Meretricious | Professor Lupin

lupinsluvvr द्वारा

248K 8.7K 7.7K

mer·e·tri·cious: apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity. Spencer Artemis Venus, a... अधिक

Welcome :)
1. Spencer
2. The week before Hogwarts
3. The man
4. First day of class
5. Amore mio aiutami
6. First Hogsmeade Trip
7. Space
8. Black
9. Firewhisky and bad decisions
10. Avoidance
11. Busy
12. Sirius Black
13. Giving in
14. Friends
15. Taking care of Sirius Black
16. Swimming Lessons
17. Wrist
18. Veritaserum or Dare
19. Picnic
20. Fond
21. You hit me, I hit back
22. Sister mine
23.*Good girl
24. Boggart
25. The Aftermath
26. Mirror of Erised
27. Maybe I want to be an Auror
28. *Messy hair and all
29. Not a date
30. *Grape
31. Fate or Destiny
32. Nice nails
34. Patience is a virtue
35. *I have a suspicion
36. We'll beg for and borrow time
37. Muffins
38. Arriving at the Burrow
39. It was like you flew
40. I think it's sad
41. Do you think it hurt him just as much?
42. *If you hurt her, I will kill you
43. He's scared you're leaving him
44. *Here you are making me whole
45. Dinner
46. *Woah! Hey there
47. He knows
48. Happy New Year
49. *Future us
50. Fuck the police
51. Winter
52. Stop trying to buy me off
53. *It's kinda... weird looking
54. 3 cows
55. Uhm
56. *It's her, I know it is
57. Meltdown, Harry.
58. Search and rescue
59. Surprise!
60. A day
61. Why didn't I?
62. Don't get mad, okay?
63. It's a box
64. Dad
65. I need you
66. How could you
67. I don't matter
68. *I'll never regret choosing you
69. *On the road to happiness
70. What did you just say?
71. It was her
72. *Stay with me
73. *Love's joy
74. Figure it out... please
75. I can't- be mad
76. Food for thought
77. *Teacup
78. I just need time
79. Don't promise
80. Rain, Sun, and Wind
81. *Nox
82. *Another guard dog
83. Happy birthday, my love
84. I'm glad you're alive
85. Murder was on my mind
86. Healthy environment!
87. Why does it rain?
88. Virtus et fortitudo
89. If you were cowboys
90. Please come back
91. The notebook(s)
92. Taking the easy way out
93. Gods, it.
94. I saw your list
95. I want you to live
96. Bagel
97. You know where I am
98. Soft, smooth
99. Would your friends like me?
100. That doesn't make sense
101. His smile
102. Three words, eight letters
103. Forever and always
104. Fly
105. Personal statement
106. You and me
107. Barbie
108. Out of my mind in love
109. I'll always choose love
110. To peace
111. I do
112. It's not time to go
113. I can beat him up
114. You're also my friend
115. Monarch butterfly
116. It happened suddenly
117. *See you later
118. Venus v. Addison
119. Wine
120. Scratched and bloody
121. Missed you
122. Don't mind him
123. Wonderful experience
124. Girlhood
125. You can date
126. Dodo
127. No disrespect
128. A kiss
129. Christmas
130. Be less sad
131. Can I still call?
132. February
133. Video killed radio?
134. Permission to hold your hand?
135. Birthday
136. Death
137. Afterimages
138. Professor Lupin
139. Dumb twat
140. Someone like you
141. I do
142. Outside of the order
143. Keep me company
144. Happy Fucking Birthday
145. Time will tell
146. Love just is
147. I want to spend time with you
148. I'm sorry
149. Something that's supposed to happen
150. Outside. Now.
151. Sirius told me to come save you
152. We can hide in your room

33. We can travel together

1.8K 69 44
lupinsluvvr द्वारा


It's Friday.

It's Friday and closer to break.

That's all Spencer could think about... that and having sex with Remus.

She smiled at her book as she thought about him, and all the things he did to her.

"Hey" were the words that took her out of her trance. "Isn't it a bit too cold to be reading out here?" Hermione asked.

Spencer grabbed her wand and pointed it at her, Hermione smiled. "Warming charms" Hermione said before taking a seat next to her.

"Hermione, we need to talk" Spencer said before closing her book.

"Sure, what about" she questioned as she played with the snow in front of her.

"Well... a multitude of things actually, but first I just want to ask if there's anything you want to say to me?" she replied.

Hermione's head shot up in thought.

"Sneaky little witch knows... hex her Spencer!" Emily accused.

Spencer smiled as her words came out.

"You've been avoiding me" Spencer said softly.

"Ok, fine, but I didn't- it's because if I say it you'll just you'll hate me" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I won't hate you Hermione" Spencer laughed.

"You're important to us okay" she rolled her eyes. "I know life's been tough for you, and whatever, and I get sometimes you don't want-" she spoke.

"Is this coming because I've been skipping breakfast lately? because I swear I'm eating" Spencer chuckled.

"Maybe. I just- after you fainted we never really talked about it, what happened. So I just- it's important that you know you have us, that's a promise" Hermione finished saying.

Spencer smiled.

"What? No 'you can't make those promises'" Hermione laughed.

Spencer shrugged, "I'm letting myself believe you can" she smiled.

Hermione chuckled, "anything else?" Spencer asked.

"I don't think so... unless you have anything to talk about... with me" Hermione replied as she looked down.

"Hermione I don't want to play games" Spencer said as she placed her arm on Hermione's shoulder.

Hermione smiled. "He's changing you" she said softly.

"I knew it!" Emily bursted.

"I'm- what" Spencer said simultaneously.

"C'mon Spence" Hermione shook her head with a smile, "you know exactly what I'm talking about"

Spencer cast a privacy charm around them before speaking, "how- what exactly do you- what are you talking about"

"Are we going to continue to be vague or can I say his name?" she asked.

Spencer couldn't say anything, Hermione was the last person she wanted to find out. Quite frankly she didn't want anyone to find out.

What they had, if people heard, would be ruined. This is something Spencer and Remus both knew.

But the adrenaline that kicked in when someone was too close and they were in a compromising position was something they enjoyed, it was something they also wouldn't admit to themselves.

The way their body's felt like they were sculpted for one another- it was something Spencer knew she wouldn't get again in her life.

They could put the issue in the back of their minds but now... now Spencer cant. What she was dreading is suddenly real and a 13 year old is the first one who knows.

"I've always known you and Professor Lupin had something going on" Hermione admitted.

Spencer turned around to face her, eyes widened and body tense.

"I wasn't talking about that" Spencer said baffled.

Spencer didn't know what to say.

"Well... it's not like we can forget this happened right" she laughed. "You look good together, odd but... good together" Hermione smiled.

After a few moments of silence Hermione realized the situation she put Spencer in. "Okay I'm sorry I just blurted it out I should've-"


She shook her head as Spencer spoke.

"I don't need to know," she replied, "I mean unless you want to tell me but... I trust your judgement Spencer. You're capable of making your own decisions and it seems to be... a good one?" she questioned.

Spencer smiled, "yeah... seems so" she replied.

"Good," Hermione nodded, "good" she repeated.

"Hermione?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah" she answered.

"Do you think it's weird?" Spencer asked.

Hermione thought about her answer before replying.

"Do you?" Hermione asked.

Spencer shook her head.

"Then what I think shouldn't matter" Hermione answered with a shrug. "I think that as long as you're happy it shouldn't matter what others think, after all what happens in your room stays in your room" Hermione shrugged.

Spencer laughed, "tell me what gave us away" she asked.

Hermione grinned, "you mean to tell me that you don't see the way he looks at you?" she chuckled.

Spencer grinned while shaking her head.

"That and... well when I went to change you, I went into the dresser" Hermione whispered.

Spencer looked at her.

"They're nice, the photos," Hermione replied, "I just assumed that you guys met before school" she asked.

Spencer nodded.

"Well that," Hermione replied smiling, "and that one time I went to your place, his wand was out" she shrugged. "Also just... a lot" she laughed.

Spencer shook her head with a smile, "I should've warped your memories" she joked.

"Should've" Hermione laughed.

"Can I ask you something?" Hermione said.

"Mmh, ask away" Spencer nodded.

"Why haven't you told Dumbledore he's a werewolf?" she asked in a whisper, even though she is fully aware of the privacy charm.

"It's not a bad word Hermione," Spencer replied, "my response to that is... why haven't you?" Spencer replied.

Hermione looked back at the snow.

"When I realized, what he was, I walked out of the library. I was walking so fast and I ended up bumping into him. He reached down and helped me pick up my books that I dropped" Hermione spoke.

"He saw that my bag was broken and fixed it, he even charmed it so it wouldn't be as heavy" she added. "He asked if I was okay because I couldn't speak, I just nodded and he smiled back before walking away."

"I was just- I don't know. He's not what I expected from a werewolf" she finished saying.

"Yeah" Spencer replied with a nod.

"Do you love him?" she asked.

"I'm very fond of him" she nodded.

"Yeah but do you love-"

"Hermione" Spencer sighed.

"Right... sorry not my business" she whispered.

"Do you?" Emily asked.

Spencer glared at Emily.

"Okayyyy goodbye" she said before fading away.

"I'm glad you've decided not to change my memory" Hermione added.

Spencer smiled, "eventually people would find out about us" she shrugged.

"Do you think it'll last long enough?" Hermione asked.

Spencer shrugged once more, "a girl can dream, right?" she asked.

Hermione nodded her head. "Is that why you're not going to the dance?" Hermione asked.

"No, I don't really want to go in the first place," Spencer chuckled, "Spending it with him is just a plus you know?" she added.

"Right" Hermione nodded.

"Well, are we ready to go?" Spencer asked.

Hermione sighed, "yes" she replied.

"C'mon it'll be nice to get out of the castle" Spencer nudged her. "Anyway instead of getting in trouble with Harry and Ron you'll get into it with me" Spencer laughed.

"If we get caught-"

"We won't Hermione," Spencer said as she grabbed her hand, "now follow me" she added, leading them outside of the castle.

The two spent the afternoon in Hogsmeade shopping for Christmas presents. Hermione asked Spencer questions about her relationship and happily she answered some of them.

"You know for someone who says they hate boy talk- you sure are talking it up with me" Spencer laughed.

"Does he know you know?" Hermione asked after rolling her eyes.

"No" Spencer replied as she looked through the shirts.

"Why haven't you told him?"

"It's not really something I- we should know in the first place is it?" Spencer chuckled.

"Mmh" Hermione nodded. "Are you gonna?" She asked.

"Nope" Spencer replied.


"You love your answers don't you" Spencer replied looking up at her with a smile.

"Sorry" Hermione said as she looked down.

"Don't apologize Hermione I was making a joke" Spencer laughed. "I just- it would be better if he told me you know?" Spencer replied.

"I wouldn't want him to just come out and say something I wouldn't want him to know in the first place" Spencer nodded.

"Like what?" Hermione asked.

"Nuh-uh" Spencer shook her head, "there are somethings Hermione you're merely not meant to know" Spencer said as she walked over to her and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Now c'mon, I'm not really a big fan of these shirts" Spencer said as she walked out.

"But what if I want to know?" Hermione asked.

"Hermione..." Spencer sighed. "You're still young, like really young. I sometimes forget how young you guys are," Spencer laughed, "my point is, it's something I wouldn't want you or him to know. Him being that is probably something he wants to keep to himself" Spencer replied.

"I hope something bad never happens to you Hermione, but if the day comes and you don't want anyone and I mean anyone to know, you'll realize why secrets are important" Spencer added.

"But we already know?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, we do. However we still act like we don't, don't we?" Spencer asked.

"Right" Hermione nodded.

"You won't... tell anyone... right?" Spencer said as she kept walking towards the castle.

"I don't want him to get fired over something so trivial Spence" Hermione laughed.

Spencer awkwardly chuckled. She stopped walking and placed a privacy charm around them.

"I meant about me and him" Spencer told Hermione as she played with the snow on the ground with her feet.

"No, I'm not" Hermione smiled. "Seriously I- you- I don't know" she sighed. "You're just so you, you know?" Hermione laughed. "You've been the most you since I can remember, and I didn't exactly meet you at a good point in your life" she added. 

"He's also been there for you so even if you're not you I know he's taking care of you" Hermione said as she placed her hands on her sides.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is you don't have to worry about me telling anyone" Hermione laughed as she brought her in for a hug. "I love you Spence" Hermione whispered.

"I love you too" Spencer replied as she hugged Hermione tighter. "I love you so much" Spencer sniffled into Hermione's shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay don't cry" Hermione said softly as she rubbed Spencer's back.

Spencer chuckled as she wiped the tears off her face and pulled away. "Sorry," she laughed once more, "don't know why I started crying" she finished saying.

Hermione chuckled with her, "C'mon I'm sure someone is eager to spend some time with you before break... and I'm not talking about Abigail" she laughed.

Spencer chuckled again and took off the privacy charm. Both walked into the castle and walked their own ways.

Spencer walked up to her room and opened the door. She took off her shoes and walked to her room, hiding presents. She then found Remus in her kitchen, window open, smoking a cigarette.

"I didn't know you smoked" Spencer said as she walked up to him.

"Were you crying?" he asked as he saw her face.

Spencer shook her head.

"I don't" he replied as he kissed her forehead, knowing she did cry.

Spencer laughed, she took the cigarette from his hands and took a drag before blowing the smoke out.

"I didn't know you smoked" he repeated.

"I don't, I hate the smell actually so," Spencer said as she walked towards one of her drawers, "put your clothes in here when you're done" she added grabbing a plastic bag and handing it to him.

She moved towards the opposite side of her kitchen and sat on her countertop.

"Why are we smoking?" she asked as she played with her nails.

Remus shrugged in response, "stressed and all" he replied.

"Why?" Spencer said as she looked up at him.

"Just," Remus replied as he ran his hand through his hair, "the younger kids are having a really hard time learning concepts and I don't know- I feel like I'm failing" he replied.

"Oh honey" Spencer laughed.

"What?" he asked.

"Holiday is almost here" Spencer answered.

"So?" Remus asked before taking another drag.

"Remus no one pays attention in school so close to Holiday" she laughed.


"Seriously," she laughed, "I mean other than Hermione, that girl is going places" Spencer added. "Brightest witch of her age, don't you think?" she asked before getting herself a bottle of water and hopping back on the counter.

"I'd say so" he nodded. He put out his cigarette and walked over to Spencer.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked

Spencer smiled, "look in that drawer" Spencer pointed.

Remus walked over to it, as he opened it he found a pack of gum.

"After three sticks you can kiss me" she replied with a chuckle.

"If that's what I have to do" Remus laughed as he put the gum in his mouth. "So, why were you crying?" he asked.

"Hermione just-" Spencer sighed, "Hermione you know?" she finished saying.

"I don't think I do darling" he chuckled.

He knew he was giving her a hard time but she was talking, and it made his heart skip.

"I don't know," she laughed, "we were just walking back here and talking and she just told me she cared about me" she nodded. "It's not like we haven't said that to each other before, just this time it meant a lot, so I cried, whatever. You probably think I sound stupid" Spencer added as she hopped off her counter.

"You don't sound stupid" he replied as he walked towards her. "Now I don't want you to cry... but I also care about you" he added before wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You just want to kiss me" she chuckled.

"It's going to take a long time for the flavor to-"

"Nu-uh I said what I said. No kisses until you finish it" Spencer said as she took his hands off her waist. She smiled before kissing his cheek.

He smiled at the touch.

"So I haven't done the shopping, want to join me?" he asked.

"Remusss" Spencer exclaimed as she placed her forehead on his chest.

"You can say no darling" he laughed.

"Good because I need a shower" she laughed. "I'm sorry honey" she said looking up at him.

"You know how you can make it up to me" he grinned.

Spencer smiled. She placed two fingers on her lips and then on his. "I'm not kissing you until you finish the gum Remus John Lupin" she laughed.

"A guy can try" he laughed before letting her go.

"I'll be back" he said before getting his coat.

"Bye darling" Spencer said as she spanked him.

"O-kay," he chuckled, "see you in a bit love" he said before walking out.

Spencer smiled at the endearment, like she always does, and saw him leave her house.

Once she finished showering she changed into one of his jumpers and started reading on her couch. Quickly she fell asleep waiting for Remus.

Once he arrived, he smiled at the sight of her. She was laying down, book on her chest, and her hand barely touching the ground.

He walked into her kitchen and started placing ingredients into her cupboards. He lifted his head up as he heard her slowly waking up.

She heard him from the kitchen and walked to him.

"Hey sleepy head" he said as he saw Spencer walk in and rubbing her eyes.

"Hey," she yawned, "how was your trip?" she asked.

"Good yeah, would've been better if," he said as he threw away the first bag, "my beautiful girlfriend joined me" he added walking towards her.

"Mm" she grinned as he held her waist.

Slowly she closed the space between them and kissed him.

"Finally" he chuckled.

"Oh you" Spencer laughed as she hit him lightly.

Remus kissed her once more before grabbing the last bag.

"I also got some ice cream because we ran out" he said opening the freezer.

"We or you?" Spencer grinned.

"Ok fine I did finish it after the last film we watched but-"

"No buts- you finished my ice cream" she laughed. "But thank you for getting us a new one" she said before kissing him.

"C'mon," Spencer added as she grabbed his hand, "I want to cuddle before I don't see you for two weeks" she smiled leading him out of the room.

"We have two days" he laughed as she led him towards her room.

"No measure of time will be long enough" she chuckled back.

"and I thought I was the romantic one" he said softly.

Spencer giggled before taking her shorts off and getting into bed. He laid next to her and brought her closer.

"No reading tonight?" he asked.

"No," she replied as she drew outlines on his shirt, "I just want to talk or something I don't know" she chuckled, he laughed with her.

and talk they did.

They talked all night up until Remus fell asleep listening to one of her stories. She softly laughed to herself as she heard him snore.

She laid on his chest for a little bit until she realized she wouldn't be able to sleep.

She slowly got off him, knowing he was a light sleeper, and sat on the bed. She looked at her clock which said it was 4am.

Before walking to the kitchen and making herself some tea, Spencer put on one of his jumpers. Of course, not more than 10 minutes later, Remus joined her.

He hugged her from behind as she stared out the window.

"I love when you wear my clothes" he whispered.

She chuckled softly and sniffled as he pulled her closer.

"Why are you-"

"Put your trousers on," she chuckled, "we're going on a field trip" she added wiping the tears of her face.

He didn't refuse her request. He got dressed with her and walked through the castle.

"Where are we going?" he asked, following her absentmindedly.

"Shh" she whispered not wanting to wake the paintings.

They walked closer to the astronomy tower and soon found themselves at the top.

"Is this something where you just want me to stay?" he asked as he saw her walk closer to the railing.

Spencer sighed and turned around to look at him.

She was going to speak but instead closed her mouth.

"There's so much I want to say Remus... so much I want to tell you" she whispered, "but I don't know where to start" she finished.

"You don't need to"

Spencer smiled at herself, "I need to" she nodded without looking at him.

She sat down, hanging her feet out, and Remus sat next to her. He placed her hand on her thigh, brushing his hand up and down.

"You know ever since I was little I would get this feeling like- like if I was floating outside of my body looking down at myself" she said looking at his hand. She took a deep breath, "and I hated what I saw. How I acted, the way I sounded, and I- I didn't know how to change" she added.

Remus looked at her as she said every word... but she wouldn't dare look at him.

"Snape told me once we all have a bag and that we all pack differently. Some of us travel lightly while others are hoarders who've never parted with a memory in their lives. He said part of growing up is learning how to sit on the floor and figure out what to take and what to leave behind... then he told me to stop bothering him" she chuckled, Remus joined her.

"I don't want to sit down," she whispered, "what if I'm worse after I open my bag" she added.

"You're- we're still growing" he replied. "We can travel together" he added.

Spencer turned to face him. She moved closer and kissed him under the moon.

"We don't have to open the bag" he said into her mouth.

"Let's not open the bag" she nodded.

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