South Park Oneshots

By chanbaeol

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A compilation of South Park x Reader oneshots. I hope you all enjoy! | warning: some have mature content | More

(Craig Tucker) The Troublemakers
(Kenny McCormick/ Mysterion) A Hero's Romance PART 1
(Kenny McCormick/Mysterion) PART 2
(Eric Cartman) You're an Asshole, Cartman!
(Stan Marsh) They Were Endgame
(Christophe Delorne) French Moms and Missed Opportunities
(Clyde Donovan) Mechanic Shop Love
(Tweek Tweak) Over Spilled Coffee
(Kyle Broflovski) Being Famous Sucks
(Michael the Curly Goth) Then Everything Turned Out Ok
(Gregory) Haven't Grown Out of Love
(Token Black) The Colorado Singing Competition
(Kenny McCormick) The Warrior and the Princess
(Kenny McCormick) Five Queen Songs of My Life
(King Douchebag) Homecoming
(Craig Tucker) My Dear Protector
(Kyle Broflovski) The Back Story of the Gluten Panic
(Clyde Donovan) College Life PART 1
(Clyde Donovan) College Life PART 2
(Eric Cartman) I've Been Waiting
(Kenny McCormick) I Am Happy
(Stan Marsh) Such a Mistake
(Tweek Tweak) We Gotta Beat the Rush
(Firkle the Kinder!Goth) The Only Conformist Thing I Like
(Christophe Delorne) The Perfect Christmas Gift
(Pete the Redheaded Goth vs. Mike Makowski) The Vampire or the Goth? PART 1
(Pete the Redheaded Goth vs. Mike Makowski) The Vampire or the Goth? PART 2
(Gregory of Yardale) Mistletoes
(Trent Boyett) By My Side
(Michael the Tall Goth) Merry Conformist Christmas
(Trent Boyett) Little Kink
(Craig Tucker) You Idiot
(Tweek Tweak) It Was the Tweek Discount
(Eric Cartman) Rivalry
(Mysterion) New Hero in Town
(Mike Makowski) The Foreign Exchange Student
(Wendy Testaburger) The Art Project
(Pete the Redheaded Goth) Fuck School Barriers
(Kenny McCormick) Mine and Only Mine
(King Douchebag) The Game Changer
(Kyle Broflovski) Accept Me for Me
(Kenny McCormick) You're Just My Type
(Craig Tucker) Broken and Delicate
20 Facts About Me!
A/n: Update and Stories oh my!

(Kenny McCormick) I Am in Love with My Best Friend

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By chanbaeol

A/n: And here's another Kenny oneshot! It's just so enjoyable to write about this lil, perverted blond. So, here ya go _Mysterion_ I know you've been waiting for a while.

But I like to give a shout out to pineappleturtlesause for the idea. Remember everyone, despite your body size, you're beautiful! Don't forget that, please :)

Kenny x Chubby!Reader

And, I'll put the video of the song used so you can play it while reading this! :)


I have always been there for Kenny McCormick. Ever since we were young children, we were that weird duo, the poor boy and the chubby girl. But I cared so much that I didn’t care for the bullying that happened between us.

I remember one time my cousin told me that it's nearly impossible for a boy and a girl stay as best friends before one of them falls in love with the other. This was around my fourth grade year in elementary school. I had scoffed at the audacity of her words and told her how false she was. Because me like Kenny McCormick, the perverted poor kid of South Park Elementary, was insane! She told me to watch for myself. If I wasn't the falling in love, it will be him falling in love with me.

I've never hated myself so much after that incident... when Kenny had gotten himself a girlfriend, a beautiful fifth grader. I found myself fuming whenever I spotted the two of them together. When Kenny told me he was going to become committed to this girl, the girl I don't even remember the name of right now, my heart broke into a million pieces. When I told my cousin of the situation, she laughed at me. "Hoo boy! What did I tell you, (F/n)? Sounds like you're jealous. You never stood a chance with your own feelings in the first place."

From that point on, I had gradually accepted it. I was in love with my best friend and I hated myself for it because I knew, Kenny being himself that I was going to end up heartbroken. Because why, of all people, would Kenny McCormick, South Park’s playboy, would want his tubby best friend? The freckled blond could any gorgeous woman, of any age, to be wrapped around his little finger. Oh how I wished that I hadn’t become one of those misfortunate girls.


My feet carried me along the familiar sidewalk on a fair, chilly day. I held a neatly wrapped (f/c) box in my hands, anxious to give it to my best friend. I decided, since today marks the anniversary of when we first met years ago, that I would make Kenny a knitted sweater. He didn't have much clothes to go by on in the first place, so hopefully this sweater will do him some justice.

I stepped up onto the doorstep of the McCormick house and knocked lightly on the door. "Hello~ It's (F/n)!" I called out. I leaned close to the worn down wood and tried my best to listen to any kind of sound inside. I sighed at the lack of noise and entered the house, since they always have their door unlocked. I've been to this house enough times to know that Kenny's parents were ok with me just barging in.

"KenKen!" My feet took me to his bedroom. It was then when I heard some muffled noises through the ajar door. I slightly pushed it open only to regret my decision.

"Oh my god!" I jumped back startled at the sight. Kenny and Annie from school were in a very much heated make out session in his bed. What makes matters worse was that Annie's button down shirt was ripped open, her lacy black bra and fresh hickeys out on display. I smacked a hand over my eyes. "Hey, Annie," I greeted the blonde girl in a flustered murmur.

"Oh my god, (F/n)!" I heard rapid, clumsy movement around the small bedroom. I bet my classmate was trying to make herself look decent for my sake. "Jeez, I'm sorry, (F/n)! This must be very awkward..."

"Dude, you're fine," I uttered out, my vision still blocked to give Annie her precious privacy. "You'd think that I would be used to this by now, but nah."

"I-I'm so sorry. Hey, Kenny. I'll call you later, ok?" Annie told the freckled boy.

"I'll have to call you. I have limited amount of minutes on my crappy ass phone," Kenny answered. Judging by where his voice was coming from, it sounds like he was still on his bed. "So, I'll try tonight."

"O-Ok." I felt something on my shoulder. I finally took my hand away from my eyes to see Annie giving me a sympathetic look. "I am so sorry but please don't tell anyone what happened. This would be so embarrassing to bear."

I bared her a soft grin. "It's fine, Annie. I'll see you in school on Monday, ok?"

She nodded and finally, she fled the house. My (e/c) eyes wavered over to my best friend with pursed lips and my arms crossed over my chest. "Having some afternoon fun, I see?" I scoffed haughtily.

Kenny shot me an apologetic smile while running his fingers through his messy, blond locks. "Well, living the life of Kenny McCormick isn't all it's cracked up to be."

“Oh right, of course it isn’t,” I joked with a roll of my (e/c) orbs. “So, you’re already on your third girl this week. I may be wrong but isn’t that a new record?”

“I think so!” He chuckled. His sapphire orbs then shifted over to the box in my clutches. "Is that for me?"

I held the gift tighter. "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Do you even remember what today is?" He cocked his head to the side, staring at me with a blank, confused expression. "Kenny!"

Instantly, his face changed as he began laughing boisterously at me. I frowned as I watch him clutch his stomach from laughing so much. “(F/n), I can’t believe you would actually think I would forget!” He sat up from his bed and opened his arms to me. “C’mere!”

I pouted at him but I, of course, gave in and crawled onto the bed. Once by his side, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and grabbed the gift from my hands. He cautiously ripped the gift wrap from the box and opened it to reveal my handmade orange sweater. An audible gasp escaped his still swollen lips as he took out the piece of clothing. I wonder how kissing Kenny McCormick on the lips would be like.

“Holy shit, (F/n)!” He gaped as he ran his fingers on the soft fabric. “Did you seriously make this?!”

“Yeah, I did. Do you like it?”

The blond beamed at me, his handsome smile bringing me warmth. “Hell yeah, I do!” He then threw on the sweater over his plain white, t-shirt. I let out a sigh of relief when it looked like the sweater fit him perfectly on his slender body. “It’s cozy as fuck!” He burst happily while tackling me into a crushing hug, causing me to fall backwards on his bed. I let out an uncontained giggle as I wrapped my arms around him. He pulled away from me to marvel more on the knitted sweater. I’m glad he likes the things I give him, even those that don’t seem relevant. It makes me feel good that he’s happy.

He hopped off the bed and onto his feet. “What are you doing?” I asked him curiously.

Kenny held out a hand out towards me, in which I gratefully took so he could pull me onto my own feet. “Well, I can’t let you have all the glory here. I have something planned for our friend-iversary too! C’mon, let’s go.” He hasn’t released my hand from his as we left his house together. I blushed at the mere touch of our hands, even though he had done this to me many times before.

Our stroll wasn’t too long as we stopped in front of Cartman’s house. I shot Kenny a curious glance, as to why we were at this particular place. He just shot me a dazzling smile as he led me to the side of the house and through the gates to his backyard. Before us, I could see a platform stage set up with a couple of microphones on stands and speakers. Now fully into the backyard, I notice that we weren’t the only ones there. Cartman, Kyle, and Stan were there, all clad in (f/c) outfits. “What the fuck is going on?” I snickered at the sight of our three friends.

“Hey, happy tenth friend-iversary, you two!” Kyle greeted us as we approached the boys.

I glimpsed at each boy, only Cartman was the only one that didn’t look pleased being in this situation. “Seriously, someone answer my question,” I said. “Don’t tell me y’all are planning on forming FingerBang again.”

“Well, just temporarily,” Stan answered. I raised an eyebrow at them. “So, please, just sit down and we’ll start.” I let the boys lead me to the lone chair in front of the stage. I sat down and anxiously waited on what’s about to happen.

Each boy stepped onto the stage, each at their own microphone. Kenny tapped his mic and coughed a bit before using it. “So, (F/n), you’re my bestest friend in the world!” He apologetically glimpsed at the boys around him and then continued. “You have been there for me for when I needed someone the most and you never cared about how poor I was—”

“Really fucking poor,” Cartman mumbled out under his breath next to him, which wasn’t as quiet as he wanted since it was heard through the speakers.

“Shut the hell up, fatass,” Kenny scolded him angrily. With a sigh, he went on with his speech. “We met ten years ago! That’s seriously surprising to me because I didn’t think someone would stick by me for so long. I’m so glad to have you in my life… Yeah, sorry, I sound corny as hell.” I giggled. “But, so, that’s why I decided that we will sing to you, since you always wanted FingerBang to come back together!”

“I never said that,” I snapped with a laugh. Remembering that faithful time when they wanted to be a boyband brought a smile to my face. “You guys were horrible.”

“But no doubt, you would be our first fan!” Kenny replied with that lopsided grin that would make me internally swoon. “So, for a fan, we would like to serenade our faithful fan with a song.”

Kenny counted them down. Before I knew it, my ears were hit with a surprisingly great four part harmony with on-beat snapping. I perked up when I instantly recognized the tune they were singing.

Oh, oh, oh, for the longest time

Oh, oh, oh, for the longest time

If you said goodbye to me tonight

There would still be music left to write

What else could I do, I'm so inspired by you

That hasn't happened for the longest time


Once I thought my innocence was gone

Now I know that happiness goes on

That's where you found me, when you put your arms around me

I haven't been there for the longest time


Oh, oh, oh, for the longest time

Oh, oh, oh, for the longest time

I'm that voice you're hearing in the hall

And the greatest miracle of all

Is how I need you, and how you needed me too

That hasn't happened for the longest time


Maybe this won't last very long

But you feel so right, and I could be wrong

Maybe I've been hoping too hard

But I've gone this far, and it's more than I hoped for


Who knows how much further we'll go on

Maybe I'll be sorry when you're gone

I'll take my chances, I forgot how nice romance is

I haven't been there for the longest time

I had second thoughts at the start

I said to myself, hold on to your heart

Now I know the woman that you are

You're wonderful so far, and it's more that I hoped for


I don't care what consequence it brings

I have been a fool for lesser things

I want you so bad, I think you ought to know that

I intend to hold you for the longest time…”

I blushed furiously at the sweet Billy Joel song. My heart was pounding, the butterflies were soaring in my stomach. Their voices had meshed so amazingly together that it took my breath away. Like, since when were they actually a decent boy band? But other than that, wasn’t this song more romantic than friendly? The mere thought of it sent my heart fluttering away. I was absolutely flustered.

Once out of my shock of the sweet tune, I gave them a standing ovation and clapped my hands. “Bravo! That was amazing,” I commented as each of the boys leapt off the stage. “Since when did you guys start practicing that?”

“We’ve been practicing that shitty song since a month ago!” Cartman whined, a pained expression on his face. A month? Man, Kenny actually planned this for that long? “Thank god that’s over with, now I can get it out of my head.”

“Dude, you fucking liked the song. Don’t deny it,” Kyle put on with a smirk on his lips.

“Shut up! You probably like it because the singer is a Jew.”

“Billy Joel being a Jew has nothing to do with it!”

Stan shot me an apologetic smile as he pushed against Cartman and Kyle into the house. Even as Stan closed the glass back doors, I could still hear their heated argument muffled outside. “When are they ever going to act like the good friends they actually are?” I sighed.

“Probably never,” Kenny shrugged. He came up in front of me. “So, what did you think about that? The Longest Time is a classic and I know you love the song.”

“It was awesome,” I replied with a smile. “You guys sounded amazing. I didn’t think you guys could pull that off.”

Kenny clutched onto his chest with a look of agony crossing his face. “That hurts, (F/n)! We’ve known each other for ten years and this is how you treat me? So mean.”

I giggled as I engulfed him into a hug, my arms wrapped around his torso and my head in the nape of his neck. “But, thank you so much. I loved every bit of it!”

“You’re welcome.” We were in each other’s arms for a good couple of seconds until Kenny pulled away. His gloved hands held onto my round cheeks. I flushed at how close his face was towards mine. “You’re so beautiful, (F/n).” A lump formed in my throat at his tender, whispered words. W-What?... Something about this seems familiar to me. “I’m so happy to have you in my life.”

Without any kind of warning, his lips pressed against mine. I stiffened at the sudden kiss. No, wait, this isn’t right. I firmly placed my hands on his chest and shoved him away from me. He tumbled backwards a bit but remained standing, looking at me with a look of confusion and bewilderment. “What the hell, Kenny!” I screeched at him. I ran my fingers along my tingling lips, just only a moment ago his was upon. Oh god, my heart feels like it’s about to explode out of my chest.

“What?!” He questioned me incredulously.

“What do you mean, ‘What’?” I snapped back at him. “You kissed me!”

He ran his fingers through his blond locks as he stared at me with a pure look of confusion. “Y-Yeah?”

“Why are you taking this so lightly?! You KISSED me!”

“I-I just thought that… you know, would like it!” I did like it… But… “You like me, don’t you?!”

Huh?! “W-Where did you hear that from?!” I asked him frantically.

“From people!” He burst out, a frown adorning his features. “Were you not into it? Usually girls would like that shit!”

… Oh.

I felt the blood boiling within my veins. “Since when was I like those other girls, Kenny?! Since when did I become one of your prey?!” I spat at him, my anger springing out of me like a geyser. It was no use now, I couldn’t contain the furious words from spouting. “No wonder those words sounded familiar! You used the ‘You’re so beautiful’ bit on so many girls! I’ve even seen you use that line before my very eyes! I can’t believe I actually fell for it.” Tears began to sting my eyes… my own friend. “Who gave you the right, Kenny?”

“(F/n), c’mon. I’m sorry, it was a mistake—”

I could feel the warm tears streaming down my reddened cheeks. “A mistake. Hell yeah it was a mistake! You can’t take my crush on you so easily, jackass!” I shouted, my voice cracking in the process. Kenny reached a hand out towards me but I swatted it away instantly and stepped away from him. “You’re un-fucking-believable! How dare you try to mess with my own damn feelings like that and steal my first kiss!”

“F-First kiss?” The freckled blond sputtered out crestfallen. “I said I was sorry, (F/n). I-I was caught up in the moment and I went for it.”

“Kenny! Just before we came here, you were making out with Annie!” I burst out, my heart aching. It had become harder to breath as the tears freely fell to the snowy ground. “You can’t just throw that shit at me like that. And you had the nerve to do it on our tenth friend-iversary! You have goddamn balls doing that to me.” I placed a hand over my lips as uncontrollable sobs shook me to the core.  I trembled but it was without a doubt not from the chilly air. “You have no idea… No idea thatI had a crush on you since fourth grade, Kenny. I tried to bury my feelings and move on but I couldn’t. What I adored about our friendship was that you didn’t treat me like some prize to win at a fair. Like I was someone worthwhile to be with. I was respected and wasn’t treated like how you treat every other girl in our damn school. But…” I squeezed my eyes shut and sniffled out, “I couldn’t help but feel jealous. I knew I wasn’t as beautiful as everyone else. I have a muffin top, I have stretch marks, I’m not your ideal girl…”

“(F/n)… Listen.”

“No!” I burst. I desperately wiped away my wet cheeks. “Fuck you, Kenny.” I turned my heel and ran as fast as I could away from him.

I felt utterly violated and betrayed.

The thing I have been waiting forever for finally happens and… I can’t accept it.

~A few days later~

I’ve managed to go through most of the week avoiding Kenny, which was an amazing feat being that we were in a few classes together. The fact that I haven’t been seen with Kenny during those days brought surprise to some people in school. I’m thankful that nothing from that kiss had spread around but it’s annoying how classmates would come up to me and ask me about the dilemma in hand.

“Hey, what happened, (F/n)?”

“Did you and Kenny get into a fight?”

“Wasn’t last Saturday the anniversary of your friendship?”

“How come you’re not together today?”

I dodged every question like a bullet. I didn’t care that I had come off as bitchy to some concerned people but I wasn’t in the mood to talk about that freckled faced asshole. Kenny took advantage of my crush… And that was not ok.

It was now after school and I was at my locker, putting things into the compartment so I had a lighter load to carry when I go home. I was trying to be quick so I don’t have to see—“(F/n).”

I slammed the locker door shut and I glared over at Kyle and Stan. “What is it?” I sneered menacingly.

The two boys exchanged uneasy glances. “(F/n)… Kenny is very sorry,” Stan told me.

“Oh, he is, is he?” I scoffed with my arms crossed. “Too bad.” I stormed past them to go towards the exit but I knew they were hot on my tail. “Leave me alone, guys. What he did was unforgiveable.”

“(F/n), listen to us. Do you really want ten years of your friendship to go down the drain?” Kyle interjected behind me. His statement made me halt on my tracks, making me ponder about it. He had a point, did I really want something that lasted for so long to disappear instantaneously? “You and Kenny have been through so much together. You were the one Kenny would run to when he has a personal problem, not us. And, I’m sure, it goes vice versa.”

My gaze was on the concrete ground, my feet shifting from side to side as the blond menace invaded my mind. “Guys… I’m in love with that idiot. But, I’m the idiot for falling in love with him in the first place,” I murmured. I could feel the tears coming but I tried to restrain myself this time. No, I am not going to cry over that bastard again. “It hurts… I know Kenny better than anyone. He’s the man whore of the school and he can’t help but be a bit perverted. But, not once did I want to be part of that long list of short lived lovers…”

“Kenny loves you, (F/n). We know it,” Stan piped up. My (e/c) orbs dart over to the raven haired boy. He flinched under my intense gaze but continued, “We know how Kenny is. Hell, the whole town knows about Kenny’s reputation. But, when he’s around you, he’s a better person and he treats you differently than with anyone else. He cares so much about you.”

I pressed my lips into a thin line as I let Stan’s words sink in. I was hurting inside but… my feelings for that blond douchebag wasn’t going to go away so easily. “(F/n), he has been absolutely miserable without you,” the redheaded boy uttered, sadness swimming in his emerald eyes. “He can’t function properly. I think he’s been going home drinking and smoking his problems away. It’s starting to show whenever he comes to school. He’s been hung over and he reeks of smoke.”

I frowned instantly at this. “That fucking idiot, he’s going to kill himself doing that.” I froze at my own words, Stan and Kyle seemed to realize what I said as well. Without any hesitation, the three of us sprinted to the McCormick house.

A walk to the house from school would usually take me forty minutes, but we managed to make it there in only twelve. I rapidly banged on the front door. “Ms. McCormick? Mr. McCormick? Karen!” I called out desperately. I was met with silence. I burst through the door and hurried over to Kenny’s bedroom with Stan and Kyle right behind me. “KENNY!”

The parka wearing boy was sprawled along the dirtied, carpeted floor. An array of empty beer cans were scattered around his body. He was trembling and in his hands he held an object that made my stomach churn. I pounced on him and snatched the gun out from his grasp. He glanced up with a glazed look in his usually, sparkling sapphire eyes. I put the safe lock on the gun and handed it to Stan, who flinched at the very touch of its cold surface. “You idiot!” I screamed at him, pulling him up into a sitting position. “What do you think you’re doing?!” I pulled him into a crushing hug, openly sobbing into his chest. “You’re such a fucking idiot if you think that was something you should be doing!”

“I-I hurt (F/n),” I heard Kenny slur. I held his heated face in my hands as I stared at him. He had tears rolling down his own freckled cheeks, a look of melancholy evident on his handsome features. “W-W-What I did to her was unforgiveable. I hurt her and that was something I should n-never do.” My expression softened. I knew that when Kenny gets drunk, he spurts out unsaid honesty, so hearing him rant such things touched my heart. “I fucked up. I know I fucked up. (F/n) doesn’t know she’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. I’m so damn stupid for hurting her for so damn long because of who I am.”

I let out a shaky breath. He meant those words and it was all it took for me to not be mad at the boy anymore. “C’mon, KenKen. Let’s get you into bed.” I wrapped an arm around his waist and did my best to pull him up so he could land onto his messy bed. I pulled at his blankets to cover his shivering body.

“I love (F/n)… I love her so damn much,” he continued to cry out. I pressed my lips to his temple. At this, he calmed down and went into a peaceful slumber.

I turned to the other two boys. “Mind helping me clean up his room?” They happily obliged. We went around the room and picked up every trash we could find to throw away. I even picked up a few strewn clothes and threw it into his hamper. After a full twenty minutes, his bedroom looked significantly better than when we first came in. “I can take care of Kenny from here.”

“Ok, (F/n). We’ll leave him to you,” Stan murmured, his cerulean eyes drifting over to the sleeping boy.

“See you tomorrow, (F/n),” Kyle said. With that, the two guys left, leaving me with Kenny. I pulled up a chair and his trash can, in case he’ll need to throw up the moment he wakes up. I sat down by his side and grabbed his hand in mind. With such a busy day, I felt my eyes flutter closed, sleepiness overtaking me.



I pulled my head up and let out a tired yawn. As I was about to rub my eyes from sleep, I realized one was restrained. I glanced up and saw Kenny awake, looking back at me. He had been running his thumb along the back of my hand the whole time. “Hey, (F/n),” he croaked out with a weak, lopsided smile. I took in my surroundings. I was still in his bedroom, sitting on the same chair. The only difference was that I had a blanket over my shoulders. “Karen came in an hour ago and wrapped it over you.”

I inspected the soft blanket, my brain still hazy. “H-How long was I asleep?” I asked him, my (h/c) eyebrows furrowed.

“Three hours tops. Don’t worry, I called your mom and told her you have been here the whole time,” he answered. I glanced out of his window and saw that night had fallen. The usual sound of dogs barking from outside perked my ears. “You looked peaceful when you were sleeping, so I didn’t wake you up.”

“When did you wake up?”

“An hour and a half ago.”

I blinked at him as another thought popped into my head. “Have you been watching me sleep this whole time?!”

A soft chuckle left his lips. “Maybe.”

I turned my head away from him with flushed cheeks. “God, that sounds so creeper-ish!” I scoffed out of embarrassment. He laughed again at my rushed words. “Don’t be so high and jolly, Kenneth!”

He instantly stopped with his chuckling. “Oh no, you used my actual name,” he muttered out with a tinge of seriousness. “Am I still in trouble?”

“You are,” I grumbled out, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “Don’t scare me like that. I came in here and you were drunk out of your mind and had a damn gun in your hand.”

“C’mere.” He pulled me out of the chair and onto his bed, slithering his arms around my body in a warm embrace. “I’m sorry, (F/n). I know it was insane of me to do that and I’m really sorry I worried you. But…” He held me closer into his chest. “I didn’t know what I would do if you’re suddenly out of my life. It’s a scary thought.”

“That’s not going to happen,” I muffled into his neck. “… I love you too much to even try to do that.”

“Do you mean that?”


“Good, same.”

“… I just can’t believe I fell in love with an idiot like you,” I snickered. He laughed as well, his chest vibrating under me. “Just, um, you should’ve taken me out on a date first before kissing me.”

“Noted.” A warm pair of lips pressed onto my temple.

And so, I guess my cousin was right. As I may not completely agree with her theory of every opposite gender friendships end up together romantically, it happened between me and my best friend. At that moment of just lying comfortably on Kenny’s bed together, I didn’t care about any possible heartbreak. This moment felt absolutely right, having my arms wrapped around the boy I loved. He made me feel undeniably beautiful. In his eyes, he didn’t care about my weight and such, which is all I could ask for.

I was in love with my best friend and that’s not going to change any time soon.  

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