Loony Lovegood(s)

By angelxhannah

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Luna Lovegood was always seen as the wacky, crack-brained, expressive girl who wandered dreamily. . .and aiml... More

Part 1: The Tea Party

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By angelxhannah

Luna Lovegood was always seen as the wacky, crack-brained, colorful, expressive, big-eyed, wonderous, thoughtful, opinionated, "loony" girl who wandered dreamily. . .and aimlessly. . .through the corridors of Hogwarts, thinking intensely about how house-elves reached the top shelf; and, although she provided many the students with a good laugh now and again, and wasn't all too "loony" as the years trickled by, there weren't many souls at Hogwarts who could actually say that they knew Luna Lovegood in all of her bedazzling mystery. The greatest surprise of all (even though Miss Lovegood, herself, was full of surprises), was when fourth-year rolled upon the students and another starry-eyed, white-haired, crooked-smiling Lovegood walked through the big, arched doorways of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"You don't look much like Luna," noticed Neville Longbottom in a quizzical sort of way. He glanced between the two girls with heavy, furrowed brows, "-Luna's eyes look like the color of the moon. . ." Neville blushed and set his blue centers on the brown eyes of Dawn Lovegood, who sat opposite to him, "-and yours. . ." he paused, thinking curiously, ". . .yours are the color of emeralds. Very pretty emeralds, of course. . .not in a bad way, either, you know. . .just-um-green. . .a very pretty green and-"

"Thank you, Neville," interrupted Dawn, "-and you're right, my eyes are green. . .and emeralds are beautiful gems. . .no need to apologize."

"She's right, Neville," added Luna in her soft, reluctant tone, and although she spoke with the conversation at the time, her eyes were glued to a pair of broken glasses that lie lazily in her palms, "-in folklore, many put emeralds under their tongues to see the future. . ." she paused and finally glanced up from her glasses and into the eyes of the two confused faces before her, "I suppose an emerald would taste sweet."

"And how did you reckon that?" laughed Dawn, who was entirely intrigued by Luna's fanatics.

"Chemists used to lick their gems to collect data through the senses," answered Luna, raising her eyebrows, "-but I always thought green looked bitter, I suppose it's just me then."

"William Shakespeare spoke about green-eyes once," Dawn spoke, poking a fork around lazily in her plate, above her candles hung and shone vibrantly, and her eyes glimmered as the words formed around her tongue, "O beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on."

Her voice slowly faded, but the words lingered, and Neville and Luna were both perpetually confused, to say the least.

"Y-" Neville paused, "You're not a monster. . .a-are you?"

Dawn furrowed her brows and, in the process, crinkled her entire forehead, "What? No!" she exclaimed, undermining the hatefulness in her voice, "-what he was trying to say is that greed and jealousy mocks the person it inhabits, a green-eyed monster."

"So. . .you're greedy?" questioned Luna, tilting her head slowly to the left.

Dawn sighed, "Nevermind," and again she added, "-you know, when dogs. . .and wolves. . .look into the eyes of a human, they can grow a bond. . .just how humans do," she paused and sighed, "I've always wanted a dog."

"You don't like Warticus?" Luna gasped in exclamation.

Dawn quickly thought the picture of her groungy, fur-clinging, wet, nearly-bald, scabby cat with long, skinny legs, and a back so hunched, it appeared as if she was always snarling. Warticus hardly had enough fur to cover her body, and where there was fur, it was only in patches, of a dark gray, because her black fur had faded with the absolute stress of being a brooding, angsty, meticulously angry cat.

"Oh. . .no. . .Warticus is lovely. . ." Dawn gulped, flashing what bit of a smile she could muster. Warticus was the cat that Luna had given to Dawn upon arrival to her home, and she wouldn't dare say any of her monstrous thoughts aloud.

"At least you don't have my toad, Trevor," Neville added with his own little head toss, "I'm always losing that nasty thing, he was a gift. . .from my Uncle Algie. . ."

"Oh, Neville, Trevor is such a lovely little thing," Luna smiled, "-he could use some pinkening in the cheeks, though."

Dawn scowled and plopped her face into the rough skin composing her palm, "All the other Gryffindor's have owls. . .or cats. . .or-"

"Rats," interrupted Neville.

"That's right. . .and I do have such a lovely cat, but-"

"I understand," Luna lowered her head and once looking back up at Neville and Dawn, returned with her fingers clamping to a small painting, "Warticus used to be a beautiful, young cat. . .she was my father's."

The painting agreed with Luna's description. . .Warticus was a young, healthy, and bright-eyed feline with sheek and sheeny black fur that crept into a gaze of dark, unearthly green eyes. Her fur was pigmented, her scoul undeniable, and as for her attitude. . .well, I suppose it does take all nine lives, doesn't it?

"I'm sure you won't undergo much teasing about it," added Luna with a helpless sort of grin, "-from Gryffindor. . .at least. . .I couldn't say as much about the Slytherins-" Luna's gaze crept away to the corner of the Great Hall, wear a fiesty, rambucious, and extremely loud table hopped, hollered, and cheered as they welcomed their new house members.

"I suppose I ought to be sitting at the Ravenclaw table," Luna giggled, "How silly of me, although your company is much better. . .doesn't that pudding look tasty?"

Neville glared down at the shiny bowl of cream pudding that sat below him, staring at his befuddled reflection in the sheen, "Here. . .you have it, Luna. . .I didn't much like pudding anyway," and with a grin he pushed his bowl under Luna's chin, which stretched in a delightful smile.

"Thank you, Neville," she giggled, and then stuck her spoon into the delights of creamy ripples until the silver of the spoon disappeared and sunk to the depths of the bowl.

Dawn smiled upon the gleaming, proud, and happy face of Neville Longbottom as Luna took her plunging and delighted first bite, "You're very kind, Longbottom," she mentioned softly.

Luna slumped her face onto her hand, and glanced off with those big eyes of hers as if she were to be seeing the twinkle of the stars for the very first time, and even if she had seen it one-thousand three-hundred and sixty-two more times, Luna Lovegood would always behold a twinkle in her eye, and a smirk at her lips whilst looking into the sky above. . .and in this case, across the table, across the hall, and watching as a group of three entered the Great Hall, all gulping and looking around aimlessly.

"Harry Potter," Luna spoke aloud, "He's the Chosen One, you know?"

Dawn peered over the shoulder, straining her neck to see a short, skinny brunette boy walking through the aisle of people and tables, framed upon his face was a pair of circular glasses, and above this. . .a lightning scar.

"The Chosen One?" Dawn repeated in confusion, eyes now focused on Luna and Neville, "-who's that. . .or. . .what's that?"

Neville nearly spit his pumpkin juice over the table, but instead choked and swallowed it quickly before anyone dare to notice.

"You've never heard of the Chosen One?" asked Luna, a certain question setting on the corner of her lips. Dawn decided not to answer and shook her head instead.

"Well, there he is," Neville pointed, and again Dawn turned her head to peer at the boy, who paid no mind to the other one-hundred glares he received as he approached a table.

"Harry Potter!" hollered Luna.

The boy retracted his gaze set upon an empty table and followed the sound until his eyes met with Luna's, and a smile crept up and over his cheeks. He most definitely wasn't an ugly boy upon first sight, although Dawn wouldn't have dared to call him handsome either. . .he was thin, yet not very tall, and his cheeks were rather sunken. . .hollow to an extreme. Above this; however, were a miraculous pair of shining eyes, which were unmistakably and admirable beautiful. Hidden behind a pair of round glasses, but still shining ever yet.

"Luna," the boy whispered in relief. The other two pupils following him quickly behind shared a worried look with one another, but decided to follow him to the table with deep, and very heavy sighs.

"Um-hello, Neville, Luna-" he nodded to each and every person, but his neck remained quite still as his eyes caught sight of Dawn. He gulped and peered up at Luna for guidance.

"Oh-sorry, Harry. . ." Luna giggled, "-this is my half-sister, Dawn Lovegood, and Dawn, this is Harry Potter," she introduced, and with a rather happy, groofy grin, might I add.

"Uh-well-hello," Harry greeted red-faced. 

"Hello," Dawn extended a hand in his direction and gulped back her own quiet-nature.

"Dawn doesn't talk to people much, don't feel bad, Harry," Luna interrupted their gaze when Harry took a very slow and reluctant seat beside Dawn.

"Oh-uh-uh-no problem-really-I don't talk either. . .well, much, at least, at first, ofcourse-" he paused and half-chuckled at himself, "I do talk, that's not what I meant to say."

"You two really are very much alike," Luna said happily, "You'll make great friends, Harry Potter and you."

"Great," Dawn flickered a smile. Just as the words had whisped right off of her tongue, the fiery, orange-headed boy, followed by the bushy, brown-headed girl found their way to the table with as much awkwardness as Harry. The girl found her seat quickly on the other side of Dawn, while the other boy grumbled and reluctantly walked around the table to take a seat beside Luna. He eyed both Harry and Hermione ungratefully, and perhaps even stole a glance or two at Luna, herself. . .if he dared.

"Oh-hello, Ronald," smiled Luna.

Ron tossed a satchel violently to the floor below and began filling up a plate massively with all sorts of foods the feast provided, hardly bestowing a glance upon anyone other than the platters of roasted corn, pie, and potatoes, "Good to see you, Looney-" he suddenly paused. 

The girl beside of Dawn attempted to hide her gasp by coughing, but Harry hid none of his worried, and quite riled, gaze.

The red-headed, freckled boy, chicken leg in hand, mid-air, glanced around with a bright-red face, (nearly as red and bright as his hair), and returned his darting eyes to his plate, finally, he resumed his chicken-to-plate act, "Sorry, I meant Luna. . ." he cleared his throat, it sounded more of a squeak, "-good to see you, Luna."

The girl beside Dawn spoke up and scolded the boy with a huff, an eye roll, and a stern reply, "Could you be any more impolite, Ronald?"

The boy took a massive bite out of the chicken leg, and whilst doing so, looked at the girl in annoyance, "Yes, actually," he said with a full mouth.

"I'm sorry for him," apologized the girl sweetly, "I'm Hermione Granger," she extended a hand in Dawn's direction, "and. . .you are?"

Dawn accepted her hand politely, "-Dawn. . .Lovegood."

Hermione glanced, with the very corner of her eye, at Luna, "The two of you are sisters, I suppose?"

"Half-sisters, really," Luna spoke, pudding dribbling out of her mouth. It was plum pudding. . .one might notice.

Hermione quickly glanced away and shuddered, "I never knew Looney-I meant-Luna, had family. . .other than her father, of course." 

"Yes," Dawn swallowed her tongue, partly because Ms. Granger's words came off a bit more harshly than intended, "-family isn't just blood, you know."

Harry grinned to himself, "Like me and Sirius," he said aloud. Both Hermione and Ron glared at him, but whole-heartedly sighed as their chests de-puffed and their eyes gloomily folded back over their plates.

"Harry's parents are dead," Luna said loudly. The table froze.

"Oh-um-" Dawn was interrupted yet again by Luna's explanations.

"Sirius is his god-father, who is also part-dog, did you know? They've become quite close," Luna smiled.

Hermione shot Luna a surprised, yet angry sort of look that made Luna widen her eyes in embarassement.

"Oh-sorry, Harry Potter," she breathed, "-I didn't mean it in that sort of way."

"No-it's alright," said Harry, head hung lowly now.

"No, it's not," Hermione snapped.

The table went quiet, and the air went cold. The only sound coming from the table was Ron's clinking silverware as he continued diving into the feast before him. It was really an unexusable time to be eating, but no one seemed to notice. . .or mind, for that matter, but even his loud clatter could not dim the thoughts pounding into their heads. For a moment of utter silence, it did feel awfully loud, and-

"My parents are dead too," said Dawn suddenly.

All lowered eyes looked up, very-very-very slowly, and fashioned themselves on her tightened neck muscles, and mouth twisting in all directions.

"I'm sorry," Hermione was the first to sympathize.

Dawn smiled, but in the half sort of way one does, "Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality-"

"-Emily Dickinson," Hermione smiled.

"What does that mean?" Ron asked, taking a break from his meal.

"It means," Harry spoke, "-that the people we love can never really die. . .because our love for them still lives forever."

Dawn's face filled with a lovely shade of red, "Exactly how I would put it," she smiled, "I read that quote on the last letter my mother sent to me before she-" Dawn stopped speaking abruptly, and suddenly her lungs filled up with more air than she could hold, "She was always sending me little things like that, quotes. . .I mean."

Ron furrowed his very thick, red brows into a sewed pattern that dove across his forehead and across his nose in a sea of unruly wrinkles, "Quite a mystery, eh?" he squeaked, "-that she would send you that right before she di-OW! HARRY!"

Harry kicked his shin underneath the table, causing Ron to yelp instead of finishing his sentence. He gripled in pain as Dawn stared and breathed deeply.

"I've thought about it more than enough," she admitted, "It is intriguing, to say the least."

"I'd help you find out more," said Ron through bites of mashed potatoes, "I have quite the reputation as a mystery-solver about Hogwarts."

Dawn lifted her eyes in relief, "Do you?" she asked in high ambition.

"No," Hermione snarled, "He's lying. . .like always."

Dawn's chest sunk back to her seat.

"But I'd still like to help," he added with a goofy sort of grin, "-even if I'm not Sherlock Holmes."

Dawn couldn't help but flash her own smile, but quickly hid it on her shoulder, tugging her chin against the scratchiness of her sweater, "Uh-no-thank you. . ." she answered softly, "-it would be easier. . .to keep her out of this. . .out of my life, I mean."

Harry blinked hardly until his eyes landed upon his lap, but the nose of a poking and prying Weasley snorted in opposition.

"Harsh," Ron chuckled, pausing to take yet another bite of chicken, although not taking the time to swallow it, "-you know, my brothers could help. . .if you don't mind a few gags."

"Gags?" Dawn repeated, "-like. . .pranks?"

"Fred and George," grinned Harry, glancing up at Ron, "-they look like him, except taller."

"Hey!" fumed Ron, "-I am tall!"

"Not tall," Harry giggled, "-tall-ER."

Ron seemed satisfied enough, and proceeded to munch further into the chicken.

"They're in fifth year," explained Hermione, "-you can't miss them."

"Beaters, they both are, for quidditch," added Ron.

"Handsome," Luna tagged from her own special seat. 

Everyone at the table paused, Hermione glanced in worry, Harry tilted his head so far to the right, it was a wonder his head didn't fall clean off, Ron paused with his chicken nearing his lips, a disgusted expression wondering over his face, and Dawn gulped and set her face upon her hand once more.

"So tall. . .red hair. . .handsome. . .beaters. . .prankers. . .and in fifth year?" Dawn repeated once everyone had returned to normal.

"Don't forget twins," added Harry.

"Very handsome twins," introduced a new voice from behind them all.

All eyes lifted. . .very, very high up.

Dawn twisted her neck to peer over her shoulder, to see where the voice had come from, of course, and it suddenly seemed as if she had done a lot of that lately. Behind her, as her eyes scanned up. . .and up. . .and up. . .and up. . .she landed her bright green centers on two identically beautiful and well-structered freckled faces, hidden behind long layers of bright orange hair and a sharp smirk glimmering beneath their eyes.

"Fred-" introduced one.

"-and George," added the other.

"Weasley," Fred finished.

"I see you've met our much-less handsome younger brother here," joked George with a grin.

"We're only joking, Ron," Fred giggled.

"Or are we?" George added mischievously.

Ron pushed himself up angrily from the table and scowled at his brothers hatefully, "Beat it!" he yelled, "-both of you!"

The twins shared the same humourous expression, "Now-now-Ronald. . .don't get your knickers in a twist," Fred grinned.

"Yes, now, mum would hate to have to wash them after you've had an accident," George giggled.

Ron slumped back into his seat and buried his face in his hands.

"We're only joking," Fred assured, nudging his brother on the shoulder.

"Only joking. . ." George added, "-besides, we've come to introduce ourselves to your new friend."

"And what is your name?" Fred bent to ask.

Both of them stared wide-eyed in anticipation before Dawn glanced back at the rest of the table, furrowed her brow, and gulped her way to suitable words.

"Uh-Dawn. . .Lovegood," she came to say.

Both of the boys towered over her in grins, "Dawn, you say?" George repeated.

"Yes," she breathed.

"Pretty name," Fred mentioned, "-we'll be on our way then," the both of them reached their hands down to Harry's head of hair and shook it violently.

"Bye, Harry, Granger, Luna, Ronald, Longbottom," George smiled.

The two turned, looked over their shoulders, and finished with a smile, "Bye, Dawn," they said together.

Their dark figures disappeared into the crowd of hooting Gryffindors, and soon all of the peacefulness that had once sat around them returned.

"Don't mind them," Ron snapped angrily, "-always pestering me, I'll tell you, well, bloody hell, I'm tired of it," he mumbled to himself.

"They're only joking," Hermione reminded, "-besides, they didn't come looking for you."

"Bloody hell, of course they didn't come looking for me! It's a wonder they didn't come looking for you either, Hermione! Next thing you know, they'll have my next sweetheart by her hand, leading her down the corridor! Both of them are big flirts and they know it, bloody arrogant if you ask me!" he snorted, then dug his nose back into his chicken.

Hermione shook her head and focused her attention back on Dawn, who sat peacefully investigating the baby potatoes.

"Tomorrow, what classes do you have?" she asked.

Dawn snapped out of a blurry moment and refocused her eyes, "Potions. . .to start with. . .then Charms. . .and-"

"All the boring stuff?" Ron added.

"I've never taken a Potions class before," Dawn admitted nervously.

"You'll be bloody brilliant, what, in knowing all of these poems and such, say, me and you would be swell partners, I need the extra help, you know," he paused and sighed, "-you seem smart enough."

Harry focused his eyes strongly upon Ron's gitty figure, "I thought we were to be partners, Ron?"

"Pshhh, you and Hermione can be partners," he figured, "-besides, Dawn needs to be with someone she knows for her first class."

"It would be good to have a familiar face," Dawn admitted slowly.

"Besides, Hermione's best in the class, you'll get an easy pass, Harry," Ron quickly explained.

Harry hung his head and sighed, "Only Snape is the professor. . .if only it were someone different, then I might have a chance of having a good term without trouble."

Ron chuckled and shook his head, "Please, Harry, it isn't Snape that's trouble. . .you are."

Harry whizzed Ron an angry look.

"We'll make great partners, Harry," Hermione tried to console, "Besides, we're lucky Dawn doesn't end up with someone terrible. . .like Malfoy. . .or Parkinson."

The entirety of the table agreed with nods and grunts.

"Who-Who's Malfoy?" repeated Dawn, concerned, "-or Parkinson?"

Hermione raised her eyebrows as she lowered a heavy head, "Only the worst Slytherins at Hogwarts," she explained, "Malfoy practically leads the bunch."

"Hermione punched him once!" Ron added excitedly, "It was bloody brilliant if you ask me!"

Hermione narrowed her eyes at him, "No one asked you, Ronald. . ." she snapped. 

Harry snickered.

"You'll be sure to meet them at some time," Harry continued, "-they make up the fourth house at Hogwarts. . .you're in Gryffindor, so they automatically despise you, really."

Dawn gulped, "Despise is a strong word-"

"Ya, and so is hate, but they both mean the same thing," Hermione lectured, "Slytherins don't only despise the rest of the houses. . .they want us killed!"

"Killed?" Dawn leaned forward in confusion.

"Bloody hell, Hermione, you're scaring the girl!" Ron intervened, but Hermione leaned closer to Dawn's curious gaze and continued.

"Green and silver. . .that's their house colors. . .when you see it,  walk the other way."

"Harry was almost put in Slytherin," Ron added.

"Shh!" Harry scolded, glancing around discreetly, "-you keep that bit to yourself, okay, Dawn?"

By now, it seemed as if all three of them were leaning closer to her face, pounding her with information and stories.

"No green and silver tie. . .no Harry being put into Slytheri-"

"SHHHH!" all three hushed.

Dawn bit her lip quickly, "Got it," she whispered.

"You better have," Ron raised his eyebrows and leaned back to continue his feast, "-wouldn't want a secret like that getting out."

"Secret?" said a voice from behind Ron. This time, Dawn could see clearly who the visitor was.

"Cedric Diggory," Ron praised with big, hopeless eyes. He stared above him at the tall, skinny, nearly perfect boy who stood behind him and nearly drooled over his plate.

"Cedric," Harry whispered, "-what-um-what're you doing here?"

"I supposed you were wondering that," he smirked. 

Ron smiled. . .and hardly blinked.

Cedric put his hand down on the table, leaning onto his arm, and that was when his Hufflepuff scarf floated nearly to the table's edge. Ron, however, breathed in his air, smelled his scarf and robes, and looked wondrously at the side of his face as he whispered to the table.

"Dumbledore is to announce the Tri-wizard Tournament tonight. . .I've just heard from Cho-Chang, who's in Ravenclaw, and they're hardly ever wrong, you know," Cedric said.

"The-the Tri-wizard Tournament?" Harry repeated questionably.

"Yes, it hardly ever comes to Hogwarts. . .and everyone is saying you're going to enter!" he exclaimed.


"Him?" Ron exclaimed.

"You've got to be mad. . ." Hermione shook her head and sighed.

"Well, I think it is a wonderful idea, Harry Potter," Luna interrupted.

Cedric sent her an odd glance and continued, "So? Will you? I plan on entering, myself."

Harry glanced about the table and gulped, a flush of pink blushing about his cheeks, "I-I don't know. . .I must be too young."

"Maybe," Cedric smirked, "-maybe not. . .anyhow, I'll be heading back to Hufflepuff's table now, we have a bet going, you see. Watch the doors, they'll be coming at any time!" he shouted as he shuffled away.

"T-" Ron cleared his throat and took in one last whiff of Cedric's scent, "-they? Who's they?"

"The other academies, of course," Luna shrugged, fiddling now with her broken glasses.

"Other academies?" Harry repeated.

Just as if he had asked Dumbledore himself, an old wizard, with half-moon glasses stepped up to the podium. Although he had not begun to speak yet, the entirety of Hogwarts gazed up at him in wonder.

"Students of Hogwarts!" he announced, raising his arms by his sides.

Everyone was whispering frantically about the tables.

"I am pleased to announce that Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be taking on the Tri-Wizard Tournament this year!" he exclaimed.

Booms of laughter, hollers, and excitement echoed throughout the walls until the chandeliers began to tremble. Dumbledore took a deep breath and cracked a smile, himself.

"With us, for this semester, we will be joined by several other magic-practicing academies," he continued in his authoritative voice, "-I expect you all to treat them just the same as you treat each other. . .and I hope that is with dignity, kindness, and loyalty."

Ron scoffed, "Ya, right, there's nothing dignified about those Slytherins putting rats in the Gryffindor common room, is there?" he whispered across to Harry.

"I would now like to introduce-"

The rest of the night was a complete and utter blur; there were marches, and dances, and googly eyes at all of the newcomers, it was all very expected. Hermione said that after that night, everyone at Hogwarts would settle down. . .boy, was she wrong.

"This way," said Ron Weasley the very next morning. The hallways at Hogwarts were a madhouse, students from everywhere were crammed in the corridors, chatting and bustling about as students do. The corridors at Hogwarts were already confusing enough, in fact, the entire school was practically an ever-changing puzzle!

"Move it, move, OUT OF MY WAY!" nagged Ron as he shrugged off passing pupils. He carried a satchel over one shoulder and had lent Dawn his spare with holes in the bottom for the day.

"It should hold your books. . .although you might lose one or two," she thought he had joked, soon to come she learned it was not a joke. . .at. . .all.

"Out of my way, Curly Cake!" Ron shouted again, this time his shout was directed at a girl standing in front of the Potion's Classroom, her big head of brown curls blocking his view.

She whirled around and grunted at him, then stormed off with her nose pointed in the air, her friend tagging not far behind.

"A Beauxbaton's girl no less-" he snarled, rolling his eyes to the very back of his head, "-they're all going to come in and act like they own the place. . .well-"

"Are we going in?" Dawn interrupted. 

Ron sighed dramatically and whispered, leaning on the edge of the obstructed doorway, "A few things to know before we enter these cold walls-" he said theatrically, leaning closer.

Dawn leaned forward curiously, to where neither of their voices could be heard audibly by any passing neighbors.

"First. . .Snape, Professor Snape, that is, he's the head of the Slytherin house. . .always playing favorites," Ron explained, "-he hates Harry. . .and Hermione. . .and me. . .probably. . .anyways, he'll probably hate you too, just because you're in Gryffindor."

Dawn gulped, "I saw him last night, sitting with the other Professors. . .Luna told me. . .he looked like a bat."

"That's what they all say," Ron sighed, looking into the distance, "Number two. . .the Slytherins, you've heard of them by now," he paused, "-horrible, all of them, but especially Malfoy. . .he looks a bit like you, actually, but eviller. . .much worse than you."

"Draco Malfoy?" Dawn repeated, "I heard Hermione saying something about him yesterday."

"Everything she said is true. . .he's a menace," Ron snapped angrily, "Stay away from him. . .and the rest of those dirty, pig-for-brains Slytherins."

"Green and silver tie," Dawn remembered aloud, "-got it."

"Brilliant. . .and last thing, stay quiet. . .in Snape's class at least," he directed.

"Stay quiet," she repeated with a nod.

"Good, let's go on then," Ron nodded proudly to himself.

Before them stood the monstrous door that led to the Potions' classroom, it was just as vile as Snape was, himself, and after last night's feast, Dawn felt herself becoming nervous just picturing the sour-looking man.

"Help me, won't you?" grunted Ron, pulling with no prevail on the heavy door. 

"Sorry," she apologized quickly, and soon the both of them pulled and yanked and gasped as the door flew open, and both stumbled backward from the sudden force.

"Bloody hell," Ron whispered, panting.

The door swung open wide, but only a blank classroom could be seen inside.

"Snape must not be here yet," Ron noticed, stepping into the classroom slowly. Dawn followed quickly behind, eyes prancing over the classroom in wonder. There were large tables sitting accordingly, neatly lined and placed perfectly over the stone floor. Few students sat in their already-designated seats, while some stood on the side and chatted.

"Let's sit over there," Ron pointed, "-there's hardly anyone there yet, and it seems to have the best view."

Dawn agreed, there weren't many in that area yet, and the view did seem pretty nice. To the left, a large case of potions and glasses sat in their rightful places, each a different, shimmering color.

"Wow-" she mouthed under her breath.

Ron began to move to the place he had pointed, while Dawn wondrously glanced about in every area her eyes could see, following slowly. . .and dreamily. . .behind.

"Well, well, well, Weasley," said a silvery sort of voice as they approached the table. Dawn had been so far-off in her own sort of dream, she hardly noticed the boy obstructing their path, followed by two heavier-set boys with brown, rugged hair and firm-set glares.

"Malfoy," Ron snarled, narrowing his eyes.

Dawn's heart dropped as the words formed on Ron's tongue. This was Malfoy? Draco Malfoy?

"And who's this?" Malfoy smirked, "-you're little girlfriend, Weasley?"

Dawn glanced up for the first time and was surprised to be met with an icy cold glare, coming from straight, grey eyes. A smirk formed beneath his narrow nose as he noticed the glance.

"Why? You interested, Malfoy?" Ron joked in return, "-you and Parkinson didn't turn out?"

Draco's eyes sharply left Dawn's glare, and darted into Ron's laughing gaze, "Shut it, Weasley, I'm surprised they've even let you come back to Hogwarts!"

The boys behind him snickered.

"You're the one with an aunt in Azkaban!" Ron snapped.

"And half your family's at Hogwarts!" Draco snickered, "-it's a wonder the whole school isn't filled with Weasleys!"

"You're just mad because you know Hogwarts would be better if there were Weasley's instead of Slytherins!" Ron smirked.

"Ah, yes, a school full of red-headed, freckled, big-nosed monsters!" Draco shouted. The joking tone had fallen out of his voice, and was replaced quickly with an angry resonance.

"Watch your mouth, Malfoy," snarled Ron.

"Or what?" laughed Draco, "-your overweight mother going to come for me?"

Ron's eyes expanded to two large, blue buttons, with a frightening, narrowed glare dancing about them. Fear twirled in Draco's, he took a step back and cleared his throat.

"Hold my satchel, Dawn," said Ron. He threw his bag to the floor, unable to retract his glare off the tall, skinny, white-haired figure of Draco Malfoy.

"Ron-" Dawn gulped.

"Five seconds, Malfoy," he smirked, taking a step closer.

"Excuse me?" Draco cried.

"I said five seconds," Ron repeated sternly, "1. . .2. . ."

Draco laughed and looked over his shoulders to peer back at his two companions, who tried to chuckle in return. . .but both seemed paralyzed behind him.

"-3. . .4. . ."

"Malfoy," trembled one of the boys from behind, "-maybe we should-"

"5!" Ron shouted.

Draco furrowed his brow and peered around to see the rest of the Potions' classroom glaring at them all. Impatience filled their curious eyes.

"YOU'RE A BLOODY IDIOT, MALFOY!!" cried Ron in blinding rage. Before anyone knew what had happened, everyone had gasped in unison. . .it was a blur of red-headed, freckled, muscular anger that flung Draco Malfoy to the stone floor below. He was stunned, temporarily, and all he managed to do was stare blankly into Ron's eyes as the boy crawled above him and held his wand under his chin. Ron was breathing heavily as if he had run a race, it must have been the anger.

Everyone watched with held breath, not knowing who or what would make the next move, at times it seemed as if Ron would whisper a curse, and Draco would turn into a pile of mush. . .and at other times, it seemed as if he would crawl off, and take his seat promptly as all the other students had done.

"Wh-what're you going to do to me?" cried Draco, who's head flung wildly from side-to-side, in fact, it was the only part of his body that dared move, for with Weasley on top of him, he couldn't move any of his limbs.

"I haven't decided just yet," Ron snapped, "-I have the chance to kill you, but I'm not sure if I want that sort of guilt haunting me."

Draco looked him in the eye and grunted in pain, shaking his lower body in attempts to get free.

"I better never hear you say another word about me or my mother, hear me, Malfoy?" snarled Ron, driving his wand deeper into the underside of his chin.

Malfoy squealed and nodded to the extent that he could.

"Good," Ron said smugly, putting his wand back into his robes. Glaring down at Draco Malfoy was the best part of it all, (Ron had said much later), looking down upon someone who he pitied felt like he was above him. . .and Malfoy needed to learn that much.

"Here," Dawn reached down and offered her hand after Ron had stepped over him and proceeded to his seat, "Let me help you up."

Malfoy scanned her hand suspiciously from the floor, contemplating accepting, "You'd still help me after that?" he asked curiously, standing partly to his feet.

Dawn laughed, "Absolutely not."

What she did next was positively, creatively, and simply-

"OUTRAGEOUS!" shouted Snape, forcing Dawn down the corridor by the top of her collar. She stumbled along, being followed by Ron, who was smiling, but remained serious as he explained the whole ordeal to the Professor, who chose to not listen or hear any of it.

"She only did it because he insulted my mother, Snape, really!" shouted Ron, scampering quickly behind. If anyone knew of Severus Snape, they knew we walked outrageously fast, his legs were quick-paced, and Ron was used to leisurely wandering about the corridors. . .not stomping after Dawn, who shriveled and ran along with Snape's quick steps.

"Malfoy called her overweight! And called me freckled, red-headed, and-"

"And all of these things are true, Mr. Weasley!" snarled Snape as he approached the hidden passageway to Dumbledore's quarters.

"Please, don't bother him," begged Dawn, "-I'll never do it again! Never!"

"That's not much consonance, I'm afraid, Miss Lovegood," Snape snapped, "-Mr. Malfoy has been sent to the infirmary by the fact of your hearty punch."

Ron quietened his whimpers and smirked, "She does have awfully good aim."

"Mr. Weasley!" snarled the Professor, "-I advise you to watch your tone, or you'll be joining Miss Lovegood in expulsion!"

"EXPULSION?" Dawn cried, "-I-I can't get expelled."

"Ohhhh, yes you can, Miss Lovegood, and I'll be sure it is done, rightfully so," Snape said cooly.

"It's not fair!" cried Ron, "I was the one who started the fight, anyway!"

Snape sent Ron a glare, "-and your actions will be appropriately dealt with, Mr. Weasley."

"Dealt with?" repeated a new, much more authoratative voice.

"Bloody hell, Dumbledore!" Ron exasperated, but quickly turned red, "-Sorry-sir-"

"It's forgotten, Mr. Weasley," smiled the kind man, walking closer by the second. His long, blue robes traced the floor as he made his way towards Snape's unruly grip on Dawn's collar.

"Severus, is there a problem with these students?" Dumbledore questioned softly. He stopped before the trembling girl, who kept her head down, panting and waiting for her expulsion.

"Yes, Albus, there is, in fact, a problem," Snape snapped, glaring down at the two bashful children, "A brawl broke out amongst the Potion's classroom, between a certain Draco Malfoy and-" he glared down at Ron, who grew far more red under his gaze, "-Ronald Weasley. I admit, some unnecessary comments were made on Malfoy's part, but nothing that required the temper that Mr. Weasley showed us today," Snape explained cooly, "-he pinned Draco to the ground, and forced him down with his wand."

Dumbledore looked as if he was about to chuckle, but being the Headmaster at Hogwarts meant that he needed to remain settled with his emotions, including the brawls between Professor's and pupils.

"Mr. Weasley," began Dumbledore in a calm, quiet tone, "-are these allegations true?"

Ron's face glew with a deep, reddened embarrassment, "I'm-" he paused and swallowed outrageously hard, "-I'm afraid so."

Dumbledore stared at the red-faced boy for multiple seconds before he sighed and nodded his head, "Detention for you, Mr. Weasley, tonight, you may go into the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid."

"The Forbidden Forest?" squealed a frightened Ron, who had most suddenly lost his bashfulness.

"That is what I said, Mr. Weasley."

Snape pursed his lips into a sneaky, calloused, and cold sort of grin, filled with accomplishment and greed. Ron slumped his shoulders, and couldn't help but wander at the devastation that filled Dawn's future.

"As for Miss Lovegood?" inquired Dumbledore further.

Snape was ecstatic to continue, "After Mr. Weasley got off of Malfoy, Dawn proceeded to help him to his feet. . .and proceeded to punch him violently in the face. . .not once, twice. . .once in the nose, and once nearing his left eye-socket. . .both are damaged, he is currently in the infirmary," Snape concluded on a serious note.

Dumbledore gazed at Dawn with a sense of admiration, and swelled his chest before he continued, "Miss Lovegood, this is not in your nature to behave this way, so I am beginning to wonder, myself, what exactly Mr. Malfoy said to provoke the two of you in this way."

Ron jerked his head up excitedly, "Oh-Dumbledore, sir, he said such cruel things-" he paused and gulped, "-he-he called me freckled, red-headed, big-nosed-"

"-and he said it was a wonder they were still letting him attend Hogwarts!" pleaded Dawn.

Dumbledore nodded between the two, and analyzed their faces with concern, "Is this all that was said?"

Ron shook his head violently, "Malfoy called my mother overweight!"

"Overweight?" repeated a shocked Dumbledore.

"Yes, sir, overweight, as if all the other things he said weren't enough!" Ron snarled.

Dumbledore sighed after much thought, "I am afraid that I would have acted exactly as the two of you have done today," he admitted tiredly, "-although I do not condone your actions. . .but I will say, I do not approve of the things Malfoy has said to you today. The three of you will all have detention this evening, I'll alert Malfoy."

Snape grumbled and released Dawn, who had been scrambling like a puppy on a leash to get out of his monstrous clutches. 

"Thank you!" shouted Dawn, "Thank you!"

"Yes-Dumbledore, sir," smiled Ron.

Dumbledore grinned at the both of them and nodded the two fidgety figures away, who ran at the very sight of his condoning nod.


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"You-you really punched him?" laughed Seamus Finnigan when the school-day had ended, and the Gryffindors were all gathered in the common room.

"She punched him once. . .right his nasty, snobby nose, and then TWICE!" Ron shouted, "-right in his ugly eye."

The Gryffindor's cheered and roared with laughter, as if Ronald Weasley was telling a pirate tale to a band of crewman.

"Good work, Lovegood," smiled Fred Weasley.

"Ya, Malfoy deserved a good punch to the face," George added.

Dawn laughed, but secretly felt a sense of embarrassement growing over her cheeks. Harry and Hermione sat silently beside of her, with all of the other Gryffindors gathering around, listening to every fabricated word Ron told.

"I heard Ron burnt Malfoy's hair with fire coming from his wand!" shouted a small boy in the back. The rest of the room turned to face Ron in silence, and anticipation.

"I only wish that was true. . ." he began slowly, "-I had his life right in the grips of my fingers! Imagine that. . .my, Ron Weasley's, fingers!"

"Good story, brother," laughed Fred, "-but Lovegood, over here, did more than you did-"

"Ya," agreed the majority of Gryffindor.

Ron was flabbergasted, he pouted, scrunched up his nose, and crossed his arms angrily, "If you like her story so much, then why don't we let her tell it? Hmm?"

"No-no-Ron-" Dawn whispered, but it was too late, all eyes were on her. . .every. . .single. . .pair. . .of eyes.


"Did any of you get an invitation to Luna's tea-party tonight?" Harry asked loudly. Dawn looked over at him gratefully, feeling the pressure on her chest release.

He nodded his welcome, as she mouthed "thank-you" in his direction.

"Tea-Party?" laughed Finnigan, "-what? like the Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat?"

Roars of laughter filled the common room, all the Gryffindors giddily chiming in.

"No-no-uh-she'll have crumpets and tea. . .and sweets and cakes. . .all sorts of things," Harry answered once the laughter had died down, "-besides, I was only asking."

Fred and George calmed the Gryffindor's with a stern gaze.

"I didn't get an invite," Seamus announced.

"Neither did I," added Dean Thomas.

"I didn't either," swallowed Lavender Brown.

The answers came piling in, and all were resoluted the same: No.

"I got my invite at lunch," spoke Hermione, "-and so did Ron, Harry, Dawn, Neville, and Ginny. . ." she slowed her pace and swallowed when rude glares began to cast her way, "I suppose it's only close friends then-"

Ron furrowed his brow and sighed, "Me and Dawn can't come anyway-" he reminded, "-detention, remember?"

Hermione and Harry sighed, "I suppose it'll just be us then," said Hermione, "-I wonder who else she's invited."

Harry looked into his palms and smiled, "I doubt much else."

Hermione narrowed her eyes, "I don't understand why I have to go if you two don't."

"Well, Hermione," shot Ron, "-there is one reason. . .we have detention. . .and you. . .don't! Surprise, surprise!"

"Don't get angry at me, Ronald. . .just because the two of you attacked Malfoy," Hermione huffed.

"Attacked?" Ron furrowed his brow unlawfully, "Oh, yes, Hermione, I was terribly brutal!"

Hermione glared at Dawn, "You might not have been, but she was. . .Gryffindor's going to get a bad reputation thanks to you two, soon we'll be just as bad as the Slytherins!"

She stood angrily to her feet and stormed up the stairs without another glance towards anybody, a few girls who had been gathered close chased her quickly.

"What's gotten her into a mood?" asked Ron.

Harry followed Hermione's shadow until it was obstructed by the other girls running after her, "She's not in a mood. . .it's Hermione, remember?"

Ron rolled his eyes and sighed, "Ya. . .I remember."

Harry grinned.

"Say, troublemakers," came Seamus again a few moments later, "What exactly do you have to do for detention?"

Dawn and Ron shared a glance, while the entirety of Gryffindor waited impatiently.

"The Forbidden Forest with Malfoy and Hagrid," answered Ron plainly, "-it isn't near as bad as I thought it would be. . .Snape was beckoning expulsion for Dawn!"

"Expulsion?" repeated Harry, "That's outrageous!"

Ron shook his head, "According to Snape, the only thing outrageous was our behavior."

Fred glanced between the two, and was suddenly visibly befuddled with a rising question, "Say, Dawn, what made you punch Malfoy anyway?"

It was a good question, a reasonable question, and one nearly no one had thought to ask.

"I-I guess I just wanted to," she answered, "-not punch him, I mean," she stuttered as giggles broke over the Gryffindor crowd, "-defend Ron. . .defend his family, I suppose. I don't have a family to defend. . .besides Luna. . .or a mother to defend, anymore. . ." she slowly paused and gulped, "-when he said those things. . .I just thought he deserved it, is all," she finished croakily.

Everyone in the room was silent, even the Weasley twins, who hardly were ever silent.

"She's brave, alright," smiled Finnigan, standing to applaud, "-definitely a Gryffindor."

He led the common room in a fit of laughter, hollers, and clapping for their brave Gryffindor girl. It wasn't just the actions that were brave to all of them, it was the thought she put behind it. The thought to defend someone she hardly knew, and the thought to stand up to someone of whom she had just met. To everyone in that common room, Dawn Lovegood was hero, well-everyone doesn't necessarily mean everyone.

"She's completely absurd!" laughed Lavender Brown later that night in her dormitory. Many of the other Gryffindor girls crowded around and joined in harmonious giggles and bashing of the new girl.

"And did you see that mot of hair?" laughed a darker-haired girl who sat on the floor, "-just like Luna's."

"What did we expect. . .they are sisters."

"Half-sisters!" corrected Lavender quickly, "-besides, she looks terrible next to Ron, doesn't she?" she giggled, "-I suppose she thinks they're friends now."

"Completely sad," added another girl with a laugh.

"Well, not to worry, I'll have Mr. Weasley before the Yule Ball this year. . .as long as she doesn't get in my way. . ."

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"There ye are now," announced Hagrid, handing Dawn the last of the lanterns, "-ye'll be needin' these to see your way through that forest now."

Ron lifted his lantern and looked at it in befuddlement, "But, Hagrid, why do I need a lantern if I have a wand?"

Hagrid furrowed his big, hairy brows and stroked his bear in thought, "I don't rightfully know. . .anyhow, we'll be searching fer Neville's runaway frog. . .Trevor. . .he should be in here somewheres-"

Hagrid began peering behind them at the dark wood that lie behind.

"A frog?" gaped Draco, "-how are we supposed to find a frog?"

Hagrid sighed and huffed his big chest, "Ye look for it, Draco, with yer eyes-"

Dawn and Ron giggled and glared at Draco merrily. He was covered in two big, purple and blue bruises. One surrounded his nose, and the other, his eye. He twitched as his eyes met with Dawn's.

"Now, I s'pose it would be best if we split up. . .Draco. . .ye be with Dawn. . .Ron. . .yer come with me," Hagrid proposed.

"Not her!" shouted Draco, chasing after Hagrid, who was already rustling towards the forest. He turned as Malfoy grabbed his big wrist.

"And why is that, Malfoy?" he asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow, "'fraid she'll knock ye again?"

Dawn snickered, but quickly placed a hand over her mouth as Draco turned and huffed.

"Do not speak to me, look at me, or breath next to me, got it?" he snapped, walking by her in a flutter. His long legs propelled him by her as quickly as he possibly could, and some part of him did flinch when she began walking rightfully by his side. He had never been afraid of many people before. . .let alone a girl. . .let alone a Lovegood.

"So. . ." began Dawn as they entered the dark edge of the forest. Rustles came from all directions, snaps of twigs crunched from the right, bushes rattled to the left, but the two of them remained on a small, narrow path that wound and twist through the dark haven of the wood. The trees were thick and gray, the branches hooded overhead like shadowy figures made out of whispy smoke. It was dark, so dark they could nearly see, only their lanterns lit them a path. . .and it was a small path at that.

"What did I say about speaking to me?" snapped Draco, holding his lantern higher and his lips firmer.

Dawn shifted, "I think I've made it very clear I'm not afraid of you, Malfoy."

Draco glared at her, "So what do you want, then? To kill me?"

"I think we both know if I wanted to kill you I woud have done it already," laughed Dawn in return, "-besides, Hogwarts doesn't seem so big and scary now that the guy who was supposed to be big and scary is scared of me."

"I am not scared of you," growled Draco, scanning the forest floor with his eyes, "-I'm scared of no one."

Dawn gulped and settled her own eyes upon the floor, "I don't believe that. We're all afraid of someone."

Draco twisted his lantern, "Oh, ya? And who are you scared of, if it isn't me?"

Dawn sighed, "I don't know. . .it used to be my father. . ." she announced, with a quick look on Draco's behalf, she took this into consideration, "-from that look, I'm guessing you're scared of yours too."

Draco fidgeted and gulped so loudly, even Trevor, hiding amongst the bushes, could hear, "I'm not afraid of my father. . .I have great respect for him."

"Respect isn't the same as fear, Draco," Dawn reminded quickly, "I used to think of it like that. . .that the only reason I feared my father was because I respected him. . .because I cared about his rules and regulations. . .and because I cared of what he thought about me," her voice lowered, and slowly the sleeve to her sweater came up, "-he didn't have the same respect for me that I had for him."

A scar lay upon her arm, a brand. . .a burn. . .in the shape of. . .the shape of the deatheater symbol. Draco gasped and suddenly lost control of the lantern, it fell slowly to the forest floor. . .lighting ablaze the wood below.

"Put it out!" he yelled. The dry leaves of autumn lit in smoky, orange flames, and soon a great fire began to grow.

"Aguamenti!" shouted Dawn quickly. Her wand was pointing shakily at the blazing fire, that grew closer and closer to their trembling shoes.

A clean jet of water saved the day, holding her wand now with two hands, Dawn flushed the fire with her sturdy grip, and breathed in the deep, smoky embers. It was dark now, too dark to see.

"Lumos," whispered Draco, seconds after their hearts had begun to beat again. A pale orange light flickered between their pale, startled faces, sending gray shadows playing and dancing on their cheeks, and twinkles aflame in their eyes.

Dawn gasped and clutched her stomach, "I feel like I'm going to puke-"

"It-it was my fault. . .I-I dropped the lantern-"

"But I showed you my arm. . ." she whispered, "I shouldn't have shown you so quickly-"

"No," he interrupted, still gulping and pondering the situation, "-no-no I needed to see it. Someone like me."

Dawn set her eyes firmly on his, "He branded it on my arm when I was ten," she paused, "-he told me I was the Dark Lord's and the Dark Lord's only. . .I didn't deserve anything better."

She slowly pushed her sweater sleeve down when she saw his curious, peering eyes, "I never show it. . .never."

Draco didn't know what to say, for once. . .he wasn't used to not speaking brutally or jokingly or sassily. . .so he swallowed back what kindness he began to feel and forced it down his throat, "And you shouldn't," he paused, "-it's hideous anyhow."

Dawn was shocked. She stared at him with big eyes, thinking she had finally found someone who understood.

"It is," she replied coldly, and with a stern glare she walked away, her own wand shining vibrantly, a light, "Trevor!" she shouted, "-Trevor!"

                                                                  ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦

"How did it go with Malfoy?" questioned Ron as they began the short journey back to Hogwarts later that night. Dawn had heavier eyes than she had gone in with, and a tough knot formed in the pit of her stomach. . .she felt as if she could cry. . .the mistake she had made in showing Draco Malfoy that scar. . .he could tell the whole school! 

"Ron, I want to show you something," she whimpered, feeling a weight blow off of her chest, "-come with me. . .please?"

"A-Are you ok?" Ron asked, suddenly stopping on the path.

"I will be, after I get this off of my chest," Dawn reflected. Ron usually would have cracked a joke, but something in the way she spoke threw him off-guard, something in the way she spoke made him listen. . .so he followed her all the way to a dimly-lit, empty corridor just inside.

"I want to show you this. . .I showed Malfoy, and-and I shouldn't have because now he'll tell everybody and-and-and I can't let that happen, Ron, I can't!" she cried.

Ron gulped and stared into her frightened, light eyes, "Well. . ." he swallowed, "-what is it?"

She peered around the hallway nervously, checking for any passing visitors, and upon seeing no one, lifted the sleeve to her sweater.

Ron gasped firstly, then he went silent.

"Say something," she begged, "I-I need to hear you say something, at least."

He glared at it in puzzlement for a brief moment, then tilted his head, "Wicked. . ." he whispered.

Dawn furrowed her brow and threw her sleeve back over the scar, "What?"

"It's bloody brilliant, if you ask me," Ron smiled.

"It-it is?"

"Ya," he laughed, "-was that all you wanted to show me?"

"Wait-you-you don't think it's bad?" Dawn stuttered her way to asking.

He contemplated in confusion, "If you're asking because it's the death-eater symbol, then it's still a no. . .no one really cares, and if they did, everybody would think it was bloody brilliant, like I did. . .and if they didn't, then it wouldn't matter anyway, because I think it's wicked."

Dawn felt a weight lifted off of her chest that night, that moment. A sense of panicked relief filled her lungs, and a wave of gratitude and thanks filled her pink. She smiled.

"Guys! There you are!" came a rushed, panicked voice.

Running around the corner came Hermione Granger, startled and trembling to the bone, hair in a disorganized array, and eyes searching with bright, wide fear.

"Hermione?" Ron gasped, walking closer quickly, "-Are you alright?"

"Alright?" she shouted, almost hatefully. He touched her shoulder, but she slapped him away.

"How could I be alright?" she nearly cried, "-haven't you heard?"

Dawn stepped forward slowly to investigate, "Heard?" she inquired.

Hermione nodded viciously. . .almost ravenously, "Yes-yes-" she stumbled, "Everyone at Luna's tea party has been poisoned!"

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