Dracopical Isles: Rise of the...

By Timdaferret

112 28 2

After tragedy strikes the life of a male, green Sorcerant dragon named Emeraldus, he and his mate Midna are t... More

Introduction to Dracopical Isles
Introduction to a Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 23

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By Timdaferret

Keeping his deal with the Demon King, Emeraldus returns to the mansion to give him the requested souls.
With a crooked smile, the king happily receives the necklace containing his prize.
"Now, what do you desire, Noble Emeraldus?" He says afterwards. "For these souls as promised, I shall give you one thing. Choose wisely."
To which, Emeraldus eagerly nods in response. "I had come to you for the assistance of souls myself, to bring back my mate," He begins. "I am a few short and the brew is almost ready. Do you have advice for me? How can I guarantee my mate's return?"
The Demon King strokes his midnight black beard in thought. Looking away for a moment, he eventually finds an answer. "Fresh souls are the best when using a revival spell.. Though it is never a guarantee that any spell will work. You can only try it and see what comes out. Same as death is a tricky foe to gamble with, dark magic can be rather.. unpredictable."
This answer makes Emeraldus' heart sink almost immediately. He looks away, the hopeful smile he wears drooping. The thought of this not going as hoped comes back, and for a moment, he feels the sting of sorrow. But he has come so far - it has to!
Taking notice of Emeraldus' change in expression, the King's crooked smile becomes warm. A soft chuckle bounces his torso, and his voice is just as much.
"She really means a lot to you, doesn't she?"
Without returning his gaze, Emeraldus nods. "Probably one of the best things to ever happen to me - the moment we became partners…" Now staring off, Emeraldus replays the happy memories: their first flight together, their first nest together, their first night together, their first clutch of eggs…
And her life ended so soon - there was so much more they could've done together. Why..? Why did it have to be her? Again, of all the Sorcerants in the area.. they couldn't have been the only mating pair. A slight seed of anger returns beneath his sorrow towards that alpha Alchemy. Whatever became of her after the mountain's eruption, he hopes to never see her ugly, twisted face ever again. Shaking his head irritably, Emeraldus sighs. "And you are sure there is no guarantee to bring my mate back?"
The king continues to smile. "If it doesn't work, I can tell you this - It does not mean that you lost her forever. You can always carry a soul with you in here," Putting a hand to his heart. "And if you refuse to let it go, it will refuse to let go of you."
Following, the king takes a few steps closer to Emeraldus. "I may not be a dragon species that mates for life, but I am willing to offer sympathy to those who do."
Taking a large rat's skull adorned with gems for eyes, nose, and teeth from his robe pocket, the king places the necklace in its jaws. With one squeeze, the necklace's crystal breaks into a million pieces, and from it souls transfer themselves into the gemstone eyes until it glows a radiant, sapphire blue.
"Here," Then taking out another lace from the same pocket, he removes one eye and fits it on. "Take some. That and I feel you may need it for another time."
Holding out a forelimb to receive the new necklace, Emeraldus observes the gem. Its brilliant blue glow gives a gentle warmth in the palm of his hand as he carefully looks at it from all angles.
"I may have already granted you my knowledge for your question, but take that as a gift." The king inclines his head in thoughtful respect. "May the gods bless you."
The smile soon returns to Emeraldus' face. He ties the lace around his neck and bows in gratitude. Although still weighing down on him to imagine the spell not working after all, it feels good to hear the king's wise words and compassion. After saying his thanks and farewells, Emeraldus returns to where Slim had been waiting for him in the surrounding trees before the two of them take off for their home nest.

Just as he had left it, Emeraldus reheats the cauldron concoction. Dipping the magical gem in, he finally adds the last, required souls. Stirring it with leisure, Emeraldus can once again feel the dark magic in all its eerie splendor - now much more powerful than before. His scales prickle, sending a noticeable chill up his spine moments before the bubbling brew lights up as a soupy green - it's ready.
Along with a sense of excitement, Emeraldus can feel the glint of madness return to his eye.
He has become a Sorcerant of dark magic - creating a brew, using a spell to control the undead, and pursuing the general art for his end goal.
Should he be proud of this? Should he be worried? Of all that has changed, nothing particularly concerning has developed, except for that slight shift in mentality. Although not very prominent throughout its occurrences, the fact that it's there seems a bit.. discomforting. The amount of dark magic coming from this brew is also rather bringing it out more strongly - Emeraldus cannot help but crack a mischievous sneer. Though it isn't long before his dragon senses disrupt the moment. Looking over his shoulder, Emeraldus notices the familiar aura of a certain Dracul.
Carmilla comes to land just outside with his requested dyes and tools in a neatly woven bag. She transforms into her own vampiric, humanoid form just as Emeraldus comes outside to meet her. Being in his territory, she bows respectfully.
"Carmilla, I see you've found me. Why have you come? I thought you would contact me first." Emeraldus asks.
"The Demon King sent me word about what happened. I thought you would be exhausted, so I came to find you." She lifts up the bag for him to take. "Your items have been collected."
With a thankful nod of the head, Emeraldus takes them in his own hand.
"If I may be a bit of a nosey old woman," Carmilla then continues. "Would you allow me to join you? I would love to see the outcome."
The mad glint in Emeraldus' eye returns yet again as the green Sorcerant nods. "You are certainly welcome to watch. Do come inside." He leads the way back to the chamber where the cauldron sits. Upon noticing his master bringing in a guest, Slim suddenly has a startle. Looking around, he is tempted to run and hide in case he might start an awkward conversation for Emeraldus; though the Sorcerant says nothing as he leads Carmilla the rest of the way over to the brew. It isn't long, however, before the Dracul points him out. "Who's the Alchemy dragon?"
Without pausing, Emeraldus replies. "You don't have to worry about him - he's my assistant. That and he's… shall we say… a special type."
In response to his master's compliment, Slim smiles, though rather awkwardly.
Carmilla nods before giving Emeraldus a look of amusement. "You really are an impressive Sorcerant, aren't you Emeraldus?"
Looking at his reflection in the bubbling brew, Emeraldus smiles. "Not as impressive as this probably will be. I want to see my Midna."
Slim immediately heads off to retrieve Midna's body, still wrapped up in the rug and preserved with icy magic. He drags it over to the cauldron and unwraps the carcass.
Upon seeing the dragon with beautiful sapphire blue scales, Carmilla's smile instantly disappears; though she remains silent as Emeraldus looks through the spell book one more time. While he's busy reading, Slim is first to notice Carmilla's change in expression, immediately pointing it out. "Something not okay, Miss?"
Emeraldus too then stops a moment to look at the Dracul. Glancing at them both in turn, Carmilla then points to the book. "May I see that?"
Lifting a confused brow, Emeraldus hands it over. "Are we missing something? Why the frown?"
Carmilla takes her time looking over the pages containing the information to this spell as Emeraldus and Slim wait for her answer. The more she reads, the more grave her expression becomes.
"How long ago was her death?" Carmilla finally asks.
"How long ago?" Emeraldus repeats, looking away in thought. "A few months, I would say. She was found dead last summer."
Carmilla doesn't respond, but continues to stare at the pages - her eyes now seemingly paused from reading. At this, Emeraldus is quick to catch on to what might be concerning Carmilla. His eyes begin to widen as a clutch of fear seizes his heart. He comes to look over her shoulder at the book. "What's wrong?"
Carmilla is silent a moment longer before finally looking up at Emeraldus. Pointing to a particular paragraph, she hands the spell book back to him. "You might wanna read this,"
Without hesitation, Emeraldus does so. In the next few seconds, his eyes widen that much more, expression gaping in disbelief. He looks over at Midna's body… The state of decay… then back at the book. Unbelievable.. How did he miss this..? Was it shoved to the back of his mind and forgotten about? Was it ignored because of the eager haste Emeraldus had to see his mate alive again? Was he too excited and completely skimmed it over?
Slim's eyes also widen shortly after seeing his master's shock. Exchanging a glance with Carmilla, the Dracul's face saddens.
"...No... No... You don't mean…" Emeraldus' voice regains their attention.
Remaining silent, Carmilla backs up a step to give him some space, looking at him in condolences.
He's too late. Midna's body and soul had been gone from each other for far too long. Her body is no longer applicable for the revival of her soul; it has long disappeared by now. After all that has been done, after all Emeraldus had been through… His greatest fear has come to be - Midna isn't coming back. She cannot. She's gone.
Dropping the book, and rearing his head back, Emeraldus lets out a loud and mournful roar to the heavens once again.
Suddenly being brought back to the bar and grill, finding his mate's lifeless body, Emeraldus relives the greatest tragedy of his life. He falls over Midna's cold corpse to weep, all the while Slim and Carmilla stand by a distance away.
Mourning for a bit longer, eventually Emeraldus speaks, "...That's it... I'm done. My heart cannot take it anymore... More like it's rotted to a black crisp." Then a snarl, so loud and so threatening, breaks through his tears. "Kill them... Kill all of those Alchemies!!" He then roars, turning around to face Slim and Carmilla with flaming jaws. "I do not care anymore if you want to see them spared!! Shed their guilty blood for what they did!! They shall be punished with utmost wrath!! Their souls are all mine!!"
Slim flinches, heart nearly stopping at the fury in his master's eyes. "Boss..!?"
The dark magic in his system overtakes Emeraldus as the Sorcerant lets out another roar. Rage and pure hatred is all that fills his mind now, willing to tear apart the rest of the Alchemy clan that murdered his mate and to feel their guilty blood on his teeth and claws. Whether or not it was mainly the Alpha and Cigoura who led the wicked deed, the clan as a whole is now completely guilty in Emeraldus' eyes.
With sheer fury, Emeraldus shoves his way past Carmilla and Slim. "Out of my way!!"
Looking after him with panic, Carmilla immediately follows, "No! Emeraldus! Wait!!" To keep up with him, she turns back into her Dracul self. Just mere seconds before he can reach the outside, Carmilla gets in front to block him.
Skidding to a halt, Emeraldus snarls at her with exasperated surprise.
"Carmilla!! Get out of my way, now!!" Then craning his neck left, right, up, down, trying to find a spot to get past her.
"Emeraldus please! You must listen! There are better ways to deal with this than bloodshed!"
Darkness still at the front of his mind, Emeraldus takes in breath to force Carmilla out of the way. The flames are just about to blast when suddenly a jolt of pain causes him to stop. Yelping, Emeraldus then clutches his stomach, the fire immediately dispersing from his throat.
He drops to the ground with a grimace, giving the puncture wound from the other day a glance. While scabbed over on the outside, where it pierced his stomach inside is now starting to get noticeably sore, summoning a touch of fear beneath the anger.
Carmilla frowns, shaking her head.
"And just look at you.. You are in no condition to fight, anyway." Then getting behind him to drag him back to the chamber like a mother with her disobedient young.
Once letting go of him, Emeraldus turns his snarl back to her, trying to ignore the significant ache in his core. Carmilla looks him over, pulling away from the occasional snap from Emeraldus.
"Let me go…" He growls through clenched teeth. "Lest I tear your scales trying..!"
Carmilla snorts at him in response. "Well at least let me treat your wounds first before you think about doing anything more to anyone."
Another sharp wave of pain and Emeraldus looks away with his grimace. Shortly after, he begins to gag, eventually bringing up a small puddle of mucous and blood. The straining of his abdomen forcing the release of his stomach makes the pain all the more uncomfortable. Seeing this, Carmilla's mouth drops in worry, yet Emeraldus still refuses to let her touch him.
"Come now," She then replies with a hint of impatience. "I'm trying to assist you. Would Midna have wanted to see you like this?"
Hearing the name of his mate, Emeraldus' desire to go after the Alchemies burns furiously, more fire rising to the back of his throat. If they hadn't taken her away, none of this would even be a thought. She wouldn't ever have to see him suffering like this. He wouldn't have had to go through all of that labor… All of that pain... Though before he can do anything more, something like a glimmer catches the corner of his eye.
A voice - just barely a whisper, tries to speak to him through the storm in his heart. Its tone, Emeraldus recognizes it, and he immediately falls silent.
As if Carmilla's mention of the female Sorcerant's name had brought her to speak.
"My Love.. I cannot bear to imagine the pain you are in…"
Turning his eyes to Midna's body a distance away, Emeraldus feels a slight bit of surprise.
"But please do not kill because of me. Do not let the darkness have power over you. Let yourself live, let them live, show them care, or else you may never feel my love again. My dear Emeraldus, I am so sorry.."
Although her body doesn't move, something far away, yet so close, still manages to reach Emeraldus' ears. Her soul.. is still trying to communicate with him, despite it being so long passed?
"Midna..?" He finds himself saying, getting up to crawl over to her body; however, no more words come to him. Midna's soul falls silent once again.
"Midna?" Emeraldus repeats, now with a slight tone of urgency. "Midna, are you there??"
Still nothing as Carmilla now looks at the Sorcerant with highly concerned eyes.
No matter what Emeraldus does now, no more words come, yet the warmth of her soul's presence stays with him. Unless he'd throw away his kindness; unless he'd throw away his link to her and spill further blood, he feels as if he'd never be able to feel this warmth ever again.
Emeraldus is speechless for a while, staring at his mate's corpse.
Carmilla then slowly approaches Emeraldus, not daring to try to touch him again in case even her gentle hand would shatter his fragile psyche.
"My friend, perhaps we should take some time to talk this out.." She says, to which Emeraldus shakes his head in disappointment.
"I don't get it…" Then slamming his fist down, having a hard time grasping what he just heard. "She doesn't want me to avenge her? Nonsense! It's justice!"
Carmilla frowns. "I would not speak for a woman I don't know... but maybe she sees that you are falling - falling into a hole that you could never hope to leave after being swallowed by its dark and hollow depths." The Dracul continues as Emeraldus turns his eyes to hers. "Midna doesn't want you to hurt anymore for her sake; Killing those who killed her has been achieved already, hasn't it? Her direct killer isn't among the dragons that live now, right? Besides, you hurt yourself the more you kill really, don't you? You fall further than who you were each time and can never truly remain as yourself."
Emeraldus is silent.. He puts his hands over his face and heaves a heavy sigh. "I just... Want to be purged…" Tears soon rolling down his cheeks. "..Those Cacovern-brained..offspring of a… "
Now with a bit of his own courage, Slim comes forward. Giving his master a look of sympathy, he speaks, "L-look boss, your little ones don't have their mom... so they'll need you now more than ever, right? D-dont lose yourself in this thing you've got, okay? I may be Slim, but I do know kids and they need their folks."
Emeraldus says nothing, looking away for a moment longer as he tries to sniff back the tears. After a while of thinking, he finally says something.
"..Hand me my book."
Immediately, Slim does as he's told and Carmilla straightens back up to offer some space so Emeraldus can do what he plans to do. He flips through the pages back to the spell once again.
"...Fine. I won't kill them." Then looks up at the two dragons. "But not without something to remember."
"Like what?" Carmilla's question follows shortly thereafter, giving Emeraldus a rather curious look.
Flipping through a few more pages, Emeraldus' eyes land on another spell. He is about to speak when the pain in his stomach returns once again. He drops the book to clutch at his abdomen, to which Carmilla frowns worriedly.
"Were you stabbed?" She asks.
"Not exactly.." Emeraldus looks at her with a weary eye. "I had to take care of a band of hunters in my territory. One of them got me with an arrow, but I had hoped it would not be so concerning…"
Then now looking at the cauldron, it comes as a thought that Emeraldus might not be able to last, now with the wound in his stomach becoming serious. He can no longer use the brew on Midna, and he had put so much time and effort into making it that tossing it all away would seem utterly wasteful. Perhaps.. perhaps he could use it for himself? As strange as it may be.. Midna apparently wants Emeraldus to live on, that and Slim is right saying that the children need their father.
Looking at Carmilla, the Dracul has a sense of what he may be thinking.
Taking a deep sigh, Emeraldus speaks. "Carmilla.. will you be willing to bring me back to life?"

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