A Wolf and his Star

By Nonbinarywildfire

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My new thing is reading the other fics in the lotus yall add mine to <3 A wolfstar story from when they we... More

1, first year: New Friends and Sorting
2, first year : Mastermind
3, first year: Nicknames and Parents
4, first year: Pens and Marauders
5, second year: Home Again
6, second year: Love and Fashion
8, second year: Secrets
9, second year: Moony's Gift
10, second year: Bracelets
11, second year: First Moon
12, second year: end of year
13, third year: Pride <3
14, third year: Almost There
15, third year: The End, or is it?
16, Epilogue

7, second year: Freedom

74 3 0
By Nonbinarywildfire

cw:  homophobia


I walked into the Gryffindor common room. I had just come back from studying in the library. I saw Peter crying alone.

"Woah woah woah, Peter what's going on?" I said rushing to his side.

"I-I don't know, Remus. I feel.. weird."

"Weird how?"

"Like something is o-off." He took some deep breaths

"Okay.. what feels off?"

"Me. Something about me."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"I-" Peter was interrupted by James and Sirius coming in.

"Moony! Hey!" James' eyes widened when they moved from me to Peter "Peter! Are you okay??"

"Uh yeah.." he said carefully 

The other two marauders came over to us. "I will kill Anna!" SIRuiS said fiercely

"Uh, why?" Peter said concerned

"He means Amelia." I corrected

"OH I'm so sorry yeah."

"She didn't do anything."

"What's going on then?"

"I don't know.. can I just have a hug- mfgh" he was covered in our three bodies in a group hug. "Thank you guys" he said muffled



No. I can't. Tomorrow is the day. I've put off thinking about it but.. they aren't going to be forgiving every time I go. Bella told me Uncle alphard was disowned, burned off the Black Family Tapestry. So even he isn't there to deflect them from the worst of the punishment. I haven't yet convinced them I could stay. It was too late anyway.

I attempted to act like I slept that night and was excited for the break on the train. I waved to them, smiling for what I thought would be the last time for the next two weeks.

I kept a straight face, used to worse than the twisting feeling of apparition. I nodded my acknowledgement to Regulus and ignored the others as I went to my room.

Christmas that year might've been the worst day of my life. At least it was for my life so far at that point.

So.. christmas day..

Like every year, every able bodied, acceptable Black came to dinner. They talk about everyone being lower, them being better, and their children. Then after dinner, the Black children show off their acceptable skills that have been forced into them.

I wore a purple suit. Never green, but also never red. Always toeing the line. Mother scowled but didn't make me change. She roughly adjusted my tie.  

Of course, they decided to talk about gay people. Only the second topic of the dinner, we weren't even through the appetizer.

"It's despicable. Now that the muggles accepted the homosexauls, the muggle-loving mudbloods are going to follow!"

"Mhm, good thing those [REACTED]s are not able to reproduce."

"I'm glad none of my children are [REACTED]s I'd kick them out immediately."

"They shouldn't exist, same with mudbloods."

"I heard old alphard had some homosexaul scandal when he was young. If he wasn't disowned, I'd disown him after hearing that."

"Yes, i am so glad we got rid of that [REACTED]"

"Stop talking about him like that" I muttered. Mother gave me a look.

"Ah young sirius was fond of him, hmm?"

"Those gryffindors are dirting him."

"Son, even if old alphard wasn't a [REACTED], he was never a true Black, not on the way he acted. It'd do you good to learn to be quiet and earn." They were being nice today. 

I, however, didn't stop. "There's nothing wrong with gay people and there was nothing wrong with him."

"Really?" dangerous territory, i didn't make eye contact. "You look at someone when you're talking to them."

I looked at her. "Fine."

"Did those [REACTED] friends of yours get that into your head? That house is full of poofs hey?"

I grit my teeth. "No."

"Whole bunch of fairies, hmm? Utterly disgusting!"

"What does that make me, hmm?' i said

"as bad as a muggle-lover, maybe worse." answered another relative

"A [REACTED] lover. Does that make you a [RRACTED] too, hmm?"

I was too angry to think properly. "Maybe."

That, of course, was the wrong thing to say. Before, they seemed to be in a good mood. Now, the mood has changed.

"Be careful with your words, sirius" mother warned far too late

"So what, im gay." The room went silent except for a few gasps.

"SIRIUS ORION BLACK, THAT IS ENOUGH." fathers voice cut through the silence. "These are not matters to joke about."

"No, father, im gay, it's not a joke." this wasn't how i pictured coming out. I only properly figured it out a few days ago. I knew i was somewhat gay but i wasn't sure until then. 

Tears spring to my mothers eyes and she yanks me out of the room. "Pack. three minutes."

Regulus slipped out of the dining room and followed up. He watched me pack. "Why'd you say that, siri?"

I was surprised at the affectionate name he still called me despite my coming out. "What?"

"You knew what they were going to say, what they were going to do."

"Help me pack reg."

"Are you.. Are you actually a...one of those?"

"I'm gay, yes."

"right...gay. " he helped me pack

"Come with me."


"Come with me! We can start a new life, one without them."

"How siri? I'm only 11, you're only 12!"

"James. Okay um go to your room, pack as least as possible,we still have a minute.'

"Uhh okay.."

"Don't pack a lot of clothes, it takes too long." I looked down at my bag. It was my school supplies I didn't unpack and little more. Regulus came back with his school bag, he probably didn't unpack either. Most were at school anyhow.

I grabbed him and pulled him into our father's study where there was a fireplace.

"You go first." I told him. " potter manor, okay?"

"B-but they don't know me, what are we-"

"No time, I'm right after you." He fortunately followed my instructions.

"What was that noise?" I heard a voice that I assumed to be Mrs potter. I blinked in disorientation.

"Siri.. what now?' regulus looked nervous. "This waa a bad idea"

Before I could respond, Mrs Potter walked in. "um hello?"

I stood up "hello, mrs potter, im sirius-"

Her eyes widened in recognition "oh sirius! I heard so much about you!" She hugged me. "And who is this?"

"Reggie, my brother"

"Regulus." he corrected

"It's so wonderful to have you, my dears"

"You must excuse my brother." Regulus said " it was his foolish plan to bring us here and I apologize for the inconvenience."

"Oh not at all, we are so happy to have you here and your brother was invited. We are glad you could join as well. now, i'll find that son of mine" she smiled and went in search of james.

"This was your plan? You actually thought it out?"

"No, they invited me to stay for winter break and the whole dinner thing wasn't planned but good for us this was an option!"

"Good for you. Had nothing to do with that dinner thing."

"No, but.. I'm glad you came anyway."


"Sirius??" james yelled as he came running

"Heyy" i said before being almost knocked over

"I'm so glad you came!!!" He jumped up and down like a little kid."This is Reggie right?"

Regulus sighed. "Can you at least call me reg."

"Okay!" James calmed down a bit and then looked worried. "Sirius..what's going on?"

"I.." I thought about whether or not to tell him. He was my best friend. But I also didn't want to lose him. I decided that if Reggie could accept me, then James definitely could. "I'm gay."

James blinked, "okay, so you told them and they didn't take it well, im guessing?'

"Yeah, exactly. I thought that if they were going to kick me out anyway, I might as well take reg with me."

James smiled and hugged me. "I support you"

"Okay but now what? We have nowhere to go" regulus said

James answered, "you don't have to go anywhere, you're home."

Reggie had a look on his face I'd never seen before. "Oh, wow"

The worst day turned into the best day. Regulus had a hard time adjusting. He was constantly too formal, but he tried his best. He still hasn't stopped calling effie and monty mrs and mr potter.

"I don't know how i'll be able to protect him when he goes back" i said, sitting on james' bed

"I think we should talk to dumbledore." james responded

"Egh, I've always hated that old guy. Something about him just gets on my nerves."

"Same, but I think he can help."


And so we did.

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