Baby Grey (Grey's Anatomy) AB...

By mill25x

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ABANDONED "Part of being dark and twisty is not having good relationships with people, but here I am, surroun... More

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Ninety nine

4.6K 168 19
By mill25x

"Hunt, please let Alex do the surgery. Please let him do it. This appointment is so important to us. We've had such a hard run since the plane crash. I mean, Mark and Lexie died and Arizona lost her leg. We thought Archie was gonna be an orphan, and now we're married with a baby and we want another one. Please just let him do this surgery and then suspend him once he's finished," Erin pouted as she followed Owen around the ER.

"Erin, I can't break the rules for one person because then it doesn't set a good example," Owen said.

"Please, Owen, Jo and Alex aren't the ones causing the drama. Leah Murphy was the one who filed the complaint and I think we all know it's because she's had this very weird crush on Arizona that she has never reciprocated and when Jackson fucked Stephanie over, she decided to make her move so Steph would get the blame," Erin said.

"Is that why she did it?" Owen looked at Erin curiously.

"Duh! So, it's not Alex's fault. And he and Jo are gonna be together forever. Please, just let him do this surgery. It's only one and I will personally supervise his suspension afterwards. I'll make him my scut monkey, and I'll tell Jo to stay away from him at work. I'll stop problems further down the line with them. Please, Owen?" Erin said.

"Erin, I can't," Owen sighed.

"You're so not my favourite ginger trauma surgeon. April trumps you any day," Erin muttered, stomping down the hallway.

"I'm gonna have to do this surgery, so we might have to postpone the appointment," Arizona groaned as she handed Erin a decaf coffee.

"Well, I've been pulled onto dumpster baby's case with Yang because Hunt said no and then I've just heard that he's put Meredith on the Byler's kid because she's trying to talk sense into Hunt, too, and he said no to Alex, again. I think I'm gonna just kick Hunt's ass into gear," Erin said.

"I'd love to see you do that, baby," Arizona chuckled, kissing Erin's cheek.

"Thanks, my love," Erin said. Her pager beeped and she looked down. "Oh, Cristina needs to see me. I'll find you later?" Erin said.

"Did you postpone the appointment?" Arizona said.

"Yeah. The next one we can get is in two days," Erin said.

"Two days?" Arizona pouted.

"She's a good OB, in high demand," Erin said. Arizona nodded.

"Makes sense. I'm kind of dying to know, though," Arizona said.

"Me, too," Erin said. She sighed and looked down at her rings. "Hey," she said.

"Yeah?" Arizona asked.

"I think I know a way for Alex and Jo to be together," Erin said.

"What?" Arizona said.

"We got married. Well, legally partnered. That's kind of like a contract, a declaration of love," Erin said.

"I'm not following," Arizona said.

"What if they sign something saying they're in a relationship? That'll make it all go away because they won't be fraternizing because they're together," Erin said.

"It could work," Arizona nodded.

"I am a genius," Erin smiled, skipping off to see if HR could make a declaration of love form.

"She's not gonna sign this," Alex cried, waving the paper as Erin made dinner for the inhabitants of the house that night.

"It's a solution, Alex. Hunt wouldn't budge but I am pretty persuasive when HR needs me to be. Sign this, it all goes away," Erin said.

"She crapped the bed when I asked her to marry me. She isn't gonna sign this," Alex said.

"Then I don't know what you want me to do!" Erin cried, turning to look at him. "I was supposed to find out if I'm actually having a baby today or if I've just been getting Arizona's hopes up for nine weeks but instead, I spent it running around cleaning up a mess that I didn't cause and that you didn't, either. Stop blaming me for this. I'm doing what I can and if Jo doesn't take it, that's on her. Let me make dinner, let me go to bed and let me have sex with my very, very hot wife because I want to have sex and stop thinking about dumpster babies and broken relationships. Okay?" Erin said.

"This baby is stressing you out, huh?" Alex chuckled.

"Not the baby. Well, yes, the baby. More the not knowing for sure if there is a baby or not. We wanted to do it all officially this time around, with the OB doing all the checks and stuff, 'cause Arizona was my doctor for Archie instead of his mom and it's all just crazy. I can literally feel my hormones buzzing and I'm either always gonna cry, shout or smile like some insane person," Erin groaned.

"Yeah, you're knocked up," Alex snorted, taking her place at the stove to finish cooking. "Thank you for finding something. I'll talk to Jo. You can eat, you can go to bed and you can have sex with your wife, okay?" Alex said.

"I love you, Alexander Michael Karev. I don't think I say that enough," Erin sighed, patting his back as she sat on the island.

"You really don't," Alex smirked.

"Happy birthday, Dr. Webber," Erin greeted Richard as she, Arizona and Archie stepped onto the elevator he was on.

"Yeah!" Arizona beamed.

"Thank you," Richard smiled. "How are you, son?" he asked Archie.

"Good. You have cake?" Archie asked. Richard chuckled.

"I hope I have a cake. I'll save you a slice," he said.

"Yay!" Archie cheered happily.

"Thank you," Erin smiled.

"I'll see you three around," Richard said as he stepped off the elevator into the lobby.

"See you," they waved, pressing the button again for the pediatric floor.

"Everybody needs to take a look because this, my friends, is the Halley's comet of your careers, As rare, wondrous, a-a-and fleeting..." Dr. Webber trailed off as Owen and Erin stepped into his patient's room, his patient who had absorbed his twin in utero. "Erin, Dr. Hunt. Can I help you with something?" Richard asked.

"Yeah, I just came to have a look," Owen motioned at the monitor.

"Me, too," Erin smiled. Richard waved Erin closer and then looked at Owen.

"You know there's a line," he said. Owen chuckled, but Richard just stared at him.

"You're... You're serious?" he scoffed.

"I'm deadly serious. These kids want to learn. Back of the line," Richard said. Owen raised his eyebrows at Erin but she just shrugged innocently.

"I told you, I'd stop problems further down the line but you didn't take my offer," she said. Owen scoffed again before leaving the room.

"Thank you. Now, you notice that the absorbed twin gets it's blood supply from the renal artery. First glance... nothing special. Take a second look, and... The Mona Lisa. We will start by cutting through the adhesions. Once that occurs, we'll move on to the right-" Richard said.

"We're not taking him out," the patient, Greg, interrupted.

"What do you mean?" his girlfriend asked.

"You heard the man. My little twin is an incredibly rare find," Greg said.

"Uh, yes. Y-y-yes, it is, Greg, but, uh, it... still has to come out," Richard stammered.

"You want to destroy The Mona Lisa? No. I won't sign the consent," Greg said firmly.

Erin slowly looked at Richard and then back at Greg.

"I have surgery," she said, hurrying from the room.

"I mean, you're fixing baby hearts, Derek's mapping the brain, and I'm..." Meredith trailed off exasperatedly as Erin, Cristina and Meredith ate lunch.

"Have the most amazing surgery ever. I mean, please, tell me this is pressing-" Cristina held the tablet with the scans up for Meredith to look at.

"Nowhere near the heart," Meredith smiled cynically.

"It's a peds case, technically. I mean, it's a baby," Erin said.

"Nope," Meredith smirked.

"Hey," Alex said, sitting at the table with them.

"Did you see this?" Cristina handed him the tablet.

"Oh, that the absorbed twin? Technically, that's a peds case," Alex said.

"I said that!" Erin gasped.

"Back off. It's the reason I live," Meredith scowled.

"Aw, she's mopey 'cause she let a lab rat loose in her lab," Cristina said.

"Boo-hoo. You gonna eat that bacon?" Alex grabbed Erin's bacon.

"Well, not anymore," Erin sighed. He took a bite and handed the rest back to her, taking her toast instead.

"No, it's like leaving your kids with a babysitter. I mean, you say, put the kids to bed at 7:00, but will they? Or will they drink all your tequila, pass out, leave the gas on, the whole house blows up, and everybody dies?" Meredith said.

"Okay. What do you think of her? She's hot, right?" Cristina asked, showing them a photograph of a woman.

"Have you given up on men?" Meredith asked.

"Joining the club?" Erin smirked.

"No, for Owen. There is this internet-dating site. There are pages of women like this. Owen should be doing this, right?" Cristina said.

"Yes," Meredith said.

"Why don't you just keep banging him? At least it's legal for you guys. You know, Jo's not gonna sign that stupid love contract you gave me," Alex looked at Erin.

"Why not?" Erin asked.

"Oh, I don't know. Because it's stupid. I knew I shouldn't have given it to her," Alex scowled.

"Just tell her it's just a stupid piece of paper," Erin said.

"Yeah, if she runs, I'm blaming you," Alex said. Erin smirked.

"She looks like she's 20," Cristina showed them another photo.

"She's cute," Arizona said, sitting down at the table with Callie.

"I hate your husband," Callie told Meredith.

"Owen said not to talk about it," Meredith said.

"I'm not. I'm talking to myself. I hate Derek Shepherd. Really? Why? Oh, 'cause he's an arrogant, stealing bastard. I totally agree," Callie said to herself.

"Do you ladies think she's hot?" Cristina showed them another photo.

"Yeah, very," Arizona said. Erin turned to Arizona with raised eyebrows.

"Nice," Erin said sarcastically, standing up to leave.

"Oh," Arizona frowned. "Did I do something?" she asked Alex.

"Hormones," Alex waved his hand. Meredith's pager beeped and she pulled it up.

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. I got to go," she said, jumping up and hurrying off.

"I love you, baby," Arizona squeezed Erin's hand with a soft smile. Erin rolled her eyes but leaned down and kissed her.

"I love you more," Erin said, walking away to get back to work.

"Finally scan time," Erin said, climbing onto the bed in the OB's office. Arizona smiled widely, holding Archie on her hip as he looked around curiously. "Should he be here? In case it's bad news. I can page someone to get him," she said.

"No, he can stay," Arizona leaned down, kissing Erin's cheek. "We know you're pregnant. Your hormones are through the roof, you've been throwing up for weeks and your bloodwork confirmed that you are. This is the routine scan. It's gonna be okay, whatever news we get. We'll get through it like a family, like we always do," Arizona said.

"Okay," Erin smiled.

The door opened and the OB stepped in, smiling at them.

"How are we doing?" she asked.

"We're hormonal, apparently," Erin said.

"We are," Arizona nodded.

"Let's see how we're doing inside, then," the OB laughed, grabbing the gel and wheeling the monitor closer.

Erin pulled her shirt up and the OB put the gel on, moving it around with the wand as she turned the monitor on.

"Here's your baby," she smiled, turning the screen when she found the baby.

"Just one?" Erin checked.

"Just one," the OB said.

"Callie didn't jinx it," Erin sighed in relief.

"Here's the heartbeat," the OB pressed a button and a quick heartbeat echoed around the room.

"Wha's tha'?" Archie asked.

"That is your baby brother or sister's heartbeat," Arizona said, a smile practically burning on her face. Erin smiled at their son, looking back at the monitor tearfully.

"Cool," Archie smiled, looking back at the monitor.

"Baby is growing on time and the heartbeat is strong. Still too early to tell the gender but everything looks great," the OB said.

"Thank god," Erin sighed.

"What about the due date?" Arizona said.

"I'm gonna put it at around the twenty third of August," the OB said, moving the wand again. She nodded. "Yeah, the twenty third of August," she said.

"Right near my birthday," Erin smiled.

"I'll take some photos. How many copies?" the OB asked.

"Uh, two?" Arizona said.

"Yeah. We can send them on our phones, anyway," Erin said. The OB nodded, took the photos and then left to get them.

Arizona put Archie down and wiped Erin's stomach clean, pulling her to her feet and kissing her like her life depended on it.

"That's a happy kiss," Erin giggled, pulling back to tuck Arizona's hair behind her ear.

"The first, second and third best things in my life are right here with me. Of course it's a happy kiss," Arizona said.

Erin smiled and kissed her again.

"I love you," Erin said.

"I love you more," Arizona smiled, leaning down to pick Archie up again.

"Think we can just tell people in a mass text?" Erin asked Arizona that night.

"I mean, we could, but some people might get mad," Arizona said.

"The important people, we'll tell properly. Mer knows already, so does Alex, and I know you told Callie. So, your parents, Derek, Cristina, Jackson, Owen, April, Wilson, Webber, Bailey, who am I missing?" Erin said.

"Maybe your sister in LA?" Arizona teased. Erin laughed.

"Yeah, Amelia. I don't know," Erin said awkwardly, running her hand through her hair.

"Why?" Arizona asked curiously.

"Uh," Erin hummed, "Something happened to her and I think if I tell her I'm pregnant, I'm kind of shoving it in her face and making her feel bad. I don't want to do that, so I think I might just not tell her?" Erin said.

"You can't not tell her. What if she visits and she sees this random baby in the house? She'll be more upset you didn't tell her than she will be if you do," Arizona said. Erin groaned.

"I hate how you make sense," Erin said, lying back on the bed with a pout.

"You love me," Arizona smiled, kissing Erin softly. "I'm gonna call April and tell her the news?" she said.

"I'll call Amelia," Erin said. They each grabbed their phones, clicking on their contacts.

"Hey, Erin!" Amelia said happily. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Amelia said.

"I have news," Erin said, rolling onto her side to grab the remote for the television.

"News? Oh my god, are you giving me another niece or nephew? Finally?" Amelia said. Erin laughed, running her hand through her hair again.

"Yeah, we are. Due August twenty third," Erin said.

"Boy or girl? No, wait, too early. I'm gonna come and visit. Oh, god, I need to arrange a baby shower with Meredith and Callie. Callie is Arizona's best friend, right? She's like Arizona's version of Alex?" Amelia said.

"She's Arizona's person, yes," Erin said.

"Good. Your sisters, Arizona's person, and Alex can help, obviously," Amelia said. "We're gonna arrange a date! I can't wait! I'm so happy for you, Erin! And Arizona and Archie, obviously," she laughed.

"Obviously," Erin laughed. "I'll send you my schedule, Mi. Thank you," Erin said.

"I love you," Amelia sang.

"I love you, too," Erin laughed, ending the call and looking at Arizona. "Yeah, she's gonna be planning our baby shower with Mer and Callie," she said.

"Oh, god, that is already a recipe for disaster," Arizona whispered with wide eyes. "It'll be so fun," she said. Erin laughed and kissed her softly.

"I'm gonna talk to Bailey, Webber and Hunt tomorrow to sort out maternity leave. Are you gonna take some time with me?" Erin asked.

"Obviously," Arizona said. "We'll sort it out with Hunt to see how long I can have and you'll have twelve weeks again," she said.

"I'm already missing my surgeries," Erin sighed, putting her hand over her stomach. "Kermit 2.0?" she said.

"No way. We need a different name," Arizona laughed. "Fozzy?" she said.

"Really? You wanna shit on our kid already by nicknaming it after a bear with bad jokes?" Erin said.

"What, like nicknaming Archie after a talking frog was any better?" Arizona raised her eyebrows.

"Touché, Grey-Robbins. Touché," Erin said. Arizona smirked and kissed Erin's neck.

"Say that again," she whispered.

"Touché?" Erin frowned.

"Grey-Robbins," Arizona smirked. Erin laughed and rolled over so she was on top of Arizona.

"My wife, Arizona Grey-Robbins," she said, leaning down to kiss her.

"Hello," Erin grinned as she and Arizona walked into the conference room they'd paged Webber, Bailey and Owen to.

"What's going on?" Owen asked.

"We have good news," Arizona sang, pulling out one of the scan photos and sliding it across the table to them.

"We're pregnant!" Erin smiled.

"Oh my god!" Bailey gasped, moving to hug them both. "That's amazing. When are you due?" she asked.

"Twenty third of August, so it's gonna be a late baby, like me," Erin said.

"Oh, that's wonderful news!" Webber smiled, hugging them both as well.

"Really wonderful," Owen agreed, hugging them both, too. "You'll go off two weeks before your due date, providing you don't go into labour early again, and you'll get twelve weeks off. Robbins, I'm assuming you want maternity leave, too?" he said.

"If that's okay," Arizona nodded.

"You can have up to twelve weeks like Erin, but that'd leave Karev alone to run peds and I imagine Erin will want to live vicariously through you," Owen said.

"Oh, agreed," Erin nodded.

"We'll talk about how long we want, let you know," Arizona smiled. "Thank you all for being so supportive," she added.

"Yeah," Erin said.

"Well, now feels like the right time to mention that we have a flu outbreak here," Owen said awkwardly.

"Erin Grey-Robbins, get your ass back to your house and take your babies with you," Bailey pointed at her.

"What? I'm not even sick!" Erin said.

"Flu in the second and third trimester, especially caught in a high risk environment like a hospital, can be very bad. Go home," Bailey said.

"Arizona's gonna be bringing the germs home to me, anyway," Erin said.

"Oh, no, I'm gonna stay at the hospital if you're going home," Arizona said. "Bailey's right. Flu and pregnancy don't mix," she said.

"I have my shot," Erin said. "I'm literally fine. If I get sick, I will leave," she said.

"Not risking it. Go home or hide in a skills lab, work on something," Owen said.

"Are you kidding me, Hunt? I'm fine! Dr. Butthole is coming today. I want to see him fix a kid's ass!" Erin said.

"And you can see that next time he's here. Our kid is more important," Arizona said.

"Our kid is safe inside my belly for another six months and I happen to be very close friends with a neonatal surgeon in the very, very rare event that something is wrong with the baby, but the baby is fine and so am I. I'm not going home," Erin said.

"Then you're staying in a lab," Owen said.

"I will be fine. Archie's gonna pick it up from daycare, so he's gonna bring it home and then I'm gonna get it anyway. I'm screwed either way. Let me be screwed my way," Erin said.

"She does have a point. It's everywhere. She's probably already been exposed," Richard said.

"Thank you!" Erin pointed at him. Arizona turned to Erin, pulling on that smile that made Erin agree to anything. "Oh, no. Do not give me that face. Arizona Grey-Robbins, do not even start," Erin said.

"Baby, please just stay in a lab? It'll give you time to catch up on those articles you've been meaning to read. And, and, you can look over Cristina's research for the conduit surgeries on the pediatric patients so you can learn how to do them and help her out when the trial succeeds," Arizona said.

"That kind of sounds better than watching Dr. Butthole," Erin sighed. "Fine. Yeah, okay. But I'm back tomorrow, I swear," she said, pointing at them.

"Deal," the four of them chorused.

"How's your day in the lab going?" Arizona asked Erin over the phone that afternoon.

"I found this case study about Hodgkins Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and about how there's no definite cure for it except a cocktail blend of chemo and radiation, which isn't always beneficial," Erin said.

"Yeah, Non is usually seen in younger kids while regular Hodgkins is in adults," Arizona said.

"No, I know," Erin said, flicking through the stack of information she'd found on it. "I think I might have an idea on how to find a cure. Or, at least, a better treatment method. Until we know the causes, we can't cure it, but I think I can do something to help," Erin said.

"Really?" Arizona asked curiously. "What are you thinking?" she said.

"I'm not really sure, yet. I've got like, a mountain of cases to look through so I can cancel out whatever has already been done or build on it to make it better. Are you going home tonight? I don't think I can leave until this is done 'cause my head is going a mile a minute and I can't keep stop until it's out," Erin said.

"Oh, I'm gonna be home for three days, baby," Arizona said, voice sounding raspier than before. Erin sighed.

"Your superpowers are intact, hey?" she said.

"Yeah," Arizona said. "I got sick," she said.

"We were worried about me getting sick and you're the one that's got sick," Erin said. "Should I say karma?" she said.

"No, because I already feel like shit and the fact that you won't be there to hold me while I sleep is making me feel a lot worse," Arizona mumbled.

"Arizona, I have my shots. And, besides, if you have it, Archie's gonna get it, and if he gets it, I'm gonna get it. I can't not see you or Archie for a few days until you're both better. So, we might as well all be sick together," Erin said.

"Will you stay home to look after me?" Arizona said.

"Of course, baby. I will be bringing my massive piles of research home with me, of course, but I will be mostly all yours," Erin said.

"I love you. You know that, right?" Arizona sighed.

"I love you, more," Erin chuckled, ending the call.

She grabbed all of her research and piled her phone on top, struggling to open the door.

"Hey, do you need help?" Jo called, jogging down the hallway to help her get out of the lab.

"You are a legend, Jo Wilson," Erin sighed, taking a minute to lean against the wall while she shifted the files in her arms.

"What's all of this?" Jo asked.

"My latest project while I stay home to take care of my very sick wife and soon to be very sick little boy. Wear a mask at home if you don't want to catch it. Oh, and tell Alex, too," Erin said.

"I will. You okay? Should you be carrying all of this?" Jo said.

"Did Alex tell you?" Erin groaned.

"I figured it out when you were vomiting the other week and Arizona said you were fine. Also, you went for IVF and then had an appointment with the OB. I'm a doctor, Erin. I'm smart," Jo said. Erin shrugged.

"Yeah, you are. Me and baby are fine. I promise. I can carry all of this to the car, then come back and get Archie and Arizona and take them home," Erin said.

"Alex and I will get Archie. You just get Robbins and take her home," Jo said.

"Lifesaver, Jo Wilson," Erin sighed happily, carrying her files to find Arizona and take her home.

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