Our Lives Have Changed

By AngelRay_95

8.7K 282 93

It's funny how something can go from so perfect to so wrong in just a blink of an eye. Everything you once he... More

Our Lives Have Changed
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
New book!!

Chapter Twenty-Two

255 7 2
By AngelRay_95

: a place that is open at night, has music, dancing, or a show, and usually serves alcoholic drinks and food

I woke up the next morning feeling extremely sore between my legs. I sat up in bed and looked beside me and saw Jake sleeping with scratches on his back. I smiled as I replayed last nights memories in my head,

"I'm not a virgin"

I smiled then jumped out of bed and threw on purple shorts and a white tank top. I looked in the mirror and my hair looked a mess I grabbed a hair tie and threw it up into a pony tail I also noticed all the love bites he gave me, I then made my way downstairs.

I ran into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and grabbed everything he liked. I grabbed the pancake mix and poured it in the bowl then added water. I set the stove on low then got in the cupboard and got out the pan we make pancakes in. As I waited for the pancakes to cook I got out another pan and cracked some eggs into a bowl then added cheese. Once I finished with the eggs I moved onto the turkey bacon then started the Keurig to make his coffee.

I scrambled the eggs I felt two arms come around my waist a chin on my shoulder,

"Something smells good" he said while kissing my cheek

"That would be your breakfast" I smiled

He spun me around and he's shirtless with a pair of my tour merchandise on its the blue sweatpants with I Love Payton on the side in white writing,

"Nice pants"

"It's true"

I kissed him "I love you"

"I love you too"

I heard Baylor barking at the door,

"Can you please take him out for his morning run?" I asked

"And leave you here alone? I don't think so"

"Fine I'll go too just let me turn off the burners"

He kissed me then ran upstairs to get ready.


I'm running with Baylor in a pink sports bra and yoga shorts. While Jake is in basketball shorts. We're running on some type of trail Jake found which is fine with me. Mike and a few other guards are with us. As I was running I spotted people taking pictures which didn't bug me as much as it bugged Jake. I stopped at the rest stop they had and took a breath. Mike ran over,

"You ok?" he asked

"Yeah just a little sore"

"Did you stretch?"

"Yeah I just need to rest"

I laid down on the bench and asked Mike to stretch my legs,


"Sorry Payton"

"It's fine it just hurts"

"I think your done for today"

I just faced him and exhaled he was right,

"Are you going to be okay to walk back or do you want me to carry you?"

"I'll be okay with walking"

I got off the bench and called for Baylor he woke up and we made our way back,

"What's going on?" Jake's voice came from behind me

I faced him "I think I over did it I'm extremely sore"

He smiled then kissed the top of my head "alright let's go back"

As we walked back hand in hand people stared at us and all we did was wave,

"So" Jake said "how about a trip to LA?"

I looked at him "what?"

"Jason called me and said that I have to go to LA to work on somethings and there is no way I'm leaving you here by yourself"

"I won't be by myself I have Maria"

"Yeah that makes me feel better my girls alone in the house without guards or any type of security"

"Ok" I said realizing I wouldn't win "what time do we leave?"

"Noon" he said then faced me


"How sore are you?" he smirked

I nudged him "very!" I said while laughing

"Well when we land in LA I'll take Maria with me while you enjoy a spa day"

"Really? you don't have to...I mean I can watch Maria I know she can be a handful I don't want you to be distracted"

"It's fine, today you just need to relax"

"After the spa I'll probably go-"

"Back to the hotel room and rest" he said finishing my sentence


He put his arm around me and picked me up.


We're at our hotel in LA. Jake never gets regular rooms he always goes out of his way to get the best room. When we went to go get Maria from my dads I kept my hair down and Jake hid his neck as much as he could. Since Jake didn't like the idea of me being in the hotel alone he said Jade could come since he brought his friends. Ted is busy with college stuff I asked him if he could just put it aside but he said he couldn't and plus he has a huge test to take.

Jake and the guys along with Maria are leaving to go to the studio,

"Alright I don't know when I'll be back but if you leave I want you to tell me and bring the guards we're in LA the paparazzi swarm"

"I got it"

He kissed my forehead "and if you need me I'm just a phone call away"


"When you go to the spa room tell them it's for Payton Thomas" he smirked

I kissed him "you're a mess"

"I love you"

"Love you too"

"Oh we're going out for dinner"

"Ok just let me know when I should get ready" I said

"Bye mommy"

I kneeled down and hugged Maria "bye sweetie"

He kissed me bye and walked out the door. I shut it behind him I faced Jade who was sitting on the white leather couch with a huge smile plastered on to her face,

"What?" I asked as I took a seat in the red felt chair

"I don't know you tell me"

"I don't know what your talking about" I laughed


I got up and went into the kitchen and got out the strawberries and whipped cream and she followed,

"You and Jake seem closer than ever"

I smirked at her while I opened the strawberry container,

"YOU DIDN'T!!!" She smiled

I just looked at her as the biggest grin started to form on my face,

"YOU DID!!!" She laughed

I went into the living room and laid down on the couch,

"PAYTON HAD SEX! PAYTON HAD SEX!" she ran around the room screaming it

She then went out on to the balcony and just as she was about to scream it I quickly got off the couch and covered her mouth with my hand,

"If you don't want to be thrown off the balcony then I suggest you shush"

I went back into the room and got my strawberries and whipped cream,

"Does your dad know or does he not know yet?"

"He doesn't know yet"

I bit into a strawberry as she grabbed one and sprayed a lot of cream on it,

"How do you think he's going to react once you tell him"

I kept quiet

"You are going to tell him...right?"

"He doesn't need to know everything that's going on in my life that's why I moved I need to have my space"

"You know you're his little girl"

"He does have Rachel"

It was quiet,

"I love Jake and I can see us together forever because if I didn't then I wouldn't have said yes to being his fiancé"

"Yeah oh my gosh that's still trending on Twitter everyone is so freaking happy you do have a few negative Nancy's but they just need to get over themselves you and Jake belong together"

"We're OTP" I laughed

Jade sent me a smile "I'm so happy for you Payton I really am"

"Thanks. so how are you and Chris?"

"We're good even though we're both extremely busy him with his photography and I'm going into modeling so we hardly see each other but it's ok he always tries to make time for me"

"Well thank god we're in LA you and him get some time together"

"Yeah, so what time we leaving for the spa?"

"We can go now if you want?"

"Let's do it"

We left the balcony and went into our rooms to put on our white robes. I shut and locked the door leaving Baylor inside. Jade and I proceeded down the hall and to the elevator,

"So what are you looking forward to?" I asked

"Just spending quality time with my best friend"

"Aww Jade!"

We went inside the elevator and the doors opened to reveal others,

"It's Payton Miller!!!" a girl screamed

Jade and I stepped inside and ignored the fangirls. I heard my phone go off I looked at the caller ID,

"It's your maann!!" Jade smiled

I looked back at the fangirls who are recording and taking pictures I held the phone up to my ear,

"Hey baby"

"Hey sweetheart, what's going on?"

"Jade and I just left the room"

"Going to the spa I hope"

"You hoped right" I laughed and earned rolling eyes from Jade

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah everything's fine it's just the elevator is taking longer than expected"

"If we get stuck on this damn elevator I'm blaming you"

"Jade shut up" I laughed "how's Maria?"

"She's fine she's been helping me out a lot"

"She loves her daddy"

"I know, alright we'll I have to get back I just called because I missed you and wanted to know what you were doing"

"I miss you too love you"

"Love you too"

I hung up the phone and faced Jade,

"You're a pain you know that"

"You know what else is a pain"

I glared at her and she just laughed. The doors finally opened, Jade and myself did a sigh of relief and stepped off,

"I hate elevators" we said in unison

We went to the front desk the lady saw us and smiled,

"May I help you"

"Yes you may, which way is the spa?"

"Oh well, you're to go down that hall then make a left you can't miss it"


"No problem Mrs. Thomas"

My stomach erupted into butterflies.


Jade and I just finished getting massages and now we're getting manicures and pedicures,

"You're fiancé is amazing for doing this! I feel so relaxed"

"I know he's amazing we still have the mud soak to do and then facials after that we can go into the hot tub"

"I'm going to be so relaxed" Jade smiled


The lady placed my foot back in the water as she placed my other one on the towel. I went with a spring pink while Jade with a summer pink,

"Payton Miller killed it at the AMAs her outfit was to die for"

I opened my eyes and saw two girls walk in and sit down in the chairs across from us not even noticing Jade and I they immediately grabbed a magazine and flipped through it,

"I think Jake didn't like the outfit" one said

"Well I'm glad she did that, she's going to transform into a beautiful young lady"

"I don't know the outfit was a little slutty"

"That outfit was hot!"

"Whatever you say but the proposal was the best part he poured his heart out to her" black haired girl said

"I know I wish I had a guy like him in my life they give me unrealistic relationship goals" blondie said

I turned to face Jade and she smiled she must be listening in on their conversation as well,

"I know! Jake treats Payton like a Queen. I heard that they are in this hotel"

"No way!"

"Yes way! I heard someone saw them checking in and a few girls were with Payton and her friend in the elevator they didn't talk to them though which I think was rude" black haired girl said something is telling me she's not quite a fan of me

"I mean she's with her friend she probably doesn't want to be bugged"

"But she did answer the phone the person said and I believe Jake was on the other end"

"I miss when Jake did Ustreams" blondie said

"Me too"

"Well!" I heard my lovely fiancés voice "look at my beautiful Queen being treated like she should"

I faced him and he came over to me and Maria ran over and onto my lap the guys weren't far behind,

"Make them short please" he said to the manicurist

She smiled but nodded.

He kissed me and I looked over at Jade who is talking to the guys,

"How was the studio?"

"It was good I have to go back tonight I need to make these tracks perfect"

"So is tonight canceled or just rescheduled?"

"It's still on"


"Hey Pay" Jade said "we should go clubbing tonight"

I faced her "what?"

"All of us should go clubbing tonight your dad can watch Maria and we all can go out I know the perfect place"

"How do you know the perfect place when we haven't been in LA that long?"

"I know people"

I rolled my eyes and faced Jake,

"Can we?"

He looked at Maria then myself "I guess I can go to the studio early tomorrow morning"

"Yes!" I smiled then faced Maria "you'll be spending tonight with grandpa okay?"

"Okay I know you and daddy need sometime alone"

My nails were finally dry and I placed Maria on the ground.


Spa time is over and Jade along with myself are getting dressed. Right after dinner we're all going to the club. Jade found some club by the name of Wingz I hope it's good. Jake told the hostess to seat us in the VIP section. I told Jade to come to the bathroom with me before we sat down,

"What's up?"

"Nothing I just need to see if I look ok"

I'm wearing a white high waisted skirt with a red half top along with black heels. My hair is down and parted on the side. Jades wearing a slim red dress with a side slit with sliver heels and a diamond necklace her hair is in a high pony tail,

"Girl you better kiss heaven goodbye because looking that good has got to be a sin"

All I could do was laugh "babe you better stay near a fire extinguisher cause you are hot!"

I hugged her,

"We're dorks" she laughed

"I know"

We took a bathroom pic and I posted it on Instagram

@PaytonThomas: dinner then out tonight with my love @JadeHart

I noticed Jake and Chris commented

@JakeCThomas: She's your love? :( oh ok

@ChrisK: so y'all only went to the bathroom to take a picture?

I showed Jade and all she did was smile,

"We're dating dorks"

I grabbed her hand and went back out to the dinning area.

As we left the restaurant I saw people taking pictures. Don't people realize at times we liked to be treated like normal people it gets really annoying. Jake took my hand once males started whistling at me,

"Payton sit on my face!" a guy yelled

"Too bad she sits on mine" I heard Jake mumble

I kissed his cheek,

"I love you and only you baby"

He smiled and squeezed my hand. We walked out the restaurant and was immediately swarmed with paparazzi. I kept my head down and close to Jake,

"Are the break up rumors true?!"

These people seriously need a life. Why must they harass us we've been keeping a low profile. Mike opened the door and Jake got in then when I got in he placed me on his lap. Once everyone got in we headed to the club,

"It's going to be so much fun!" Jade squealed

"I hope and if it's not I blame you" I laughed

"Well as long as guys stay away from Payton I'll have a wonderful time"

I leaned back on him and he kissed my cheek,

"Okay you two are too perfect" Josh said

"She's perfect" Ryan smiled

Jake held onto me tighter and I laid my head on his shoulder,

"So Ryan" Jake smiled "you going to score a girl tonight?"

"Nah are you?"

"Yeah" he smiled "my fiancé"

You could feel the tension right now but I'm so glad our car door opened I saw Mike standing there blocking off the paparazzi and fans,

"How do they know where your going to be?" Josh asked

Jake and I shrugged. Josh and Ryan got out first then Jade and Chris,

"Stay close to me while your in here" Jake said

I nodded and made my way out with Jake close behind me. We made our way inside with Jakes hands on my waist. I opened the doors and the smell of sweat and alcohol came at me. Neon lights danced around while music blasted out of speakers,

"I LOVE THIS SONG!!!" Jade yelled over the music than grabbed my hand "LETS GO DANCE!!!"

She pulled me into the crowd Jakes hands left me and when I looked back he was gone. We finally stopped in the middle of the dance floor and Jade started dancing. I started laughing and pulled out my phone to record her and decided to put on none other than Instagram

@PaytonThomas: she's not even drunk yet ;P

I put my phone back in my bra and started dancing with Jade. It was about three hours later I started getting hot and thirsty. Jade is wasted,

"Jade" I said trying not to laugh

She faced me her eyes are glazed,

"W-what's up?!"

"I'm going to the bar...you coming?"


I grabbed her hand and led her to the bar. We managed to get to the bar I sat her on the stool and her head came in contact with the table. The bar tender turned around and faced me,

"Hey" she smiled "I hope your getting one and not your friend"

"I am"

"What can I get you?"

"Just your basic shot nothing strong"

She pulled out a bottle from the bottom and a shot glass,

"Not much of a drinker are you?"

I shook my head "not really I don't want to end up like my friend" I didn't want to tell her this was my fifth one

"Well your a good friend for looking out for her"


I downed my shot and got off the stool feeling a little better more loose not so uptight,


I moved her and she was passed out,

"I got her"

I turned around and saw Chris and felt relived,


"By the way Jakes looking for you"


"Closer to the DJ"

I nodded and went to where the DJ was. Maneuvering through people I finally spotted him. As I made my way closer I noticed some girl on his lap his hand sneaking up her dress and her tongue down his throat. I felt my heart shatter. He stopped kissing the slut and faced me his eyes looking like Jade's. He stood up and clumsily made his way over to me staggering over his own two feet,

"Hey b-baby!"

I could smell the alcohol coming from him,

"What are you doing?" I spat

"Having fun what are you doing?"

"About to go home"

He took my hand "no baby stay"

I exhaled "Fine"

He led me to the dance floor. We both started dancing and let me tell you this man knows how to move he firmly pressed me against him and softly kissed my neck. His hands on my hips while I placed mine on top of his. Just then we were interrupted by the same girl that was having the make out session with him,

"Hey baby" she smiled

He let me go and turned towards her,


I just stood there. He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer,

"How about dancing with someone who knows what their doing"

"Do you even know how to dance without using a pole?"

She then grinded on him her ass on top of him her hands on the floor,

"Face down ass up"

His hands held onto her hips,

"That's right baby keep it like that"

She then got up and he spun her around and kissed her, his tongue sliding into her mouth as her hands ran down his chest his hand then skimmed up her leg and into her short black dress she smiled at him then faced me,

"Bye bitch" she sneered

"Are you going to let her talk to me like that?!" I yelled

Jake stopped what he was doing and faced me,

"Y-your not my pro-problem I got what I w-wanted I'm done with you"

"You don't mean that your drunk"

He faced me while his arm wrapped around the girl,

"We over, done, finished what don't you get I u-used you and you fell for it I got wh-what I wanted and that was a a v-virgin I wanted to know what it was li-like and I d-did now go away pack your shit and leave! I never loved you"

My mascara was now gone and my heart is completely shattered. I ran through the dancers and into Ryan,

"Hey princess"

I faced him and his smile dropped,

"What's wrong?"

Thank god Ryan wasn't drunk I really need a friend and Jade is intoxicated so talking to her is useless,

"J-Jake he...he" I couldn't get it out through all the sobs "just take me home to my daughter please I just want to be with her"

"Alright come on"

Ryan took my hand as we headed to the doors,


I didn't even want to turn around. I just continued following Ryan. We made it outside the paparazzi are still here,

"Stay here I'll get the car"

He sprinted off to get the car. I felt an arm around my shoulder,


I took his hand off of me remembering where his fingers were,

"Leave me alone"

He spun me around his eyes are a little more clear from the cold air sobering him up a little,

"Where are you going?"

Ryan pulled up in the SUV he got out and opened my door,

"Pl-please don't leave with Ryan please" he pleaded

I guess he realized what he said,

"Just go back inside"

I went towards Ryan but he held onto me,

"Get off!"

Ryan ran over and pried Jake off of me,

"Get the hell away from her! Bro you fucked up...again"

"I'm not letting her go with you!"

"Why do you care Jake?! You said what you needed to say"

I quickly got into the car along with Ryan.
A/N: uh-oh Jake messed up...again. What he said made me cry God only knows what Payton is going through. Do you think something will happen between Ryan and Payton?


Also if you want comment your Instagram names and I'll follow you!!

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