The Youngest Halstead

By Sexy_SeAbAsS420

90.9K 1.4K 28

When Maddison Halsteads mother died 5 years ago she moved away to Indiana leaving her two brothers Will and J... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22- PART ONE
CHAPTER 22- part two
chapter 22- part three
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30
part 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
part 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62- the end

chapter 22- part 4

1.1K 21 0
By Sexy_SeAbAsS420



"so it's all about this nurse, Nellie," Olivia said whilst walking into Voights office and taking her coat off.

"well looks like, I mean terrorized that apartment building when he couldn't find her, then he went straight to the college," Voight said.

"she doesn't fit Yates profile," she said.

"yeh not to mention he's a few miles from Canada but came straight here instead," he said

"We have to figure out who she is to him," Benson said.

"I was about to head downstairs, start asking," Voight said.

"how's Erin," she asked.

"pissed at me, but she's alive," he said.

"and how's that girl urm Halstead's sister" she also asked.

"Maddie yeah she's terrified Yates scared the poor girl to death when He said the things I put her behind me I could physically feel her shaking," he said.

"how about I interview with her and Erin" she suggested.

"i..." he said "yes Erin but Maddie has gone to the shop"


"I was putting books in my trunk he said he had a flat down the road asked if he had one of those.." Nellie was saying.

"a lug wrench," Erin said.

"When I reached of it he... I don't know him... he wasn't my boyfriend... I don't know why he wanted me..i... I can't" she sobbed.

"just.. just take a breath, Nellie," Olivia said to her "we just.. we just want to find him okay? and you can help us do that"

"did he say  what he wanted or why he came to you specifically  Erin asked

".. he talked about home, how everyone needs a home. he asked a lot of questions about my past, where I grew up, what my parents were like, where they are now. he kept saying how everybody wants a home to go home I thought he was gonna kill me" she said.

"is carr your given last name, " Olivia asked her.

"I've divorced the last name I was given was Williams, why," she said. 

"And Nellie is short for Penelope," Olivia said. and she nodded.

"We need to talk excuse us," Olivia said getting up and walking out

"did anyone reach my mother if she's seen the news.. is there just a phone I can use," she asked .

"of course just give us one minute," Erin said walking out the breakroom and shutting the door


"the name Penelope Williams was searched on one of the phones from yates cell," Olivia said.

"then why would he let her go," Antonio said.

"to send a message to Erin," Olivia said.

"yates first note said 'ill see you at home' he asked Nellie about her home. he went to Erin's apartment, her home. where was Yates born" she asked.

"north caroline," Antonio said.

"let's find out for sure," Voight said.

everyone went to do some research when mouse said"hey guys do anyone knows where Maddie is, I need a hand here"

"she hasn't come back yet," Voight said.

"come back from where," Kevin asked.

"she went to the Pharmacy done the street said it was an emergency," he said.

"wow wow hold up you let Maddie go to the store on her own when not even four hours ago a serial killer was talking about her and knowing everything about her are you goddam crazy how stupid could you be," Jay said.

"well call her phone track it, track her car, call her radio Maddies smart " he sad

"I have found her car its in the car park down the street," Olinsky said.

"let's go," Voight said.


when they arrived they Kevin and Olinsky went into the store whilst the rest went to the car.

"it's unlocked Maddie never leave her car unlocked," Jay said.

Olivia opened the driver's side as Jay opened the passenger side. Erin and Voight went to the boot.

"Hey, there's blood on this wheel and a bag with something in it," Olivia said grabbing the bag from the car floor whilst forensics take the blood.

she opened the bag to several pregnancy tests "well now we know why she went"

"you got my sister pregnant," Jay said looking at adam.

"We don't know alright she was late, freaking out," Adam said.

"wait you too were dating," Kevin said.

"yeah man," he said.

"right well let's go back to the precinct look at traffic cams cameras anything and someone might want to call Dylan to see if Maddie had like a tracker in her shoe or something I mean the kids a genius and paranoid she knows what she doing," Voight said.


whilst we were working on how to find Maddie we were also working on trying to find Yate and link Nellie to him.

"hey, boss" Adam said.

"Yeah?" Voight said.

"so, Nellie grew up Penelope Williams to parents Susan and Michael Williams here is Chicago the thing is thy also had a son by the name of Gregory," Adam said.

"Yates is Nellie's brother," Erin said in disbelief.

"Nellies mother is downstairs Susan Baldwin," Antonio said to everyone who was still in disbelief.

"you and Halstead, as soon as she saw Nellie go interview her," said.

"runs his name through DCFS do a national check, too anything you can get," he said.

"on it," adam said.

"mouse anything on Maddie yet,"  he asked.

"no, not yet but Dylan is coming with stuff that can track her but knows," he said.

"got it to let me know when he is here," Voight said to mouse who nodded.

*in the interview room*

"Greg was a difficult baby," Susan said. "he was off from the beginning and once he got language he said terrible things he became obsessed with fire and set one in our basement by the time he was four years old. it wasn't an accident when I became pregnant with Nellie, small animals would turn up dead inside the house we were terrified of him.. terrified for the new baby we decided that Michael should take Greg on one of his hauls and...."

"put him up for adoption in North Carolina," Antonio said finishing her sentence.

"a pastor agreed to place him.. our marriage didn't last much longer after that"

"are you in touch with Gregs father" jay asked?

"no, Nelie is.. oh Michaels on the road most weeks but.. this Greg yates that's wanted for all these awful things," Susan said.


I woke up to my headbanging in pain I didn't know what was happening or where it was.

I was in an abandoned warehouse by the looks of it. my left leg chained to the wall, I turned my head and there he was sat on a chair.

"well hello, Maddie can I call you that," Greg asked.

"Anyway, I am glad you're awake because we have so much to do well I have. we are going to have a little fun and then we are going on a little field trip just you, me and my well my father if you up for that" he said unzipping my trousers.

I tried to get out of his grip, I kicked slap, scratched anything to get the horrible man of off me "no no please leave me alone please" I begged but it was no use he gripped my wrists and tied them to a pole as he was carrying on with what he was going.

"We are going to have a lot of fun," he said nocking me unconscious once again


"so serial killers often kill the same person over and over again" Olivia. "Susan is a brunette. has brown eyes she would have been 25 when Michael took him to North Carolina"

"that why it makes sense why he took Maddie," Finn said.

"but Maddie has blue eyes, not brown" Jay pointed out.

"but Susan was pregnant with Nellie. and as we know there is a high chance that she is also pregnant it still adds up," Olivia said.

"but he is been in Chicago before he could have looked for her at any point," Antonio said referring to Nellie.

"Micheal and Susan Williams are pretty common names, but she remarried and changed her name. it might have taken him time to find that new name" Finn said to the group.

"time he had plenty of in jail," Jay said.

"but he has had a cellphone before and it's been 40 years since they gave him up so what.."Erin said.

"back at the hospital Rudnick said that Yates was obsessed with one thing... revenge," Olivia said cutting Erin off.

"if yate wanted revenge on anyone it would be Rudnick. Rudnick killed Yates fiancee" jay said.

"Yates pregnant fiancee she was pregnant when she was killed," Erin said.

"just like yates mother was with Nellie when they gave him away," Olivia said.

"and that triggered something inside him," Finn said.

"and when he couldn't find him on his own, he went through Nellie he's come here to finish 'em off that's his endgame," Voight said as Dylan came up the stairs and sat at Maddies chair.

"but what it... it's more than that I mean if you look at his movements he's.. he's frenzied I don't think that he expects to make it out of here alive," Olivia said.

"Neither do I nor even Maddie at this stage," Erin said. "if the pregnancy led him back here to his mother.." Erin said. as Olivia turned to the interview room to go to Susan.

"Dylan finds anything on Maddie yet," Jay asked him.

"well yes and no urmm when she moved away after her mum died she always she told me she had always had a spare phone for emergencies in her top draw in her bedroom but then when her Ex-boyfriend came and went as you know Jay she started to carry it around with her in her car in her bag so it was close if she was taken she could grab it and there was always a way to find he," he said looking through his laptop.

"well, how do we track this phone" Adam said.

"well, this is the part where it got complicated I don't know the number for the phone it is somewhere in this folder of documents we just need to find it and then track it," he said pointing to a medium-size folder.

"well then start looking," Voight said.

"Maddie seems like she is very paranoid," Finn said.

"oh yeah she has always been paranoid well since she was like 5 and jay ran of it triggered it and it's become worse but it a good kind of worse it definitely comes in handy" Mouse said.

"you ran away when you were younger," Erin said in disbelief.

"It was nothing,"  jay said back shrugging his shoulders.

"it was because Will stole his blanket so he got angry like he does and ran of took two hours to find him," Dylan said. causing everyone to laugh slightly.


they had the address and everyone was getting ready to get there except mouse and Dylan who were tracking the phone now.

Erin and Voight were in the locker room taking.

"I had him. in the woods, I had him if I didn't stop for that little girl if I kept moving through that cabin those four nurses would still be alive right now" Erin said frustrated.

"Erin doesn't do this to yourself," Voight said to her.

"that's reason number two, that's reason number one," she said opening her locker and slamming her hand where there was a picture of her and Nadia.

"you're not going out Erin," Voight said shaking his head.

"why not," Erin said completely fed up.

"This is exactly what he wants, get in your head, throw you off your game," he said.

"How can I be ' off my game if you won't even let me in it" Erin argued.

"and how am I supposed to you out there when you can't even keep your cool with me," Voight said.

"I want to be the one to bring him in, hank," she said.

"you want to be the one to get in a confrontation with him that's not being good police," Voight said back.

"that is not where my head is at right now, you have my word" she tried to convince him.

"I don't believe you. you're staying here" Voight made his mind up walking out.


"for what it's worth if I was your sergeant I would have done the same thing well get him," Olivia said to Erin. as everyone went to get Yates and hopefully Maddie.

Erin walked out past the front desk and passed Trudy when Nellie came back from behind her.

"detective," she said coming towards her. "it's my mothers it says it's coming from me but I don't have my phone," she said passing Erin her mums ringing phone. also catching the commanders and platts attention.

she answered the phone to see Greg and his father "oh it's my two favourite women on my dear mother's phone" he said groaning "what are the odds"

"dad?" Nellie said from behind Erin.

"no. what is this why is he doing this" Nellie asked as Erin dragged her over to Platt.

"guard her get her mother and buzz me up," Ein said running up the stairs.

when she got to the top of the stairs she clicked to Dylan and mouse writing something on a notepad saying ping Nellies phone whilst Greg was talking about Cain and Abel and she walked to the breakroom.

"is that why you called to tell me that," Erin said

"are you recording me again you are really just begging for a confession aren't you," Yates said

"so are you. you want to tell us a story of your sister, your mother, your father so bad, you created all of this, so start talking or tell me where you are and where Maddie is," Erin said.

"I know I could count on you detective," Greg said.

"When we first met you said I reminded you of someone I'm 5'4", brunette it's your mother I remind you of your mother same with Maddie," Erin said.

"we'll talk about that, but let's begin that Maddie is played right beside me and the fact that your team went to the wrong place"


I woke up once again hearing yates voice talking to someone.

"now that will be detective tutuola" he said laughing.

I sat up to see a man hanging on the edge of a hole with a rope around his neck.

"Have you figured out where I am yet?" he said in a kiddies voice.

"yes," Erin's voice came through the phone.

"then come. oh, and we'll talk more" he said putting the phone to this man's face as he repeated the words no. and yates carried on talking. "but come alone or there will be another body or two to add to the list and the answer is yes you both remind me of my mother right before she threw me in the trash," he said hanging up the phone.

"what did you do to me, "I asked.

"well good morning well not much nothing to hurt the baby," he said.

"how do you know I don't even know if I am yet," I asked.

"I am a doctor Maddie you know and also I have a feeling," he said.                                                                                   

"are you going o kill me," I said.

"not if I have to let's just hope Detective Lindsay does the right thing and come alone," yates said.

and on cue, the door opened to Erin with her gun in the air.

"Detective Lindsay so good to see you again," he said.

"Let them go," she said.

"I mean I would but I am the only thing holding him up and well she is tied up so," he said.

"let me call an ambulance for them then it's just you and me like you wanted" she tried to bargain with him. and took her phone out. 

"no hell be dead long before they get here. put that away" he said.  and she did.

"then you shoot me and he goes over," Yates said rocking the man over the edge. and he begged for mercy.

"stop," Erin said as she put her gun and hands up. and then putting it in her helder. "this is it"

"have a seat," he said referring to the chair that is next to me and he sat on the window sill keeping the man up by his foot.

"Gillian hale was a nursing student but what she really wanted to be was a surgeon a helper. do you know who suffers the most? helpers because right up until that moment when you snap their neck they really believe in the goodness of people she thought that I would spare her because she was three months pregnant I mean that is why I picked her as a pregnant nurse as my first victim Mm the symmetry" he started. 

"you did want this from the beginning right detective," he asked Erin. 

"no my first pair oh that ohh that was electric. Lisa and, uh, oh, reb... Rebecca, they fought for each other so hard, but in the end.." he said starting to stand up "because you know you can keep women alive for days, oh suffering its such an underrated art isn't it but you know who suffered the most beautifully of them all?" he asked as I knew where he was going with this

"poor Nadia," he said pulling out a photo of both Nadia and Erin.

"look we are so similar you and I, damaged by a terrible mother a father who abandoned us when we could have saved it and we tried to overcome didn't we" as he moves his father over the edge a little bit "to become healers but turns out fixing people doesn't pave over what you're born with"               

"then what do you want why am I here," she said.

"an execution always needs one thing ......a witness,"       he said pushing his father killing him I flinched and put my head in my hands.

Erin stood up putting her gun out in front of her.                                 

"There are no saving people" he carried on picking up a screwdriver "were killers and at the end of the day what is more liberating than killing someone" he walked closer to Erin and I moved away as far as I could go.

"bad begets bad begets bad, and, you my lovely you get to tell this story"                           

"don't move you here me you stay where you are," she said backing away as he moved closer.

"you write my name down in a police report, you talk to the press, you testify, you are my balladeer singing the song of Gregory Williams Yates over and over and over," he said getting into her head.

"don't move," she said.

"you put me away, take me in, take me,"     he said and a gunshot was heard and he fell he's dead. 

Voight walked in just after it happened he took her gun and radioed for an ambulance and crime lac.

"hey mad hey you ok your okay I got you," he said hugging me as I sobbed.

"he did it he did it to me," I said referring to rape.

"you're gonna be okay your safe," he said.

you could hear the sirens in the background.

Gabby and Sylvie came in with a stretcher ad took me out of the building letting the police bag the dead bodies.

when we got out the unit was there. 

"hey you okay your gonna be okay," adam said kissing me on the lips

"We gotta go we need to get her to the hospital," Gabby said.

"I want police escort on this ambulance now, "Olivia said as I was put into the ambulance and drove me to med.

"Maddison Halstead, 22 years old, a suspected rape, got a bad bash on her head, also suspected pregnancy," Gabby said coming into the trauma bay causing Wills head to move up from the computer.

"Doctor manning," maggie said.

"Hey Maddie it's me Natalie can you tell me what happened," she asked as she cleaned my head wound.

"Yates he umm he.." I said not able to finish my sentence.

"Okay so can we get ahead scan a rape kit and an ultrasound please," Natalie said.

"We are going to get the tests done ok I'm off to go see everyone and update them," she said walking out


Natalie walked out to the group of detectives including Voight, Platt, Finn, Olivia, Mouse and Dylan burgess and roman.

they all stood up. "so Maddie is ok to see is responsive and aware she has a nasty bump on her head where Yates nocked her and we are going to a Rape test and then an ultrasound to determine if she is pregnant and if the baby survived" she said.

"Are we able to see her?" Adam asked?

"not at the moment we are going maybe in an hour or so after the test but do you want to call anyone for Maddie like the father of her baby or her dad," she asked.

"She and dad aren't on speaking term but ill give him a text and baby dad I don't know," Will said.

"We do," everyone said.

"who," he asked.

"Adam is," jay said pointing to the man who was sat down with his head in his hands.

"what how long have you been dating," he asked.

"We have been dating almost 7 months you weren't supposed to find out this none of you were non off this was supposed to happen" he rambled.

"what do you mean," Voight said.

"I think a lot of you know that she gets scared a lot and easily and after her horrible breakup with her ex she didn't want it to turn bad, she was scared in telling people especially you Will and then people at work she was terrified but I wasn't really bothered we were happy are happy then more people figured it out and we didn't want to leave people in the dark then she found out she was late then she got even more scared when she sees you all she is going to be terrified that you don't know about us and then her being possibly pregnant and then to add to it Yates she is going to be going crazy," he said.

"that's why she has her meds to keep her steady" Voight said.

"Anyway I will be taking blood do I need to be aware of ay medical history," Nat said mainly to Jay and Will but Dylan spoke up "she is taking medication which will be in her notes and when she was younger she had frequent seizures that led her to be in the hospital" 

"thank you," she said and walking off. a nurse came up to Natalie. "we did the head scan and rape kit also took some blood her head is fine and everything else has gone to the lab"

"thank you is the ultrasound ready," she asked the nurse who nodded. "I'm gonna do that and can you go get Detective Ruzek please and show him to Maddies room please"

"no problem," the nurse said and went to go get him.


I sat in the bed when Natalie and broke the ultrasound with her.

"hey so we are going to do a scan okay also the nurse has gone to get adam," she said and I nodded.

she lifted the gown and put the gel on my stomach when Adam showed up and kissed my lips. 

"Hey baby," he said.

"hey," I said smiling back.

"let's find out if there is a baby in here or not," nat said putting the stick on my stomach.

"ah here we are," she said...



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