We look like giants || SOOSHU

De nosoyapril

17.4K 358 199

Short Converted Sooshu fic Fluff & Smut Credit goes to the original author @colonelpancake04 Mais

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

5.3K 92 80
De nosoyapril

Junior year. Shuhua grins excitedly to herself as she clutches her colorful comforter and sheets tighter to her chest and bounds up the front steps of her new rented house. Yuqi and Miyeon had been her suitemates freshman and sophomore year when they were confined to the dorms at Cube University and now that they're free to choose their own dwellings, they can't imagine living separately. After a lengthy search for a house with an appropriate bedroom to bathroom ratio for three college aged girls, they'd finally settled on a large house with four bedrooms and three bathrooms.

Then came the issue of who would be taking the fourth room. They seriously considered using it as a second living area or a study or even a dance party room (that gem had been Miyeon's idea), however the promise of lower rent won out and they soon found themselves scouring Facebook for a reasonable addition to their household. It's not that they were picky, per say, they just didn't want to end up with an axe murderer or a crazy cat lady as their new roommate.

The solution to their problem came in the form of Miyeon's cousin deciding to transfer to Polis to run on the track team. Upon Miyeon convincing Yuqi and Shuhua that her cousin was a perfectly normal twenty-one year old woman and promising she'd be the one sharing a bathroom with the girl in question, the decision was final.

Shuhua dumps her bedding on the mattress and box springs that take up most of the back wall of the master suite (she'd drawn the long straw when it came to choosing rooms) and sighs when she sees how many boxes she still has to unpack. She can hear Yuqi breaking down empty boxes in her room across the hall and Miyeon's weird dance fusion music drifting from her open door across the house. Their fourth roommate is still on her way, Miyeon had assured earlier, and her parents had moved in their niece's furniture earlier that day.

It's nice finally being in a house, Shuhua decides. Although they have to worry about yard care and utilities now, they no longer have to concern themselves with keeping the noise down at night and now they have laundry in their house instead of down three flights of stairs and a creepy ass hallway like it was at the on campus apartments they'd lived in last semester. That and she's still living with her two best friends.

Yuqi and Miyeon probably know Shuhua better than her own mother. Not that it's surprising. Shuhua and her mom can barely manage strained small talk without it escalating into an argument. High school had been hard, but her roommates are her family now. Shuhua just hopes that Miyeon's cousin moving in doesn't throw off the dynamic the three girls have built over the past two years. She knows Miyeon has told her over and over again that her cousin is slightly closed off, but really cool, however Shuhua can't get the image of this new girl coming into her life and stealing away her friends leaving her alone again.

There's a knock at the door frame and Shuhua looks up from where she's unpacking her art supplies and sees Miyeon grinning at her.

"Unnie. What's up?"

Miyeon shrugs, venturing further into the room, and throws herself onto Shuhua's unmade bed, causing the neatly organized stack of books Shuhua had placed there earlier to topple over. "Just seeing how the unpacking is going for you. Got tired of putting clothes on hangers."

Shuhua sighs at the mess Miyeon's made of her books, but goes to sit next to her anyway, grinning when the girl wiggles closer until her head is in Shuhua's lap.

"I'm glad we're living together again."

"Me too," Shuhua answers as she threads her fingers through dark hair.

Miyeon sighs in contentment and is closing her eyes when Yuqi comes barreling into the room and tackles both the girls sitting on the bed. Miyeon squeals in surprise and bats at the intruder. Yuqi squirms until she is sandwiched between Shuhua and Miyeon and buries her face into Shuhua's shoulder.

"You bitches better not be trying to leave me out of this cuddlefest."

Shuhua giggles despite the fact that she is hanging halfway off the bed and it is decidedly not a comfortable position to be in. She's with her best friends in her new house and she couldn't be happier.

"I really love you guys."

She feels Yuqi's mouth form a smile against her neck and strong arms pull her more onto the bed. "Ditto, Yeh Shuhua."


The girl who walks through the front door, black rolling suitcase in tow, is easily the most attractive human being Shuhua has ever laid eyes on. She really shouldn't be surprised. Lucas and Miyeon are both unjustly beautiful people in their own right, so it only makes sense that their cousin would be equally as blessed.

She is dressed in a pair of simple jeans and a form-flattering black v-neck. Dark brown riding boots encase her calves, making her seem taller than she actually is. Chestnut colored locks fall in barely controlled curls down her back, but it is her steely green eyes set atop sharp cheekbones that truly take Shuhua's breath away. And when the cold gaze is cast upon her and their eyes meet for the first time, Shuhua is pretty sure she almost swallows her own tongue.

And suddenly Miyeon is flying across the living room and flinging herself into the stranger's arms and the moment is lost.

"Soojin! You're finally here!"

"Hello, Miyeon."

Shuhua gulps. Even her voice is sexy. Miyeon holds her cousin at arm's length, seemingly appraising her. "You look good, cousin."

A hint of a grin flickers across the new girl's features before she turns her gaze onto the two other girls in the room. "Are you going to introduce me to my new roommates?"

Miyeon bounces excitedly on the balls of her feet and nods. She hops across the room and grabs Shuhua's hand and hauls Yuqi up from the sofa by her elbow and drags them towards her cousin.

"Soojin, meet Shuhua and Yuqi. They're my best friends in the whole universe. Shuhua and Yuqi, this is Soojin. She's the super awesome, badass cousin I always talk about."

Once again, that cool gaze is turned upon Shuhua and she feels her chest constrict. Soojin raises her chin and extends her hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Shuhua, Yuqi."

Soojin's grip on Shuhua's hand is strong and confident. Soojin's skin is soft when she slides her hand from Shuhua's to shake Yuqi's hand. Shuhua would be concerned about this massive crush at first sight situation if Soojin didn't carry herself like every other straight girl Shuhua has met in her life. She watches Miyeon guide Soojin towards her room and resigns herself to having a one sided straight girl crush for the rest of their roommateship. Or until Soojin pisses her off.


"So, that's your cousin, huh?"

Shuhua flops onto the couch between Miyeon and Yuqi, freshly popped bowl of popcorn in hand. Miyeon reaches for a handful and stuffs it into her mouth. They've just finished unpacking and decorating their new home. Soojin left only moments ago to attend a meeting at the university, pausing only briefly to bid goodbye to the girls watching MTV in their new living room.

"Yeah. Why do you act so surprised?"

"I don't know. She's, like, really attractive."

"Yeah, your cousin is fucking hot, Cho Miyeon," Yuqi chimes in.

Miyeon scoffs and shakes her head. "No way in hell, Shuhua."

Shuhua feigns innocence and puts on her most convincing confused face. "No way in hell what?"

"No way in hell are you thinking about sleeping with my cousin! I know you don't, like, sleep around or whatever, but she is off limits. It's, like, girl's code or something." Miyeon breathes out a little laugh after her statement, however there is an edge to her voice that lets Shuhua know that she's only half kidding.

"Relax. I try to make a habit of not sleeping with straight girls."

Miyeon shifts uncomfortably and breaks eye contact with Shuhua. "Well... about that."

"Shut up! She's the same lesbian cousin Lucas told us about!? I thought she went to school in D.C." Yuqi jumps on the gossip like a hungry dog going after a steak. "Why are you depriving Shuhua of having her slutty college years?" Yuqi leans over Shuhua to ask the question in hushed tones as if Soojin wasn't several blocks where she can't hear the current conversation.

Shuhua vaguely remembers the instance Yuqi is referring to. It had been while they were all together drinking over a year ago, so the details were a bit fuzzy.

Miyeon looks vaguely uncomfortable with the turn the discussion has taken. "That would be her, but seriously guys, she's a little emotionally unavailable so it would be best if she didn't have one of her new roommates hitting on her."

Shuhua understands, she really does. She's been hurt in past relationships and it's sometimes more simple to just shut out the world.

"Fine, I promise I won't actively pursue your cousin, Unnie. However, if she comes to me, all bets are off," Shuhua jokes, bumping shoulders with her roommate to let her know she is kidding.

"Fair enough," Miyeon laughed.


Shuhua quickly finds that she and Soojin have very similar schedules. It seems every day when she arrives home from class, the other girl is already there or walks through the front door shortly after. They make small talk during these times and sometimes even sit together in the living room to work on homework. Shuhua discovers that Soojin is a kinesiology major, and that she works part time at the rec center teaching yoga, which explains her incredible physique. Shuhua speaks to Soojin about her art major and the upcoming junior showcase she is working her ass off to prepare for while also trying to juggle her job at the University library.

It's nice not to be the only one home, as Shuhua was so often when Yuqi and Miyeon were her only roommates. Yuqi works almost every day as a waitress at a local restaurant and Miyeon always seems to be out with her high school sweetheart, Minnie, so it is a rare occasion indeed for the four roommates to all be home at the same time.

And just when Shuhua feels like she and Soojin are almost bonding, she almost fucks everything up.

They're both in the living room. Soojin's sitting in the threadbare armchair and Shuhua's sitting on the rug with her sketching spread across the coffee table.

"So, you're, like, a lesbian, right?"

Soojin stiffens and regards Shuhua with guarded eyes. She clenches her jaw and looks away. "My sexuality is my business."

Shuhua can tell this isn't the first time Soojin's had this conversation and judging by her stiff posture and white-knuckled grip on her pencil, Shuhua would bet good money that it usually doesn't end well.

"Soojin, Miyeon already told me."

That was probably the wrong thing to say because Soojin swallows hard and glares down at the book in her lap. "Don't worry. I'm not going to spy on you in the shower or try to kiss you or anything. I'm gay, not a pervert." She closes her book with a resounding thud and pushes away from the chair. "You know, I think I'm just going to go study in my room, actually."

Shuhua barely manages to snatch her roommate's hand as she storms by and pulls her off balance causing her to fall into a heap on the rug.

"What the hell, Shuhua?"

Soojin is as angry as Shuhua's every seen her and if she didn't find the flashing green eyes and flaring nostrils so damn attractive, she'd probably be scared out of her wits. "Soojin, I swear I'm not trying to upset you."

"Then why did you ask that question?"

Shuhua shrugs, picking at an imaginary thread on the rug. "I guess I just wanted to hear it from you."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Soojin sighs loudly. "I just don't understand why it matters to you."

"I'm not judging you." At Soojin's unbelieving glance, Shuhua shakes her head vehemently.

"I'm really not! I mean, it would be supremely hypocritical of me if I did judge you."

Soojin's head snaps up and her eyes meet Shuhua's. "Hypocritical?"

Shuhua wills herself not to flush under the intensity of the other girl's gaze. "Well, I have been out and proud since 2010. I'm surprised Miyeon didn't tell you. Maybe I should get a t-shirt made or something."

Soojin's mouth drops open and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You like girls? How?"

A chuckle escapes Shuhua's lips. "Ummm, well, I guess I kissed a girl and I liked it so I decided to do it more?" Soojin doesn't look amused so Shuhua quickly clarifies. "I've kinda always known. Same as you, probably."

"You're so girly and pretty though." Soojin immediately claps her hands over her mouth and looks away, her cheeks coloring.

Shuhua raises an eyebrow at her. "Thanks, I think. You are too. Pretty, I mean." Soojin turns even redder and Shuhua frowns a little. "I'm honestly a little surprised at your stereotyping though."

"If you knew my parents, you wouldn't be." Soojin smiles wryly before continuing. "But still, I shouldn't have said it like that. I just never would've guessed."

"They didn't take your coming out well, I take it?"

"I haven't spoken to them since." Soojin leaves it at that and Shuhua decides not to press her.

Shuhua stands suddenly and holds out her hand to Soojin who blinks at her in confusion. Rolling her eyes, Shuhua snatches the brunette's hand and drags her to her feet. "Come on, let's go shopping!"


"We've bonded in our shared queerness. We need to go get matching flannel shirts!"

Soojin smirks and shakes her head, but follows Shuhua out the door anyway.

"Now who's the one stereotyping?"


When Miyeon drags the household to one of Soojin's off season practice track meets, Shuhua isn't really sure what to expect. She knows Soojin transferred to Polis because they offered her a scholarship where the smaller school she was running for didn't have a track scholarship program. Shuhua was pretty embarrassed to admit that her only knowledge of track and field events comes from watching the summer Olympics.

Soojin told Shuhua that she ran anchor in the mile relay. Shuhua has no idea what that means, but it sounds important, so she's excited to see what got her roommate a full ride scholarship in the first place.

Shuhua spots Soojin before either of her roommates do and it's all she can do to keep calm and not fall out of the bleachers. Soojin is down on the field stretching by the track. She is wearing tiny spandex shorts and a tight runner's tank and even from where Shuhua is sitting, she can see the definition of the flexing muscles in Soojin's thighs and calves. When Soojin straightens up and stretches her arms above her head, her tank rides up to expose a peek of perfectly toned abs and Shuhua's mind freezes.


She's drawn from her observations by an exasperated shout from the girl to her left and she assumes that wasn't the only time her name was called judging by the knowing arch of Yuqi's eyebrow.

"See something you like?"

Shuhua blushes and plays with her fingers in her lap. "Shut up. You can't blame me for looking when she's built like a freaking goddess."

Soojin does a couple of lunges along the track and Shuhua really wishes those legs were wrapped around her right now. Yuqi hums in appreciation. "You know, I'm pretty confident in my heterosexuality and I'd still do her."

"Guys, seriously, that is my cousin. Stop being gross," Miyeon moans in protest.

They watch a few races, not really understanding what is going on. They mostly comment on the uniforms worn by other schools and a few boys sporting unfortunate haircuts. Then the announcer is calling for all women competing in the mile relay to enter the track and take their places. Shuhua can see Soojin in her red and black spandex bouncing on the balls of her feet by the side of the track as the first runner from her race crouches in the blocks.

The race moves quickly following the sound of the starter pistol. Soojin's three teammates have done a decent job of keeping Polis in the pack, however they're currently sitting in fourth and Soojin is the only one left to run. Miyeon had explained earlier that the anchor is the last to run in a relay and is usually the fastest on the team. Shuhua really hopes this is true because right now, the girl in black in red standing at the finish line has a lot of ground to make up.

Soojin takes the baton as her out of breath teammate finishes her lap. Shuhua swears the brunette sprouts wings as she sprints around the first turn. Soojin's strides are long and smooth. She makes passing the other runners look effortless and by the time she's rounding the final turn into the last hundred meters of the race, she's put her team into second place. Arms pumping in rhythm with the pounding of her feet and shoulders back, Soojin charges down the track until she is even with the first place runner and then edging past her as she throws herself across the finish line. Shuhua thinks it might be the most free she's ever seen the other woman.

Shuhua doesn't even remember standing during the race, but now she's jumping up and down in the stands and cheering for her roommate, for Soojin, and everyone around her is looking like she's crazy. But when Soojin looks up from where she's doubled over next to the track, catching her breath, and sends Shuhua a grateful shadow of a smile, Shuhua can't find it in herself to care what other people think.


Shuhua learns Soojin isn't perfect the day she comes home from work to find her newest roommate in the kitchen crying over a bowl of what looked to be some sort of lumpy pink goo. Shuhua is so taken aback by the sight of the unflappable woman standing in a mess of flour and broken egg shells with tear tracks marring her features that she stands in the doorway for a long moment, not knowing what to say. A stifled sob escaping Soojin shakes Shuhua from her trance.

"Soojin, what's wrong?"

Soojin very nearly jumps out of her skin when Shuhua finally announces her presence. She swats away the tears and attempts to smooth down her unruly hair that looks to have flour streaked through it.

"It's nothing. If you don't mind, I'd rather be alone."

Shuhua is surprised by how little Soojin's voice wavered considering she had tears running down her face only moments ago. Soojin's cool verdant gaze bores into Shuhua's in challenge. Shuhua chooses not to take the easy way out.

"Judging by the state of the kitchen, I'm going to guess that nothing isn't what makes you so upset."

She raises an eyebrow at Soojin, daring her to argue. To Shuhua's surprise, Soojin's shoulders slump and she sighs in defeat, shaking her head.

"Tomorrow is Miyeon's birthday and I don't have much money for a gift, so I was planning to make her the cake our grandma always used to make us for our birthdays, but I'm shit at baking and this is the second batch of batter I've ruined."

Shuhua can't help it. She giggles. It's not directed at Soojin in particular, just at the absurdity of the situation. The scathing glare Soojin sends Shuhua in response to her tittering only makes her chuckle harder.

"I fail to see what is funny about this situation."

The hurt is evident in Soojin's voice and Shuhua reins it in with a calming breath. She leans forward over the counter and dips her index finger into the fluorescent goo before wrapping her lips around the digit, sucking the concoction off and just barely managing not to grimace at the taste. Shuhua doesn't miss the way Soojin's eyes dilate and fix on her mouth, but she remembers her promise to Miyeon and chooses not to say anything.

"I don't think the batter is salvageable, unfortunately." Shuhua watches Soojin's face fall further and her bottom lip begins trembling and she is instantly filled with guilt. "Look, I'm sorry for laughing, Soojin. It's just, you're always so good at everything you do."

Soojin is silent for a moment and Shuhua fears she's upset her further, but then the corners of Soojin lips twitch and she huffs self-deprecatingly.

"And now I've been defeated by a cake."

Shuhua lets out a bark of laughter before grabbing the recipe from the counter that is strewn with baking ingredients and looking it over. It honestly doesn't look like that difficult of a recipe and Shuhua is pretty sure she can make this happen. She picks up the ill-fated bowl of ruined batter and dumps its contents into the trash before replacing it on the counter.

"What are you doing?" Soojin is looking at Shuhua expectantly, her eyebrow raised in question.

"I'm saving your ass. Now measure out two cups of flour and pass me the eggs."

It's the first time Shuhua sees a genuinely happy smile on Soojin's face. It's probably the most beautiful thing she's ever seen. Shuhua makes a mental note to add the image to her sketchbook later.

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