She's the Alpha [#1]

By TT_Maria

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Returning home from two years of training, Case finds that her pack has spun out of control, fortunately rogu... More

Chapter 1 - Home
Chapter 2 - Punishment
Chapter 3 - Where You Belong
Chapter 4 - The Price You Pay
Chapter 5 - Alpha
Chapter 6 - What a Girl Wants
Chapter 8 - Meetings
Chapter 9 - Treaties
Chapter 10 - Like Father Like Daughter
Chapter 11 - Curtesy
Chapter 12 - Warnings
Chapter 13 - Gideon
Chapter 14 - Dinners
Chapter 15 - Conflict
Chapter 16 - The Parents
Chapter 17 - Giving the Dog a Bone
Chapter 18 - Past Actions
Chapter 19 - Traitor
Chapter 20 - Closure
Chapter 21 - Changes
Chapter 22 - Decisions
Chapter 23 - The King
Chapter 24 - The Crown
Chapter 25 - New Members
Chapter 26 - Behind Enemy Lines
Chapter 27 - She's the Alpha
Special Thanks!
Coming Soon...
Sequel is out!

Chapter 7 - Forgiveness and Acceptance

19.8K 935 14
By TT_Maria

"Aren't you getting comfortable" I smirked at the sight of Caleb behind my desk. He looked up and smiled, "did you sleep well?"

I scoffed at his question "after the night I had with you?"

Amusement came across his features; I made my way deeper into the office around the desk. I sat in his lap and kissed him "yes, last night was quite intense" his voice was husky and I loved it. Caleb and I completed the mating bond last night, my little push was the one that seemed to do it for him.

"What have you been doing?" I changed the subject.

"I've been looking at the enforcers set up; when Christopher was in power he had a weak set up that led to a lot of wolves being hurt. I want to change that" he stated, I couldn't help but feel as my pride grew for him, he was already so much in his alpha role.

"I have an idea" I piped.

"I'm all ears"

"Changing Christopher's set up; I suggest we put a group together that consist mainly of trackers and fighters. The group doesn't have to be big, eight people at the most, with the fighters surrounding the trackers."

Caleb had a faraway look in his eye then he nodded "as expected of you alpha" he smirked "I assume the fighters that will be surrounding the trackers are for precaution?"

"Yes, the trackers can pick up rogues from quite a distance, even if it's a surprise attack but they don't necessarily have the fast acting reflexes that fighters to even it out the trackers will warn the fighters that surround them and they can spring into action" I explained.

"And what if the tracker also has combat skills?" he questioned.

"Well that's a bonus; they'd be put on the outside of the circle with the rest of fighters."

"we have to try that out, not everyone in the pack interacts with each other" he stated, "I know but that will change" I replied.

"There's still the issue of the Beta and Gamma position" he reminded.

"Actually, I have someone in mind to be Beta that you are quite familiar with"


A knock on the door alerted me that my guests were here "come in" I called out, the door opened and Conner and Simone came in.

"Alpha" they nodded, I gestured for them to take a seat. They looked at me, but hesitantly took a seat.

I worked on my laptop for a few minutes; the couple was rigid in their seats, their heartbeats drummed in my ears loudly.

"Are you two afraid of me?" I asked

I saw Simone flinch, and Conner's eyes widened, they both kept quiet for a few seconds "I think it's safe to say everyone is afraid of you" Conner whispered.

I smiled, "why? Am I that horrible?"

"No!" Simone blurted

I turned toward her sitting back in my chair, "I want your honest opinions, you can speak to me freely in here" I told them.

"We're afraid of what you'll do when you're angry" Simone said, Conner was holding her hand tightly.

"You don't think I'll take my anger out on you do you?" I asked.

They both kept quiet, and I saw where this was heading. I sighed and leaned forward; I placed my elbows on the desk and put my face between my hands.

"I will not take my anger out on you ever, it is wrong to do so, but that doesn't mean I won't punish you when you do something wrong. Your last punishment was to get a message across" I was blunt in what I had told them and Conner visibly relaxed.

"We're sorry...we know what we did to Caleb was wrong, without a doubt I would do anything to get him to forgive me. He was one of my best pals after all, Chris took his jealousy too far and we all ended up paying for it. Some more than others..." Conner looked extremely conflicted.Therewas no doubt that he was recalling the memories of killing the people he wasclose to while trying to defend himself and his mate. I've had him along withthe other three survivors visit the therapist I had hired some weeks ago. 

"Seems like you're well on your way to forgiveness" I muttered.

The office door reopened and closed as Caleb walked deeper inside, he walked around to the desk and pulled me up before he sat down and then brought me back down on his lap.

"We have a proposition for you Conner" I said watching as he tilted his he ad to the side "alpha?"

"How would you like to be our Beta?"

Conner stared at me, it was like in one of those movies when everything was silent and tumbleweed blew across the street.

"A-are you- are you sure?" he blurted.

"I am. Your family was the first Betas of our pack before it was turned over to Christopher's family. You have the skill I need and the brains, right now I'm asking you to do this and putting my trust in you."

"But, what I-what we did to Caleb..." Conner trailed off.

"Forgiven but not forgotten" Caleb interjected, Conner looked at him and nodded, a small smile made its way onto his face and I saw hope in his eyes.

"Do you Conner Pearce accept the position of Beta and vow to protect your alphas and your pack at all times?"

"I accept the position Alpha."


What do you think of Conner? Do you think Case made a mistake?

Thanks for reading!

-xoxo T

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