Slytherin Prince; Draco love...

By Draco_Luicus_Malfoy

92 2 0

Ivy Brown, a Ravenclaw, starts dating Cedric from Hufflepuff house. Ivy continues to have a very normal teena... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

33 2 0
By Draco_Luicus_Malfoy


This story doesn't start at the beginning, if you know what I mean. It doesn't start when Ivy is sorted in Hogwarts houses and stuff like that. Btw this is my first story I hope it's okay!

   "Hey" Ivy heard a voice behind her, and she immediately realized it was Cedric. "Hi Cedric", Ivy said sheepishly. Cedric didn't seem to notice the tone of her voice and replied, "Let's go to breakfast."

   Ivy joined the Ravenclaw table with her friends Luna and Cho, who greeted her. She didn't feel like the state of eating, and spent most of the time yawing, still half asleep. "You're not much of a morning person, are you?" Cho asked while Luna nodded. "Yeah," Ivy agreed, "Not much a morning person"

    Cho managed to get Ivy to eat something, which was a piece of toast. After Ivy had finished, she looked around at the many people in the Great Hall, and they were either munching or eating this food. She scanned around the room until she saw a pair of icy blue eyes from the Slytherin table staring at her, and as if frozen cold water splashed into her insides, Ivy turned away from Malfoy.

   "What are you staring at, Ivy?" Luna muttered, and Ivy just happened to realize that most of the students in the Great Hall were heading to classes. "Oh." Ivy said, and stood up and headed toward class with Luna at her heels.

   "And today we are going to..." Professor Trelawny started talking about crystal balls, but Ivy wasn't really paying attention. She was constantly shifting in her chair, wondering why Malfoy had to keep staring at her.

   On the other side of Ivy's table, Harry was almost dozing of,  and Ron looked like he was doing something else. Mabey I should drop this class, Ivy thought, but she changed her focus to Draco again.

   After Professor Trelawny's class, she heard a muffled yell behind her. She turned to Trelawny's empty classroom and quietly opened the door. What she saw made her heart leapt.

   Draco Malfoy was pinning Cedric to the ground, growling some words Ivy didn't hear. Cedric's nose seemed to be bleeding, and Ivy shouted at Malfoy, "Leave him alone!" Malfoy, surprised, turned away from Cedric and looked at Ivy, who was standing beside the door.

   "What do you want?" Malfoy asked, his voice seemed causal. Ivy felt red hot anger leap in her insides. "Why are you bullying Cedric, Malfoy?", which gave enough time for Cedric to leap up from the ground and punch Malfoy.

   Professor Trelawney entered, and asked: "Oh dear, why are you all covered in blood? Why don't you go to Madam Pompfrey? "No thanks," Cedric growled, "It's just minor injury's. 

   Malfoy, on the other hand, had left the classroom when Cedric was talking. "Are you okay?" Ivy asked Cedric. "Yeah, I'm alright, just a little nose bleed and some bruises." Ivy, however, was still concerned. "What did Malfoy want from you?"

   "Well..." Cedric thought for a moment, "He wanted me to leave you... and ... find another girl..." and this voice trailed of. "Don't worry about it, I'm not leaving you!" Ivy cried. "I know..." Cedric muttered. 

   For Potions and Charms, Ivy spent most of the time worrying about Cedric and Malfoy. If I weren't there to help Cedric... What if Malfoy corners him again when I'm not looking? Her head filled with these thoughts, she wandered off to Professor Sprout's class.

   "Finally free period!" Cho said happily, twirling her quill in her hair. Luna was in great mood too, she was reading The Quibbler, but Ivy didn't bother to take a peek at what Luna was reading. "What's wrong?" Cho asked Ivy.

   "Nothing..." Ivy muttered. Cho jumped up, her eyes narrowing, "I know something's wrong by that look on your face!" "It's nothing! Really! Just some little boyfriend problems!" Cho sat down again, still looking concerned but she didn't say a word again.

   Snape's class was the worst. Ivy lost 10 points at least every time in Snape's class, and this time she didn't dare say a word. "May I ask you, Ivy, what can make you peaceful again?" Snape sneered, turning his head toward Ivy. "The- I don't know, sir." Snape turned, and started explaining how easy the "Draught of Peace" was, and Ivy didn't even know.

   Oh well, Ivy thought, Snape's class is almost about to end anyways. For what seemed like a day, Snape finally dismissed them. But however, Ivy was told to stay. "Ivy, I explained in the last class about the Draught of Peace. Were you not listening?". Without thinking, Ivy spit the words out, "Yes, I wasn't listening!" Snape's face turned into a sneer, and Ivy knew what was going to happen next.

   "Ten points from Ravenclaw. We could also do some detention this afternoon, agree?" Snape smiled his awful smile. "Yes sir." Ivy kept his head low as she said. "Good. Now you may be dismissed."

   "That's awful." Cho said as Ivy told her what happened. "Wasn't really your fault, his class was boring anyways..." Luna said. Talking about Snape, Ivy just realized she had to go to detention with Snape.

   "Bye, I need to go. Detention, you know. Meet you at lunch!" Ivy called to her friends. "Okay." Cho said. "Good luck!" Luna called.

   Detention with Snape was awful. He told her to sort out the dead slugs from the alive ones, and told her to clean the bowl where Snape kept the slugs. Finally, Snape was satisfied. "You may be dismissed. Pay attention the class next time." Snape growled.

  Snape left the room, leaving Ivy alone. Well, that wasn't too bad as the detentions Luna told me about... Ivy thought, and she was about to leave the room until she bumped into something at the doorway.

   Ivy looked up, and...


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