
*slam* her moans and yelps being even
louder than the thrusts and clapping noises
Getting sick of the desk though I lift her
up and walk over to the wall where I
was pressed against when we came in,
midnight instinctively puts her hands against the wall and bends forward slightly
Her pussy tightens on me dramatically
"Ohh you like being fucked against
the wall huh? Like a cheap whore or a
housewife being used by her desperate
pent up husband?"l ask seductively into
her ear while nibbling on her ear lobe
She nods quickly while blushing and
clenching her eyes shut. I decide to move
my hands to her arms and grab her left
elbow then rest a hand on her right
asscheek and squeeze it
"You want it even harder?"l whisper
while indulging in her tight slippery pussy
Her womb opens slightly and seems to
suck on the head of my cock, inviting it in
to stay and let out all of its fertile cum
"Mmm yes! Do it! Harder! Show me what
you've got big boy!"She shouts while
looking back at me,mouth wide open.
With I smirk,l slide my cock out of her
pussy until only the head remains inside.
She starts shaking lightly and places
her free hand on her left asscheek and
spreads it with her nails digging into the
fatty tissue
"Hmpf! Are you trying to tease me?"She
asks desperately while pouting

I nod and slap her right asscheek
"Only for a second!"l retort before
pushing all the way through her tight
moist(cry more) fleshy cunt
She yelps and jolts forwards while
flinging her head backwards. Her pussy
trembles and shakes in waves down
towards my base like waves of an ocean
YOUTH!!"midnight shouts in pure ecstasy

"God midnight you're so lewd! Throwing your ass back for a student. Tut tut tut that would be illegal in most countries and it's definitely immoral. Do you even care?"l ask with a smug smile plastered on my face
She shakes her head quickly,no trace of
guilt on her face whatsoever
"No! Just do it! Fuck me rough! Show me
my place underneath you if you can!"she
replies doubting I can dominate her
I frown with a smile and move my right
hand from her ass to her hips where I
grip it hard
"Alright then... "I whisper before I plow
her senseless
Moving my hips back I harshly slam my
cock to her womb breaking open her baby
room door causing her to let out a shout
of shock as well as her legs shaking
I then begin thrusting my hips into her
violently like an animal in heat
SPRT!* loud continuous sounds of
connecting skin clapping off each other
fill the omce and probably the staff
room too
"MMMMMM! Ghod! Sho good!"
midnight moans with her tongue
hanging out
Soon her pussy starts quivering yet again
as she nears another orgasms so she lowers her hand from the wall and rubs
her clit quickly incidentally making her
face rest against the wall
"M-make me cum..mmm please make me
cum."midnight adopts a strange quiet
mumble instead of her usual dominant
Her orgasm hits seconds later, signalled
by her pussy locking tight around me as
if we were long lost lovers and of course
her eruption of moans and groans
"Nghhh! GGGGOD! Aaahnn!"sounding like
she is struggling she weakly squeaks with
her tongue by her chin and thick drool
connecting her tongue to the roof of her
All I can focus on however is her
eyes,glazed over and looking up at the
ceiling while she pants
"HA!..HA!...HE! It's good! Too *pant*good!
My pussy just cums nonstop! I'm supposed
to be the teacher and *pant* pro here!
This cock is a formidable enemy for
women. It keeps *moan* hitting my weak
spots!"with a smile and quivering legs
midnight finally seems to understand
what she's up against
I reach a hand and grab a huge amount of
her silky smooth strawberry scented hair and rotate my hands so it's violet locks
wraps around my wrist
"Give up already Midnight sensei!
You know your pussy can't hold out
for much longer. "I demand while still
thrusting with medium strength earning
suppressed moans from midnight
Defiantly She shakes her head
"O-oh nooo! Aheeeh! I won't!"she denies
with pleasure taking over her voice as she
becomes weaker to it
"Still defiant huh? As expected of the R
rated hero but we both know how this'll lose to my cock like every
woman does. You've already cum plenty but I'm not cuming until you beg for it"l
feign nonchalance as I continue to plow
her pussy which grips onto my cock even
harder as yet another one of her orgasms
grows closer and the promise of teasing
from me triggers her sexual intrigue
Yet Still she holds firm so I spin us around
and walk to the desk, to her shock I pull
out and spin her around to face me.
We lock eyes,hers watering spilling her
mascara down her cheeks and mine
piercing her will
"Leg! Up! Now!"l demand while pointing
to my hip

She smiles and complies more curious
than submissive, so she wraps her firm
leg around my waist while I grope her tits
and ass
"I wanna see these up close again"l
comment before tearing her tits out of her
Perfect. Round and full ,obviously real
with perfect nipple placement and size
Slowly I lick circles around her nipple and
line my cock up to her snatch
Without a word I slam my cock up to her
womb to say hello again
*CLAP! CLAP CLAP!* my cock slams
into her cervix while my balls slap her pussy lips
This continues for a few minutes with
midnight pretending she doesn't like it but
doing a very poor job due to her moans
and clenched fists tugging at my hair
"I'm going to defeat this 18+ hero pussy
regardless but it'll be even more fun if
you recognise me as your undisputed
lover and best sex friend. What do you
say midnight!?"l ask calmly as I suck on
her nipple
She can't even answer as her tongue
hangs from her mouth and her eyes roll

Yet again her cunt locks tight onto my
dick as she straightens her legs which
subsequently begins shaking violently due
to the huge cock inside her
Euphoric moans erupt from her throat
as her hot liquids squirt out onto the
floor like a geyser, not as much as ms
Yaoyorozu but still plenty
"H-how..*pant* haven't you *pant*
cum yet!?" She asks out of breath and
I reach up her back and pull her dark
purple long spiky hair harshly until my
lips rest on her throat
"Submit to me Midnight! Become my
full time lover so I can be the only man
to please you!"l growl while still wildly
fucking her
"I...I w-won't!"she replies hanging
onto the last shred of pride which I
quickly shut down with an ass slap and
continuous thrusts
"T-this is bad!..agghhhh! I...lve never felt
like this! This is s-sssoo bad!"Midnight
seems to debate with herself with love
and lust in her voice
Her whole body shakes and quivers at the
pleasure she's feeling with me. I find it oddly adorable that this experienced
woman who has a reputation of
dominating men is shaking in my arms
with her eyes watering. It makes me feel
like I can really cause women amazing
pleasure and do something right
Sliding my hands to her ass I slide my
middle finger into her asshole causing her
to jump and pull my hair even more while
fucking her hard making my balls slap
her cunt
TO YOUR COCK!"she finally succumbs to
my will and gives up

I laugh ecstatically as I lean forward onto
the desk so she's laying on it and I'm on
top of her
She nods quickly and locks her legs
around my waist until her high heel boots
rest on my lower back
Midnight cums hard while screaming
so loud I begin worrying about who is
hearing her
She cums for a solid ten seconds while her
eyes roll back in euphoria
"No more..I..G-giv...Give this
magical cock."she mumbles with the most sexual face I've ever seen, only just
beating the pleasure ms Yaoyorozu felt from me
Finally my orgasm begins to swell inside me making my cock grow even harder and hotter at the door to midnight's womb
"I'm gonna fucking nut!! Deep inside your
most secret,precious and deepest part of
SO BE PREPARED TO DEAL WITH IT"I groan harshly through gritted teeth as I plunge my cock to her cervix harder and harder
"AHH! Y-YES! Do it! Cum inside me! I'll take your cum and raise it inside my womb if I get pregnant if you so desire! Mmmm! God this is so erotic! Getting fucked by my hot youthful student as he's about to plant his seed inside me! so irresponsible but so hot!"She shouts accepting me as her master and lover
It's here I push harder on her cervix until it caves and allows the head to slip into her womb, there I hilt myself and stiffen while gritting my teeth
"TAKE MY FUCKING CUM MIDNIGHT" I shout just as loud as her from earlier

"Call me nemuri!"she adds lovingly while forcing eye contact so I nod and smile
I can't hold any longer so my sperm flood
into her womb as her cervix kisses the
head. What feels like gallons of my kids
flow into her baby room.
The risk of getting a pro hero pregnant with my child sends shivers down my spin
"OHHH FUUUUUUCK!!!!" I erupt with groans while midnight squeals and lock her legs tighter on me
"EEEEKKKKK! SOOOOO HOOOOT!" Midnight  screams as she cums just from the feeling of me cuming inside her

Her platelets in her pussy drag and rub against my dick milking my dick of every drop of cum from my nuts
HAVE ANYTHING LEFT!" I groan as I rest my face into her tits
Midnight adopts a strangely motherly or supportive tone
"There there! Let everything out in my
pussy! I'll take responsibility for whatever
happens"she whispers lovingly while stroking my hair and looking down at me with a sweet happy smile

I collapse onto her, fully resting my
body weight on her while panting into
her smooth voluptuous chest and softly groaning
We sit in the blissful embrace for a solid
few minutes listening to her heartbeat
and my pants until midnight shakily
untucks her legs from my lower back/ass
making me look up at her with my hair
sticking to my sweaty forehead
"As much as I'd love to sit here and hold you while naked..we need to get back to class."she disappoints me with a weak smile
I nod and stand up on shaky legs then
slowly slide out which drops my limp cock
onto my balls and simultaneously making
midnight's pussy make a "PLRT!" Sound
as cum slides down her pussy from her womb
"My womb is already full after one orgasm.. such incredible strength and expected of Natalia and kenzo L/n's son.."she whispers before smugly announcing the surprise
I frown down at her with a shocked face and wide eyes
"You know my parents?"l ask stumped
She nods and strokes my face softly
"Of course! They were my friends in
school. Why do you think I went after you
so quickly? Other than your good looks
and huge cock. I wanted to steal their
little boy away from them for a hot night
of sex but you being you just lunged on
me and fucked me in the office"she giggles
making me feel stupid
I freeze for a moment before laughing
and leaning down to her face until our lips almost touch
"I better keep you a secret then huh?"l ask
jokingly staring into her sky blue eyes
She giggles before lunging up and kissing
me with her arms around my neck
"Don't you dare. I want them to know that
I fucked Natalia's son"she replies smugly
while nibbling on my bottom lip
"Or he fucked You"l add to which
midnight laughs however my thoughts
are interrupted by a devious idea which I
immediately act on
I share in her laugh and walk over to my
clothes where my phone lays in my pants
pocket, after I pick it up and walk over to
midnight and begin filming
"Show me Midnight sensei. Show me the
hero pussy that's succumbed to my cock!"l demand as she stares in confusion on the desk
Midnight then smirks and lifts her legs
until they rest behind her head with some
surprisingly amazing flexibility. She then
brings her fingers to her pussy lips and
blushes slightly
"Uh- alright. PI-please take a look at..this
shameful hero pussy that has been
claimed and dominated by y/n's huge
cock.." midnight speaks directly into the
camera before suddenly spreading her
pussy lips causing cum to spill out of
her and a loud moan to escape her "NH!
"Please take a look! Th-this is the Pussy of
a woman and hero that's been completely
defeated, dominated and owned by cock!"she shouts more openly but still blushing
I hum in delight and bite my bottom lip
"Ms midnight..who is the best lover
you've ever had? And be honest! Who
has the best cock? Who fucked you into
submission and made you cum like no
other?"l ask smugly behind the camera
while stroking my cock which grabs her
"Y/n L/n. The undisputed best lover with
the best cock who has given me more
pleasure than any man or threesome ever did. He fucked me into submission with
his huge cock and showed me my place
with him"she answers almost proudly
I move forward and grab her cheeks
making an "o" with her lips while filming
her face
"Who do you belong to as a sex friend?"l
ask in a dominant growl
"You Y/n."she answers submissively but
filled with love and adoration
"Well done! Thank you nemuri"l say
matching her tone before stopping the
video and putting my phone beside her on
the desk
She sits up and then stands before
crouching on her high heel boots and
looking up at me
"It's a woman's job to clean her man's
cock after sex...well that's at least what
I follow"she says happily sounding very
willing before she opens her mouth and
accepts my limp cock to the base
Her tongue slides up and down then
around my shaft cleaning it of her juices,
the effort she puts into pleasing me
actually shocks me to the point I gawk
and stroke her hair
She twists and rotates her head and lips
with her eyes locked onto mine

*MMMVVV!* my phone vibrates next to midnight's head
I reach over and look at my screen and
latest notification
Ms Mino Yaoyorozu💋💄👠💦💸🥂:
Hey! It's so good to hear from you again.
I'm sorry if I'm disturbing your class
but I thought I should let you know I
understand how you feel, you miss me
which is so sweet and lovely to hear but
we both know what we did was so far
beyond taboo. If anyone found out what we did it would probably destroy both of
our lives, I'd lose Momo and my husband
and you'd lose public face and be known
as a home wrecker.
And I'd hate for you to be seen that way
because I know your better than that and
such a sweet man. And if I'm completely
honest with myself I enjoyed our time
too and I'd loved to sit and talk to you as
well...and as for the kiss it wasn't just for
you, i think I needed it too. Also as for the
offer..if my husband ever leaves me I'll
be sure to have coffee with you. Stay safe
and do well in school! -Mino

My eyes droop with a weak smile but
suddenly midnight grabs my phone and smiles
"I knew it. I saw the name but I thought
I misread it, you're fucking Yaoyorozu's
mother Mino! My other friend from
school. You really are bold..and a homewrecker"she says
smugly typing away on my phone
"Wait nemuri! Don't say anything that'll
offend her please"l beg now backpedaling
She shakes her head and crouches again, I run my hands through my hair then plant
my face into my palms
"Ugh no"l mumble now extremely
I then hear the camera go off signalling a
photo had been taking
Instantly I grab my phone back and see what she sent to ms Yaoyorozu and how
bad the damage it is
Me: Mino I thought I'd let you know that
I deleted the photo I took of you but I
wanted you to remember me so here you
go *nude photo of my cock and 6 pack*
I sigh and shake my head
"She's going to hate me! How did you
even about the screenshot?"l groan
in annoyance thinking my potential
relationship with her is ruined
"Well I know how you act so it was
just an educated guess"Midnight responds while cleaning up the squirt from earlier and then going to get changed into a new hero outfit from her closet
Suddenly a message comes through from
Ms Mino Yaoyorozu💋💄👠💸💦🥂
Y/N! While I appreciate you deleting the
screenshot how could you send me
something like that so brazenly!?
I know I have to respond so I begin typing
Me:sorry mam that was a mistake.
But..did you like the photo? You can keep
it if you want.
Ms Mino Yaoyorozu 💋💄👠💸💦🥂
Well..I don't hate it of course because it brings back..great memories. And it really is amazing, in fact it makes me..flustered
just thinking about it and looking at it but
I can't! .. I'll keep it though just in case of
an unexpected breakup with my husband
since he likes to argue with me. Anyway
I'm sorry for bothering you with my
problems, if you need to talk anytime just
contact me but preferably at 9am to 1pm
because my husband is usually out at that
Me:god you really are the best ms
Yaoyorozu. Please feel free to talk to me if
you need it. Talk to you later

I finish the conversation and let out a sigh
of relief that I saved the conversation
"Come on you! Back to class! I'll see you
there"Midnight calls out from behind her
wardrobe door
For once last time I walk over to her behind her wardrobe door and slap her naked rear as she steps into her outfit
She yelps and looks back before smiling
"I'll be seeing you at your apartment very soon" I whisper while biting my lip and fingering her ass
"Anytime sweetie"she coos as she uses her free hand to jerk my cock a little bit
I then get dressed and walk out of the empty staff room towards class, the whole way
the only things on my mind being ms
Yaoyorozu and midnight, the two smoking
hot cougars
The bright light shining in the corridor
leading to class just represents my
happiness today
With my head down and hands in my
pockets I actually smile to myself at my
current situation
Nothing could break this mood I have....
is what I would've though until a certain
explosive boy interrupted
*THUD!* I drop to my ass as something
bumps into me
aggressive and condescending tone if you
can call it a tone
I roll my eyes and shake my head

"Fuck off bakugo." I mumble while
looking to the side as the pain in my ass
SAY IT AGAIN!" He screams as he
activated his quirk on his palms
I get to my feet with a scowl on my face
and clenched fists finally ready to stand
up to him
back into his face
Suddenly two hands pull me back
"Y/N! Stop!"izuku's voice calms me instantly
He pulls me away while Bakugo stands
"It's not worth it"lzuku adds being the
voice of reason
I nod and stare back at Bakugo
"Ohh don't worry! I don't need to punch
him or resort to violence to prove my
superiority. "I growl loud enough for
Bakugo to hear
I pull away from izuku and walk away,
one hell of a lot angrier and plotting my

Author's note.
Right! This chapter was very rushed as I'm sure you can tell but hopefully you all
enjoyed it nonetheless
Midnight is finally ours and I'm still laying
little seeds for more ms Yaoyorozu, and
honestly I can't wait until ms Yaoyorozu
gets back into the fray
Anyvvay love you guys! Be sure to let me
know what you thought and be sure to

Continue Reading

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