The Last Sharingan Holder (Ma...

By Kermit_The_Frog_146

30.4K 294 46

"How sad all this could have been avoided, had you just worked for me." Said a small black haired girl as she... More

Just Another Day in Paradise
Reunion Time
The Nun and The Game
The Demon Inside
Face to Face With the Demon
Holy Swords vs Sharingan
Mine and Asura's Goal

Wrath Unleashed

2K 24 4
By Kermit_The_Frog_146

POV Issei

"These little girls are a pain in the ass!" I think as I dodge another chainsaw swing.

I see Koneko not fairing any better, that is till I get some of the best news I could.

"Hey you two, I think it's time to show the fruits of your training." (Y/N) says, I smirk and jump back to gain distance bumping into Koneko and set our plan in motion.

POV Kiba

"These ladies are better then expected." Are my thoughts as I parry another strike from one of the pawns.

We separate and the pawns are panting while I only have a light sweat, and I thank (Y/N) for the stamina training, I hear a twig snap and turn preparing to fight only for the man himself to arrive, but he feels weaker then normal I then realize what's he is.

"A clone?" I say in a knowing tone and see the pawns pale.

"H-he's a clone?!" One of them says.

"He's stronger then the four of us combined!" Another shouts.

"Kiba meet Rias and Asia for the second part of the plan." He says not taking his eyes off the pawns, I was about to asks where to meet but the boss chimes in over the earpiece, to not inform the enemy, and with a nod I head to the meeting place.

POV Issei

"Koneko you ready?" I ask

"As I'll ever be." she replies, we start to form the hand seals that (Y/N) taught us.

Riser's pieces not knowing what we're doing charge us, with a final sign Koneko and I take a deep breath and call out...

"Water style: water bullet jutsu!"

We launch our new moves and hit our targets extinguishing their fire.

"What the Hell?!?" They shout.

"Curtsy of (Y/N)!" I say and rush them delivering a chakra enhanced fist to their chins knocking the twins out, I see the Rook fly into the wall unconscious, the three of them disappear into blue particles.

"Lord Riser's two pawns and one Rook are eliminated." I hear the voice of Grayfia announce.

Rias, Asia, Akeno and Kiba join us in the gym.

"Looks like the move (Y/N) taught you came I handy." Rias says

"Why fight fire with fire, when you have water!" I say with a thumbs up.

"Lord Riser's four pawns are eliminated." Announces Grayfia.

"Seems his clone has finished his part, now ours." Rias says.

"Now, the five of us finish his peerage and then the leader himself." Akeno says.

"Right, Issei start boosting." Rias says, I nod and summon my gear with a...


We then head to the plaza and wait for the signal to start.


"Any chickens here?" I say

The rest of Riser's peerage appear from their hiding places.

"You must have a death wish to challenge all of us at once!" A blond haired girl with twin drills says.

"What a shame Ravel, you've become like your brother, speaking of where is-" I'm cut off by having to dodge a fire ball from behind, I look to see the man himself.

"Riser." I growl lowly

"To bad your alone, I was looking forward to crushing in front of your friends!" He says in his typical arrogant tone.

"Shame you didn't bring backup!" one of Riser's pieces say.

"Yeah, it would make this easier." I say and they get ready to attack.

"Oh wait!" I say and they stop and look confused.

"I did." I grin

Kibas rushes out of the bushes and attack the enemy Knights.

Akeno sends a lightning bolt towards the opposing Queen and they fly off to fight.

A ball of destruction nails Riser in the chest sending him back, and a red blur sucker punches the last Rook.

I then turn to then confused pawns and Bishops and say...

"We ambushed your ambush, pretty smart if I say so myself."

I launch at and take out the last pawns

The Bishops launch attacks at me I look at them and use...

"Kamui!" Sending them away and surprising the casters.

I then rush them and they try to fly away but are caught in my...

"Wind style: Tornado Strike!"

A Jutsu of my own creation, I condense a large amount of wind in my palm then release it in a controlled tornado that swallows everything in its path.

I nail them eliminating them both, I then look to see how everyone else is fairing.

Rias and Kiba are fine for now but Issei and Akeno are having some trouble, so I make a clone and send it to help Issei.

I turn my attention to the two Queens and grow a shocked and horrified expression as Riser's Queen pops a Phoenix Tear to heal, she sends a blast that would eliminate Akeno and without thinking, I jump towards her in an attempt to save her.

"Make it, please I don't want to lose anyone else!" I shout in my head as imagines of my village laying in ruin and my family dead on the ground flash through my my mind.

These memories unconsciously activate my Mangekyou Sharingan.

POV Rias

As I continue to hold Riser off, I hear a bone rattling boom and look to the sky and see a massive dust cloud in the sky I, grow a scared expression.

"Hahaha, little fool sacrificed himself to protect her, shame I was hoping to eliminate him myself!" Riser says in a mocking tone and I grow angry.

"That was close." We all hear a relieved voice say

We look in the sky and see something completely out of this world.

(This but black and only the right arm with no skin)

The arm moves to reveal a unharmed (Y/N) and a confused Akeno hugging him.

"W-what is that?!" Riser's Queen shouts and is answered by (Y/N).

"The Susanoo the final stage of the Sharingan, the power of my mother's family, I must admit your the first to force me to use this."

"W-what?" She asks

"I've never had to use this in a fight before, I have to make a fight easier but I could have won without it. But this time I wouldn't have been fast enough to reach her with our it." He says in a almost predatory tone.

He smirks and releases Akeno, he claps his hands together and shouts.

As he does the ghostly figure grows a second arm, muscles, skin, a cloak with a face.

(This but black)

He begins to form hand signs with the creature copying him, with a final deep breath he shouts...

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu!"

A massive ball of fire spews from the creature's mouth and engulfs her utterly destroyed the poor girl.

After the fire dies down he growls out...

"I don't care how good of a fight you could have been, I can't forgive anyone that hurts my Akeno."

This makes the named girl giggle and kiss his cheek.

"Lord Riser's Queen, Rook, and two knights retire." Grayfia's voice says over the intercom. 

Looking over the field I see a crater where the Rook was, a bunch of swords sticking out of the ground that once held the Knights and I thing I know what happened to the Queen.

(Y/N) and Akeno fly down, with the Susanoo still active, he lets everyone in and Asia starts to heal the injured.

(Y/N) motions for me to join and I do so without turning my back to Riser once I reunited with everyone (Y/N) says...

"All of you stay here, I'll finish this."

I go to argue but he gives me a look and I see he has something planned so I let him, he makes a clone to keep the Susanoo active, then leaves to face the final boss.


I smirk and bring out my secret weapon while staring down my opponent.

"What's with the smile?" He growls

"Im just looking forward to how bad I'm about to beat your over cooked ass."I say and rush him catching him off guard.

I slash his chest and he screams...

"Why does it burn?!?!"

He yells holding his chest and he now sees my sword.

"Is that a light sword!?!" He asks/ screams.

"You like it? I swiped it from a exorcist I killed and modified it so I can supercharge it with chakra." I say and look at it, it's a simple white square handle with a golden cross forming the guard and the connection between the blade and the rest of the sword.

(This but just the handle)

I walk towards Riser and he says...

"Wait I-"

I cut him off with a knee to the chin stunning him, he falls onto his back.

I sit on his chest pinning his left arm with my right leg and his right arm with my left one and hold my sword tip to his throat and say...

"Here's what's going to happen, your going to surrender, you will never go near Rias or any girl ever again. You lose your peerage and the right to one. You crawl into a hole and never show your face to me again, is that understood?"

He nods in fear of what will happen if he doesn't comply.

"I surrender!" He says fearfully.

He disappears into blue particles.

"Lord Riser Phoenix has surrendered, Lady Rias Gremory wins!" Grayfia says

I stand and deactivate my sword returning it to just a handle, I store it in my Kamui dimension and get tackled into a hug by Rias, she thanks me over and over.

"It wasn't just me Rias." I say and look at the rest of her peerage.

"This win is everyones." I say and she nods.

"Thank you all, for everything!" She says.

"What are friends for." Akeno says and she wraps her arms around one of mine and whispers...

"And thank you for saving me."

I smile and whisper back...

"Don't mention it, I'd give my life to protect the ones I love." She giggles and says...

"I still think you deserve a reward~" I smirk and say...

"Is that so? What did you have in mind?"

She moves my arm to her ass and says...

"I have a few ideas."

"Ahem" Rias says gaining our attention.

We look at each other and laugh, we join the rest and are teleported to the party hall where we celebrate into the night and Akeno was true to her word and I got one Hell of a reward and I thank the stars for my amazing family.

Next chapter done

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