The Human's Alpha

By barngrjl

1.2M 42.9K 4K

Liam was actually excited to find his mate. It would be nice to have someone to help him with pack business... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 20

26.1K 914 156
By barngrjl


I woke to light streaming in through my bedroom window. I scrunched up my eyes and tried to burrow deeper into my comforter. I was incredibly warm, comfortable and I couldn’t stop myself from nuzzling my face into my soft pillow to try and find a comfortable position to fall back asleep.

That is until my pillow moved.

My head shot up and I saw a still sleeping Liam. Eyes closed with one arm under his head and the other wrapped tightly around me. My face had been nuzzling itself into his side and my leg was slung over his thigh. Even though I knew that I was not ready for this level of intimacy… he was damn comfortable, and I was tempted to go back to sleep. That thought was no longer necessary when I noticed his bright green eyes now trained on me.

“Good morning.” He smiled smugly at me. I pushed off of him and got into a sitting position.

“We must have fallen asleep during the movie.” I say dumbly because this situation is awkward as fuck.

“Mmhmm…” He hums. “Although I have to admit, I think that’s the best sleep I’ve ever had in my life.”

He stretches his arms and yawns before he looks back over at me. His eyes trail my body and instantly darken. I look down at myself. My t shirt somehow managed to ride both up and down, showing off my flat belly and exposing one boob nearly down to the nipple. I adjust my shirt quickly and hop out of bed.

“I’m taking a shower. Be ready to leave in half an hour.” I shout over my shoulder.

“Lock the door before my wolf tries to join you.” He says. I turn around to scowl at him, only to realize he is completely serious. I rush into the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

Better safe than mounted by a wolf in the bathroom.

Half an hour later, I enter the foyer to see Liam dressed in jeans and a cream cable knit sweater arguing with an obviously upset Sam.

“Luna…” He whines. “Alpha won’t let me go to Target with you today.” I giggle at his childish antics and nuzzle his cheek. I hear a little rumble from Liam’s chest, but give him a harsh glare to shush him.

“Why did Alpha say you couldn’t go to Target today, Sammy?”

“Because he needs me to train the fighters.” Sam answers, lowering his gaze and shuffling his feet.

“Well, that sounds like a pretty good reason, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah… but I’ve never been to Target before.” I gasp and look at Liam who just shrugs.

“Oh, you poor sweet child. How about this, you stay here and train the fighters like Liam says and we’ll bring you back a surprise.” Sam’s eyes widen in surprise and he bounces a little.

“Is this surprise something that can be consumed?” I chuckle and pat his cheek.

“Yes, we will bring you something tasty. Deal?” He nods and leans forward to kiss my cheek, which earns him a full growl from Liam. Sam only shoots him a dirty look before heading out the door.

“I love you, Luna.” He says as he walks by me, only to stop in front of Liam and point at him. “I don’t love you, Alpha.” I laugh as he exits the house and closes the door behind him.

“It’s hard to believe that after me, he’s the most lethal and well-trained wolf in this pack.” I laugh and grab my purse, following him out to the SUV.

“Yes, it really is.”

 Liam turns on the radio and hooks it up to Bluetooth on his phone, turning on a song that I love. I gasp and look at him.

“How did you know I love this song?” I ask incredulously. He chuckles before responding.

“I heard you singing it in the shower this morning.”

“Ugh…” I groan. “You can hear me singing in the shower?” He laughs and turns to look at me.

“I can hear you breathing in the shower.” I scrunch up my nose at that.

“That’s so weird.” He just shrugs and eases the car onto the interstate.

“You get used to it.”

We travel in companionable silence, me taking control of the music and Liam not complaining. If only every interaction of ours could be like this. Before long, I see the red bullseye that signals we have arrived at the promised land.

“Oh no!” I shout. Liam looks at me concerned.


“We didn’t stop for iced coffee!” He gives me an adorably confused look.


“We HAVE to get iced coffee before we can go in.”

“Why? Is it like some sort of entry fee?” I chuckle and give his arm a light slap.

“No, it’s just my tradition. I always get an iced coffee before I go to Target.”

“But, Lily. It’s like twenty degrees outside.” I sigh and nod.

“It’s ok. We don’t have to do it.” He gives me a long look before nodding and turning the car back on.

“No. If it’s iced coffee you want, it’s iced coffee you’ll get. Lead the way, sweetheart.” My heart flutters at the endearment and I give him directions to my favorite coffee place.

To my dismay, Liam opts for a hot coffee instead of iced, but I’ll take my small victory.

We enter the store, me pushing the cart and Liam standing protectively behind me. We wander for awhile, grabbing lights, garland and ornaments for the tree he says we are going to cut down. I'm trying to get him to agree to an artificial one. Cutting down trees is a no go for me. Maybe I was meant to live in the wilderness after all. We are arguing over whether or not the candle actually smells like a sugar cookie when Liam takes a deep breath and mutters "Shit." under his breath.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking up at him. He wraps his arms around me possessively and places his hands on the cart handle caging me in and begins to push me down the aisle.

"Liam, what are you doing?" I whisper yell as I nearly trip over my own feet.

"Fuck." He murmurs as a low rumble builds in his chest. I gasp, knowing this is not the time or place for his wolf to come out.

I look up at him and follow his gaze down the aisle to a head of familiar blonde hair.


He's walking with a beautiful brunette, his hand around her waist as he presses a gentle kiss to her temple and she laughs at something he said. I grab Liam's hand, hoping our bond will calm him as I look back at Derek. We lock eyes for a fleeting moment.

And there's nothing.

No recognition, no warmth, no love.

I feel a sharp pang of grief go through me which seems to sober Liam as he pulls me away into an aisle with no shoppers. He's breathing heavily and holding so tightly to the cart that his knuckles are white.

"Liam are you ok?" I ask quietly as I give him a concerned look.

"Am I ok? Lily. Are you ok?" He asks as he searches my eyes.

I lower my head and nod.

"Yeah. It hurt seeing him with someone else, but not as badly as I thought it would. I mostly just miss our friendship. And it makes me sad that he doesn't remember all of the good times we have. But I know now it's for the best." While I know this logically, it doesn't stop the hurt in my heart.

"Are you sure, sweetheart?" Liam looks so sad and it hurts me to see him in pain over me.

"Yeah. Could you just... hug me?" He let's out a mix of a huff and a laugh. Before I know it one of his large hands is threaded in my hair pulling my head to his chest as his other one wraps around my shoulders.

I put my arms around his waist and slip my hands under his sweater. I can feel the hard planes of his muscular back under my fingertips as they melt from rigid to relaxed under my touch.

"I read that skin to skin contact works better." I murmur against his chest. He chuckles and leans down to whisper in my ear.

"I don't think that's the kind of skin to skin contact they were talking about." I gasp and  snatch my arms from his waist, smacking his chest playfully.

"Liam!" We both descend into a fit of giggles and he pulls me back for another quick squeeze before placing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Thank you for the hug." I say as I push our cart towards the check out.

"You never have to thank me for that." He says.

"How did you know he was here?" I ask curiously. Liam's face contorts into a scowl and his eyes harden.

"I recognized his scent. From... that day." I nod in understanding.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as I look up at him. He shakes his head and gives me a small smile.

"You have nothing to apologize for."

As we begin our drive home I ponder on seeing Derek again. Yeah, it hurt, but not nearly like I thought it would. Part of me thinks it was good that I saw him. I think to an extent I didn't believe his memories had been wiped. So seeing it in person allows me to let go and close that chapter of my life. As I consider this, I see a sign for a bakery. I start bouncing in my seat and point excitedly to it.

"Ooh let's stop there and get something for Sam!" Liam agrees and pulls into the parking lot.

We enter the small shop with a little ringing bell above the door. There are multiple glass cases with cupcakes, macaroons, cookies, brownies and cakes.

"It's a good thing we didn't bring Sam." Liam says. "He would have bought the whole store." I giggle and appraise the baked goods.

"What should we get him?" I ask.

"Him?" Liam scoffs. "I think you mean us. Because I am not leaving this place without something for myself."

We end up with two dozen assorted cupcakes, three dozen macaroons (Liam insisted on that many because they're my favorite) and a giant white cake with buttercream frosting and strawberry genache that I'm going to need to keep a special eye on so that Liam doesn't try to make love to it in the back of the car.

"I had a good time with you today, Lily." Liam says. I search his eyes and see nothing but honesty.

"I had a good time with you too, Liam." He smiles, takes my hand and doesn't let go until we pull up to our house.

Yep. Our house.

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