Beyblade Oneshots!

By Meowpaw230

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Ye. Request I guess Beyblade Ships I'll write about: Shu x Lui Free x Valt Silas x Cuza Honcho x Wakiya P... More

💛The After-Party accident💙(Free x valt)
💙Might be more then friends Pt 1❤️ (Shui)
💚💜Went from sharing a room, To sharing a bed💛🖤 (Silas x Cuza)
💜Uncommon love🧡 (Skywing!Wakiya X Prince!Sandwing!Honcho)
💜Perhaps love is stronger then we thought❤️ (Phi x Hyde)
💛🍋Free x Valt Lemon🍋💙🔞
Should I add more lemons??
💙Might be more than friends ❤️ Pt 2 (Shui)
💛🍋7 minutes in heaven with you🍋💙(Free x Valt) 🔞
💚💜Memorable birthday party!🖤💛(Siscuza special!)
💙Freakshow❤️ (Skulldog! Lui x Dragonwolf! Shu)
💛💙"We Swiched Bodies?!"💛💙(Fralt)
💙💛🍋Little bit of turbo fun~🍋💙💛(Turbo Fralt Lemon)🔞
💛Foxy Woxy~💙(Fox! Free x Valt) Lime~🍈
❤️Might be more then friends💙 Pt3 (Shui)
Update #2
💛The wrong bloodshed...💙(Free x Valt)
❤️After the Sunset💙(Shui)
💛 Don't listen to that voice...💙(Depressed! Insane! Free X Valt)
❤️We're Definitely more then friends💙Pt4 (Shui) Lemon 🍋🔞
💛Up all night💙(Sick! Free x Valt)
💛🍋Sudden Urges🍋💙 (Free x Valt Lemon)🔞
💛How...?(Sick! Free x Valt) SHORT 💙
❤️🍋In class🍋💙(Shui lemon)🔞
💛 🍋The one time I bottom, something goes wrong 🍋💙(Bottom Free x Top Valt) 🔞
❤️Maybe I'm a little gay🧡 (Aiger x Ranijro)
💛🍋Losing wasn't even the worst part-🍋💙(Master!Valt x Maid!Neko!Free lemon)
💛🍋Fuckfest🍋💙(Free x Valt lemon)🔞
💙🍋Shower play 🍋❤(Shui lemon)🔞
💛🍋 Tail-fucking🍋💙(Neko! Free x Valt lemon) 🔞
💛 Vicious fighting techniques ❤️(Suoh x Fubuki) 🐾
💙🍋Have to be silent🍋❤(Shui lemon)🔞
❤️🍋In dire need🍋💜(Phi x Hyde lemon)
❤️🍋Satisfy Me🍋🧡(Aiger x Ranjiro lemon) 🔞
💛🍋Hidden in the Forest🍋💙(fralt lemon)🔞
🧡🍋We shouldn't have done this-🍋💙(Hikaru x Hyuga lemon) 🔞
❤️🍋Fuck me~🍋💛(Suoh x Fubuki lemon)
💛🍋Sex clubing🍋💙(Free x Valt lemon) 🔞
💛Late night snuggles X3💙(Free x Valt)
💛A love so pure it hurts💙(Free x Valt)
❤Gentle waves 💛(Suoh x Fubuki)
💛Mistletoe kisses💙(Free x Valt)
💛Golden Shower💙🍋(Free x Valt lemon)
💛Elevator Mishap 💙🍋(Free x Valt lemon)
💛24-Hour Hold 💙🍋(Free x Valt lemon)
❤Kitty kisses💙(Cat Shui AU)
💛Dear Valentine💙(Free x Valt)
💛Snap My Choker💙🍋(Free x Valt lemon)
💛🍋Can't sleep? 🍋💙(Free x Valt lemon)
💛Future Talk 💙(Free x Valt)
💛 🍋Long time no see?🍋 💙(Free x Valt lemon)🔞
💙🍋Surprise Attack! 🍋❤(Shu x Lui lemon)🔞
🩷Cherry Sunday💙(Chris x Shasa)
💛🍋Thirsty? 🍋💙(Free x Valt lemon) 🔞
💛🍋 Secret Star🍋💙(Free x Valt lemon)🔞
Update #3

💛🧡❤️Camping and Swimming? What could go wrong! (BC sol ships!) ❤️🧡💛

765 17 14
By Meowpaw230

(Fralt, Siscuza, wakitaro and Chrisasa!)

Chris smiled as she looked down at the map in her hands again. "Ok guys! We're almost at the campsite! So we'll take a quick break here then we should get there before dark!" Wakiya groaned. "Why am I on the stupid road trip? I could be out training with sunbat!" Silas rolled his eyes. "See this is why I left Sunbat! You're annoying as fuck!" He snapped at the blond. Valt jumped in between the fighting bladers. "Hey hey! We're here to relax and get our minds off blading for 2 weeks! So don't-" Wakiya yelped. "2 WEEKS?! I- that's way too long! I will not sta-"

An agitated grunt stopped the arguing. They turned around to see a very pissed off looking Free, holding a really big backpack on one shoulder. "Who's the one carrying all your stuff huh? Maybe I'll just leave the bag here and u all can fend for yourselves!" He snapped back, his black eyes glowing gold with anger. Silas stopped walking, and turned to face the smaller blader, raw anger glistening in his blue eyes. Free blinked, then closed his eyes. "What the-" Free also stopped, Then when everyone was looking. He slowly put the bag down. "Fine, if you won't listen to me, I'll make you listen..." He opened his eyes again, they were now glowing a bright gold. Free smirked as he spotted a bunch of three-leaved plants.

He walked over to them, Silas following. "Do you know what these are?" Free asked calmly. Silas snorted. "Why should I care? You're the nature freak, not me." Free chuckled unsettlingly. Then, using his banded arm, grabbed a handful of the plants. Valt yelped in terror. He ran to his boyfriend and swiftly knocked the leaves out of his hand. "Free put the poison ivy down!" Silas gasped, and whipped to face Free. "You were trying to poison me?!" Free rolled his eyes. "Do you even know what poison ivy does? It makes you red and itchy. Not actually poison you!" Silas grumbled angrily as he walked off after Chris and the others. "Ya,ya whatever.." Free and Valt exchanged glances, then Valt grabbed the newspaper honcho was reading, rolled it up and violently started hitting Free on the head.

"Don't ever do that again Free!" Valt Yelled. "Ow! Ok ok! Stop!" The young blond began laughing as Valt started tickling him. Chris giggled. "Ok you two! We're here!" Wakiya smiled. "Finally! Now I can sit and relax-" Honcho giggled. "Sorry bro! Not yet, we have to set up the tent, blow up everyone's air mattresses, get the food ready, start a fire, there's a lot to do still Wakiya. Including getting the stadium up." Wakiya groaned. "Fuck all of this I never wanted to come anyways." Cuza rolled his eyes and sped forward. "I call dibs on helping with the tent!" Silas Walked after him. "Must you always be the first to everything? it's annoying."

Chris helped Cuza get the tent up, grumbling about how they should have gotten a camping trailer instead. Free cut down logs for the fire, terrifying Valt with how carelessly he swung around the axe. Shasa and Kit got the food onto the picnic table. Wakiya and honcho were in charge of blowing up the air mattresses. But Silas ended up blowing them up because Wakiya wouldn't stop flirting with the other blond.

It wasn't long before the sun began to set. "Finally we're done!" Cuza said. Shasa smiled. "And the fire is burning! What are we having for dinner?" She looked over at her girlfriend. "Hmm...Burgers and Hotdogs?" Chris suggested. Valt yelped. "YES!!" Everyone got their chairs ready and sat around the fire. Valt blinked. "I didn't bring a chair..." Wakiya groaned. "You're so stupid Valt!" He snapped. "Come here Valt. You can sit on my lap." Free said, reaching out to grab the bluenette's hands. Valt smiled as he settled onto his boyfriend's lap, and watched as Chris put the burgers and hotdogs onto the grate over the fire.

But as Free reached over to grab onto one of the marshmallow rods, the chair buckled underneath the two bladers weight and they tipped backwards. Valt shrieked bloody murder and Free yelped loudly as they landed on top of each other in a mess of flailing arms and legs. Chris jumped and bolted over to them. "Oh my god are you two ok? Is anyone hurt?" Free shook his head and slowly sat up. "We're ok Chris." The blond said, standing up and holding his hand out to Valt to help him up, in which the bluenette took ahold of gratefully. Silas snickered quietly. "Idiots." He whispered to himself. Free, Who heard him, flicked a pickle slice at him and stuck his tongue out. Cuza flicked a slice at Free. Free caught it and ate it, mumbling "Thanks" as he set his chair up again and sat down.

Chris sighed. "Valt, next time bring your own chair. And Free," The blond tilted his head. "Don't let your boyfriend sit on your lap. Those are camping chairs, not thrones." Free blushed, embarrassed that Chris was calling him out. "Anyways," Honcho interrupted, looking at the map that he yanked out of Wakiya's hands. "There's a white sand beach about a 10 minute walk from here. Any one up for a evening walk along the beach?" Wakiya smiled. "Finally something fun to do around here." He said in relief.

The bladers cleaned up and set off on a beautiful evening walk. The sun was almost gone by now, causing most of the sky to become a dark purple-black colour. "Wow, look at how pretty the sky looks!" Cuza exclaimed, tugging on his boyfriend's arm to make Silas look up. The greenette gave an unamused snort before resuming to his rock-kicking. Free smiled and breathed in the summer air. He let out a loud sigh. "God the air smells amazing. Nothing but nature and salty water." The blond said. Valt grinned and nodded. "Ya and animal shit and rotting plants." A grumble came from behind them. Free rolled his eyes. "Do you have to make everything a shit-fest, Wakiya? Seriously, if you can't handle the life of a naturist then leave." Valt sighed. "Wakiya, stop complaining and everything. Free, stop antagonizing him your making it worse."

As the three continued to bicker, Chris had lead them to the small beach. She realized it wasn't really a beach at all, rather a massive lagoon. It was round, boxed in by sand at all sides. "Wow.." Sasha breathed as she stood beside her girlfriend. Chris took her hand in hers. "It really is beautiful." "Like you." Chris blushed and shook her head. Footsteps came up behind the two girls. "Awe, shit. Did I miss the kiss?" Free said as he rounded the corner. Valt elbowed him and the blond gasped. Honcho rolled his eyes and flipped his lollipop to the other side of his mouth. Grabbing Wakiya by the hand, he pulled the snarky blader down the dip and into the sand, despite his protests.

The rest of BC sol followed in pursuit. They all sat down in the still-warm sand, despite the sun having completely disappeared by now. Chris and Sasha snuggled together under a tree, while Honcho and Wakiya tried to catch the crayfish that hid under some of the rocks. Silas and Cuza sat on a rock overlooking the lagoon, appearing to be sharing a kiss, causing Valt to watch them suspiciously. Honey and kit built a sandcastle together, and Free and Valt were the first to strip down and into the water, where they tackled each other.

It was really a romantic evening. Well, romantic to some, chaotic to most. Valt dove under the salty lagoon water, attempting to hide from Free. The blond slid quietly through the water, scanning the surface. "Where did you go..?" He whispered. Chris, who woke up from her nap, watched her best friend with curiosity. She kissed her sleeping girlfriend on the head and slowly stood up, walking over to Free. She sat down and stuck her feet in the water. "Hard playing hide n seek in the dark, ey?" She asked. Free nodded. A flicker of movement caught his eye. He smirked and pounced forward, sending water cascading everywhere. Chris yelped and stood up. Cuza, who was chatting with Silas on their rock, jumped in surprise. "What happened?" He asked.

To answer his question, Free popped out of the water, holding Valt by the arms. "Got ya~" he said, kissing the bluenette's neck. Cuza sighed in relief and resumed his conversation with his boyfriend, who seemed to be dozing off. Valt giggled as he wadded out of the water and collapsed onto the sand. Free came up beside him and did the same. Silas and Cuza came down the rock, the greenette tripping over his own feet because he was so tired. He laid down in the sand and Cuza sat beside him. "If you're that tired go to sleep." The black haired blader said, amusement glittering in his yellow gaze. "You know, I think I'll do just that. De la hoya you wake me up I'll kill you." Silas said, closing his eyes and drifting off into sleep. Free didn't hear him, as he was too intent on mapping out the constellations in the sand.

Valt looked up at the sky, looking at the star cluster Free was mapping out. "The sky looks beautiful tonight. It's so clear." He said. The blond beside him nodded, sitting back to admire his work. His best friend came to sit down beside him, pulling him into a hug, making Free blush with embarrassment. "So, what are we doing over here?" Chris asked. "Silas fell asleep, Valt and I are playing Tic tac toe, and Frees mapping out the constellations. It's a really nice night." Cuza responded, plotting an 'X' in the scratched out tic tac toe board Valt drew. He drew a line threw the three 'X's and won, making Valt groan in defeat.

Chris smiled. "Well hate to break up your fun here, but we have to get going soon. Both Silas and Sasha are out cold and it's almost midnight. I'll get Rantaro and Wakiya, wake Silas up and we'll get going." The pinkette got up and left, heading towards the two blonds, who were arguing, as always. Then, the spanish team set off back to their campsite.

The weeks passed quickly. BC sol had a lot of fun, thanks to the campsite Chris had picked. They found a nice restaurant one day and decided to go on a quad-date. It was very nice, and Valt even managed to steal a kiss from Free. On the fridays, Free had set up dance nights, with a couple of bladers he met at the site. Although Chris tried to keep the dances under control, Free blew them way out of proportions. He brought all types of alcohol, food, lights, giant speakers, a disco ball, even a dance floor. Needless to say he got wasted and threw the biggest parties the camp had ever seen.

On their way back, Chris stopped at a couple of other attractions. Taking loads of pictures and making memories. The team were now in the car heading back home, both Free and Wakiya were out cold. "Hey Chris?" Valt asked quietly. Chris looked at him through the rear-view mirror. "Yes Valt?" "I just wanna say thank you. This was a nice break from the stress of the tournament." The pinkette smiled at him. "You're welcome, Valt. I think we're all ready to head home by now." Valt nodded, then looked at the sleeping blond on his shoulder. He smiled and gently kissed Free on the forehead. The blond stirred but didn't wake. In the other seats, Silas and Cuza both fell asleep as well, leaning on each other. Valt looked at the clock on the dashboard. 1:36am. The bluenette leaned his head against his boyfriend's, closing his eyes.

This really was a beautiful camping trip.

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