Permanent [H.S. || A.U.] - Bo...

By maryjanedoe_

33.5K 1.4K 1.7K

Sequel to Temporary ***** Harry and Grayson's story just started. They have now returned from their trip and... More

Introduction & Trailer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 9

1.9K 80 140
By maryjanedoe_

Oh, you're the best friend that I ever had

Alayna, my best friend, is finally meeting Harry today.

I know it sounds weird that Harry and I have been dating for about two months now and my best friend has yet to meet him. But she has actually been out of town the past two months.

I guess she met some big shot guy who travels a lot for work. It was kind of weird to me when she told me that she had only been seeing the guy for a few weeks before he asked her to come travel with her for two months while he does some work stuff.

But I'm not her mother and Alayna is as grown woman in her thirties. She can do what she wants.

I've been watching her dog, Cookie, while she has been away.

Cookie has met Harry. He actually loves Harry, probably a little too much.

I literally caught Cookie trying to hump Harry's leg the other day.

It was actually quite funny, Harry was standing there looking panicked and confused, trying to shoo Cookie away while he was going to town on Harry's leg.

I think that Cookie likes Harry for many reasons, but the main one being that Harry tends to be a little heavy handed on the dog treats.

I don't know what Alayna meeting Harry is going to entail. We are meeting her new boy thing today too. I say 'thing' because she never told me exactly what they are.

I suggested that the four of us go out to a bar for the evening. Drinks and some food sounds like a nice neutral territory for the whole 'meeting the boyfriend' venture.

Harry is a nervous guy by nature and Alayna is very...not. She is loud, not afraid to say what's on her mind, and also very protective over me.

Alayna is an only child and she's also a good five years older than me. Safe to say that we have a bit of a big sister, little sister, friendship.

Though, she is older, I sometimes ending up feeling like the big sister with how reckless she can be.

But I don't mind. I love Alayna and she's my best friend.

My idea for going out to a bar was suspiciously shot down by Alayna, though. She said that her man doesn't like being in crowded public places. Which I totally understand, Harry is the same way. But Harry has actually gotten better with crowds. We have gone out a few times, just the two of us, and as long as he takes breaks to go get some air and we sit somewhere towards the wall where there aren't as many people he usually is pretty good for an hour or two.

I didn't try and push it, though, when Alayna said no to going out. Her boy thing might have his own anxieties about going out. And nobody struggles with anxieties the same way, or handles them the same way. Like how Harry has worked to find ways to deal with his anxiety about crowds, that might not work for everyone.

I wanted everyone to be comfortable. And it's not like Harry, despite finding ways to be comfortable around crowds for a short period of time now, will be beside himself with grief over meeting Alayna at her apartment instead of going out to the bar.

Alayna is my neighbor, so it's not like we have to travel far either. It will be nice. Harry and I will go to her place for a few hours then we can just walk back over to mine and cuddle up and go to bed.

Knowing Alayna, I know that she won't be going out of her way to make this whole thing formal. There is no doubt in my mind that she is going to be wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt of some sorts. I'm happy about that because I don't like dressing up if I don't have to. Also, the causal vibe will probably ease an already nervous Harry.

I swear, the man is just as nervous to meet my best friend as he was meeting my family.

He changed his outfit probably five times and fixed his hair more times than I can count. He wants to make a good impression on someone who he knows is an important part of my life.

It's sweet how much he cares. I love him all the more for it.

He ended up deciding to wear the green trousers that I convinced him to buy while we were out shopping the other day. As his top, he is wearing a baggy burnt orange sweater with green detailing on it. To finish off his outfit, he is wearing his black van sneakers, a few of his rings that I've noticed he likes to wear, and his glasses.

I actually crocheted his sweater for him. Crochet has always been a hobby of mine. I find it very relaxing.

Since he is wearing a sweater that I made him. I decided to match and wear a sweater that I made myself recently as well. Mine is a blush pink color. But instead of the baggy style that I made Harry's, it's a cropped sweater. I paired it with some high waisted light wash mom jeans and my own pair of black vans that I bought because I think Harry looks cute in his so I wanted to try them out as well. Also, my hair is down and my natural frizzy curls are as wild as ever. 

Harry liked my outfit a lot. That was until he found out that there was going to be another boy at Alayna's. Then he took it upon himself to try and adjust my sweater so that my stomach wasn't showing. My silly boy even catches wind that another male is going to be in my vicinity and wants to dress me up like a nun it seems like. Always muttering about covering parts of me that are only for him to see.

I know that he would never truly tell me what to wear, though. I think part of it is just playful banter and another part is still insecurity that is lingering inside of him.

Sometimes I get the feeling that he still can't believe that I'm with him, that we're dating. There are moments where I catch him looking at me like he's worried that I'm going to disappear in the blink of an eye.

It's kind of funny, in a way. Because I feel the same way about him. I'm also in disbelief that someone as amazing as him is my boyfriend and worried that he is going to just walk out of my life any second.

"Gray, maybe we shouldn't bring it. I don't want either of them thinking I'm a nerd. I want to try to be cool for once." Harry tells me as we are getting ready to leave my apartment and head over to Alayna's.

A few weeks ago I bought a Nintendo Switch for my place. Harry and I always play smash on it when we are at his, and I have slowly gotten better at the game. Key word being, slowly.

I wanted to buy the gaming console for my place so I can not only practice more and play with Harry, but also so if Harry gets anxious and wants to indulge in something mindless that comforts him, he can do that while at my place.

I had the idea to bring the game with us over to Alayna's tonight. I thought it would give us all something to do that would still be in Harry's comfort zone. I don't know, I thought it might make him less nervous to meet someone as bold as Alayna when he is doing something that he loves doing.

I'm just as nervous as he is about this night, little does he know. Obviously Alayna will love Harry. Who wouldn't?

But I still want everything to go smoothly.

I'm probably overthinking this whole thing.

"If you want, we can leave it here." I tell Harry. "We can always walk back over to get it if we want. It's not like she lives far away."

"You know what, maybe we should bring it. I feel like we should bring something. Like a bottle of wine, yeah? Do you have any unopened?" He starts to ramble nervously, scampering off to the kitchen. "We shouldn't arrive empty handed. She invited us over and the polite thing to do is bring something. Maybe some crackers?"

It's hard not to smile when he gets like this. To many it's just anxious word vomit. But I find it endearing because it shows how much thought he puts into things.

"I know you said that it's not formal, but this feels pretty formal." He continues, frantically looking for crackers and wine. I want to say cheese goes better with wine, but I decide to stay quiet as I walk over to him. "This is basically a double date and I've never been on one of those. Maybe I should put my contacts in and dress a little nicer. Or maybe-"

Before he gets another word in and gets too worked up, I spin him around and rise on my toes to cut him off with a quick kiss, despite how much I love his word vomit, I don't want him to get all riled up and stress out too much. "Babe, it's okay. I promise you that Alayna is very laid back. If you want to bring the game, we can. If you want to bring wine and crackers, we can. If you want to put in your contacts and change your outfit, even though I love your glasses and what you're wearing, you can. Whatever makes you comfortable."

He lets out a heavy breath, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against mine. "Einstein." He mutters, the air around us suddenly feeling very fragile and the rest of the world seeming to disappear after the single word falling from his lips.

Familiar with the routine of the calming gesture that I have repeated numerous times for Harry, I move my forehead away from his and lean forward to place a kiss on my chest where his heart is. "One to heal your heart." I hum before moving my hands up to grab a gentle hold on the sides of his head, that is still at my level. "One to calm your mind." I add, placing another lingering kiss to his forehead, happy that I can already feel him relaxing. I then tilt his head back up slightly and leans in to place a kiss to his lips. "And one just because."

I will always be ready to do that for him as many times as he needs, whenever he needs. I'm so thankful that I have a way to help ease his unkind mind in times where it is the most unkind to him.

"How did I get so lucky?" Harry breathes out, bringing his hands up to cup my cheeks and kiss the tip of my nose. "So bloody perfect." He says, kissing my one cheek. "My girl." He hums, kissing my other cheek. "My girlfriend." He adds, kissing my forehead now. "My Grayson." He hums, placing one last lingering kiss to my lips that practically sucks all the air out of my lungs with how much emotion I feel behind it.

I fucking love this precious man.

I might be crazy, but I feel like he might possibly love me too. That might be me getting my hopes up, though.

"All yours, Harry." I breathe out when he pulls away slightly, only to close the space between us and give him one more lingering kiss.

I have to use all my strength to move away from him completely after the kiss, though. I know that if either of us spend too much time wrapped up in each other's arms, we will never make it to Alayna's.

Hand in hand, Harry and I leave my apartment and start walking down the hall to Alayna's. With each step I feel his body become more and more rigid with nerves and anxiety again. In attempts to help calm him in anyway possible, I soothingly run my thumb back and forth along his hand.

When we reach Alayna's door, I don't even get a second knock in before it's being quickly swung open, a gush of air blowing my hair back from the speed of the door opening, revealing a very excited looking Alayna. "Grayson!" She squeals, not even acknowledging Harry yet, diving forward and engulfing me in a tight hug that knocks the air out of me.

I bring my hand, that isn't holding Harry's, up the pat her back a few times. "Nice to see you too, Lay." I squeak out, struggling to adjust to her tight grip.

Alayna is a hugger and a very affectionate person. I'm not surprised by her sudden hug. But I haven't seen her in a few months so this hug is a lot more intense than normal.

"Come in! Come in!" She cheers with a big smile when she lets me go, waving her hand to usher Harry and I into her apartment.

"So," I hum as I hear her shut the door behind us. "Where is your mystery man?" I ask when I look around her place and don't see anyone else.

"Boyfriend." She grins, walking back into my line of vision and letting me know that apparently her and this man that I know nothing about are suddenly official. "He asked me to be his girlfriend earlier today. He's just in the bathroom." 

"You must be the infamous Harry!" Alayna exclaims, turning her attention to the beautiful boy beside me. "The one that Grayson never shuts up about. Like dear Lord man, you must have some real nice-"

"Okay that's enough!" I blurt out, cutting her off before she embarasses me too much. I don't need Harry thinking that I'm telling my best friend about how well I'm getting fucked or anything. Harry is a private guy, that much can be said just by seeing how he acts so cautious everytime we interact at work. "Yes, this is Harry." I tell Alayna before taking a glance up at Harry to see his cheeks flushed and him nervously chewing on his lip. "Harry, this is Alayna."

"Hey, baby," I hear a deep male voice call out from down the hall. "You're almost out of that nice soap of yours in there. You know the one that smells like sugar plums?"

Soon enough the mysterious man that I have yet to meet rounds the corner and my jaw nearly dislocates from how quickly it drops to the ground.

There is absolutely no fucking way.

I don't have to look at Harry to know he is just as in shock as I am.

Oh shit. Harry was already nervous to come over here and now he's going to be starstruck.

Starstruck because Chris fucking Evans is standing in my best friend's apartment and just called her baby.

"Babe," Harry whisper shouts at me, nudging my shoulder. "Gray," he adds, bumping me a few more times. But I'm speechless.

I continue to be speechless as I watch Alayna skip over to Chris fucking Evans, grabbing his hand and dragging him over towards Harry and I.

"Harry, tell me I'm tripping on acid or something." I whisper frantically, hoping Chris fucking Evans can't hear me freaking out right now.

"If you're tripping on acid then I'm tripping on acid." He whispers back.

"Grayson, Harry," Alayna sings out. "Meet my boyfriend, Chris."

"Hi, guys!" Chris smiles. "It's nice to meet you. Alayna has told me so much about you." He adds, sticking his hand out for a handshake.

Harry's hand is holding mine with a death grip. "I think I'm going to pass out." He squeaks in a high pitched tone, sounding similar to the frequency of a dog whistle.

"N-nice to meet you too." I force a smile and take my free hand to shake Chris'. "Uhm, Harry and I are just going to, uhm, we are going to go smell that sugar plum soap! Yeah! Come on, babe!" I rush out, hastily dragging Harry with me towards the bathroom without another word to Alayna or Chris.

When we walk into the bathroom I quickly shut the door behind us. "Oh my God." I breathe out.

"Oh my God." Harry echoes me.

"Oh. My. God." I drawl out dramatically, looking at Harry and seeing he is as shocked as I am.

"Well I definitely can't take my sweater off if I get hot now." He huffs, throwing his hands up in defeat before letting them fall back to his sides. "I'm wearing my favorite Iron Man t-shirt on under this. I can't let him know I'm on team Iron Man. That would just be awkward."

"That's what you're worried about?!" I retort. "Chris fucking Evans, Harry. Chris fucking Evans is dating my best friend! Captain America is dating my best friend!"

"How's the soap smell?" I hear Alayna shout from the other side of the door. "I can order you some if you like it!"

This is going to be a long night.

"Soap smells great!" I reply, trying hard not to make it sound like there's an edge to my voice.

I couldn't handle myself when I met Snoop Dogg. I need to try and redeem myself here. I can't have a moment like when Harry called Snoop 'Mister Dogg'.

"Okay, game faces on, encyclopedia." I quip, looking sternly at Harry. "And if all else fails, we'll uh, we'll take Cookie for a walk and just never come back." I add, sticking my hand out in between us like we are in a football huddle.

"Or I'll have a panic attack and we will have to leave anyway!" He sings out sarcastically, putting his hand on top of mine.

"Break!" We say in unison, lifting our hands up and heading out of the bathroom.

When we make our way back into the main part of Alayna's apartment, I see Cookie humping Chris' leg. "Looks like you have competition." I tease Harry, knowing that Alayna's dog has become a huge fan of Harry.

"I can't compete with him. He's Captain America, and he has a perfect ass." Harry sighs.

I shamelessly check out Chris' ass. "He does have a nice ass." I sigh in agreement.

Never in a million years would I have thought that I would be admiring Chris Evans' ass with my boyfriend in my best friend's apartment.

"Okay!" Alayna cheers, snapping Harry and I out of our ass trance. "Let's get the tough part out of the way and then have some fun." She smiles as Harry and I walk over to stand over at her kitchen Island with them. "Harry, you hurt Grayson and I'll castrate you." She says to Harry before turning to Chris. "Baby, if you hurt me, Grayson will castrate you." She looks to me now. "Right, Grayson?"

"Right." I nod.

"Great!" Alayna cheers, still smiling. "You boys got it?"

"Got it." Both Harry and Chris are quick to reply at the same time.

"Awesome! Now let's have some fun. Chris brought his Nintendo Switch. He has been obsessed with smash recently."

"No way!" Harry gasps. "I love that game!"

"I just finished unlocking all the characters last week! Wanna play?" Chris excitedly asks Harry.

"Uh, is that even a question?" Harry retorts before the two men rush off to the living room.

"Suddenly we are dating twelve year old boys." I say to Alayna with a light laugh. "You're boy also happens to be Captain America, though." I add, sending her a glare so she knows that I'm just a little upset about her not telling me this sooner.

"Yeah," Alayna sighs in a dreamy tone. "Chris Evans and his ass is all mine."

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