Fighting Through Changes ( On...

By Germancandylover1

460 14 16

Poor Poor Adrian she had to go move in with her Auntie Z. Leaving her friends Nina, Alec, and Gloria with thi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

114 2 5
By Germancandylover1

Chapter 2

When we got to my house put our stuff in the basement and I headed to my I mean my shared room  

and I put on some sweats and a t-shirt that says ' private ice.... He is watching you' and one white and green sock and skipped down stairs. I almost tripped on the last step like always. If had to say the things I wouldn't miss that step would be on the very top of the list along with that sink in the kitchen. They were evil and were in cahoots to completely embarrass me. Darn them.

As I got the carrot sticks and apples for Gloria, made a patch of chocolate milkshakes for Alec (lord knows he just cannot have one) and Fritos& Coke for Nina and Doritos and kettle-cooked chips for me I saw a note on the refrigerator.

Dear Adrian, 

We are going to see the grandparents for the weekend and yes the girls are coming too. Please don't do something too reckless and if Alec, Gloria, and Nina are coming there is money for dinner in the vegetable drawer in the fridge. Honey I know you are leaving in a week and we are sorry we are not there but think on the bright side you have your friends. Love you, 


Well that explains the money I saw in the vegetable drawer. I thought I just got lucky. I was a little sad they were not here but I had the rest of the week to bond so I wasn't so pressed. I walked down stairs to deliver the goods and was ambushed by a swarm of hungry teens. Gosh pack of animals.

"You are Welcome" I was a little peeved because they crushed my Doritos. There there little ones everything will be alright. I will still eat you.

" Thamc shewm" was muffled between loud crunches of carrots, slurps of milkshakes and crinkling sound of the Fritos bag.

"Douche bags" I mumbled under my breath.  

I went to pick up my abused Doritos bag and take my kettle-cooked chips and sat in my usual spot in the room, in front of the sofa. I took my first chip out of the kettle chips when Alec pulled out the magazines and his notebook. Yes we recorded what we said and we are proud of it.

"Ok darlings let's get this show on the road. Let's start with this kid Justin Biever or bieber or whatever his face is. It says he got a new haircut and WOAH HOLY CRAP!!!!!" Alec exclaimed. His eyes were wide open.

"What what happened!! Tell me Alec! Give me the dang magazine" Gloria said while trying unsuccessfully to take the magazine from his hands. So we had to resort to the secret weapon.

"Ohh Alec we have something for you" he turned around and jumped up and ran to the other side of the room. With that he dropped the magazine. Ahhh good old tickle monster. Gloria ran for the magazine and tripped over Nina's empty coke can (he he). She landed in Alec's lap. Let me tell you her face was redder than the streets in Spain after their famous tomato festival. Nina and I looked at each other and busted out laughing, while Alec and Gloria quickly untangled themselves.

"Well.... Uh can I have the magazine... pl-please" Gloria stuttered looking at her hands bend in unnatural ways as her face continued to burn red.

"Uh yea sure here" Alec said while picking up the magazine and handing it to her. Wow his cheeks were red too. This is a darn shame. They like each other and I won't be here to see how they finally get together. Grrrrrr......

With that I snatched the magazine and flipped to the first page. Gloria just looked at me shocked. I stuck my tongue out at her. She didn't get it in time. Awww I feel kind of bad but then I don't as I see what was on it.


"Give it. Ugh you guys need to stop with unnessesa..WOAH!" Nina said as she took it out of my hands.

"I cannot believe he cut his hair. It it was his whole look, but ehh what ya going to do its gone. But still wow." I said shaking my head quickly getting over it. I mean it was just Justin Bieber right it was bound to happen.

"I know right but nothing we can do let's just hope he still can get some fan action with that hair cut." Nina said agreeing with me.

"I kind of hope he doesn't, because it was a little annoying hearing about him alllll the time in magazines and the web. But what did I say. It is awe striking." Alec said shaking his head.

"Ok ok blah blah Justin Bieber. Whatever let's talk about someone our own age like umm ummm..." Gloria said while trying to think of someone interesting.

"Ooops too late next subject then. How about that movie. I will go get the popcorn and the Chinese takeout menu." I said while skipping up the stairs two at a time. I love Chinese food. Especially lo mein. Ahh lo mein. Good times good times.

While the delivery man came they started the movie. I brought down the food and we chowed down. Of course Alec finished and grabbed some of all of our boxes and finished that within minutes. The movie moved on and Gloria and Alec moved closer and closer. Yup and they didn't even notice until Alec started rubbing her arm. They each looked at each other than looked away blushing like crazy while I and Nina watched in awe. I mean this was more interesting than the movie.

"ANNNDDD... CUTTT! Ok I would like you to go back into each other's laps stare into each other's eyes and we will take it from there ok . Ready Action." I yelled as I clapped my hands together signaling them to go.

"HA HA. Very funny Adrian but the shows over." Alec said as he glared at me.

"Aww but it was just getting very interesting. You wouldn't want to disappoint you fans would you." Nina said while she gave them the puppy eyes.

"nope" Alec said

"please"Begged Nina

"nope" Alec

"please" Nina

"nope" Alec

"please" Nina

"NOOOOO!" Gloria screamed. Good grief with all this screaming going on here I am surprised no one called the FBI. And whoa Gloria screamed. No she really screamed. 

Nina and I all starred with our mouths opened. Gloria looked flustered but annoyed. And boy did she surprise us with her outburst.

" Umm Glo-gloria d-do you need to lay down or um do you need a ice pack. Are you ok???? I can get some Tylenol cause you it that time of the month?" I whispered the last part cause who would want to have a boy hear that stuff unless you are purposely scarring them for life.

"NOOOOO!!!! I just need you guys to stop it ok. I was just cold and and he was warming me. And don't look at me like that!" she stormed out of the basement with Alec following to comfort her. We sat there thinking about what just happened.

We pulled together and said "PMS" and laughed.

"It is sooo irritating to see how perfect they go together but act like nothing is happening. Uhh....... You know we are going to miss you hon. It won't be the same." Nina said quietly while looking at me.

"I know the first part but the second part I don't know. I mean you will always find someone else to replace me. So don't over exaggerate." I said while rolling my eyes purposely looking the other way.

"No it's true. We will miss you no matter what. You are always going to be my best friend and no one can replace you ever, ok." She said tears coming to her eyes.

"Aww Nina." I said while pulling her into a hug. "I haven't seen you cry since that time they sold the last pair of brown suede ankle boots that went with your dark washed skinny jeans." I laughed

"Aw you remembered." She pulled away while laughing.

"How could I? You were PO because they sold them to an 'unworthy shopper' and made me go with you to all of the Forever 21 stores in the state." I rolled my eyes while smiling remembering that I lost 5 pounds that day.

"Oh yea the time when you lost the 2 pounds?" She asked

"No the time when I lost the 5 pounds. The one with two was when you had to make a sale."

"Rrriiiigggghhhhtttt. I spent all my birthday money that day."

"And had to borrow some of mine. Which reminds me you little hobknocker where is my money?" I asked.

"Hey it's the new SpongeBob show." She said as she pointed to the screen with remote in hand.

"Oooooo I really wanted to see this one." I know I know how could I let anything get between me and money. Well the reason for that is the yellow sponge square in shoes and tissues. The rest is history.

I soon fell asleep as well as Nina. I had a dreamless sleep and woke up with the sun in my face. Grrr I wish it would die sometimes didn't it know I was sleeping. Since I couldn't go back to sleep (I mean who could with the sun in your face screaming "open your eyes open your eyes....NOW!") I tripped over Nina.


"What the hell." She mumbled groggily, rubbing her eyes. 

"Wake up sunshine. Have you noticed a certain someones are missing?It's time to wake the love birds up." I said with a mischievous grin. He he he I like coming up with evil plans. They are fun.



Omg it took forever to do this. I had tons of work and I was tired so yea. 

So this is the next chapter. I promise she is leaving the next chapter and then the real stuff can begin.WOOP WOOP lol

Also sorry for all the Justin Bieber fans hehe thats what I thought when I saw it.

Well yup thanks for reading :D

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