The mafia siblings

By hwisqlpo12

65.4K 988 97

Olivia Russo is just a normal, shy, sweet and kind 15 year old girl who has 7 siblings, 6 brothers and 1 sist... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

5.8K 86 3
By hwisqlpo12

The story will mostly be in Olivias POV but will also be in other characters POVs as the story goes along. ( Olivias bedroom can be found at the top of this chapter) 🦋🤍
(Olivia POV)
I was fast asleep and so comfy in my bed and was hoping to have a nice lie in since it was the last day of summer before school starts again tomorrow.

Today I was planning to go on a walk probably to the park and meet my friend Avery to hopefully get ice cream. We were planning it last night at 3am since nether of us could sleep so we were texting each other.

I would have to ask my parents though and even once I had asked my parents I would have to tell one of my brothers where I was going and that would take a long time since every likes to ask me 100 questions every time I go out somewhere.

I guess it's nice that they care about me but sometimes It's annoying because with all the questions they ask me I end up being late to meet my friends and I hate being late. (Even though I am most of the time).

Since it's going to take forever to get out of the house I should probably wake up and start getting ready. But before I could even open my eyes I felt a massive bucket of freezing could water being thrown on me waking me up before I even had the chance to open my eyes.

I jump up out of my bed and see Cole and Dylan stood there laughing there's asses off.

"What the hell" I shriek when I jump out of my bed.

"You should of seen how peaceful you looked and now look at your face" Dylan says when he finally stops laughing.

"Also not a fan of the language if you say that again I'm telling dad or Joesph" Cole threatens.

"Well what do you expect when u wake me up like that on the last day of summer" I say rolling my eyes.

"Your no fun" Dylan says walking out of my room.

"Okay well enjoy cleaning that up I'm going down stairs mum made bacon" Cole says running out of my room.

I take my bed sheets of so they can dry then go to my bathroom and take a shower and wash my hair and do my skincare.

I change into a cute crop top with some ripped denim shorts and my black converse that I got for my birthday last year.

I put my hair in french braids since it's wet and I can't be bothered drying it and this way it will be curly for tomorrow when I go back to school.

I know my brothers and my dad are gonna have something to say about my outfit but my mom and Lia (Amelia) will stick up for me and I will put my grey jacket on if they say anything about it. Let's just hope they don't.

I'm start walking out my room and down the hall towards the stairs when someone stops me.

"Change" Thomas says quite nicely I might add.

"Buts it's the hottest day of the summer" I argue confidently

"Fine but you know the others aren't going to like it" he argues

"Then they are gonna have to deal with it" I say worriedly as I start walking down the stairs followed by Thomas.

I walk into the kitchen my mom looks up at me from where she is frying more bacon probably because my brothers ate it all already.

"Good morning sweetie I'm making some more bacon there's also some eggs on the table" she says.

I look over at the table and see a massive plate of eggs in the middle of the table next to an empty plant which I'm guessing had bacon on.

I also notice Joseph starting at me while he's drinking his coffee. He doesn't say anything though so I just go sit down in my usual seat next to Lia and Thomas.

I start putting some eggs on my plate and 2 pieces of bacon mom just brought over I'm about to start eating when dad walks in and notices me.

"What are you wearing Olivia" dad says drawing everyone's attention to me.

I know I'm in trouble when I'm called Olivia because everyone always calls me liv or Livvy except for when I'm in trouble or someone's mad at me.

"Clothes" I say and carry on eating my breakfast like nothing happened until dad speaks again.

"Don't start acting smart with me I know they are clothes I'm talking about why are you wearing something so revealing".

" I don't think there revealing" I say.

" I think there revealing" Joesph says putting down his coffee mug.

"I think she should change" James says I roll my eyes at his comment but obviously it doesn't go unnoticed.

"Role your eyes at anyone again and your grounded also go change" Dad states sitting down at the head of the table still staring at me.

I look over at my mom or lia for support but none of them really go against my dad it's normally just my brothers.

"Can't I just go and put a jacket on" I ask hopefully

"No and I don't like the shorts ether there way to short also don't argue with me" dad says angrily.

"But it's the hottest day of summer" I say

"I don't care change!" Dad says really getting angry now.

"No" I say and the moment the word passes my lips I know I'm going to be grounded forever.


"Fine" I say and storm upstairs slamming the door behind me when I get to my room.

I'm never normally like this I only argue back when I feel the need to I don't understand what was wrong about my outfit I wear stuff like this all the time except this time my shorts had rips in and my crop top had thin straps I guess that's probably why.

I guess I better text Avery that I won't be allowed out today since I'm probably grounded after I argued with dad but I might be able to convince him to let me out later but who am I kidding when dads mad he's mad for a long time.

I text Avery saying I won't be able to make it but I will try and keep her updated about if I'm allowed out later if I don't get my phone taken away from me.

For the next hour I'm just on my phone scrolling through social media or I'm reading my book or I'm trying to do a peel of facemask that I got for Christmas which left my skin feeling very smooth I might have to do one again tomorrow it was very satisfying.


So what did you think??? Please comment any questions you may have about the siblings or there relationship and I will answer your questions.
Sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes please just tell me where and I will try and fix them

Thanks for ready makes sure you vote and comment about what you think.
Bye 🦋🤍.

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