the aftermath • larry„ziall

By urlashton

49.7K 1.4K 5.1K

❝I miss you. I'd give my whole life away just to hug you one last time. How I wish it was me instead of you... More

one »
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eleven »
twelve »
thirteen »
fourteen »
fifteen »
sixteen »
seventeen »
eighteen »
nineteen »
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twenty-one »
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twenty-four »
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twenty-nine »
thirty »
thirty-one »
thirty-two »
How does the story ends? - Explained
thirty-three »
epilogue »
author's note »

twenty-six »

1K 30 96
By urlashton

"Hurry up!"

"Five more minutes!"

"You said that fifteen minutes ago Niall!"

Zayn took it upon himself to go up to his boyfriend's room, soon barging in there. He facepalmed himself shortly after noticing that the Irish lad was still in his boxers with a bed full of clothes.

"Are you serious right now?" He asked, annoyed.

"I have nothing to wear!"

"Just wear anything!"

"No, I need to look good."

"You look good in everything."

"Sure, whatever you say." He desperately replied, unconvinced.

Zayn watched him as he threw a random pair of jeans to the ground, soon going to his desk and sitting on the chair, hiding his face between his hands.

"Hey..." Malik softly said, quickly taking a few steps closer. "What's the matter now, love?"

"I just..." He started as his voice slightly cracked, which made the Pakistani one bend over to him, slowly placing his hand on his boyfriend's lap. "What if they don't like me?"

Zayn frowned. "They already love you, why are you stressing out like this? My mom is so excited to see you again, you're her favourite."

"Yeah, but what if they think I'm not... boyfriend material, you know?"

"Who cares? You're boyfriend material to me." He replied, holding Niall's hands as their fingers intertwined.

"But- but your dad-"

"I'll deal with him." He cut him off. "You don't have anything to worry about alright? We're going there as a little vacation and to enjoy our free time before the tour, not to stress out. So I just need you to relax and take it easy, we'll make it."

Niall finally looked at him, as Zayn gave him the warmest smile that he slowly gave back.

"Now let's choose something for you to wear, I'll help." The black haired one suggested as his boyfriend nodded.

"Thank you." Horan shyly said as he got out of his seat.

"Anything for you." He replied, kissing his forehead a few moments later. "We're lucky that it's a private jet."

They both laughed before Zayn took his lover by the hand, gently taking him to his wardrobe. Malik tried as hard as possible to stay calm, knowing that Niall was surely going to have a mental breakdown. The truth is, he was as scared at him.

He had no clue on what his father's reaction might be, will he be happy, sad, angry?

I guess they'll find out a few hours from now.

"Okay, I'm ready." Niall said a few minutes later, zipping his pants up. "How do I look?"

Zayn looked at him from head to toe, smiling at the view. He was wearing tight navy blue bottom, with a white shirt and a very flattering denim jacket.

"Handsome, as usual." Malik replied as he took a step closer to his boyfriend.

"You're just saying that."

"I mean it." He replied, now only a few inches away from Niall.

They looked onto each other's eyes for a few moments before Zayn decided to slowly move his face closer to his boyfriend's, as they soon locked their lips together.

Malik grabbed him by the waist, while Niall softly wrapped his arms around his partners' neck, deepening the kiss. Z's hand went up Horan's back as he fondled it, his tongue asking for entrance at this point, which Niall gave him instantly.

Needless to say it was starting to get hot in here as Zayn's hand slowly went down his boyfriend's bum, soon grabbing it while he moved the both of them closer to the bed. The Irish bloke's eyes flew right open, as he finally started to realize what was about to go down.

And as much as he wanted to, they had a plane to catch.

"Baby..." He murmured after moving his face back in order to break the kiss. "Not now."

Zayn groaned. "They can wait." He said, his lips slowly going down Niall's neck.

"Mmh." He moaned before unwillingly snapping back to reality once again. "I spent hours in the shower and on my hair to look this good, I won't let you ruin all of that effort in under a minute."

"Fine." Malik unconvincingly said after rolling his eyes, letting go of his partner. "It's your fault, nobody forced you to look this fucking handsome today."

Niall laughed. "Well... the day isn't over yet, right?"

Zayn looked over to him as the blue eyed one winked, smirking.

"You owe me a lot." Malik said before biting his bottom lip aggressively.

"If you keep it in your pants until after dinner with your parents, then yes I do." He replied in a flirty way as the Pakistani one took a deep breath, trying not to remove all the dirty thoughts from his head.

"Now let's go!!" Niall ordered as he grabbed Zayn's hand, dragging him downstairs where the chauffeur have been waiting for probably a very long time now.

Lucky for them, Bradford was only an hour flight from London, so they will make it on time. Zayn's sister, Doniya, will be picking them up from the airport straight to the Malik residence, and that is why Niall wanted to look his best from here.


"Baby brother!"

"Hey you!"

The couple soon reached their destination, as Doniya was now jumping in Zayn's arms. Niall just smiled as he watched them hugging, knowing how much his boyfriend missed being home with his family.

"I missed you so much!" She said before kissing his cheek, which made Z smile.

"I missed you too love." He replied before facing the Irish one. "Doniya, you know Niall."

"Of course!" She grinned, wrapping her arms around him. "It's so nice to see you!"

"You too, I'm happy to be here." He answered, hugging her back.

"Shall we?" She asked, picking up one of the luggages.

"We shall." Zayn answered with a smile, as the three of them went to her car.

It was a very chill and nice ride. Niall and Doniya were pretty much hitting it off, she's a very sweet and bubbly person, unlike her dad.

Yaser is not a bad person, he's in fact a very nice man. He just takes life way too seriously, and is also very religious. It was becoming clearer and clearer why Zayn stayed in the closet for so long to Niall. His dad liked Horan when he met him as his son's bandmate, but will he still be that fund of him when he meets him as a boyfriend?

"Here we are!" She happily exclaimed, parking her car in the driveway.

"Feels so good to be back home!" Zayn confessed as the three of them popped out of the car.

They carried their luggages and went up to the front door, as Doniya quickly unlocked it with her keys.

"Zayn's here!" She screamed as she came in.

"Zaynie!!" Two familiar voices shouted before they quickly came downstairs.

"Hi girls!" He enthusiastically said as his two little sisters hugged him.

Well they weren't so little anymore. Both of them were now adults, which shocked Niall to say the least because last time he saw them, they were yet to be teenagers.

"Hi Niall!" one of the girls greeted before pulling him into a hug. "Too bad my brother got you before I did."

"Waliyha!" Doniya said in a serious tone, which made Safaa and Zayn laugh.

"What? It's true." She pouted. "Fourteen years old me had the biggest crush on you."

"Well, sucks to be you because he's mine now." Zayn teased under everybody's laughter, as Niall slightly blushed.

"Yeah." She breathed out, acting disappointed. "I guess having good taste runs in the family."

"I'm flattered." The Irish one replied, not expecting such a nice welcome.

"Well don't just stand there, come in you two!" Safaa suggested, moving out of the way so all of them could go sit in the living room.

"Where is mom by the way?" Zayn asked, taking a seat next to Niall on the couch.

"She's still getting ready I think." Waliyha explained. "She said she has a surprise for the both of you or whatever."

"What do you m-"

"Zaynie!" A feminine voice shouted from outside the room. "Is Niall with you?"

"Yes mom!" He yelled back.

They heard footsteps approaching them shortly after, as Trisha soon barged into the room.

"Ta-da!" She said, throwing her arms up in the air.

"Oh no..." Safaa said as she tried to hide herself from embarrassment.

Niall busted out laughing as soon as he noticed what she was wearing. As for Zayn, his jaw dropped right open.

"What?" She asked, sounding sad. "You don't like my shirt?"

"I love it!" Niall answered as he got up, which made Trisha smile big time.

You probably guessed it, but she was wearing a white shirt with Niall's face plastered on it. The 'heartbreak weather' album cover, to be precise.

"Yay!!" She exclaimed as Niall got closer to her, giving her a warm hug. "Glad you like it, you're my second favorite."

"Awh, your number one favorite being Zayn?" He asked, letting go of her embrace.

"Why would you think that?" She asked, acting shocked and disgusted. "Louis' my favorite."

"Mom!" Zayn shouted from behind which made everyone laugh.

"Oh, I'm just joking." She replied. "Why isn't Louis here though? I miss him!"

"Don't you miss me?" Her son asked, trying to sound offended.

"Meh." She murmured before busting out laughing.

Zayn crossed his arms, pouting like a little baby.

"Awh, I'm kidding!" She affirmed before giving him the tightest hug. "Of course you're mama's favorite, and she missed you like crazy."

"That's better." He said, wrapping his arms around her small body.

"Your father should be down soon, he had to take an urgent phone call."

"It's fine, we'll wait for him." Zayn replied with a smile.

"Great! I'll go make sure everything is ready in the kitchen!" She said.

They all nodded before she disappeared off of the room.

"I love her." Niall said with a big smile.

"I think she's in love with you." Zayn answered as the Irish one laughed. "But I mean, who wouldn't be?"

They smiled at each other for a few seconds.

"Awh, you too!" Safaa said, making the both of them unwillingly break eye contact.

"Well..." Zayn said with slightly pink cheeks. "I'm going to see if mom need any help with dinner."

They all nodded at him as he gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek, before getting out of the room.

"I've never seen him this happy." Doniya affirmed with a smile, looking at Niall. "Thank you for that."

"His happiness is my happiness, so my pleasure." He stated shyly, trying to hide his adorable smile. "If you'll excuse me, I need to use the bathroom."

"Sure." Waliyha replied with a smile as he got up, soon going upstairs.

He wanted to act like he remembers where the bathroom was, but obviously he didn't. He kept walking through the corridor, hoping he'll find it soon enough.

"Fifty thousand dollars for my heart surgery?!"

Niall snapped right out of his thought when he heard a very masculine voice coming out of the room he was standing across off.

"We both know I don't have this kind of money."

He looked right at the closed door before deciding to continue his route, eavesdropping can never be good.

"My son did a lot for me already, I'm not going to ask him to pay for this."

Niall just froze after this sentence, just now figuring out that it was Yaser on the phone with what seems like to be his doctor.

Everybody already knew that Zayn's father have heart problems, but it looked like no one knew how serious it really was.

"Okay okay... I'll give you an answer in the next twenty-four hours alright?"

"Yes, I know that I need to have it as soon as possible, just give me some time to find a way to get the money." He continued.

Niall took a deep breath before immediately going downstairs, suddenly not having the urge to pee anymore.

Zayn probably had no clue that his father's health was getting worse, and it will be very hard for our Irish princess to keep this a secret.

"Are you okay?"

Niall jumped out of surprise before turning around, quickly realizing it was just his boyfriend.

"I- I'm fine." He bluntly lied. "I just had to pee."

"Okay." Zayn replied, unconvinced but not wanting to cause any problem right now. "Dinner's ready, my dad should be here soon. Shall we?"

Horan slowly nodded before grabbing his partner's hand, as they both went to seat in the kitchen.

They were all conversing and having a good time at the dinner table, as Niall tried his hardest to erase what he heard a few minutes earlier from his mind.

"Smells good in here!"

They all watched the door, soon noticing an older man walking in. Zayn immediately got up, huge smile on his face as he went in for a hug.

"Hey dad."

"Hey son, nice seeing you."

They soon let go of each other as Niall got out of his seat, awkward smile plastered on his face.

"Good evening sir." He shyly greeted, not knowing where to look anymore.

"Hello Niall." He replied with a smile. "Glad you could join us."

They shook hands before going back to their seats, as Trisha was now giving a plate of food to everyone at the table.

"So, how was the flight?" Yaser asked.

"It was great, thank you." Niall replied. "And thank you for letting me join Zayn on this trip."

"Of course! Always nice having Zayn's friends over."

They all looked at Zayn and Niall with wide eyes, as his father was just trying to enjoy his steak.



I mean- yeah sure.


"Um-" Zayn started before clearing his throat, clearly nervous. "Actually dad, I have something to tell you."

Yaser looked at him as he raised an eyebrow, sensing that it was probably serious. Niall couldn't even bring himself to look at anything but the floor right now, he was super scared.

This was going to end badly,

he knew it.

"What is it, son?" He asked, gently placing his fork and knife on the plate.

"Well um-" Zayn awkwardly started, as everybody's eyes were now on him. "Niall's not just... a friend."

"Oh..." Yaser said, confused. "I thought Louis was your best friend?"

"Yeah, he still is." He explained. "Louis' my best friend and Niall..."

He paused for a moment.

"Is my boyfriend." He continued, almost whispering.

"I'm sorry what?" His father asked.

"My boyfriend." He repeated, but this time more confidently. "Niall is my boyfriend, dad."

They all looked at Yaser as he stared at his son, no words coming out of his mouth. The tension in the room was immaculate, as it could have been cut with scissors.

"Okay." He simply said a few seconds later, cutting into his steak again.

Zayn send his mom a confused look, as she stared at her husband with wide eyes.

"Wait, that's it?" Z asked.

"Yeah." His dad replied after swallowing his second bite. "I mean, it's surely just a phase and it will soon pass, right?"

"Pardon me?"

"Whatever you both have going on." Yaser tried to explain, waving his finger back and forth from Niall to his son. "It's just for fun, it's not real. It will pass and the both of you can go back to being normal."

Zayn's jaw instantly dropped to the floor, as Horan contained tears from falling down his face. He knew it will go wrong, he fucking knew it.

"No dad." The black haired lad protested, getting out of his seat. "What me and Niall have is very much real, and I love him. It is far from being a phase and I've been into guys forever, not going to change anytime soon."

"Look son..." Yaser started calmly. "I know that Louis is your best friend, but it doesn't mean you should copy everything he does alright? If he wants to date a guy let him be, but-"

"And what if I want to date a guy?!" Zayn asked, getting pretty upset. "Me and Niall have been together for awhile now, and I've been in love with him since for six fucking years. Asking him out was the best thing I've ever done, and nothing will 'make it pass'."

"Being gay is a sin."

"So is cheating on your wife but I guess it's fine when you do it!" He snapped which made everyone gasp in unison.

"Zayn..." Trisha murmured, trying to hide the sadness she was feeling inside of her.

"Enough!" Yaser screamed, getting out of his seat. "My son will not be gay, do you hear me?!"

"Well guess what? He is, he fucking is!" Zayn yelled back. "Also your son is planning on marrying the guy sitting next to him sooner or later, and guess who have to deal with it? You!"

Yaser stared at him, rage turning into disgust. "Then you're not my son anymore."

"Fine by me." He replied calmly, shooting Niall a look, indicating that they have to go.

The Irish one immediately got out of his seat as he rushed toward the exit, not wanting to face Zayn's family anymore. He felt very overwhelmed to say the least, especially when he realized that he just broke a family apart. If Zayn wasn't dating him, he wouldn't have fought with his dad.

He could hear his boyfriend calling his name, but he couldn't care less. He just kept running and running, not exactly knowing where to go. He just wanted to disappear and never come back, he wanted to hide in a fucking hole.

He knew it was a mistake, he told Zayn a million times that maybe they should wait, but he insisted. He kept telling him that it will be fine, that he'll handle it.

But here we are now, I guess.

Coming here was wrong, he shouldn't have. Tonight was a disaster, and Niall would actually pay to go back in time.

However, we all know that this is impossible, and that everything happens for a reason.

And it wasn't about to be good.


This chapter is also 3K words, YAYYYY

felt like taking a break from the contract drama, yall haven't gotten good Ziall content for awhile now!

I actually loved writing this chapter, I felt so inspired and it was cute hehe

except for that last part (oopsie)

Anygays, Thank you so much for all the support, I hope you're enjoying the directions I took for this book!

L xox

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