Living in the Shadows

By AlphaWolfclawandBans

5.5K 63 20

For over 20 to 30 years, Haysville was terrorized by pshycopaths whom possessed animatronics in Willy's Wonde... More

Chap. 1
Chap. 3
Chap. 4
Chap. 5
Chap. 6
Chap. 7
Chap. 8
Chap. 9
Chap. 10

Chap. 2

841 7 3
By AlphaWolfclawandBans

Casey was found, still staring at the animatronics on stage as they stared back. They didn't know what she is. Her eyes were still glowing. They heard a growl, a low growl. It sound like it was coming from Casey herself. She heard her watch go off though. Casey didn't mind this. She grabbed the trash bag. Before she tried to open the door, she kicked it, breaking the chains and opening the doors. She threw the trash bag into the dumpster nearby and returned to the restaurant. She decided to find other trash around the place. She grabbed a box of trash bags and walked into a different room.

Something was crawling in the vents. It was a young girl. She looked around 16 or 17. She was trying to be as quiet as possible. Until, of course, Arty was crawling after her.

Casey was picking up trash in Tito's play place. She was thinking about her sister again. Until she heard screaming and the vent opening. Casey looked up to see a girl slide through the vent and land on her back. Arty's jaws were snapping. He was about to crawl out to kill the girl until he saw Casey. He froze for a moment before retreating back into the vent. The girl was panting. Casey walked up to her. "You okay?" She asked. The girl looked at her. "Yeah, yeah I think so." Casey helped her up. "My name's Casey. Your's?" "Liv... Look, we need to get out of here. Okay this place is haunted-" the girl tried to explain before Casey walked away. "Hey!" They heard the front doors open. "Liv? Stay the fuck there bitches!" Someone said. It looks like a group of teenagers. Casey sighed and walked away. Leaving the kids on their own.

Liv walks into the main room as the animatronics began to perform. "What are you guys doing?! I was supposed to get the janitor ou-.. Where the fuck is she?!" They set out to find Casey before the animatronics did. Always watching their backs.

Casey was found in Sara's magic forest. She found many trash on the ground and trees. She remembered again.
Casey and her sister were having lunch. They understood the army doesn't appreciate them. But they didn't care. They were having their lunch in peace, until a small group of humans walked up to them. "You do realize you don't belong here, right?"  One of them said. "I don't see any werewolf restriction signs." Casey responded. "No. I mean, you do realize you don't belong here, right?" The last word had anger in it. Casey's sister cleared her throat. "Hey my sis just took a bullet for you so, back off." The speaker crossed his arms. "Yeah and see Cassandra, I trust anything that bleeds so much, then just walks away like nothing happened. Why are you even here?" "Why is that any of your business?" Cassandra retorted. "Because you're monsters. And I wanna make sure my country is safe from you and your kind." "Why are even bothering us? We didn't do anything. So, bye bye." Casey said.
She was brought back into reality again from giggle. She looked around. She knew who she was going up against now. A figure stood behind her. "Hehe come play with me." Casey quickly grabbed Sara's throat and started clenching down. Sara was squirming and gasping for air. Casey looked at her. "Get back on stage." She said before throwing Sara into a wall. Sara stared at her for a while before she ran back to her spot on stage. The rest of the gang worried. "Sara? What happened?" Gus asked. "She's defiantly not human. She's something else. I don't know what but, I know she's not human." Sara responded. Liv and the others finally found her in the forest. "Casey! We gotta go!" Casey glanced at them and then looked away. "Are you just not gonna listen to us? Do you have a death wish?" "A little.." The teens were a little stunned by Casey's response. Casey only walked away.

Meanwhile, in Sheriff Lund's office. Lund was trying to stay awake in case of an emergency call. Or a call from Willy's Wonderland. She didn't have a partner yet but she was told she was getting one soon. Maybe then she could sleep a little while they listen for the phone. "Hello sheriff." Lund looked up to see Tex coming into her office with a mug of coffee and gave it to her. "Thanks." Lund took the coffee and drank it. "What do you think of that girl? The new janitor I mean." Lund drank her recent sip of coffee before speaking. "She feels different. Not like weird different I mean like... Different different." "I felt the same way. When I was in the restaurant with her I noticed sometimes when we're in dark places her eyes started to glow. Almost like a wolf stalking a rabbit." Lund thought. "Do you think she's a different entity? Like a werewolf or skinwalker or something?" Tex asked. "Werewolves and skinwalkers are basically the same thing TeX but... There's no way she's not a human. Werewolves nor skinwalkers exist. They're just stories to scare kids with.. She's just strange. And that's all I'm gonna a say." Lund took a sip of her coffee.

Casey and the teenagers walked into the main room when they heard Willy and his gang singing. "Its your birthday, and we want you to have fun! Its birthday so let's kill everyone." The lyrics changed and the last part of it was slow before the lights went. Of course Casey could still see. Music was heard and the spotlight turned onto Willy himself. He started singing (I feel bad for changing the lyrics a little but its for the story). "Seven little chickens at the end of the line. Seven little chickens at the end of the line. One happy weasel said 'Its dinner time!' Seven little chickens ata be just fine. Seven little chickens in the weasel's den. Four little roosters and three hens. No where to run. No where to hide. Seven little chickens at the end of the line. Seven little chickens. Watch out! Seven little chickens. Here comes the weasel! Seven little chickens running out of time- whoops! Six little chickens at the end of the line." Willy powered off. The entire time he was singing, he saw it again. Casey's eyes were glowing again. It reminded him of predator eyes. Casey heard the cricket again. Something was behind them. Casey pushed one of the boys out of the way and pushed herself too. Knighty almost stabbed the boy. "Run for it!-" Liv began before Casey stopped them. "No! They want us to seperate! Don't let them!" Casey stared Knighty down. He started walking in circles, so did she. She crouched a little. Her hands almost touching the ground. No one could believe this. She was almost acting like an animal. "I'll take care of him." Casey said. Knighty swung his sword at her. She dodged and grabbed him arm. She elbowed his arm out of place. Everyone else was stunned. She didn't show any sign of pain when she did that. She knocked Knighty to the ground. Casey looked up to the other animatronics. She was speaking to the weasel. "You and your friends are starting to get on my nerve." She looked back down at Knighty. He was trying to grab his sword again. She stomped her foot onto his arm and pushed him to the ground again with her hand. Knighty, well everyone, wasn't expecting what she did next. Her eyes were golden yellow. And fangs were out. She roared in Knighty's face. Showing she really was pissed off. When she stopped roaring. Everyone was expecting her to kill Knighty. But she only got off him, pulled him onto stage, and threw his sword at him. She walked away. Liv and the teens were staring at her. So were the animatronics. "Wait!" One of the teens said. He was black. "What the fuck was that- what the fuck are you?!" He asked. Casey looked at him. "Wolf." "What?" "I'm a wolf."

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