Superheroes [AU] 5SOS

By PanicCliffordx

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What if... What if you were flying, but without wings to carry you? What if you communicated with words, with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 20

Chapter 19

410 14 1
By PanicCliffordx

Ashton's p.o.v. (Back on track! Okay, stupid joke. It's not even funny :|)

I was shaking like mad, my breaths were uneven and shaky, my mind clouded with way too many thoughts.

How could I let this happen? I had only just found out she was my sister, my real sister, and I let this happen...

It was when a tear fell down, I realized I needed to do something. I needed to make an end to all this. It's what she would've wanted, I'm sure.

"Ash..." I felt a hand on my shoulder and for a moment I thought it was Viper, but first of all, she wouldn't do that and second of all, she didn't sound like Luke. Also, she had taken off to somewhere and I honestly hoped it wasn't one of the other boys or Yade.

I took, or tried to take, a deep breath before looking up at him, not caring for a second that he saw me like this. He looked at me, before falling on his knees beside me, running his hands over his face. "Is..." He couldn't even finish it, biting his lip he shook his head. "This can't be happening." He muttered.

"Yo goofballs! What are you guys doing on the ground?" My eyes widened at the voice and my heart stopped beating for a moment. Luke tensed up as well, first staring ahead before slowly turning to look at me with wide eyes.

It took us a few seconds, but we both turned around at the same time, looking at a well and alive Alaya, standing a few feet away.

"You... But..." I couldn't form a coherent thought, let alone a coherent sentence to react to this.

A tickling on my hands distracted me for a second, as I looked back to the dead Alaya in my hands, who was slowly disappearing as if she was some sort of video game character that fell apart in pixels.

"Cool. That was definitely worth the little pain it caused." Alaya said, suddenly next to us, looking down at us with a happy face.

"How did you..." Luke started, slowly getting up and slowly reaching out for Alaya, who grabbed his hand and rolled her eyes.

"It was an illusion. Cool right?"

"Cool? You scared me to death! I thought I lost you!" I suddenly exclaimed, getting up and looking at her, feeling angry.

"I'm sorry." She said, looking down at the floor.

"I'm just glad you're okay." I mumbled, pulling her into me for a tight hug. She hugged me back, before I let go and held her at arm's length away, looking her up and down to make sure she was okay.

"Hm, I'm fine." She waved a hand in the air, before looking back at me. "You should see this!" She grinned before scaring the hell out of me again, this time by letting her hand travel through my arm as if her hand was a ghost or something.

I stared at my arm wide eyed before letting go of her and looking at her. "How did you do that?"

"I'm an illusion! Or well, this is an illusion." She gestured to her body, or I guess, the illusion gestured to its body? This is confusing...

"But... Then, where are you?" I wondered, wanting to make sure she's safe.

"My safe haven. Everything's locked and all, I'm fine." Alaya told me, smiling.


"Guys!" I looked to my right, to see Calum stumbling past some people, Michael closely behind.

"What are you doing here?" I asked them once they reached us.

"Well, we were at the infirmary, but then Yade came in and ignored us... So I don't know, I kind of just got worried and then we wanted to make sure you guys were okay." Calum told us, talking pretty fast, but slow enough for us to understand what he was saying.

"Alright but-" Alaya's sentence got cut off as she suddenly grasped at her throat, gasping for air.

"Alaya?!" I yelled, just before her illusion disappeared all at once. As if you blinked and she was just gone. Not like the pixel-thing as the other, no just... poof.

"What happened?" Michael exclaimed, looking wide-eyed at the spot Alaya's illusion had just stood.

"Calum! Go to the haunted tower!" I told him, immediately knowing something had to be wrong with the real her.


"JUST GO!" He ran off, using his super speed, as I started to run the same way. The haunted tower was positioned in the middle of the far left side of the building, connected to only one hallway that came from an already barely used hallway. The hallway the tower was connected to, had lockers, which people used, but only in large groups and mostly in the morning and noon, like, when we started and when we ended. People just didn't want to be anywhere near the tower.

But, since it was in the middle of the far left side, we had to push a lot of people aside and had quite a long way to go, before we even reached it. And then we still had to ascend the endless stairs...

"Ash! Watch out!" I heard someone yell, but before I could turn someone had jumped at me and knocked me to the ground. My eyes widened as I suddenly seemed to come back to my senses, as I was too busy with thinking before, and noticed there was someone on top of me, ready to punch me. He was about to strike when someone else bumped into him, throwing him off me.

I looked up to see Michael looking down at me with an outstretched hand. I took it and he helped me up.

"Thanks." I breathed, looking at Luke who got up from the ground as he was the one that had thrown the guy off me. He nodded, before we all turned towards our destination again, running as fast as the circumstances would allow.

Maybe it could be considered selfish that we didn't help the others, but then again, Viper was the one behind this and she was probably the one with Alaya, so we were kind of going after her. But as I looked around, you could just see the fire in their eyes, fighting to defend our school. I think they could even do this without our help.

In my opinion it took way too long to reach the tower, yet once we did I still had enough energy to climb up the stairs as fast as I could, without tripping.

Once upstairs I didn't take the time to bend over and breath in and out properly, as I saw Alaya sitting on the ground against a wall, coughing a bit and trying to concentrate, while Calum was trying to keep Viper away while not looking in her eyes.

"Just give me what I want!" Viper yelled, grabbing Calum by his collar and staring at him angrily. His eyes widened at first, but then quickly closed as he tried to remove her grip on his shirt. Viper didn't seem to care about him though, as she simply threw him to her left and against one of the many walls and then walked towards Alaya.

I was about to jump at Viper when Calum let out a yelp. I looked his way to see the wall behind him fall apart enough for him to fall through and him trying to stay upright and not fall backwards. Luckily, Michael jumped his way helping him, so Luke and I jumped at Viper. Or well, I jumped at Viper as Luke went to Alaya.

I surprised her as I jumped on her back, bringing her down with me, while Luke was comforting Alaya and Michael had pulled Calum away from the poor wall, making sure Calum was okay.

"You little-" She began, before she forced herself up and threw me off her, somehow. It surprised me, which caused her to jump at me again, forcing me to roll away to avoid her.

As I looked up, I saw Alaya, or rather an illusion of her, jump at Viper and push her away from me.

Once I got up Viper was already going at Alaya again, throwing Luke aside and grabbing Alaya at her throat, causing the illusion from earlier to disappear into thin air once again.

"Give it to me!" She yelled as Alaya tried to push her away. I grabbed Viper by her shoulders and pulled her away so she released Alaya, only to throw herself at me once again. We wrestled on the floor and suddenly her fist connected with my cheek, causing me to let go of her and get up to try and defend myself.

"This could have been so much easier." She spit out, looking at me, very angry. My eyes flickered to the poor wall behind her, my mind racing with thoughts the others probably wouldn't like. I had to do this. If it meant we stopped Viper, then I didn't care the others would kill me if I would even survive.

At that moment I decided it was worth it, diving at Viper and holding onto her as I took her with me through the wall, taking some left over bricks as well.

"ASHTON!" I heard several voices yell, before I concentrated on the woman right in front of me, who was trying to free herself from my strong grip.

I tried not to look at the approaching ground as I made sure I had a grip on Viper, ignoring her curses and her attempts to escape, as well as the creepy weightless-feeling.

What happened from the moment we fell, happened extremely fast and I was barely able to follow it, even though I was part of it.

A huge raven suddenly appeared next to me and let out a loud sound, causing me to temporarily loosen my grip on Viper, which she used to break free. She sent me an evil smile, before the raven grabbed her and took off.

The only thing left for me to do was brace myself for the ground. I curled into a ball, my arms around my legs as I knew the ground was close.

As my back connected with something, which I had expected to be a cold hard ground, I opened my eyes in surprise, just as I was launched into the air again, albeit not that high.

I had released my legs and was kind of flailing them and my arms around as I felt weightless once again, looking down to see a huge safety net. I fell down into it once again, this time only bouncing up slightly. Soon I lay in the net, save from the ground.

I was about to move to get off of the net, when it disappeared, just like Alaya's illusions had done, causing me to fall the remaining bit to the ground. Luckily, it didn't hurt too much.

I sat up, suddenly worried Viper was back with Alaya and that she had caused the safety net, which no doubt had been Alaya's work, to disappear. I got up quickly, already planning on how to get rid of Viper, when Calum appeared at my side.

"Thank god you're okay!" He said, throwing his arms around me in a hug. I patted him on the back before he released me, letting out a deep breath. "I'm fine. Is Alaya okay?"

"She's fine. She fainted, but she's fine."

"What?!" I looked at him with wide eyes, wanting to run back to the tower and climb those stairs again, just to make sure she really was okay.

"It's fine. She was just exhausted from everything that happened. We need to find Viper though."

"But who will stay with Alaya then?" I asked, ready to offer myself as I really didn't want her to be alone.

"Your mother. She came up a little after you had jumped through the wall and when Alaya fainted she told us to go and find Viper and that she would take care of Alaya." I was a bit uncertain, but I guess everything would be okay. Our mother was no longer under Viper's control and if she was, the boys would have noticed for sure.

Talking about being under Viper's control, I wondered what Yade was doing by now. Was she free from Viper already or was she still at the infirmary? Maybe Viper had gone back to the infirmary to go after Yade...

"Have you seen Yade?" I asked Calum, though I didn't think he would have seen her after he saw her at the infirmary earlier.

"Eh, no?"

"Guys!" Luke yelled, waving for us to go their way as we looked at him and Michael, who were standing a bit further, in the less crowded part next to the building. Calum and I were standing almost directly next to the building, further away from the crowd.

We ran towards them, following them through the crowd and into the building.

"Where are we going?" I asked loudly, trying to be heard above the loud noises around us.

"The infirmary! We need to make sure she's not there harming the injured."

"That'd be quite stupid and senseless." Calum yelled back, as we continued to make our way through the crowd, trying to get to the infirmary as fast as possible.

It didn't take too long to get there and once we walked in, there was quite the chaos, but it wasn't because of Viper. Somewhere that was good, for obvious reasons, but of course it would have been easier if she had been here. That would definitely save some time.

"Okay, she isn't here. What do you suggest we do now?" Calum asked Luke, who looked around whilst thinking.

"Let's just go through the halls. She has to be somewhere." I said, looking at all of the boys one by one to make sure they agreed before we went somewhere.

"Ashton! Thank God you're still alive!" I heard someone yell, before I was being squeezed to death in a hug.

"Yade, you're okay!" I looked down at her, happy to see she was okay and seemed to be free of Viper's hypnosis.

"I'm fine, no worries." She waved with her hand as if to say I shouldn't worry. "Did you get Viper yet?"

"Eh, not really. We were going to look for her now actually." Yade nodded looking around her for a moment before looking back at me. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get yourself out there!"

Soon enough we were back in the hallway, now with the five of us, making sure to look left and right as we jogged from one hallway to another. The further you went to the back of the school, the less crowded it was, making it easier to oversee everything.

We continued through the hallways, not really speaking to one another, but we did make sure everyone was still there and okay. Somewhere it was boring, continually jogging through hallways that all looked the same, avoiding the fighting people that came our way, trying to spot someone that you couldn't even be sure of where she was...

"There!" I turned around, to see Michael pointing to the classroom he was in front of. The door was wide open and just as many of the other classrooms, people were inside trying to fight off the ugly creatures or anti-heroes.

We all made our way into the already crowded room, just in time to see Viper letting out a loud angered huff. "Where. Is. She?! I can't-" She started, stopping in the middle of her sentence as her eyes landed on us.

"Guys, try to get our people to team-up on this side, don't let her leave and most importantly don't look into her eyes." I said quickly, already making my way through the people to reach her. She was glaring at me, probably hoping for me to make eye contact, albeit for only a second.

I stopped for a moment and stiffened as I heard a bloodcurdling howl, soon followed by a loud roar. In front of me a large grey wolf appeared and it was about to jump forward, when a blast of fire passed me, driving the wolf backwards.

I looked over my right shoulder, as the fire had come from my right, to see a familiar blue and silver dragon standing there, spitting fire at the wolf that had been in front of me.

I let out a breath of relief as Yade walked past me, still threatening the wolf with fire, so I could go past her and resume my way to Viper, who was commanding people to keep us at a distance. They weren't so strong anymore, most of them getting exhausted from the fighting they had already done, but there was no difference at our side, most of the people already trying to keep themselves up.

I tried to think of a plan, knowing we had to get Viper to make this all stop, just as I heard a door slam shut right before the whole room went dark.

*A/N: I had a hard time writing this, since fighting scenes and stuff like that just don't come naturally :| Plus, I'm way too easily distracted. I'm nearing this ending *insert overly dramatic crying emoticon* This is the first story I ever ended o.O Anyway, I had like no frickin idea how to bring this and the last chapter, so I just hope it worked out and you guys like it x

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