By am_trusfrated7

619 129 25

Sometimes life gives as a second chance but..............what do we do with it? We just waste it as if it ne... More

Introduction part1
Introduction part2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

9 3 0
By am_trusfrated7

Previously on.........

The girl chuckled at her. She held her arm out for her to shake it. "Sorry if i didn't introduce myself, my name is Lalisa Manoban but you can call me Lisa." 

Hyejin POV

I stared at the hand that was held before me. No.....i can't trust people.....not what happened last time. But if I don't shake her hand, she might think am a rude brat but I don't want to interact with anyone. Uh f*ck it I'll just shake it anyway.

I nodded my head at her. "My name is Lee Hyejin, nice to meet you Lisa." I shook her hand.

She smiled at me catching me off guard. How can you smile at someone you don't even know. I just went along with the flow and forced a smile.

She chuckled at me before facing forward with her head up high. "You don't need to fake a smile around me, its should I say it? too.....fake and obvious? nah I don't care."

She ruffled her own hair. "So.........who is your favourite girl group?"

I raised my eyebrow at her. I didn't even know where she was taking this conversation to. Might as well keep an effort to try not making it dry.

"Red velvet" I whispered. She turned to me as her eyes sparkled and a smile formed on her face. "Really?" She asked. I nodded my head. She suddenly hugged me. I froze. 

'A hot chick just hugged me?' I thought. I hugged her slowly. 

She pulled away from the hug. "We are totally soulmates!!!" She squealed loudly.

'' So who is your bias?''

''am an ot5''


''Favourite song?''

''It's hard to choose but I prefer monster''

''Damn girl I love that song the most.''

''What....*scoff* but that's my favourite''

''But you said its hard to choose''

''No I didn't''

''Yes you did''

''That was some random bitch''

''So you're saying that a random bitch was you?''


''Okay if you say so''

Then it was silent between us. ''Favourite boy group?''

I turned to her and we both smiled. ''EXO!!''

''YES!!'' We shouted as we stood up and fist bumped each other. Then the silence filled the cafeteria. We stood awkwardly looking at the cafeteria. Janet stifled a laugh while Leonce smiled lightly at me. 

People looked at us. ''Uh........................................sorry?'' I said unsurely. 

Soon the whole cafeteria was filled with laughter and a bunch of whispers like

''she is so cute''

''I wish she and Lisa would make a rap battle''

''LOL why does Hyejin look like Lisa's daughter?''

''Because she is?''

"I have to admit Royals are prettier than Bangtan's girlfriends"


"You like shouting a lot dude"


I looked around as I stood in the middle of the chaos. A voice cleared their throats. Everyone stopped fighting and stood in fear. I looked at the front and saw BTS standing with their faces up high with a smirk. 

I felt Lisa freeze. I held her hand in assurance and gave her a genuine smile. She looked convince with it as her shoulders fell a little. I glared at them. I looked at my sides as Janet and Leonce stood in each of my side while glaring at them.

Their little girlfriends walked to them with pride as they stood near their boyfriends. They began walking as the students made way for them but we didn't budge moving. They stood infront of us with an irritated face. I held Lisa's hand tightly. 

'If they have to hurt Lisa they have to pass through me first.' I thought.

Namjoon chuckled before his face turned serious. "Get out of the way." He commanded coldly.

"We aren't moving anywhere, there are other ways where you can pass. And for your information you don't scare us. They might be scared of you but we don't." Janet gritted her teeth in anger.

Namjoon's eyebrows raised in delight. He was about to speak when Shantel's voice spoke. "Don't worry boo bear, we can jut kill them for you if you want so that they can get out of the way." Namjoon glared at her. Yoongi's face turned into disgust.

I looked into his eyes as I read his mind. "This ass hole thinks she is his most precious treasure. I'm just waiting until they dump you in the streets. I don't even know why we're  bothering these three girls when they are really cool. You know what? I'll ask for their numbers behind Namjoon's back. They look fun to hangout with. I bet Jin is also interested to hangout with them." 

My eyes sparkled in hope. Finally a friend......wait what am I saying?

"Get out of the way. We don't want it to be the hard way now do we?" Namjoon crossed his hands. Leonce rolled her eyes. 

"Listen over here, When she said that there are other ways to pass she means it. Unless you are interested in us that's why you decided to annoy us. I mean we are beautiful after all so all you could do was ask for our phone numbers. It ain't that hard." She spoke confidently. 

Janet glared at her while I looked at her in disbelief.

"Well damn....cocky much" I whispered quietly. Lisa giggled beside me. "No thank you, we have other things to do than to ask girls for numbers." Namjoon spoke.

"When you mean other things to do, you mean fucking girls?" I tilted my head innocently. Lol he looks quite offended.

The rest of bangtan looked at me in an offended manner except yoongi. He looked quite disgusted at the thought of that.

"And here I thought you were the most innocent. You are definetily Hoseok. That guy literally smiles like a ray of sun but you even wonder what goes inside his head. The only ones that f*ck is probably the maknae line. They can't even keep their d*cks in their own pants." 

I giggled at him. He seems like a nice friend.

"What are you giggling about poop face?" An irritating voice asked. I glared at Tisha.

"I know you did not just--"

"Or what? Huh!?" Tisha interrupted me. 

I inhaled deeply. I removed my hair band and tied my hair into a bun. I pushed my sleeves up my arms as I gave Lisa my bag.

"Would you hold this for me? Yeah? Thanks" I tied my snickers. 

I jumped on Tisha as we both fell on the ground. "WHAT YOU CALL ME BITCH!? I WILL MAKE YOU BOLD YOU OLD HAG!!" I screamed at her as I yanked on her hair harshly.

No one POV

Janet stood there trying to process what just happened. Leonce munched on her popcorns as she cheered for Hyejin. Lisa held hyejin's bag somehow shocked? 

Yoongi snickered at the back seeing Tisha's wig fly across the room. You're asking what Shantel and Tiffany are doing not defending their friend? They couldn't care less about that bitch. They continued to flirt with their boyfriends as their boyfriends face turned into disgust.

Tisha had bruises on her arms. She laid on the ground as she tried to pry Hyejin off of her. Hyejin stood above her as she twisted her leg.

"OWW LET GO OF MY LEG YOU DUMB BITCH" She shrieked in pain holding her leg. Hyejin chuckled darkly. "I SEE THAT YOU WANT TO DIE, BUT DON'T WORRY YOU WILL AND YOU WILL GO TO HELL ALL ALONE" Hyejin punched Tisha's face as blood came out of her mouth.

"SAY HELLO TO SATAN FOR ME WILL YA?" Hyejin headlocked Tisha with her legs. Leonce snickered at her statement. Yoongi smiled like a proud father seeing that bitch's face bruised.

Namjoon ate a cupcake not caring at all.

"Ehem" A voice cleared its throat. Hyejin stopped fighting and her eyes widen as she froze in place. Tisha stopped scratching Hyejin's arms with her long ass nails and her eyes almost fell out its sockets. Same going to the rest of Royals, BTS, Lisa, Shantel and Tiffany.

The deputy principal, Miss Areum stood there as she glared at them. A smirk slowly crept on her face.

"We are fucked up." Janet exhaled loudly.



A sound of scrubbing filled the room. The 14 students scrubbed the dirty storage room using a tooth brush as they wore janitors' clothes. It was surprising seeing Lisa among them. Somehow the seven tough boys were involved into this shit. I mean you can't blame them. Miss Areum was quite scary. *Ehem* Let me correct that, she was too scary.

"Man this sucks." Hyejin sulked at the corner of the room. "Ya think?" Janet scoffed. Leonce mumbled to herself as she sat down on the cold floor regretting her life. 

"We wouldn't have been here if you two didn't fight." Janet pointed at Tisha and Hyejin. Hyejin looked away offendly. "It isn't my fault that the damn bitch called me poop face. She started it and ended it herself, so I don't understand why you would say it's me." Hyejin leaned on the wall.

"F*ck this shit am out." Hyejin stood up from the floor as she stood near the window looking outside. Leonce furrowed her eyebrows in deep thought. 

Namjoon rolled his eyes at the three girls at their foolish act. He thought that his teammates were quite responsible or something. What he didn't was that they were doing the complete opposite at the back. 

Taehyung was secretly taking photos of Hyejin, Jimin was wondering why Hyejin had a big butt than him, Jungkook was hitting Hyejin with the toothbrush repeatedly, Jin was at the back taking photos of himself praising himself 'THE KING'. Hoseok was planning on killing everyone. Yoongi grabbed Hyejin's phone and typed her number on his phone and returned it back. The three bitches glared at Hyejin harshly. Lisa was stuggling with the toothbrush saying torture or whatever.

Hyejin glared at Jungkook and looked around the room. She saw Jin doing his stuff and thought to annoy him. She plopped herself beside him as she crossed her legs and folded her arms. "You know you kind of remind me of Aoyama."

Jin stopped in the middle of his pics and looked at Hyejin with a confused yet disgusted expression. "What is AyAmA?" He asked.

Hyejin whipped her head at Jin's direction as she placed her hand on her chest in an offended manner. "Why would you say such a thing to the king himself!" She gasped.

"What do you mean? I didn't say anything about me." Jin said. Hyejin face palmed herself. "This ego bitch." Hyejin muttered to herself.

"I heard that." He glared at her. He shifted away from her and started mumbling things like 'what's so great about this ayama? Am a king aren't I? Tch. StUpId. I'll find this ayama and show him whose boss.' 

Hyejin snorted. She stood up with her head up high gaining attention from the others. "Listen up hoes, if we want to get out of here we have to finish the cause of it all." she grinned wickedly.

Janet scoffed. "So what are you trying to say is that we have to kill Miss Areum?"

Hyejin nodded her head happily. Leonce faced her and gasped. "WHAT? No no you're not going to do that. The last thing I want is to go to jail."

"Meh, who cares. Let's do it." Yoongi said. The others agreed except for Lisa, Leonce and Namjoon. Namjoon suddenly felt disappointed in him and shook his head. "You all are a disappointment. The seven of us are mafias, we kill people for our own benefits not dragging innocent people into this."

"So? We aren't mafias now just say if you are in or not." Janet glared at him. Hyejin raised her eyebrow. "Wait a damn minute...... are you saying that you are kind? If so then....WHY THE F*CK DO YOU GUYS LIKE ANNOYING US ALL THE DAMN TIME IF WE AIN'T IN YOUR DAMN LIST?"

Taehyung flinched at her sudden outburst and scooted away from her and hid from her behind Leonce's back. Leonce's face turned into disgust as she tried to chase him away from her. Hyejin glared at Taehyung as he froze on his spot. 'Don't tell me she saw me take pictures of her ass. I only wanted to blackmail Jimin and make him jealous so that he can cry.' He shook miserably on his spot. 

Hyejin's eyes softened for a moment before it turned cold. Jungkook saw it and glared at Taehyung harshly. The poor boy didn't know what he did. " Ohohoho you been caught there joon.....I'll tell you why. You see we were-" A hand was placed on J-hope's mouth in attempt to shut him up. "Don't mind him....he just wanted to say that we were jealous of your glowing skin yeah glowing skin." Jimin said to cover up a lie but ended up failing miserably.

"Ahaha no." Hyejin glared at him. "How about we just finish cleaning and just go?" Lisa suggested. " Lisa, honey, I love you but no. We stayed here since morning now look where we are. We haven't even reached half of it despite being here for 7 hours and it's almost six in the evening." Hyejin said. She walked straight to the door heading to Miss Areum's  office not giving a single f*ck about going to jail and spending the rest of her life in jail. She kicked the door open saying "Here am kicking the door."

Miss Areum raised her eyebrow at Hyejin and went back to typing to whatever the f*ck she was typing. 'I know this bitch did not just ignore me.' Hyejin thought.

"WhAt ThE FuCk Is Up KyLe?" Hyejin giggled before dead panning. 'Bipolar much.' Miss Areum shivered for a while before giving Hyejin a sharp glare.

"Watch your profanity young lady, this is a school. I know what you're going to ask. If you have to get out then you have to finish the work I gave you. And no it's not child abuse, it's the school rules that was made by me. Report to the principal if you want but she could care less. The door is open for you to get out, I'm busy." Miss Areum spoke as she adjust her glasses. She went back to typing.

'What................?' hyejin thought.

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This is the third book. Please proceed to Book 1 before reading this. Thank you.