After the Stream (KiriKamiDek...

By lyzard_fan_fics

354K 13.3K 11.2K

This do be a college au doe, ok moving onto the description now. Izuku and Iida are dormmates, but they're se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
TodoBakuDeku Yet Again Bc Im a Whore Apparently
Another New Book Bc Who Needs Sleep Or Free Time These Days?
BakuKami Bc I Have Terrible Brainrot

Chapter 18

15.5K 655 807
By lyzard_fan_fics

"Can we talk?"

Denki could actually see the other two boys tense at his words.

"Um... sure?" Izuku said, nodding his head to the recliner next to the couch.

Denki took a seat and tried to figure out what the fuck he was going to say. Last night seemed so much easier. He was hyped up on adrenaline from learning that they both liked him, but now he was thinking through all the worst case scenarios, doubts crashing into him left and right.

"What'd you wanna talk about?" Izuku prodded, seeing as Denki wasn't getting anywhere on his own.

The blond jumped, as if he had forgotten there were other people in the room. "Oh, um, so I talked with Mina yesterday... She helped me figure out a few things." He explained very poorly.

Eijirou and Izuku both wore looks of confusion, clearly not being able to tell where this conversation was going. "Okay?"

"I broke up with Hagakure."


The shock was obvious. Neither of the other two had expected that from Denki when he walked into the living room.

Eijirou cleared his throat, looking up at the blond. "What happened? Did you two fight or something?"

He was being rather blunt, Izuku couldn't help but mentally facepalm.

"No, not at all actually. Just realized we weren't going to work out in the long run." Denki answered and the room fell into silence once again.

"... and I realized I might be in love with someone else."

The way Izuku visibly flinched caught Denki's attention. The green haired boy leaned back into his boyfriend, turning his gaze away from Denki.

Denki had no idea that Izuku was almost certain he meant Eijirou. He had no way of knowing that Izuku was trying to relish in the physical comfort of Eijirou before Denki confessed and the redhead inevitably left Izuku for his first love. He figured it was bound to happen, and as long as both boys were happy, he'd be okay. He could be okay.

"Who?" Izuku asked in a quiet voice, praying neither of the boys noticed the way his voice cracked as he tried to keep his sobs down. He was bracing himself to lose both of them.

Eijirou placed a reassuring kiss on Izuku's head, allowing the green haired boy to let out a shaky breath and relax just a fraction.

Seeing the two of them together made Denki hesitate. They seemed happy together, like they just work, fit together like sunshine colored puzzle pieces. Who was he to potentially ruin that?

He opened his mouth to answer, but stopped, thinking of what to say.

".... I'm not sure if you'd know them."

And just like that, Denki managed to break their hearts even more.

Eijirou abruptly stood up, glaring hard at the floor. "Just leave, Kaminari."

Both of the other boys looked up at him in clear shock.

"What?" Denki asked, not even trying to hide the way his voice cracked. Eijirou had never been mad at him. Eijirou had never told him to leave before.

The redhead looked up at him, his eyes just barely giving away his hurt by the water building up there. "If you just came here fuck with us some more, than just leave. We're hurting enough without you constantly reminding us."

Denki stood up now, not risking walking closer to the two. "What do you mean?"

Even if he was almost positive he knew what Eijirou was talking about, he needed confirmation. He didn't want to be wrong. It would kill him if he was wrong.

Izuku grabbed Eijirou's hand tightly. "Ei, don't."

But he didn't listen, he pulled his hand away from his boyfriend's grasp, tugging at his own hair in frustration. "We were in love with you, you fucking idiot! We were in love with you and you went out and got a girlfriend, ignoring how obviously not okay we were. Then you seek us out, just to tell us you dumped her and you're in love with someone else. Do you have any idea what you're doing to us?" Eijirou's voice died in his throat after he asked that question. He was exhausted and hurt. He just wanted to sleep and pretend it was all a dream.

Denki's eyes were wide as he looked between the redhead and Izuku, who refused to meet his eyes.

"You should have told me." Denki said softly, his own eyes filling with tears.

Eijirou squeezed his eyes shut as he laughed humorlessly. "But you were so... so... grossly happy. Despite our own feelings, we just wanted you to be happy, even if it wasn't with us."

Denki struggled to find the right words. "I-"

Izuku stood up, grabbing onto the side of Eijirou's shirt. "We want you to be happy Kami, because even if you don't love us like we love you, we're still your friends. Friends want each other to be happy. We want to be happy, but I don't know if we can do that with you around right now...."

Denki's breath caught in his throat, knowing and dreading where Izuku was going with his words.

"We already talked about it, I think I'm gonna stay here, with Iz, just for a little while." Eijirou said, wrapping an arm around Izuku like he was his last life line.

"Wait- You can't just-"

Izuku took a shaky breath, shaking his head. "We just need some time, Kami."

"No! I just- But-"

"Denks," Eijirou cut him off. "Please."

Denki tried one last time to say what he was feeling, but his voice died in his throat. He didn't know what to do. They wouldn't let him talk and they just wanted him gone. They wanted to get over him. They wanted to live their lives without him.

He almost gave in. Almost walked out of the dorm, and their lives.

But then he remembered what Mina said.

"So tell me, Denki, are you gonna sit back and settle for a just okay love story, or are you going to chase after two of the best things to ever happen to you?"

"I can't do that." He suddenly said, looking up at both of him, his eyes shining with determination and defiance.

Izuku visibly sagged against Eijirou in exhaustion. "Kami, please just-"

"No! Jesus, could you two just let me talk? You've been cutting me off this whole time and I'm just trying to tell you two that I love you too! Fuck, do you realize how hard you make it for a guy to confess?"

Izuku and Eijirou were completely frozen in their disbelief, but Denki paid them no mind. He had started talking and now he couldn't stop, not until he got everything from the past few weeks off his chest.

"I hadn't noticed it at first. It was just a dull ache in my chest that only ever seemed to go away when I was with one of you. Like there was a part of me that you two took with you whenever you left. And then there was this warm, fuzzy feeling everytime one of you would laugh, or Mido would mumble in his sleep, or Kiri forgot how big he was and ran into something, or the times when we'd cuddle, or when the chat would ship us together because god damn even they could see it, and I didn't know what the feeling was and it bugged the shit out of me. I needed a distraction from it and that's when Hagakure started giggling just a little too loudly at my jokes. She was pretty and nice and we got along so I thought what the hell. But the fuzzy feeling never happened when I was with her, it was just like hanging out with Mina. There was never anything that made me stop and think, damn, she's amazing. Not like when I was with you two. And then you two started to avoid me. You'd flinch back whenever I'd touch you, you never wanted to stream with me, some days you wouldn't even talk to me, and suddenly the fuzzy feeling was gone and all that was left was this pain. Like someone reached into my chest and squeezed my heart in their fist and just crushed it. I was so confused. Then I talked to Mina and she told me you guys were dating and I almost had a breakdown. My two best friend were dating and they didn't  even tell me before they told a fucking stream. It hurt, and I figured that's what the pain was. Just friends drifting away. Then Mina pointed out that I was in love with you guys and you were in love with me and I fucked it up first with Hagakure and I had to choose between you two and her and I did. I broke up with her on my way back to our dorm just to find you both gone, a note saying Mido moved out. I sat against the counter and waited for Kiri because I didn't know where your dorm was, but he never came back. Bakugou and Sero found me sleeping there this morning and Bakugou basically dragged me here, dumped me on the doorstep, and left. And then I got here and you guys are so happy together that I second guessed everything and lied so I wouldn't complicate things, got yelled, told to leave, cut off when I tried to explain, and holy fuck I'm dehydrated, do you have anything to drink? Like water or something?"

Denki was huffing in his breath, having said all of that in one go. His mouth was dry, his heart was beating a million miles an hour, and he was a little light headed.

"I... um, yeah." Izuku said awkwardly after a few seconds, leaving the living room to get a glass of water from the kitchen. He brought it back and handed it to the winded blond, who chugged it down.

He threw the two of them a small smile. "So did I fuck it up?"

Eijirou didn't give him any more time to talk, storming towards him and roughly pulling him into a kiss by the front of his shirt. The surprise made Denki drop his glass, which thankfully Izuku caught.

"You guys almost got water all over the floor." Izuku said with a frown, placing the cup to the side and staring at the two with crossed arms.

They pulled away, both laughing at the green haired boy. "Sorry." Denki said with a suave grin.

Izuku couldn't stay mad at him, instead jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly. Eijirou joined, effectively squishing Izuku between the two of them.

"Can't.... Breath...."

The two bigger boys pulled away slightly so Izuku could take a big gulp of air. He did so dramatically, before smiling up at both of them, placing quick kisses on each other of their lips.

"I could get used to that." Denki stated with a fond smile.

Izuku poked his nose with a laugh, before stepping away and dragging both of them towards his door by the hands.

"Wow, still getting kicked out?" Denki joked.

Izuku looked back at him with a pointed stare. "No, but I figured we should tell Mina before she assumes we killed each other."

Eijirou nodded. "Yeah that'd probably be a good idea."

The green haired boy laughed loudly at how serious Eijirou had been when he spoke. "Give me a piggyback ride? Pretty please?" He asked with puppy dog eyes that the redhead just couldn't deny.

All three of them laughed as they stumbled down the hall, racing and pushing at each other. When they got to the elevator Denki took a deep breath, smiling brightly at the other two.

"What?" Eijirou asked with his own smile and a raised brow in question.

"Nothing, I just... really love you guys."

Eijirou's smile softened at his words, while Izuku ruffled the blond's hair. "We love you too."

hey guys!!

welp, that's it. that's the end. i hope you guys enjoyed it, even though it's taken so long to complete. i'll post another part on this book when i have a new story out!

anyways, i hope you guys have an amazing day!❤️💚💛

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