I See Dead People

By Metalmankayden

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You're roommates with a bunch of slashers (listed below), what else can I say? Not all slashers are included... More

Chapter One: Found
Chapter Two: Chaotic
Chapter Three: Dinner
Chapter Four: First Night
Chapter Five: Home Sweet Home?
Chapter Six: Enough on Both Sides
Chapter Seven: My Hero
Chapter Eight: There Goes My Hero
Chapter Nine: A Fresh Start
Chapter 10: Not My Mother
Chapter 11: Not My Mother Pt. 2
Chapter 12: Loss
Chapter 13: Emergency Vacation
Chapter 15: Exe's and Oh, That's Gotta Hurt
Chapter 16: Family Reunion
Chapter 17: News
Chapter 18: Free

Chapter 14: Camp Crystal Lake

4.8K 134 103
By Metalmankayden

A/N: Here are the dogs! The white and yellow one is Lexi, she's a two-year-old Pitbull, Labrador, and Boxer Mix. The brown and white one is Maverick, he's a one-year-old Red Siberian Husky. Also, I will be out of town for a couple days. No updates for a few days.

Camp Crystal Lake.

Everyone knew the name.

"How did you know where to find this?" Freddy asked. "Didn't they shut down, like, ten years ago?"

"My mom used to be a counselor here. She'd bring me along to help get it ready before everyone showed up," You explained, getting out of the car.

Slowly, everyone followed suit. Judging by his demeanor, Jason was less than pleased to be there, but he complied.

"It's probably safest if we're all in one cabin. Grab your bags and go to that one." You decided, pointing to the nearest cabin.

You and Billy stood to the side, waiting for your bags to be uncovered.

"Do you actually think the cops won't look here?" Billy whispered.

"I doubt it. No one's been here for years. Plus, if they do, it's a lot of ground to cover. They'd have to split up, which would give us time to get out," You murmured.

Billy was about to reply but was cut off by a tap on his shoulder. You, also, received a tap on the shoulder. Simultaneously, you turned around.

It was Jason. He pointed to a small shack next to the cabin and began to walk off towards it.

"Yo! Jason, man, where are you going?" Freddy called, noticing his departure.

Again, Jason pointed to the shed. By this point, everyone had noticed the hulking figure stepping towards the shed. No one dared follow. They all knew what happened at this place.

Jason reached the shed and tried the handle. It didn't budge. He pulled and pulled and pulled, but it didn't budge. He put his foot on the side of the shed, grabbed the handle again, and pulled, this time pushing off the shed. The door came clean off.

Everyone's suspicions were put at ease as the door came off. It was simply an outhouse. Was. Now, it was a toilet with three walls around it.

"Well, we're in the woods. Pick a tree, any tree," Charles remarked.

Jason huffed and stomped off into a denser part of the woods. Everyone else had their bags and was standing awkwardly by the front of one of the cabins. This cabin, you noticed, was one of the more in-tact cabins out of the array of run-down, ancient-looking cabins in the crescent setup. There were, obviously, more cabins deeper in the woods, but you knew that they would probably have a higher chance of being less safe, all things considered.

"We'll divide the cabin. Three quarters for the guys and one quarter for the girls, considering there's more of you. Jason will know where to find something to divide it with, like a sheet or something. Tiffany, you and I can take the one quarter." You directed. "Let's go in. Jason knowns the cabin, he'll come in when he comes back."

Slowly, everyone went into the cabin. The cabin was clean; most of the mattresses were on the wooden boards, which all had a suspiciously low amount of rot on them. The floorboards had a bit of mildew on them, but nothing some vinegar wouldn't aide. However, you noticed that there would not be enough beds for everyone.

"We're going to need to grab mattresses from other cabins," You announced.

"Why can't we just split up?" Pennywise asked.

"Because it's too dangerous. I'm not too thrilled about having to hide out with a bunch of murderers, but I'd rather hide than be involved with the cops." You sighed.

"Why's that?" He inquired.

"An ex of mine is a cop. He works in this county. Real halfwit. Not a single intelligent thought ever passed through his empty head," You explained. "I'd say he has an IQ of 50, and that's just me being nice."

The clown raised his eyebrows and dropped his bag on his mattress just as Jason opened the door.

"Jason, we need..." You paused to count the people without mattresses. "Five mattresses and a big sheet. Do you know if there's any left?"

Jason nodded and walked out the door. You watched through the window as he walked into the neighboring cabin about five yards away. He opened the door and came out a few seconds later with two mattresses under one arm and three under the other. How he managed to carry nearly 250 pounds that weren't evenly distributed was beyond you. However, he was a human boulder with mountains for biceps.

You opened the door for him, and he dropped the mattresses in the middle of the room. The men without the mattresses (including Jason) grabbed one and placed them some feet apart.

"Y/N, do you remember there being any food sources nearby?" Billy asked. "I am in dire need of food."

"Yeah, there's a F/F/F/R (Favorite fast-food restaurant) about ten miles out. Open all night," You recalled.

"Great. Michael, mind sharing your papers and pencil?" Billy asked.

Michael tore off a bit over a dozen pieces of paper and passed the pencil around. Everyone knew to write down their orders.

"Norman, you and Y/N go in and act like a couple. Be cool. Don't act like serial killers and missing people," Freddy advised.

"I look a lot different than I do when I went missing. I'm, like, twenty pounds lighter, my hair is a lot longer, and I look like healing zombie. I doubt anyone will recognize me," You sighed.

"Well, let's go. Jeff, should we get Smile anything?" Norman asked, standing up and grabbing his wallet out of his bag.

"Yeah, get him a chicken patty or something," Jeff replied.


Norman and you walked into the F/F/F/R, regretfully hand-in-hand. Neither of you wanted to hold hands. No one was forcing you, but you figured that you should just sell the part.

"Hi, welcome to F/F/F/R, what can I get for you guys today?" A tired-looking employee asked from behind the counter.

"It's a lot, we're having a party," Norman warned, pulling out everyone's orders from his pocket.

Norman listed off everyone's orders, making sure that the employee got all of them. You could tell he wanted to leave, but he stayed cheerful enough.

"Alright, your total comes out to $54.97. Cash or credit?" The employee asked.

"Cash." Norman decided dropping your hand to pull three twenty-dollar bills from his pocket. "Keep the change."

The employee counted the money and put it into the register.

"Can I have a name to call for when the food is ready?"

"Anthony," Norman lied.

A/N: See what I did there?

"Okay, I'll call you over when it's ready."

Norman and you walked over to a small booth and sat down, waiting for the food to be ready.

"Are you still mad at me?" Norman quietly asked.

"Yes. I'm mad at you, I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I haven't had time to grieve yet," You sighed, rubbing your forehead.

"I'm sorry; I don't know what else you want me to do. I apologized, wrote a letter, and got you some things that I thought would cheer you up a bit. What else do you want from me?" He implored.

"Some time to grieve. I barely get five minutes to myself now, so I doubt that I'll even get that," You attested.

Norman sighed and left it there. He didn't want to push you into an argument. He had already dragged you to the murder scene of your friend, killed your friend, and acted as your boyfriend. Plus, you said you were tired and hungry. Those are not a good mix in someone who's angry, as Norman had figured out.

"Anthony, your food is ready!" The employee called.

You and Norman stood up and grabbed the four bags of food.

"Have a good night," The employee said, feigning a smile.

"You too," You smiled back, walking out of the door and into the night.


"...and Smile, your chicken." You placed the cardboard container of chicken nuggets in front of the dog, making sure that everyone had their food.

"I'm going to, um, eat outside," You announced, standing up and grabbing your food.

"But it's like, 45 degrees out!" Freddy protested.

"Yep," You replied, shutting the door to the cabin.

Outside, you sat on the beach and nibbled at your food. You stared out at the black abyss called Crystal Lake, watching the moons' reflection on the water. You were thinking about F/N (Friend's name, the dead one). You remembered just about every time you were with her. Eventually, you got so lost in thought that you abandoned your food.

"That is the saddest amount of food I have ever seen you eat," A voice sounded from behind you.

You turned around to see none other than Jeff standing behind you, staring at you.

"Yeah, well, a sad amount for a sad person," You sighed.

"You sad because Norman killed your friend? Or is it just sad?" Jeff asked, sitting down next to you. A strong odor of bleach, blood, and booze wafted off him.

"Yes, I'm sad because Norman killed F/N."

"You know, I kind of know what it's like. To lose someone you love, I mean," Jeff admitted.

"Yeah?" You doubted this man had ever felt any emotion other than angry in his entire life.

"Yeah. My younger brother got sent to JDC (Juvenile Detention Center) because of me." He affirmed.

"How does that happen?" You asked.

"When I was thirteen, my brother, Liu, and I had moved after our dad got a promotion. We were at the bus stop, waiting for our first day at our new school. Three kids rolled up on skateboards and one of them jumped over us. I asked why he did that and learned he kind of ruled the school. His name was Randy, and his two goons were Troy and Keith. They pulled knives on us after Liu refused to give up his wallet, and I just... snapped. I stabbed Randy in the arm and punched his nose. I punched Troy in the gut, and he vomited all over the sidewalk as he went down. Real tub of lard. I stabbed Keith in the arm and then Liu and I ran away as the bus pulled up. Next day, I wake up and there's cops at the door. I tried to tell them that they attacked first, but it didn't matter. My mom was mad at me, obviously, and told me to bring Liu down. I couldn't do it. Liu didn't do anything, so I couldn't do it. Then, Liu appears at the top of the stairs with a knife and claimed that he attacked the group. He even had the marks to prove it. He rolled up his sleeve and he had cuts and bruises on his arm. They were obviously fresh, so the cops believed him. They took Liu to JDC and my mom had to hold me back from running after the cops and Liu. I cried in the driveway until my dad got home. After he got back, I went inside and up to my room.

"A few days later, my parents dragged me out of the house to go to our neighbor's birthday party. So, I went out back to be with the kids because the adults were inside talking, and I wanted nothing to do with it. They were pretending they were cowboys. One of them convinced me to play. It was ridiculous until I started to have fun. Then, Troy, Keith, and Randy jumped the fence. They had guns this time. All the kids were crying and running inside. I tried to tell Randy to leave, but he stabbed me in the shoulder, and I fell, and he started kicking my ribcage. Eventually, I grabbed his ankle and pulled him down. I got up and tried to run inside, but Troy grabbed me and threw me through the glass door. I tried to stand up, but Randy started kicking me again. I coughed up blood while he reminded me that he was why Liu was in JDC and I was just lying on the floor and letting him rot in there. He grabbed a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashed it over my head. Then, something snapped. I stood up and rammed into Randy. I got on top of him when he was on the ground and punched his heart. I punch him over and over and over until he died.

"Everyone at the party was shocked. Even Troy and Keith. Soon enough, they realized what happened and started firing at me. All their shots missed as I ran upstairs and ducked into the bathroom. They both ran in, pulling knives from their pockets. I ripped a towel rack off the wall and swung it at Troy's face. He went down, probably dead. I didn't know and I still don't. Keith grabbed me by the neck and slammed me against a wall hard enough to knock a container of bleach off the shelf. It spilled on both of us. We were both screaming as I knocked Keith in the head with the rack. He laughed on the floor as he bled out. When I asked what was so funny, he said, 'What's funny is that you're covered in bleach and alcohol.' When I realized what he meant, it was too late. He pulled out a lighter, lit it, and threw it at me. I ran down the stairs and remember my mom and other parents getting a fire extinguisher."

"I woke up at the hospital with bandages on my face. My mom said that Liu was getting released from JDC and I was so happy. So, once he came and it was time for the bandages to be removed, we went into the bathroom and looked at my face. It was white, like now, and leathery. I felt beautiful. That night, at home, it started to hurt to smile. So, I carved one into my face, so I was always smiling. Then, my eyes got heavy, so I burned off my eyelids so I could always see me smiling. After my mom saw, she told my dad to get the gun, probably to shoot me. I stabbed her and my dad and then I went to stab Liu. After that, I left. I have no clue if he's still alive or not."

You were silent. You knew Jeff killed his parents, but you never learned the whole story. Now that you did, you actually felt a little bad for Jeff.

"I- wow." You didn't know what to say.

"Yeah, I know. Now, eat," Jeff demanded, getting up and walking back into the cabin.

Now knowing what Jeff was capable of, you ate. Jeff's story made the death of F/N seem... minimal. Obviously, it wasn't, but Jeff's story was a lot worse.

After you finished your food, you went back inside. You didn't talk to anyone, as most of the group had fallen asleep. Jeff, Freddy, and you were the only ones still awake. However, you soon narrowed it down to two as you fell asleep.

You had no idea who was outside.

A/N: Oooooh...

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