Ginger island

By Luluberrymuffin

36 3 6

A bunch of people are stuck on an island but uh oh if that wasn't enough already now they're dying. More

The crash

36 3 6
By Luluberrymuffin

The class cruise ship wound up on the orange sands of Ginger Island. Kate, Josie, Eddie, Ruth, Zoe, Zoe, Zoe, Vivian, Vivian, Alana, Ayla, Rowan, Ava, Sym, and Lila and Sophia, stepped tentatively off when they heard a shriek and splash.

Vivian L had fallen overboard! She got horribly seasick and she was unconscious. The scream was Vivian B's. Zoe P immediately dove in to save Vivian L, only to end up getting murdered brutally by a shark. The smell of blood attracted others, and Vivian L's unconscious body was torn to pieces.

The others ran off the deck and onto the narrow strip of sand that was the Ginger Beach. Tirelessly charging through the thin trees, they tried to forget the brutal deaths they had just witnessed.

Sym scrambled up the nearest tree, only to have it fall and crush her underneath its considerable weight. The others didn't stop to try and save her. They were too concerned with their own worthless lives. They didn't stop running, in fact, until hours later when Violet L collapsed.

Sophia didn't notice that the others had stopped running, and kept going on her own into the depths of the forest. They didn't know what happened to her, but then again, no one does.

The group stopped for the night. After using Kate's glasses to start a fire, they were practically blind. Kate followed who they thought was Eddie into the night, and, two hours later, an agonized scream followed. Eddie was picked off in the night by who knows what. One thing is clear, however; strange things are afoot in the forest. No mortal could've mauled Eddie the way they found him.

As soon as Ruth awoke, she spent the morning searching for edible plants. Vivian B mistook poison hemlock for regular fennel and died twenty minutes later due to heart failure. 

Zoe U used a few too many pickup lines and drove Ruth to madness, who killed her with a spoon, a large stick, and a few of her own toes.

Lila ran off into the forest, blinded by panic.

The others were forced to capture and kill Ruth after she murdered Alana and Rowan, who regrettably came at her from the wrong angle.

Josie, who was understandably shaken by the whole experience, went off into the woods to cry, yet, when they found her, there was nothing left but a small smear of blood. She had been murdered, but carefully. Someone had clearly meant to make her simply disappear. There had been no scream, and no sign of a struggle.

The others lay awake that night, too frightened to fall asleep. Yet, come morning, another one had been picked off. Zoe Rose had simply vanished.

Ava, who had not slept all night, had not seen anything. The others had nodded off at some point or another, but Ava had stuck it out till sunrise. Ava was infected with smallpox later in the day, as she had apparently neglected to get her vaccine.

Ayla and Violet were now the only ones left alive, but they were a far cry from proper doctors. Still, they tried their best, even when Violet mysteriously disappeared the next night. Ava inevitably passed, and it was all down to Ayla up until the mysterious reappearance of Sophia, who looked disheveled and acted even more so.

Sophia held a seemingly empty bucket that she refused to part ways with. At night, however, she carefully cleaned it by the fireside before hiding it up in a large tree.

One day, purely by chance, Ayla witnessed a strange figure come out of the woods and replace it with an identical pail. Ayla turned to run - only to find herself facing another masked being, and staggered backwards right into a net. She screamed once before she was sprayed with liquid from a miniscule, spherical bottle, and all at once the world seemed to lift off and crash down. Ayla awoke with the others around her. Well, not all the others. Only the ones who had mysteriously disappeared instead of being claimed by death. Violet, Zoe Rose, Sophia, Josie, Lila, and Kate were the only six that were left of the former fourteen pentagons who had crashed the ship only a week ago.

Ava had died of smallpox, Zoe P got eaten by a shark attempting to save her unconscious companion, Vivian L, Zoe U had driven Ruth to madness and subsequently had been murdered along with Alana and Rowan, Eddie had been horribly mauled by a creature no one wanted to identify, Vivian B had mistook poison hemlock for the edible plant fennel, and Sym had been crushed by a fallen tree.

Sophia, now collapsed in the corner, didn't seem very savage anymore. The others looked weakly up from their positions on the floor. Ayla staggered in and promptly collapsed.

Just then, someone came in and threw something on the floor; it looked like a bowl. Everyone froze, eyes wide. Then there was a mad scrambling for the open door, but the bowl exploded before anyone could get there first.

They would've all expired if not for the fatal heroics of Kate, who threw themselves on the bomb and spared the others the worst of the blast. Kate, however, was not so lucky; after the epic escape of Violet, Zoe Rose, Sophia, Josie, Ayla, and Lila, the guards were forced to scrape bits of Kate off the walls and ceiling.

In the dimly lit corridor, they could see the guard rushing away from the blast, fearing the shock waves would send him to the ground. Luckily, the prisoners were so emancipated and weakened by their time in prison that their captors didn't think they had any chance of survival, much less escape. Peering into dark room after dark room, they slowly made their way along the stone corridor. The acoustics were grand, and at any other time, they would've been discussing how perfect the place was for a concert; as of the moment, they were trying to suppress their emotions long enough to get out of this horrid castle and hopefully off the island. Halfway through the escape, Zoe, who had been given even less to eat than the rest, collapsed. As they stopped to try to get her moving, a shape dragged itself out of the nearest doorway and collapsed on the floor. Lila, who was the only one to notice it, screamed. Josie, however, recognized it as ava, though she was covered in ugly red blisters. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!" Josie screamed, her hands shaking as she tried to help her friend stand. "Sh-shut up! They're going to hear us!" Sophia frantically tried to calm Josie as Ava's labored breathing drove them into action. "Smallpox," Ayla whispered frantically. "It-she's supposed to be dead! I mean- she was dead!" Josie, now white as a sheet, was at least whispering. "What do we do?" Ava, however, seemed to know exactly what she needed. Suddenly, she jumped up as if she had been shot. Her head lolled off to one side and she ran in no particular direction. Zoe, who, in the heat of the moment, seemed to have gotten a sudden rush of adrenaline, was the only one to react in time. She raced after Ava, all thoughts of stealth forgotten. The others stood, still frozen by shock and terror. No one moved, at least until they heard Zoe scream. High, agonized, it drove the remaining five students into action. All people react in different ways, of course; Sophia sprinted towards the scream while Violet looked for a weapon. Ayla tried to hide, while lila tried to sneak off into the opposite corridor only to be met by yet another wall. Josie grabbed a large stone and tried following Sophia, but was weighed down by the large rock she was attempting to carry. Lila stuck to Ayla's side, while Violet was frantically trying to extract a spear out of a corpse. Sophia had continued, and Josie was hot on her heels, now without a rock. Zoe screamed again, causing everyone in the vicinity to react again. Sophia tripped, and Josie ran into a wall. Violet pulled the spear out of the unidentified corpse, and promptly took the wrong corridor down. Neither ayla or lila noticed, however, as the corpse had raised its head. They bolted, not even waiting to see what happened next. I think I speak for everyone when I say we would've done the same. They ran, but not fast enough. When everyone had safely arrived at an intersection, Violet mistook ayla for a guard and sent her spear flying into her windpipe. She didn't even have time to scream before Violet's direct hit took effect. Violet screamed. "I KILLED HER!! SHE-SHE-NO!" Weakened already from running, this was too much for everyone. Ten deaths in one week? Two missing, yet presumed dead? No more screams had come, which most certainly meant Zoe Rose had met her untimely end. As for Ava, no one knew and no one wanted to find out what had happened to her. But ayla, killed by one of their own? Killed by violet? Accidental, surely, but death by one of their own hands hurt more than when they died purely by chance. No one even knew what happened next; perhaps they were blinded by grief for thirteen of their classmates. Several of them burst into tears, though there was no time for grieving, as they had to keep moving through the wide, thick-walled corridors if they had any hope of making it out of the deadly castle. I confess they had given up any hope of rescuing Ava or Zoe Rose, and were worried solely for the small group that had managed to survive. However, violet, riddled with guilt, was determined to find honor in death. In other words, she was just begging for a chance to die for her companions. Soon enough, I'm sure, the chance will present itself. This castle is full of dangers, both far and near. We have yet to see whether they will all survive this. Especially as Josie noticed a strange shadow silhouetted against a dim light shining through a window. Josie gasped, stopping in her tracks. "THERE'S SOMEONE THERE!" She whisper-shouted at Lila, who was the only one close enough to hear. In turn, lila tugged at the back of Sophia's shirt, attempting to stop the girl in her tracks. Instead, Sophia panicked, her mind full of gory images. Ava's blistered corpse, demons with twisted hearts and twisted horns, and who knows what else-and she did what anyone else would have done in her position; she bolted. "SOPHIA! NO-YOU CAN'T-YOU CAN'T GO OFF ON YOUR OWN IN HERE!" Lila practically screamed after her. Sophia whirled around, still fully panicking, and stared at them. For once in her life, she was speechless. "There's a shadow-in the window over there," Violet explained, loudly as she dared. Sophia hurried over. They knew from experience it was safer to travel in a pack. 

Hi everyone! That got dark fast. I will try to update regularly, but I'm going to be very busy with summer vacation. I have a lot of plans. What are you doing this summer?

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