Fifty Shades of Gay (fluff)

By Iredragon

106 33 24

The title is just a play on words. No sin to be found here, but there will be lots of fluffy oneshots, all wi... More

Authors note/Eventual req rules
Getting some Kelp
Prideful Parade
By the Firelights
Trial of The Hunter
Bretta x Reader
It Takes Two
A request turned crack-fic

Candle Queen

9 2 3
By Iredragon

Hey, isn't that the dragon from the cover? Why yes, it is! Enjoy the oneshot.

  Candle shifted nervously on his, no, her claws. She was even paler than usual for a lightmatter dragon, for only a single reason. It was her initiation day, along with her broodmate. On initiation day, young lightmatters selected a profession, or a role in the tribe. The problem, is they also filled out a few forms, pertaining their age, gender, and other things like that.

Why was this such a problem? Well, Candle had been feeling differently for awhile now. Whenever she was called a he, Candle cringed internally. It did not feel fitting. She felt like a female, therefore she was one. Never before in this village had a lightmatter decided to change their gender. Never.

Candle was terrified, her blue flame-wreathed horns flaring in worry. What if the adults didn't accept the change? Candle couldn't imagine being called he for the rest of her life. It would be horribly uncomfortable...

"Hey, you look even paler than normal. You alright, Candle?" The dragon in question jolted lightly, whirling around to face her sibling, Nova. Candle sighed softly.

"To be honest, not really. Something troubles me deeply. Can I trust you?"

"Of course you can."

"Would you believe me... If I said that I didn't feel like a male anymore?" Candle meant to say it slowly, but it came out rushed and squeaky. Her face was flushed slightly, to top off the embarrassing sundae.

"Oh. I've wondered for awhile now, you always seem to shy away when I use male pronouns." Nova tapped her chin thoughtfully, before walking closer to Candle.

"It's perfectly fine with me." Nova put her wing on her broodmates' back, comforting her.

"I'll love you no matter what you identify as." Nova looked at Candle, a warm affection in her eyes. The two gently tapped horns, signifying their support for the other.

"Now come on, Candle. We've still got to get to the ceremony!" Nova grinned, removing her wing. She walked out of the small area where Candle had been hiding, and launched herself into the air, flicking her flame tipped tail, an unspoken symbol for Candle to follow.

Candle flapped her wings gently, lifting into the air with grace. She followed her sibling, flying over the little forest village to the centre, where Gaia would be holding the ceremony. Gaia was the unofficial leader of their little village, despite not being lightmatter herself. Realizing she was close to the clearing, Candle swooped in for a landing directly after Nova.

"Oh, good. I was wondering if you two would miss your own ceremony. I'm glad to know you're here now." Gaia herself gave the two dragons a warming smile, her horns having flowers wound around them for the occasion. Gaia walked up in front of all the others, preparing to start calling out names. Candle and Nova walked into the small group of initiates. Candle was still nervous as to if the tribe would accept her or not.

Names were called, jobs selected, and few remained in the circle. Nova had already gone, and had chosen to be a gatherer. Gaia looked at her list, squinting at it for a moment before she called a name.

"Candle. Please come stand next to me, and tell us all which job you would like to have, along with perhaps a few words."

Candle walked up to Gaia, a bundle of nerves. She could just get it over with, instead of waiting until she got the form. Candle debated for a split second, before deciding that she would give it a go. She just had to focus now, and not screw this up.

"The job I would like is a nest guardian... A-and if uh, you want to here a few, words, I can manage that..." Candle swallowed. She didn't want to back out, not now.

"Well, as you can probably see, I'm really nervous right now. I have something very important that I'd like to share, without getting judged. So if, uh, you'd be willing to listen to me..." Candle trailed off into nothingness, looking at Gaia.

"If it is important to you, it is important to me. Please share, Candle." Gaia smiled warmly at Candle, making her feel safe.

"Alright. Well, r-recently, I've, um... Not been a male anymore. W-well, I technically still am biologically and all, but I haven't, um, felt like it. So, I'd like you all to refer to me as female? Please...?" For a few, agonizingly long seconds, Candle stood there not receiving any response at all.

"That's perfectly acceptable, Candle. We are honoured to have you as a member of this village, whatever your gender." Gaia smiled at Candle, before placing a warm hand gently on her wing.

"Everyone, welcome Candle as a new member of our village!"

The other lightmatters clapped respectfully, and Candle saw Nova, clapping rather enthusiastically, a proud smile on her face. Candle walked away from Gaia, heading towards her sibling, who almost tackled her in an embrace.

"Whoa there-"

"I knew it! Haha, I knew you were brave enough to say it! That's awesome!" Nova chirped happily, letting go of her sister.

"What do you say we go celebrate a little? Just you and me, sis?" Nova grinned.

"...I'd love to. What did you have in mind?" Candle followed Nova into the village, supremely happy that she had called her "sis."  

         Ok, this might've been cringy, but I've had this in my head for awhile.

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