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By -90slevi

24K 1.2K 824

' i think you're the prettiest angel i've ever seen ' ๐˜†๐—ฎ๐—ผ๐˜†๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐˜‡๐˜‚ ๐—บ๐—ผ๐—บ๐—ผ ๐˜… ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ More

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1.8K 102 31
By -90slevi


{ 19th november | 7:43am }


shuffling from foot-to-foot, momo yaoyorozu stood silently in the elevator, the pristine white envelope sitting in between her delicate fingers. her heart raced against her chest, just as it did every time she held one of y/n's letters.

the date two days prior had gone fantastically. the two ended up going on walks across the large acres of land the yaoyorozu family owned, and for once, the black-haired girl wasn't judged for the expensive world she lived in. frightened of the judgement she'd receive from the one she loved so dearly, she was tempted to pretend that the rest of the land wasn't even hers, but decided against lying to her beloved. yet, despite y/n coming from a lower-income family, she seemed, quite frankly, overjoyed, frolicking through the flower gardens and attempting to climb the large, monkey-puzzle tree that yaoyorozu herself often found herself sitting in, contemplating life.

even though the date had gone so great, yaoyorozu hadn't seen y/n at all since. the two had gone home, and after dinner, y/n had seemingly disappeared. she hadn't come out of her room at all the day before, and according to uraraka, she hadn't even woken up until one in the afternoon. so whether she was just exhausted from the whole experience, or was too shy to even come out, yaoyorozu had no idea.

so of course, her plan of action was to slip another letter under the door.

hopping out of the elevator doors and wandering over to her classmate's dorm-room, she took a deep breath. she couldn't tell whether she was more afraid of being late to class (which, she never was) or being rejected all of a sudden by someone she believed liked her back. and with an inability to actually vocalise her feelings, writing the words on a letter felt so much more comforting.

wandering past both shoji and kirishima, she was thankful neither asked why she was there. she knew shoji was incredibly observant, and probably knew what the letters were about (as she often passed him whenever she went to y/n's door), and was delighted to know that he never, ever bought up why she was there. giving them a small nod of acknowledgment and a quiet 'hello', yaoyorozu walked past and squatted in front of y/n's door quietly, pressing her ear to the wood to see if her beloved was even awake or not.

it was strangely silent in there, and yaoyorozu wondered if she was even in there. maybe she'd gone to uraraka's room next door? it was doubtful, since it was rare y/n even woke up before 7:45, but yaoyorozu wasn't about to slip the letter underneath someone else's door just by some chance y/n was in there. if y/n read it later, then so be it.

pressing her hand to her chest to calm her breathing, she slipped the pretty white letter underneath the door, and was incredibly surprised when a different one was returned almost instantly. clearly someone was sat right by the entrance, and yaoyorozu didn't know whether to smile or cry. but by the shadow underneath, it meant y/n was sitting right against the inside of the door, her back to it, and the black-haired girl relaxed. it was only y/n.

slipping down onto her bottom, she sat on the opposite side of the door, resting her back against the wood and calming herself down as she picked up the blue-tinted envelope. written on the front, in blocky letters, was 'TO MY SECRET ADMIRER'.

a couple of lob-sided stickers were placed on the front and the back, and decorated tape - similar to what yaoyorozu had been using herself - stuck down the fold of the envelope.

using her fingers to gently open the letter without ripping it, she emptied the contents onto her lap. a folded up piece of white lined-paper and three strawberry-flavoured hard candies fell onto her thighs, and she couldn't help but giggle at the cute gesture. and, when she opened up the paper, her heart began to hammer against her chest once again.

Hey! I think I know who you are (I mean, I'd be a bit of an idiot if I hadn't figured it out by now), so I'm going to call you by your actual name and hope I'm right.
God, this is gonna be really embarrassing if I'm wrong.
Yao-momo, thank you so much for everything. I struggle to say how much you mean to me, but I genuinely thank you so much for everything you've done this past few weeks. From the cute letters that made me cry every time I read them, to the precious study-notes you made SPECIFICALLY for me. To the gifts and the really enjoyable picnic date we had on Saturday, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Sorry I didn't leave my room today (or yesterday? whenever you read this, heh), I was too nervous to leave! Stupid, I know, but I couldn't gather the courage to leave this floor. The amount of times I just wandered to the elevator and the block of stairs only to turn back and run to my room is insane. I think, if I counted, it'd be about... fifteen times?
But I did use your study notes. I managed to remember most of the kanji you wrote down for me, and I finally got over a passing grade! Like, not just over, but REALLY over! If that makes sense? I think I got 67 out of 100, and the passing grade is 40. I couldn't have done that without you, and I will forever keep those notes to get even HIGHER! (congrats on getting 99 out of 100 though ehehe)
I still hate maths, but you make me enjoy it just a little more when we study together.
I'm sure you've noticed, but I don't have the best self esteem. One could say I have a bit of an inferiority complex. Occasionally, I sit in my room for hours on end, hating myself and being unable to gather up the courage to leave. But you? You helped me. You helped me without realising and I don't think I can string the words together to tell you how much I actually thank you. Your letters, your heart-warming presence and just... EVERYTHING you've done for me and everything about you... I love you for it.
In fact, I just love YOU. I love you so much you don't understand. And it's embarrassing to even write that or vocalise it, but it's true. Please, even if you change your mind about liking me the way you do, I don't mind. Please, if we never get together, I want to stay friends. I don't ever want to leave you, or for you to leave me.
Because I care about you too.
Love you,
Y/n xo

meanwhile, on the other-side of the door, y/n held her breath, ears perked up for any sign of negative reaction from yaoyorozu. she could hear the girl as she read through the letter, the rustling of paper giving most of it away. y/n didn't even have the courage to open hers, the letter sitting by her feet as she sat cross-legged against the door, her pyjama bottoms still on while she wore her school shirt and tie on top. hair a mess from waking up only 30 minutes earlier, she bit her thumb nail and prayed nothing went wrong. it was yaoyorozu. it had to be. if she got it wrong, she knew her whole world would come crumbling down. it couldn't be anyone else! she and kaminari had narrowed it down to just a couple of people, and from the date she'd had with yaoyorozu, how could she be wrong? yet there was still that nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach that told her she was completely wrong.

wait... was that... sniffling?

y/n's stomach dropped when she heard none-other than yaoyorozu quietly crying to herself on the other side of the door, clearly trying to silence herself with her hand or sleeve. eyes wide and without a second thought, she leaped to her feet, placed the letter on her bed-side table and almost ripped the door open. sitting just outside was the girl she was hoping for, holding the letter close to her chest before looking up. her eyes were glossed-over, and one her her sleeves covered the lower-half of her face. a few tears shimmered on her cheeks, and her pupils dilated when she noticed y/n standing there, a stunned expression on her face.

"y-yaomomo?" y/n whispered, squatting down and kneeling beside her loved-one, placing a hand on the girl's knee and the other on her shoulder. "h-hey! are you alright?"

"mhm!" was all she could mumble, wiping her eyes with a small, choked-out laugh. then, she pulled both her hands away and looked at y/n with a teary-smile, most of the tears wiped from her face. "i-i'm fine, don't worry. i just got a little emotional, that's all."

y/n glanced down at the letter she'd written, a couple of her blocky words smudged by yaoyorozu's tears, and she snapped her head away from it. she was much more interested in yaoyorozu and how she was feeling over a stupid letter she'd written. and quite frankly, she felt a little guilty for causing her to cry.

"yao-momo," she muttered, brushing her waterline with the side of her thumb so another tear didn't spill. "i'm sorry."

"why?" she asked, eyebrows furrowed as she let out a final sniffle and wiped her nose with a napkin. "why are you sorry? if anything, i'm delighted, y/n. i don't get why you need to apologise for making someone else so happy."

y/n went silent, and looked at her own hands with a smile she couldn't hide. and, when she felt yaoyorozu's palm cup her cheeks, she looked the black-haired girl in the eyes, both smiles completely genuine.

"i love you so much, but," yaoyorozu began, and y/n furrowed her eyebrows. "your self-hatred and low confidence in everything you do just will not suffice. so i'm going to show you, from now on, how much i love every single aspect of you, and that you should too. is that alright, angel?"

heart fluttering, y/n nodded frantically, pulling yaoyorozu into the tightest hug she'd ever given. surprised but not disappointed, she returned the gesture, wrapping her arms around y/n's body and nuzzling her face into her hair. y/n's face sat in the crook of yaoyorozu's neck, smiling at the floral perfume she wore. silence filled the corridor, the only sound being the quiet breathing of the two girls. the only reason they pulled away was when they heard an alarm go off in uraraka's room, and a loud 'DAMN IT' when the brunette realised she'd slept through her alarm and she'd be late for class. both laughing, y/n hummed softly when the taller pressed a kiss to her lover's forehead.

"come on, my love. we need to get to class before we're late," yaoyorozu said, pushing herself off the ground and slipping the letter from y/n into her bag. then, she looked down at y/n's attire, and shook her head. "well, perhaps you should actually get dressed for school first, and then we leave."

"promise you'll wait for me?" y/n asked, her eyes wide as she held yaoyorozu's hand in both of hers. "i won't be long!"

"i'd wait for you until the end of the world," she smiled, letting go of her beloved and resting against the wall as the love of her life entered her bedroom again, shutting the door behind her. pressing her hand into her pocket, she noticed a vibration come from her phone, and she pulled it out to see a few messages from jiro.

KYOKA {7:45}:
- hey! where are u?
- it's unlike u to not be early!

KYOKA {7:50}:
- helloooooo?
- oh! wait, are u with... y/n?
- hey hey hey, is this confession time? ;)

KYOKA {7:57}:
- just asked shoji
- said u were going to either y/n's or mina's
- since mina is already here...
- tell me everything >:))

YAO-MOMO {7:59}:
- hey! sorry i didn't reply <3
- yes, i had to drop off y/n's letter, remember?
- also, i think we confessed? either way, she wrote me a letter
- i cried, embarrassingly
- but it went really well, and i think we're dating?
- i need to ask but i don't want her to cry
- or me to cry again, for that matter.
- but i'll be down there soon! just waiting for y/n :)

putting her phone back into her pocket, she watched with a smile as y/n's door finally opened once again, the girl stepping out in her correct uniform with her hair actually brushed this time. yaoyorozu's heart fluttered, and she offered her hand out for the girl to take. y/n did, almost instantly, and their fingers interlocked together.

"shall we?" yaoyorozu asked, and y/n nodded, before following the taller into the elevator to begin their school day.

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