Monster x Karl

By 2_Victoria_2

152 5 52

I have no idea wtf this is but my friends told me to make it so ig here I am. More

monster love

152 5 52
By 2_Victoria_2

Karl was lying in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about what sapnap said earlier

"You like monster so much why don't you fuck(language) it? "

Karl looked at his bedside table the monster sitting there waiting to be fucked(language).Karl was going insane was he actually thinking about fucking(language)a monster was he really that desperate? What if the one person he wanted to fuck(language) caught him?

"fuck(language) it" Karl said as he grabbed the monster off the bedside table and some lube from the drawer.

Karl started to get undressed he grabbed the lube and coated four fingers. Karl inserted one finger in already used to the feeling he inserted a second finger and a third one not long after Karl finally inserted a forth finger and waited until he started scissoring himself until he felt like he was stretched enough he grabbed the monster and the lube and applied it to the monster but right when be put it on his arsehole someone knocked on the door..sapnap right as Karl tried to cover himself up a hand stopped him.

"Fuck(language)why didn't I lock the door damnit(language)"

"uh hey?" Karl said embarrassed still sitting on the bed naked with a monster at his entrance sapnap took the monster from Karl and grabbed the black box from under the bed and pulled out...rope?"

"Listen were using the light method red stop yellow need a minute green keep going,"

Karl just nodded as sapnap tied him up sapnap then lined up the monster to Karl's arse again and looked at Karl for consent which Karl of course Karl agreed to sapnap slowly slid the monster in Karl as Karl let out a muffled moan "MmPhH" Sapnap went deeper hearing Karl whine once the can was far enough Sapnap made sure he can move so he doesn't hurt the boy under him "color?" "Green" right as Karl said that sapnap pulled half way out then back in and kept that going hearing Karl whine and moan.

Suddenly they hear a pop and Karl feel sick to his stomach

"Wtf(language) just happened"

Karl felt light headed as he passed out and fell to the ground

 "how the Fuck(language) did that happen wait is he dead?What do i do uh call quackity?"

Sapnap called quackity and quackity answered after the 5th ring

"Hey what's up?"

We have a problem"


"Karl may or may not be dead"

"finally" quackity whispered 

"what was that"

"oh I was just saying ill be there in 5 k?"

"uh yea okay"

as quackity hung up he sighed realizing that he can actually have sapnap because sapnap lived with Karl and barely visited him. Quackity got into his car and drove over to Karl's house well now sapnap's.

Quackity pulled up to sapnap's house and unlocked the door with the spare key that was under the doormat. Quackity walked into Karl's well nobody's room and saw a naked dead Karl with a monster up his arse.

"What the Fuck(language)happened?"

"Karl took what I said the earlier a little to literally"

"so which one of us are taking the body?"

"nobody aren't we supposed to tell someone?"

"how are we supposed to tell them he died because a monster expolded cause he was Fucked to hard"

"just pull it out and act like we came home to him dead and put some clothes on him ill go call his parents"

quackity walks out of the room going to call Karl's mom as sapnap gets a towel to clean up this mess and put some clothes on Karl. Karl's mom arrived 20 minutes later and took Karl to the hospital and sapnap and quackity were driving back to quackity's house.

30 minutes later quackity and sapnap were laying in bed together as quackity was wondering what was gonna happen to this relationship when it was all three of them quackity was always left out probably because sapnap and Karl lived together and quackity had his own house. Quackity finally decided to speak up.

"so what's gonna happen to our relationship?"

"What do you mean?"

"like you and Karl would always ignore me and would never answer my calls and I don't even know if this is a relationship anymore."

"oh I'm sorry I guess i didn't realize that we weren't talking to you as much why don't we go and watch a  movie?"

"sure ill go get the popcorn and you pick the movie" quackity says sighing and going down to go get the popcorn

They decided on the movie The Lovely Bones.


this took me 6 hours to write cause I kept getting stuck and kept laughing I have second hand embarrassment from this.

words (765)

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