A Wolf and his Star

By Nonbinarywildfire

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My new thing is reading the other fics in the lotus yall add mine to <3 A wolfstar story from when they we... More

1, first year: New Friends and Sorting
2, first year : Mastermind
3, first year: Nicknames and Parents
4, first year: Pens and Marauders
5, second year: Home Again
6, second year: Love and Fashion
7, second year: Freedom
9, second year: Moony's Gift
10, second year: Bracelets
11, second year: First Moon
12, second year: end of year
13, third year: Pride <3
14, third year: Almost There
15, third year: The End, or is it?
16, Epilogue

8, second year: Secrets

83 2 3
By Nonbinarywildfire

"Mr. Black, Mr Potter, young Mr. Black. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday." me, james and reggie sat in from of Dumbdoor

"Mhmm, now to business." i said dismissively

"How can I help you?"

"Reg left home with me and I'm.. scared something might happen to him in slytherin." I said, actually being serious. (haha)

Dummydore thought for a second. "Well.. we've never done something like this but if you want to try.. We could do a re-sorting for him. The hat takes into account your preferences and if safety is enough of a priority for him, he might get a different house."

"What'd ya say reggie?"

He glared at me because of the nickname. Then softened. "I.. think it's worth a try."

The old headmaster got the raggedy hat and put it on my younger brother's head. A few seconds later the hat yelled "RAVENCLAW" dumbbelldore took the hat off

"Ravenclaw.." I whispered. I hugged my brother, he wiggled out of my embrace.

"Congrats." james said

"I-i didn't think that was going to work. I don't have friends."

"It's okay reg, you'll make friends, it's still first year." james said


"Besides, you have us, even though we are in a different year and house." i said

Reg scoffed "great help that is."

"You can hang with us anytime we don't have class."

He looked like he was considering it. "Okay thank you."

"Of course."

We helped Regulus find the Ravenclaw dorms and then we went to ours.

"Are either of you going to tell me what's going on or what? No one explained."Remus was standing expectantly in the common room. Peter was sitting there and looked up at us

"Oh right.i'll explain." I sat beside peter. "Okay first, i'm gay."

Remus' expression didn't change, like he expected it. "Oh right, I'm supposed to be surprised. Oh really? Its okay i support you"

"Uh what? You knew?" i said

He tilted his head. "I suspected."

"I support you too, sirius!" peter said

"Anyway, my parents didn't and i came out by accident when they were being homophobic. So I grabbed my brother and went to James's house. But Then we were like what are we gonna do so my brother doesn't die?? So we talked to old Dumbledore and he re-sorted reggie."

"Actually? I didn't know resorts were a thing." remus raises his eyebrow, nice eyebrow too hmm

'Not till now." i said

"Wow." peter said


Today was the day I decided. I walked into the room I shared with the other marauders with as much confidence as I could muster.


"Moony! Tell James he's an idiot." Sirius said

"He is but why?" I said raising my eyebrow and trying not to look like I'm about to throw up from nerves

"See?" Sirius said

"But I'm smart!" James said pouting

"Believe it or not, those things are not exclusive. You both are idiots and smart."

"Hey!" Sirius said.

"James asked Lily out again, he says she'll say yes someday." Peter said, answering my earlier 'why'.

"Are you okay moony?" Sirius said. I sat on my bead, my head was spinning a bit


"You sure?" James asked

I looked at the floor. "I have to tell you all something."

"Of course, we are here for you, no matter what."

I laughed nervously. "Not for this, James..."

"Marauders for life, marauders forever, moony." Sirius said

"I'll just say it before I throw up or something." I swallowed hard to try to get rid of the lump in my throat. "I'm a w-werewolf."

James sat on his bed in shock. There were a few seconds of silence. "Guess you match that nickname more than we thought huh?" Janes tried to joke. That broke the ice a bit

"Really James?" Sirius said. He was the first to look me in the eyes, they had all looked to the floor in thought. "Does it- does changing into a werewolf hurt?"

"I-uh" i started. Sirius looked worried, not scared of me as I expected. I swallowed. "Um yeah. But I'm always a-one of them. I'm always a werewolf."

He nodded as if he understood . "Are you comfortable answering questions?"

"Yeah.. but aren't you scared? Of-of me?"

Sirius gave a weak smile. "You're moony. You fold your socks."

"You are still you." James added

Peter joined in, "you're a marauder!"

"I-wow... thanks guys."

James got up and put an arm around me. "Forever as always, our best friend."

"Where do you go?" Peter said

"What?" Janes asked

"He means during the moons." I said. " I go.. to- well it's the shrieking shack."

"What?" That was Sirius this time


"You mean that shrieking is, well, you?" James said, horrified

"O-oh." Sirius sat down "that's a lot of pain for you to go through."

I started crying, like, absolutely bawling. All three of them hugged me. 


"Woah Sirius, you okay?"

"Mmhmm" he attempted

"You up all night or something?"



"Uh homework."

"What homework kept you from your beauty sleep??"

"Uh project."


"Shh m'sleep"

"I'll let you sleep when you tell me what you researched."

"Werewolves now go away"




I grabbed James and pulled him into an empty corner. "Ive been researching werewolves"

"I know it's kinda worrying to be honest."

"Whatever, so I learned that werewolves don't hurt anyone but humans unless they are absolutely starving."


"Animals including Animagi!"

"You're not.. Siri, that's illegal! We have to register to be legal."

"It's worth it."

"You really think so?"

"I've talked to Remus about it, it's lonely and painful. I just want him to be less lonely."

"You know how hard it is?"

"Its worth it."

"If we mess up, there's a chance we'll be half human forever."

"Worth. It."

"I don't even know how to do it."

I smiled mischievously. "I got a book from the restricted section."


"Anything for Moony, james."

"Let's talk to peter. "

That night was the full moon. We talked to peter. He had the same reservations as James, we had recently learned about animagi and their possible side effects.

We had to start on a full moon but i didn't think we were ready so we started the next moon, preparing during the waiting month.

According to the book, we needed three mandrake leaves, one each. That was easy enough, there were plenty of mandrakes growing in the greenhouses, nasty plants.

Second we needed dew that had not seen sunlight or been touched by human feet for seven days. Weird but not impossible.

Third, we each needed a chrysalis of a death's head hawk moth. We needed those kinds of moths for potions. Different potions needed different stages, fortunately, so we could get that from the potions teacher.

And then our hair. so that was it for the ingredients, but the actual process was harder. If we made a mistake we'd either have to start over, or have something bad happen to us. 

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