The Rebellious One (Reboot)

By Dmcsage

71.7K 1.1K 1.5K

"Someone like you who let his soul rot can't measure up just by gaining power, compared to someone with a R... More

Starter harem (Updated)
prologue: It began with a legend
Mission 1: The Legendary Slayer Redgrave!
Mission 2: Nippon's protector vs the Red Dragon
Mission 3: Requiem for the Gunsmith
Harem Update
Mission 4: Demons of the Mountain
Mission 6: Reunion of the Brothers
(Teaser) mission 7: The World crisis
Mission 7: The World Crisis part 1: Warning of chaos
A/n note: Series and info for the big event and vote results
Mission 8:The world crisis part 2: The call of heroes
Mission Extra: the Stylish Beach episode
Mission 9: The world Crisis part 3: Atlas's True Colors Shinra's assault
Secret mission 1: Devil May Cry Year 1
Mission 10: The world crisis part 4: Our Legacy
Next mission (sneak peak)
Mission 11: The world crisis part 5: Family ties: Sparda
Mission 12: The World Crisis part 6:Family ties:Umbra
Mission 13: The World crisis part 7: The Hunter ascends!
Secret mission 2: Hell of a Holiday(Short)

Mission 5: The Chronicles of Sparda

2.8K 54 42
By Dmcsage

A/n pov

In the  home of Y/n and Vergil we are taken back years ago. Sparda smiles at his family  enjoying the peace he had earned.

Eva: Come now Y/n your so messy sometimes.

Y/n: Hehe sorry mom I can't help it! Your strawberry shortcakes are amazing!

Sparda: They always are aren't they? I can remember the first time I had your mother's sweets.

Eva: How do you like yours Vergil?

Vergil:*smiles* It's amazing like all of your cooking mother.

Eva:*giggles* Well i'm glad to hear that.

Sparda stared on at his wife before he stared outside his mansion.

Sparda:(mind) I've truly endured a great deal to get here. I know my sons may one day suffer because of my name. But this future is one I will never regret fighting for.


Within a barren ruins of Hell the sounds of blades clashing is heard. Sparda  blocked a strike from a  demon in a white coat before he  kicked his back. As the one in white was sent back another in Black jumped over him then crashed down at Sparda. Sparda smirked before the demon  jumped off and swung at him once more. Sparda used his blade to block as the Demon continued to unleash a barrage of slashes.After finding an opening Sparda  knocked the blade out of his hand before  sending the demon to the ground. Placing his blade on his Back Sparda spoke as he helped the demons up.

Sparda: You two have grown a great deal since we began. You should be proud Baul  and Modeus.. you've become fine warriors.

Modeus: Thank you Sir be praise by a knight of your caliber is a pleasure.

Baul: Your words honor us master..Sparda.

Sparda placed his sword upon his back as he returned to his human form.

Sparda: When you came to me it was originally to learn my talents but now with nothing to teach; I must ask what shall you do now? 

Baul: Sir Sparda...we shall follow you until the bitter end.

Modeus: My brother is right...Master.. we have nothing the utmost respect for you. Your skill is only compared by your worthiness as a General of Hell. Like the rest of your Soldiers we will give our very lives for you sake.

Sparda: I see Modeus that is your answer is it?

Modeus: die for a demon with such pride is a sacred privilege. 

Sparda: Then go back and prepare for tomorrow we ride to war. 

As the brothers nodded they left Sparda leaving him to wonder until he heard a familiar voice.

???: Well this is where you were huh?

Sparda: What brings you to down here? Are you searching for weak prey or perhaps something else


Phantom: Master Mundus wants to see you and your smart mouth.

Sparda: *Smirks* Oh are my words getting to you? i thought your exterior would be tougher than a  mere tease.  

Phantom: Your cocky little-

Griffon:Enough! Lord Mundus awaits for you Sparda it would be best not to leave him waiting.

Sparda nodded choosing to ignore them and made his way out towards Mundus's palace.

Sparda:(mind) This war... Angel and Human blood have both spilled more than any of Hell's own forces. Yet even so something feels odd about it all. If we have the power to end them all; why don't we do so?

???: Caught in your thoughts again brother

Sparda turned to Madama standing by the palace doors with a smile. Returning the Smile Sparda spoke with respect for his older sister.

 Sparda: Perhaps I was..If I may would you mind giving me your stance in this whole war? 

Madama Butterfly: What stake do I have in this battle? In truth I'm merely a Neutralist.

Sparda: Neutralist do you even-

Madama Butterfly: I mean in  terms of Political views, Killing Angels and Demons is neutral.

Sparda scoffed at her Statement before she spoke one more.

Madama Butterfly: Can that Sass Sparda, your lucky I like you. You sassy little shit.

Sparda: Heheh Touche.

After the two sibling said their goodbyes Sparda made his way towards Mundus's throne room.

Mundus: Ah Sparda you've arrived good. 

Sparda: What is that creature?

Mundus: My latest creation.. behold Nightmare. It shall be my indestructible weapon against those who stand against us. That wench Jubileus  shall suffer for her insolence  I guarantee that..

Sparda: Master Mundus if I may ask why? Why continue this war if it has nothing to gain?

Mundus: Sparda we deserve this land not those weak cattle. Humans easily break and crumble under the  weight of their own hubris. If they wish to waste what they have; it's only right we take it form them.

Sparda:(mind) This all to hold humans in the regards of live stock? This would be different if it were war however this is just.....slaughter.

Mundus: Now as to why I have called for you. It would seem a group of Umbra have chosen to aid the humans along with the Lumen sages. I demand that you take care of t hem is that understood?

Sparda: Yes....Sir.

 Sparda entered his demon state before he flew off. When he did he soon encountered a group of Grimm attacking a human woman. Overcome with a pride he flew down with Luce and Ombra before killing them.

Sparda: Come at me beasts I  shall end you myself!

As Sparda tore through the horde of Creatures Amaterasu is seen staring him down. Beside her stood a masked Lumen who spoke with confusion.

Lumen: I don't understand what possessed that beast to attack the Grimm?

Amaterasu: Bite your tongue Sparda is a honorable warrior;even when he is battling for Hell. He has the code of a Knight...which means his pride out ways his will. Pay close attention and you'll see.

When Sparda finished he placed his blade back on his back before he turned to the woman and spoke.

Sparda: Tell me are you alright miss?

???: Yes I am....Thank you very much!

Sparda: You aren't...afraid of my appearance?

???: You saved my life who am I to repay you with disgust?

Sparda: My name is Sparda....Tell me what is your name Woman?

Eva: My name is Eva it is a pleasure to meet you...Lord Sparda.

Timeskip brought to you by these

3rd person pov

As time passed Sparda found himself questioning everything. The war he fought in, hell's reign above all, and even  his own morality. He soon came to a choice; he would stay with the humans. Even this act of betrayal Baul and Modeus stood loyal; only awaiting his return for them. While among the Humans one man stood against Sparda as a rival. While they hated one another they grew to respect each other. 

Balder the prideful human of  the Lumen Sages.Like Sparda his pride as a warrior was worthy of respect. While they became brothers in  arms everything changed when the demons began to attack.

Balder: A demon raid at a time like this damn!


Balder nodded and followed as they saw ground covered in human corpses. Standing above them were 4 demons.

Sparda: Bolverk..Freki.. Geri , And that scum Beowulf.


Sparda: I betrayed my cause... I wish to fight for the greater good of this world. Now I understand the truth. Mundus is corrupted by his madness of becoming a true god. This is something I will never allow to come true. Now then come at me you scum so that  I can send you back to hell!

With his sword drawn this moment sparked the rebellion for the world. Sparda having drove them back soon became a sword of hope for all. With his own help one by one Humanity seemed to topple the demons binds of them.Now able to stand against the demons Sparda stood with allies against the the threats above them.

Sparda:*smirks* So a god and a Devil wish to stand against us? I suppose we are quite popular aren't we?

Meliodas: We've got your back Sparda. We'll help Balder with Jubileus you just take care of Mundus.

Sparda: This battle is for the sake of all  humankind.Those who survive shall be known in infamy as the saviors of man. NOW IS THE TIME TO RAISE YOUR FLAGS AND YOUR SWORDS  FOR LIBERATION!!

With a mighty  roar the battle for freedom had begun during the few brutal Hours they war was waged. As Sparda began to close the Hellgate one image went through his mind taking him by surprise.

???: This sibling rivalry ends here....

Sparda: (mind) What is this.. a Vision?'s the future of my bloodline..a Devil with a human heart..capable of love.


Sparda: I shall never ask for forgiveness. I understand the pain my name will give in the future..and I only hope I can be forgiven.

(Flashback over)

As Sparda returned back to his senses he played with Y/n and Vergil until the moon filled the sky. As Eva entered the room once again she saw the sight of her husband sleeping with his sons. Wrapping them up in a blanket she giggled then spoke.

Eva:I'll always cherish you all my darling family...My precious Spardas. Please sleep well.

A/n pov

As the night ended in joy the future would always remain grim. The brothers now haunted by their dads name years later; Stand in bloody combat. How shall it end will they settle their differences or shall one day in order to keep peace? All is still unknown.....But the thing about destiny is; you bent it to your own will.

To be continued.

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