Raising Kiara

By piscesandpizza

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Lucia; a young and beautiful woman with her whole life ahead of her was shot dead protecting the biggest secr... More

Character aesthetics


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By piscesandpizza

⚠️read 19 first

It had been a week of afternoon visits from the Sierra's and the guys of the group had took merely a few hours each day to finish renovating Kiara's bedroom.

They stuck to a few coats of candy floss paint and switched out the decorations for more pink and fluffy ones.

Kian had planned on going all out for his only child but after a long, spontaneous conversation with Harry and Rowan about what the near future looked like for their small family, he decided to start looking into buying a house some place more private, away from the loud bustling streets in the centre of Los Angeles.

Kian wasn't initially planning on another big change so soon. He was originally going to wait until Kiara settled in with the two brothers completely, before adding the stress of finding and moving into their perfect forever home on top of that.

But with Harry's input, he talked Kian into looking at houses in his and Kelly's friendly and quiet gated neighbourhood in the rich part of the hills.

He had a list of pro's that had Kian and even Rowan completely swayed, one in particular standing out and that was the easy accessibility they'd have to them, their closest friends, if they ever needed some help with Kiara.

After a couple of days observing the children getting along as though they'd been raised together their whole lives, Kian realised he was being unjust forcing himself to worry about Kiara being around boys.

Especially since he had known those boys since they were born and has always had a soft spot for the most kind hearted children he's ever known.

And he can thank Harry for raising them to be such a good influence on his little girl.

They took no time at all to bring her out of her shell and turn her to be just as giddy and hyper as themselves.

In fact, Kian hoped he would never have to deal with a single concern involving Kiara and those two boys again as if they continued as they were, they'd be more like siblings than Rowan and Kian felt sometimes.

Every night come seven it was a challenge and a half prying them apart and sending the two boys off to their own home.

Kian hopes that if they move closer to the family they might not have to worry about that any more since it'll be easier to visit one another more frequently.

And if the children weren't already a selling point, Kiara being just a street or even a door away from Kelly had Kian glued to his computer screen, browsing for the biggest available house next to Kelly and Harry Sierra in the morning hours of Saturday.

The reason he had first decided to introduce Kelly and Kiara was half for her safety and half because he hoped she'd be able to give Kian helpful insights on how to act as her mother figure aswell as her father figure.

But Kiara hadn't only grown attached to just Gray and Jace over the past week.

Kiara found comfort in Kelly and her motherly similarities to Lucia.

Although that didn't stop the toddler from waking up her father in the middle of the night, crying after dreaming about Lucia.

Kian usually warmed her up a sippy cup of milk and rocked her back to sleep on the balcony under the stars which had so far always instantly calmed her down.

But when Kelly was around, Kiara felt the same type of safety her mother provided. The type of safety only a woman can provide and for that reason, Kian could not be more grateful for how they've bonded.

If he didn't already feel he owed her for keeping her safe from the public and therefore the other dangerous people that could still be out to harm her, he certainly owed Kelly for being the final puzzle piece that Kian could provide to help Kiara happily transition into his care.

So there he sat, taking advantage of the full day Kiara had to be distracted playing with the kids, his laptop perched on the coffee table as he scrolled through the available houses in Kelly's neighbourhood.

"Watcha doing?" Kelly shocks the poor boy out of his trance as she presses her hands down on his shoulders and leans over the back of the couch to scan the laptop screen.

She'd had enough of his distracted behaviour for one day and it wasn't even lunch time yet.

She had no complaints about being the one to watch over the kids but not if it was so he could neglect his child and burry his face in social media or some crap.

So she decided before knocking him upside the head, she'd investigate and see if she was just jumping to conclusions, being completely oblivious to the suggestion her husband had made to him a few days prior.

"Jesus christ Kelly why do you have to be so annoying." He complains, like any little brother figure would.

She smiles ready to bask in his misfortune but the grin is wiped clean from her face once she realises what he's in the middle of doing.

"You're looking at houses!" She shouts, stepping back and rounding the couch to plonk down next to him and look him deep in the eyes.

What is this kid up to, Kelly ponders in astonishment.

She stays a distance away from him to emphasise her shock at the discovery whilst he completely ignores her and continues scrolling, messing with the filters on the search bar, changing the price range to high to low, not that Kelly notices.

"Hello?! Earth to Kian! Are you having a midlife crisis or something? You're only bloody twenty dude." She fires at him, receiving no acknowledgement.

They're currently the only two adults in the house since Rowan has a bunch of press interviews they had only been able to postpone for so long.

Harry was busy putting the final touches on one of his biggest projects in his career. A thirty million dollar mansion at the end of their road that the most well known architect had enlisted his help in for whatever A list celebrity is crazy enough to buy it.

"Twenty two." Kian mutters, still distracted by the pictures of the current mansion he was looking at.

It was a near copy of Kelly and Harry's house only it had an orange toned exterior that made Kian wrinkle his nose in disgust and skip to the next house.

"That's all you got from that?" Kelly continues in a scoff, her eyes flicking over to the television where the security footage displaying the kids in Kiara's bright pink room was.

Kian leans over in his seat to get a closer look at one house that has stood out against all the others.

"I'm talking to you Kian! I know it makes sense for you to consider these things since you have your own family now but you have plenty of time. This apartment is more then enough for the three of you, you don't have to rush into any-who the fuck are you ringing Kian Wiley!" Kelly cuts herself off when Kian types a phone number into his keyboard and holds his phone up to his ear.

He stands up from the sofa to strech out his dead legs and tries to walk out of her hearing range, only she follows him like a shadow.

"Hi, I was wondering how I'd go about viewing and buying the house this number was attached to?" Kian chirps.

Kelly's mouth drops open like a fish out of water and she hops around the room after his pacing self, making wild silent gestures telling him to end the call with her hands.

Kian bows his head, stubbornly keeping her from his line of sight whilst covering his other ear to concentrate on the woman speaking on the call.

"Yes, that house." He confirms.

Kelly's fists ball in frustration as she looks around the room hopelessly.

"I see..." Kian speaks.

"I'm willing to give you more for it in that case if that's what it takes?" He asks in a surprisingly mature, buisness tone that has Kelly scrunching her brows in a sort of motherly concern.

"How about 35 million then? Does that change your mind?" He bargains and Kelly's eyes shoot wide open.

She sprints across the room to try and catch him before he makes any insane and rash decisions.

Kian smirks and lifts his mischievous blue eyes to meet Kelly's just as she leaps up to his hight and begins wrestling him for his phone.

"It was a pleasure doing buisness with you. I'll see you tomorrow then, yes." Kian full blown smiles.

And he wonders where Kiara gets her devious bursts of rebellion from.

Kelly snatches the phone from him at last and holds it to her own ear, turning from Kian so that she can end this foolish deal before it's too late.

"Hi, sorry for the bother but this all won't actually be necessary. My client here hasn't thought this decision through enough." Kelly rushes out.

But when she waits more than thirty seconds for an answer she checks the phone screen only to find the call had already ended and she was speaking to no one.

"You stupid-fucking-brainless-idiot!" Kelly scolds between hitting his arms and torso.

"Ow." Kian laughs, his amusement overshadowing the mild pain that she's inflicting on him.

His eyes crease and his dimples pop, making Kelly all the more annoyed.

"Mommy! Stop hitting uncle Kian!" A small voice steals their attention.

Their heads snap over to the three rebelling children who know fine well they aren't supposed to unlock the baby gate without asking one of the adults.

Jace is running over to stop the fight whilst the two youngest are shuffling down the steps on their bums like the little devils they are.

"Hey! What did I tell you not to do Jace Sierra!" Kelly crosses her arms, frowning down at her oldest boy who only now has the audacity to look guilty.

"But-but...you were being naughty to uncle Kian!" Jace defends himself, twiddling his fingers nervously.

"You had come downstairs way before then you naughty monkey!" Kelly raises an eyebrow challengingly.

"But mommy we-we're hungry and-and we wanted to ask for some lunch." Jace pouts, pulling out the puppy eyes whilst his two little sidekicks gather by his side.

Kiara and Gray who have obviously followed the older kid's lead didn't get the innocent act memo and obliviously flash cheeky, guilty smiles to their parents.

"Kiara..." Kian starts in a low warning tone, crouching down to her level.

Her chin is tilted downwards and she bats her long, black lashes up at her dad.

"What did I tell you not to do?" He asks in the same tone, tilting his head accusingly.

"G-go down de stairs b-by m'self." She sadly responds, tugging at her earlobe, a dead giveaway that she knows she's done something wrong Kian has learnt.

"And what did you do?" Kian asks.

She looks down at the floor while muttering a barely audible answer.

"B-but Gray and JJ was der." Kiara's shoulders start bobbing as she turns the water works on.

Kian melts at her tiny little feet and scoops her into his arms whilst Kelly shakes her head.

"It's okay princess, shhh don't cry." Kian rubs her back in small circles.

"Kian! She'll end up thinking she can get away with murder if that's how you tell her off!" Kelly complains, looking between them and her two little boys who are becoming concerned by Kiara's tears.

"Well I don't want to tell her off Kelly she's my little best friend. That's Row's job." Kian counters, looking up at Kelly whilst pushing Kiara's head into his chest gently.

"Poor Rowan." Kelly breatges in a whisper, shaking her head.

Kelly crouches down and plucks the little girl shedding crocodile tears out of her father's arms as he scowls at the only responsible parent in the room.

She sets her down next to her boys and holds her hands for the small amount of comfort she may actually need.

"Kiara doll, the reason I told you to shout if you wanted to come down was because you might fall and hurt yourself okay? I'm not trying to be mean." Kelly explains, her eyes flicking between the three as it applies to them all.

Kiara nods with a few sniffles as she tries with all her might to sober them up.

Kelly stands up to adress them all properly again whilst Kian remains crouched by his little girl, one of the kids as he is deep down.

"Who opened the gate?" Kelly asks, getting to the bottom of the matter.

Gray and Kiara instantly look at Jace, grassing the poor boy up unintentionally.

"Jace?" Kelly tilts her head in question as Jace guiltily bends his fingers back, looking up at his mother from under his lashes.

"But...I-I'm a big boy mommy. I can do it by myself." Jace argues.

"Maybe you can but Kiara and Grayson are still too little and you know they're going to copy what you do, won't they?" She asks, finally crouching down and rubbing his arm in reassurance.

Jace nods his head silently.

"What do you say?" Kelly finally asks.

"Sorry mommy." Jace murmers.

"Good boy." Kelly pulls him forwards into a hug.

"Sorry momma." Gray copies off his big brother once he pulls away, stepping up for his own hug.

Kelly kisses his forehead and eventually looks to Kiara.

"Are you sorry Kiara?" Kelly asks her.

Kiara nods her head shyly, more sniffles escaping her as she pulls on her ear.

"I sowwy Kelly." She sniffs out, making Kelly feel a wave of guilt wash over her.

"It's okay sweet girl." Kelly scoops her into her arms, rocking her from side to side in hopes of calming her down.

"Hypocrite." Kian nudges Kelly with his shoulder before standing up again.

Kelly scowls up at him.

"Oh, don't think I forgot about what you done little Wiley." She starts in a low tone, more harsh than the one she uses on the kids.

"Daddy naughty?" Kiara's head pops up from her chest, shining blue eyes wide and sobs gone.

"Yep." Kelly answers with a nod.

"Very naughty." She narrows her eyes at a smug looking Kian.

A/n. Oop well this chapter contradicts my last author's note but meh, whatever happens happens.

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