Teiko days

By yeetroki

533 16 0

This is just for random skits on KNB. I just wanna put it like sympathetic or humor. Despite the title, ther... More

Requests are available. (A/N)
Kiseki no boredom
Happy b-day, Kuro-chan!

A model can be an actor.

65 0 0
By yeetroki

Jacy: WHEN IS THE LAST TIME I HAVE UPDATED THIS? Like I sincerely apologize everyone, and I am such a failure QAQ I mean to be fair, I haven't update other stories either--

Aomine: Because our author here is an idiot.


Kagami: Excuse him, Jacy. *Drags him to beat his ass in street basketball court.*

Jacy: Alright soooo even though its supposed to be Teiko's era, nah this child here is bringing it to the future too! I got this inspired like, from what Kasamatsu said after Kaijou's defeat in the Winter Cup semi-final tournament. So yeah! Heads up! Angst, mentions of abuse or acts of it, along with rape and Gayness, also forgot to mention it's Kise Angst, including ships! You will probably get another idea of why Kise hates Haizaki.

No likey? Get the fuck out of this instead of wasting time with your homophobia please. It's pride month too, I don't want to hear anything.



The sound of buzzer going off, it was loud. Loud and clear, for everyone to know...

"The match is over!"

The semi-final match. The match against Seirin and Kaijou. A score of 81 to 80.

After all the cheers and jeers from the crowd in the stadium, the sounds of squeeking of shoes, the mixed emotions that has been felt through everyone who has played that match, it was all over.

It came to Seirin's victory, and Kaijou's lost. It all came to belief, if anything. It all came to team play and teamwork, and believing in your aces and teams. What was the difference?

It couldn't be stopped.

Even though Kise had lost, along with the rest of his team, he still have his head high up, smiling, and facing the enemy, hoping they would win against their strongest opponent, Rakuzan.

He truly did respect and acknowledge the right people. Unlike last time.

He was walking for a moment, before stopping the next. Its inevitable. The pain in his leg has finally throbbed, even harder than a headache. After all the adrenaline in his veins that had his nerves going, he finally felt the pain. It doesn't matter anymore, until tomorrow.

He just needs to hide it, until he reaches home. Yeah, he should be fine. He can just keep it up. Just keep walking, you aren't that weak, your rivals had acknowledged your strength.

Kicking him out of his thoughts, a towel had fallen lightly upon his sweaty head, as someone had came to his side to support him.

"Geez, you're bad at hiding it."


Kasamatsu slid Kise's left arm on his shoulders for the leaning support of his leg. Wasn't he just ahead of everyone earlier?

"You may be a model, but you certainly as hell ain't an actor."

He was...


Petting his head, tears well up in Kise's eyes, the feeling of frustration, anger, and pain filling up. The loss wasn't the only reason he is crying, nor was it the fact that the seniors can't play with him anymore, nor was it the fact that he couldn't do much for his team, nor was it the pain in his leg.

It was way, way more.

"Nee, Dai-chan?"


They all ready to go home from the semi-final match, when Momoi suddenly raised a question to her childhood friend.

"Do you think..."

Stopping in his tracks, Aomine, turned to her, curiosity had taken over. It might be regarding the match of today, but it is something to be upset of.

"Ki-chan is still acting?"

Aomine was dead silent. He didn't really give Momoi an answer, but just stood there as the cold wind of winter flew in.

"... Who knows."

Of course it hurts him to know that his former teammate didn't trust him either at first, and neither not his other teammates, even now.

But after everything that happened, of course Aomine should expect this.

The only thing in his head and heart is that he prayed that Kise would just open up more, be himself. The bubbly personality isn't the fake. Its something else.

And not with the fake trust he's actually good at keeping.

"Hey, senpai?"

Everyone from Kaijou had already packed their bags, and were ready to leave, all except for Kise and Kasamatsu. They all decided to stay, as they too want to listen to what did Kise want to say. Out of pure curiosity, of course.

"Something that you've said earlier... Really rubbed me the wrong way."

Everyone in the room was obviously confused. What did Kise want to say?

'You weren't even the first one to say it either...'

Looking at them dead straight, the red eyes filling up with tears again as he doesn't bother wiping them, he was really serious about it.

"I am a model that acts on a daily basis. I still continue that even now."


"Hey, Ryotaaa~."

Dragging the arrogant tone with mockery in his voice, shivers had been sent to Kise's spine. But he kept his composure, knowing what will happen if he even flinch.

Its been quite almost a few months Kise had dated the twisted man we all came to throw out hot ramen cups at, Haizaki. His sister had arranged them to be dating for a while, to see if they're worth candidates of dating, and sure enough, Haizaki deceived her.

Of course, it wouldn't go well without Kise's consent. And even though Kise had known Haizaki's nature from the past week before dating, he might have a change of heart, so Kise was fooled by his act, and might try to, "respect" him.

During the week after they started dating, Kise thought the small pains like pinches and slaps are all just part of jealousy. But gradually, soon enough, not even just a pinch anymore, he started getting more violent, with his punches, saying it's his possessiveness, his kisses turning into bites that tears skin, and bruises that shows everyone who Kise belongs to.

Haizaki doesn't brag title about dating a model. He only brags about the fact that he can own Kise. Not everyone knew who Kise is dating either way.

Though Haizaki's mouth in general, is of course, foul. And with anything, it's also becoming even harsher to Kise, to the point that Kise can't even eat anymore, as Haizaki considered him, "fat and overweight."

An arm casually swung over the blonde's shoulders, as it pressed down harshly on his already aching body.

Haizaki could only smirk as he heard a small whimper from his so called, "toy."

"Y-yes, Shougocchi?"

He wanted to gag from saying that. It was the first time that he hated using cchi for someone.

"Ya know... I'm honestly pissed off at something that happened in school, and you know what happens when I'm pissed."

Holding him down with one arm, the other quickly made it into a fist and punched hard Kise in the stomach, making him double over, ready to throw up.

Coughing up a couple times as he held his abdomen, he was brought up by the collar of his shirt, bringing him to be met with Haizaki's menacing gaze.

Kise hated it. He had no power of what his boyfriend, or should he even be calling him that, possessed, and wouldn't even dare tell his teammates.

Haizaki licked his thumb as usual, as he only just scoffed to spit on the model's face. By that time, Kise still refused to cry, as kept telling Haizaki to put him down, due to the gravity of the shirt closing his wind pipe.

Being told so, he brought him down to the floor, more like slamming him down, as Kise grasp for air desperately. He didn't know what did his sister see in Haizaki's twisted nature for him to date him.

Whatever it was, it must have been God's punishment now, for whatever wrong doing he did.

"You know, you're looking like a slut, just for me. Fucking disgusting."

He says that every time, but why does it always pains Kise's heart?

Bruises of bites and punches has been impacted full of fierce anger, and all that Haizaki has been saying was that, he has been doing it for the sake of his love.

"What kind of love...?" Kise is just lost with the thought. He knew, he can't do anything.

Being brought to the bedroom of Haizaki's, he had it rough with Kise.

The words of nothing but insults and mockery, along with hateful spits, and of course, the physical pains.

Every, single, night. The abuse of pain was what Kise has to cry for, every time. Haizaki was just, despicable.

No one has ever known. Kise can't even tell a single soul, not even his sister.

"Tell anyone, and these photos will be shown to everyone, and your sister won't live."

He can't even break up with him, for as he know, he will be the one that's framed.

The photos that were being threatened to be shown were the amount of times they had sex together, and his face in lewd ecstacy. It was a painful sight to look at.

Kise wants help, Kise needs help. He wants to get away. Kise wants to cry in front of someone, to help him.

But all he can do now, is show a bright  smile to everyone, pose in front of the cameras every photo shoot, with the long suit shirts, and make up foundation to conceal bruise or bite marks.

He just can put a facade to make sure everyone is amazed at him, proud and happy with him. He just doesn't need to worry anyone.


The next afternoon he came to Teiko's basketball court, as sore as ever, but he still walked proudly. He wasn't limp, and wasn't ever slouching, as his bum and back hurts. He just made his way to the locker room.

He knows Haizaki will be there, watching him change every time. And then leaves. Kise wants to practice, while Haizaki ditches. At least Kise knows he can have own time alone to practice with his teammates.

But however, the nights are just the same. They don't change anything routinely, unless Haizaki just gets tougher.

No one should know, Kise had already told himself this, so many times.

Someone dropped a ball from their side while shooting hoops by accident, and as Kise wants to pick it up, he finds that his back starts to hurt. But he doesn't care. He just ran to pick it up and toss it to the other members who practices.

"Thanks, Kise!" Aomine never fails to amaze him.

Kise always had a special spot for Aomine in his heart, whether it be on court or off court, for as long as Kise can see what the panther player really is capable of being who he truly is, Kise knows that, even if he won't admit it, he has a crush on him.

Kise at this moment, and now that he think about it, he didn't really realized how much bliss he felt when he is with all his teammates in practice. Well, maybe mostly Aomine and Kuroko, but nonetheless, with his teammates.

"No spacing out, Kise!"

And practice went as normal as usual, as it should be.

Kise was about to head back to where he and Haizaki lives, not wanting to be late, if he doesn't want to face the wrath that is, when someone, or maybe some people if I have to say, were in his way.

"Kise-kun, can we have a moment?"

Looking around the group of his teammates and Momoi, their faces were nothing but deadpanned seriousness. What did they want with Kise?

Was it about practice? Was it about accidentally stepping on Murasakibara's chips? Or nearly breaking Midorima's lucky item?

Looking at his watch, he really can't stay. Haizaki will be really mad if he does.

Not like Kise really cares. He knows that in the end, he will be used as the rag doll as always, whether he's late or not.

So meeting face to face with his teammates, he's just plating that same smile on his face like everyday, telling them that he can't stay, due to another photoshoot.

At first, they said nothing, so Kise thought that they maybe understood, and was about to leave until...

"That's just a lie, isn't it?"

He didn't want to hear that sentence at all, especially from his teammates. He especially didn't want it to be Aomine. He didn't want to hear that.

He can just keep this act up. He knows that Haizaki thinks he's useless, so he can prove it to him that he can keep up a good act.

'Its alright, Ryota. They can't know.'

"What are you talking about-ssu? I'm really talking about the truth!"

The cheery tone should be masked enough to fool them, along with the usual smile, right?

"Ara? Kisechin's eyes says otherwise though..."


And they widened. They're truly impossible to convince.

"For a model, you really can't act, can you?"

Aomine just said it, in the most disheartening way possible, that Kise was sure to lose his marbles. Stepping forward in one step, with Kise stepping back one step with a trembling motion.

Kise just denies it, Kise doesn't listen to what it really means. No, he just can't let it get the best of him.






"Oi, Kise."

Kise wanted to run away. He doesn't want his teammates and Momoi to know, not now, not ever. He doesn't even listen to them calling out.

Time itself felt like it stopped.

He tries to run, but he feels frozen. His knees are shaking. He doesn't know what to do. He's also feeling heavy.

This might be his only way for help! He can put an end to this!

But having the pride, and his sister's life in hand, and the threats, with the feeling of a burden to his teammates, he doesn't want to say anything. He can't risk it. He wants to let everyone know he's okay. The model that puts up a front.

So he decides to keep up the act.

"I'm sorry, I'll be late for my photoshoot, we can talk another time!"

He has to hurry, now. Run far away from them, avoid them the next day, quit basketball, and find another school, with Haizaki continuing the torments. Yeah, he can handle it. It's fine.

As he turns away, there was Kuroko in front of him, hugging him tight, as if he's afraid he would he disappear. The tightness of the hug made Kuroko realized how thin Kise is under the thick uniform. The hug itself, touching the marks, bruises and possibly cuts, made Kise winced in pain.

"You've kept up the act for too long, Kise-kun."

Just that sentence, it already made him feel like he's at his breaking point. Since when was he hugged like this? Since when was the feeling of freedom in his grasp even more painful than the bruises? Since when did the tears start brimming in the corner of his eyes?

He's finished. He can't keep it anymore.

The sun was setting in front of him, the sunset, he really needed to go. It wasn't just the frustration of his honor or his loved ones lives, it was his own stress too. The feeling of being able to finally cry in front of somebody, who can help him.

"I-I wanted... I wanted to tell... You guys so many times... But I can't even have the heart... To even tell m-my... Own sister..." He was a sobbing mess. Is it what it feels like to finally let go? The footsteps of the other team finally came up behind him.

"Did you forget that we are a team, nanodayo?"

"Ryota, as captain, I can't imagine why you would keep shut about the burdens you are carrying right now, the suffering you've been baring. It pains not only me, but everyone here."

"Kisechin, want a snack and hugs? I'll give lots of them until you're feeling better."

All have said something, while one has kept his mouth shut for a while.

As Kuroko let go of the hug, another has came in to give a warmer one. Kise was overwhelmed with it, that he just cried more.

"God damnit, why didn't you tell us!? You know that you've got us to trust, right? So why? How long has it been?"

Kise just continued to sob until he passed out. Of course he would have felt light-headed after balling it up inside him. It has built on his anxiety instincts, and the stress was too much.

All will be explained, tomorrow.


When Kise had awoken, the first thing he felt wasn't the usual soreness of his body, and not on the uncomfortable damp mattress he slept with his 'boyfriend'.

He wasn't in the place he shares with Haizaki, which always stinks no matter how many times he has clean the house. It made him panicked. Now Haizaki might be doing something to ruin him later, or just give him a harsher beating.

He was shaking, fearing the worst that could happen, when suddenly a tall bluenette entered the room. Of course Kise recognized the figure.

"Oh, you're awake."

Aomine walked to the bed, Kise feeling slightly at ease, before feeling tense again. What was he doing here, and why wasn't he home?

He didn't panic, and gave Aomine a smile, with a slight good morning.

Aomine doesn't seem pleased.

"You're at it again."

Kise just sat there, blankly looking at the sheets that were so clean. So clean that he swore he can probably forget what has happened to him. But of course, it's not easy. He knows damn well where his place is.

He also knows now, he can't hide anything. Not from his teammates, nor Aomine. Why bother trying?

He can't even keep up a simple straight face he was born to keep. Was he really that bad at acting?

He nearly forgot that Aomine was in the room with him, before he was snapped out of his trance from a warm embrace.

The same embrace he doesn't want to let go. The same embrace that has tears brimming in his eyes. The embrace that had made him let go. Ah, he's already having tears falling down.

Humming a song, named "It's okay", that calmed him down a lot, he really didn't expect much from Aomine.

That's what makes him interesting, the same person that made him know Basketball was for him.

He remembers everything that happened that evening. He was so exhausted. He can't even remember when did he let go.

Without even knowing, another person joined the embrace, then another, and another.

Turns out all his teammates, and Momoi, were all staying at Aomine's house.

As Kise had the space, he looked at their faces one more time. All of them have a firm face that's filled with worry, and attention.

Then starts the explaining. Oh boy, here comes the big shocks.


Their reaction was natural of course.

The horrifying shocks and anger with lots of grumbling and growling, it fills up the entire room.

Kise did expected that, but the fact that all of them had an aura that literally yells murder, he's actually not sure whether or not that he's gonna regret telling them.

Scratching the back of his neck in guilt, he really feels bad. At least the cat is out of the bag.

"I'm really sorry."

Confusion spread around. What was Kise apologizing for?

"You guys really have to hear that, bare a burden like me, and deal with the problems I caused, and--"

A finger was placed on his lips, shutting him up immediately. As he realized who finger was it, and blushed at the closeness, he sat there speechless.

Aomine had an unamused expression as everyone had yelled one thing, loud and clear, that Kise was sure that it has ingrate in his head.

"Of course not, you idiot!"

Before he knows it, he's smiling a genuine smile, for the first time in ages, as the tears continued to stream.

That's when Kise knew, he had the most reliable team ever.

"By the way, does Kise-chin knows how did he get carried in?"

"Heh? Murasakibaracchi didn't carry me in here?"

"No Ryota, Daiki did."

And there goes the snickering as Kise dies blushing with Aomine being smug.


The next day, everything was in motion of the plan. The stage has been set, the puppet victim will take the role.

Due to his lack of presence, Kuroko made it in the house, and recorded everything Haizaki had done to Kise, live and saved to the other members.

Momoi then had contacted the police, Midorima had already seek treatment from his hospital owned by his family for Kise, and with Aomine, Murasakibara and Akashi in to beat Haizaki.

Even though after quitting the team, Akashi can still feel the frustration in him even after forcing him to quit.

The police arrived, and was living his sentence. For who knows how long? We don't really know.

Even though Kise was free, he had dated Aomine, only to break up in their third year after the incidents.

At some point, there are still some secrets we don't know of our bubbly sunshine.

"The fact that he came back yesterday really surprises me."

The comforts from his seniors have never been much needed than before. To anyone, it could be pity. But to Kise, it was a memory to remember.

He also told them that when he met Haizaki again, he was actually in total fear the whole time, so for him to overcome it with perfect copy, that was what really awoken him.

They had then gone home, Moriyama walking with Kise.

"You know..."


"Gonna tell me about the stories of you and Aomine?"

"Ahahahha, that's for another time, senpai."

Moriyama was smiling happily with his underclassmen, but he knows the model is still hiding some things. But that's for another time.

They had a very rough time during this winter cup, but it was worth it. Although he might be benched for the entire game tomorrow.

For tomorrow's game...

"Let's open the curtains for our true finalists, shall we?"


Aomine: Dang it, I lost a 1-on-1 against Kagami!?

Kagami: Yes!

Kise: Congratulations, Kagamicchi! I've always wanted to beat Aominecchi--ssu!

Kuroko: Speaking of which, I think it's that day, today.

Midorima: Now that you mentioned it, it seems like it.

Kise: Eh? What day?

Momoi: Oh yeah! Ki-chan didn't join us that time yet, so he couldn't have known.

Kagami: I'm a bit curious myself, what day is it?

Murasakibara: It's the day that Maji-burger finally realized that Maiubo is important on the menu!

Akashi: No no, Atsushi. Now, I think Daiki needs the comfort he needs.

Midorima: Of course, I already have his lucky item and lunch prepared. Again.

Kagami: Heh? What really happened?

Aomine: God dang it, you all! Also goddamn you Midorima! Go die with your growth spurt!

Kise: Eh?

Kuroko: 2 years ago, Midorima-kun outgrew Aomine.


Kuroko and Kise are hiding.

Everyone else: *cracks Knuckles*

By the way, the song right here is the song that Aomine was humming to Kise.


Copy and paste the link if you can, then listen it for yourself. Its literally amazing.

Anyways baiiiiiiiiii.

Aomine: Oh yeah, I'm not an Aho.

Jacy: AHAHHAHAHA. You and Bakagami don't have anyone's approval to say that.

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