The Betrayed Hero:dragon

By koharuhatate

229K 1.9K 960

What I did to deserve this? They push me after everything we going through......... ....................... I... More

Chapter 1 Traitor
Chapter 2 Survive And Hope New Friends
Chapter 3 Training And Return
Chapter 4 Return Part2
Not A Chapter
Chapter 5 Training
Chapter 6 Hero License Exam
Chapter 7 Hero License Exam Part2
Chapter 8 Meet With The Big 3
Chapter 9 Internship
Chapter 10 Long time no see
Next Week
Chapter 11 Internships
Ending Vote
Chapter 12 My Little Angel
Chapter 13 Explanation
Happy New Years
Chapter 14 Hero?
Not A Chapter
Ending Vote
Chapter 15 The Real Monster Part 1
Chapter 15 Part 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

3.2K 46 11
By koharuhatate

(izuku transform into full body phoenix come out of rooftop)

Ryukyu pov

Team B already coming out carries Some big villain but what shock me fatgum condition, he injury and unconscious I ask suneater
What happen he said fatgum low stamina asking for some backup dragon come down there  help him and knockout the villain,call someone to pick up the villain and fatgum I'm still shock to hear a 16 years old boy knockout one of overhaul best fighter
But something  disturbing our conversation a blue and gold fire come out of the big hole Im in fighting stance but when I see lemillion with unconscious nighteye on the back of bird?, the bird come down and I can see the bird  are big  as my dragon form mirio piggyback nighteye and jump down from the bird

Mirio : thanks dragon I feel warm on you back

Ryukyu : w-what is that you dragon?

Izuku : yeah it's me * transform back to human*

Ryukyu : w-what I thought your quirk are element

Izuku : hahaha we can talk later for now let's bring injury hero to the hospi- (before Izuku can finish his word someone hugging him from behind)

??? : deku are you okay?

Izuku : *annoyed* uravity I already tell you do not call me deku my hero name dragon

Ryukyu : ara~ is that your girlfriend dragon *tease tone*

Izuku : she is not please leave me alone uravity I need to deliver a bird mask

Ryukyu : what you mean bird mask?

Izuku : look down

Ryukyu : (look down and see a bloody overhaul on izuku foot) h-hey you not telling me you the one make that *point at big hole* destruction just to capture overhaul?

(everything on the area turn black except izuku in circle of light)

Ryukyu : what happen and why you the only one on the light? *point at izuku*

Uraraka : yeah what happen deku-kun

Izuku : shut up round face...... Ahem you asking why I make such destruction just to capture that thing? *  Pointing at bloody overhaul*

Uraraka :* crying *

Ryukyu : yeah why?

Izuku:  because reader want epic fight and the author work hard to make such an epic fight,for the destruction no need to worry I have this *take out credit card*
I will pay for the destruction

Ryukyu : you think you have enough money to pay for the destruction?

Izuku : my credit card when di I say it was mine? Look closely

(Ryukyu and uraraka look closely but uraraka hair block ryukyu so she push uraraka to the other side which make uraraka fall face first and make izuku laugh, when ryuku see the name make her shock)

Ryukyu : h-how did you get his credit card! *shock*

Izuku : let's just say my blonde friend give it to me and I should thank  him

Koharu : your welcome man

Ryukyu : who you talking to? What ever at least you pay for destruction you cause

Izuku : okay let's just go back our own home and relax I reach my stamina limit *pass out*

Ryukyu : dragon! *catch izuku before falling* I will bring you to hospital myself *transform into dragon*

Uraraka : deku - kun*still hurt from falling*

Time skip at hospital

Izuku : thanks for carrie me here ryukyu

Ryukyu : your welcome so tell me what your quirk really is

izuku : *sigh* my quirk allow me to have 10 different abilities

Ryukyu : *shock* and what is it?

Izuku : i can control fire, ice, darkness,sand, light, Quake, turn into phoenix, rubber, make a barrier

Ryukyu : that's.......... Over power quirk but you only tell nine

Izuku : i don't know about the last one ( the last one are magu magu no mi lava izuku didn't want to tell because of how dangerous it is)

Ryukyu : is that so-
( someone open the door)

??? : zuzu are you okay I heard you fight with overhaul *hugging izuku not noticing ryukyu*

Izuku : don't worry momo I'm fine ryukyu bring me here

Ryukyu : ah I see so this is your real girlfriend? *Tease tone*

Izuku : yeah let me intro---

Momo : zuzu what she mean by real girlfriend? *smile*

Izuku : well you see when I finish my fight with overhaul I feel tired but someone hugging me from behind

Momo : who is it izuku

Izuku : *sweat* uraraka.......

Momo : that round face try to take my zuzu from me *hugging izuku head*

Izuku : ouch momo you hurting me

Momo : I'm sorry zuzu just a bit angry

Izuku : *pat momo head*  don't worry momo Im not going to cheat behind you because you the only one I love *whisper* except mom and eri

Momo : what the last part I can't hear you?

Izuku : nothing

Ryukyu : ahem you two look sweet together I will leave make sure to take it easy dragon *wink*

Momo : *gasp* he's mine

Ryukyu : hahahaha take care you  two *leave the room*

Someone  Knocking on the door

Izuku : You can enter

Uraraka : deku-kun why you leave me behind?

Momo : go away leave me and my boyfriend alone

Uraraka : you the one leave, I'm the one  suppose to be on his side by now

Izuku : *sigh* uraraka if you not leaving my room in 5 second I will froze you now

Uraraka : please give me

Izuku : 1

Uraraka : deku-kun hear me out

Izuku : 2

Uraraka : izu...

Izuku : 3

Uraraka : please.....

Izuku : 4

Uraraka : izuku please let me tell you my reason if you don't like it I will leave you alone

Izuku : fine let hear what you  explanation

Momo : but izu

Izuku : it's fine momo

Uraraka : izuku everyone need a second chance to make thing right even villain get second chance why not giving me?

Izuku : *sigh*  uraraka you right

(Uraraka  smile  because her plain work)

Izuku : but  not everyone get second chance and even villain who get second chance didn't use it properly please leave me and my girlfriend alone I need to tell her something

Uraraka : understand izuku I'm sorry bothering you *smile* hope you have happy live together 私と *leave*

Momo : finally we have time alone zuzu what you want to tell me?

Izuku : my mother want to adopt eri so she will be my little sister

Momo : oww how cute can I see her?

Izuku : sure but she record a video for you

Just imagine eri making video

In video

Eri : i heard from izuku oniichan your name is mama?

( Momo blush)

Izuku : eri her name momo  yaoyorozu

Eri : i-I-I *blush* I'm sorry

Izuku : it's fine

Eri : izuku oniichan said you his girlfriend I'm asking you if you will be my s-s-sister in law

Video end

Momo : *blushing* you use eri to ask me if I accept your proposal?

Izuku : yes momo when you graduate I'm asking if you want to be my fiance for now

Momo : yes yes I want *kissing izuku*

Mirio : you two look like a marry couple * come out of nowhere*

(Momo blush while izuku just give mirio a look what the heck man)

Mirio : ahem well I just want to check on you izuku

Izuku : I'm fine mirio

Mirio : hey ryukyu said you want to pay for  destruction how did you get much money?

Izuku : *pull out his wallet* wait let me check ( but a piece Of paper come out of his wallet momo pick it)

Momo : izu? *smile*

Izuku : hm?

Momo : who's number writing here? *show izuku piece of paper* ( smiling but black aura behind momo)

Izuku : i-i-don't know

Momo : is it from girl?

Izuku : no......

Momo * Calling the number using izuku phone *

??? : who is this? *female voice*
(momo told izuku to speak)

Izuku : it's me

??? : ara you finally call me,I thought it will take the whole week hey how about coming to my house I live alone *seduction voice*

Momo : ah he not going anywhere because I'm here and you should delete this number if you still want to living in this world *off* Ara izuku I thought you love me  *smiling*

Izuku : of course I love you * turn to the door* mirio help me ( but to his surprise mirio already vanishe when he see momo aura)

Momo : izu~

Izuku : *dead*

To be continue

Koharu : hey guys just changing some plot next chapter full of serious plot

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