Danger force stories

By dangerrFORCE

10.5K 164 146

Making my own Danger force episodes because I have lots of ideas More

Fathers day
Jealousy pt 2
Operation fix the friend group
The date
Back in time
Opposite universe
Perfect universe
The cure
The wedding
Catching feelings
He's back pt 1
He's back pt 2

The past

493 13 6
By dangerrFORCE

(Mika) I'll tell you when I get there
*Mika hangs up*
Miles: once again Mika has done something that took the attention off of me watch mom and dad talk about this for a week I should go talk to Chapa about this but then again she might be upset at me I'll just go see if she's home *Miles sneaks out of his house and arrives at Chapas and knocks on her window*
Chapa: Who is it
Miles: it's Miles
Chapa: well then why aren't you miles away from my house
Miles: please let me in Chapa I can't hold onto this tree much longer
Chapa: just teleport in here I don't feel like getting up
Miles: fine *he teleports to the inside of Chapas room* nice room
Chapa: thanks I just got new things to put in here
Miles: oh that's nice
Chapa: why are you here shouldn't you be with Kendall
Miles: it's 11 at night I don't think she's up
Chapa: understandable but you could've talked to Mika about whatever you want to talk about
Miles: yea um first I'm a little mad at her and second I just wanna talk to my best friend
Chapa: that's sweet but about what
Miles: did you hear about the fact that Bose is currently on a date with my girlfriend
Chapa: oh really
Miles: yea it's sad
Chapa: yea I guess but why are you mad at Mika
Miles: because I just know she had something to do with it
Chapa: she's your twin sister she wouldn't do something like that because she knows how much that might hurt you
Miles: well yea but I'll still believe she did it until I'm proven otherwise
Chapa: if your so worried why don't call her
Miles: I did she said it was that or
Chapa: or what
Miles: that's the thing she won't tell me
Chapa: I need to know more sit down
*they sit down on Chapas bed*
Chapa: wait before you tell me anything I just wanna know why are you so upset at the fact that Mika might've put Bose and Kendall together I mean you could probably get whatever you want
Miles: my parents don't know that me and Kendall got back together and I doubt they'd actually believe me
Chapa: why's that
Miles: well
(5 years ago)
Miles: hey mom dad guess what I got on my test
Herman: what'd you get Miles
Miles: a 58
Angela: that's way better than your last one
Miles: yep it sure is
*Mika comes through the door*
Angela: hey Mika your brother was just telling us about his test score
Mika: oh that's great
Herman: so what'd you get Mika
Mika: I got a 98
Angela: omg hunny why aren't you excited
Mika: because this other girl in my class got an 100 usually I'm the one getting 100s
Herman: all your brother got was a 58
Mika: really *she laughs* even if I didn't do better she who should not be named at least I did better than Miles you should really study more bro
Miles: I studied as much and as hard as I could
Angela: well then you should study just a little more next and maybe you might be the one getting a 98
Mika: I doubt it *Mika runs to her room*
(Back to the present)
Chapa: oh I feel so bad
Miles: that wasn't even the first time
Chapa: WHAT
Miles: nope the first time was...
(7 years ago)
Angela: hey guys welcome home
Mika: hey birth giver you'll never believe what we did
Angela: what did you guys do
Miles: we entered our schools spelling bee
Angela: that's awesome when is it
Mika: it's in two weeks
Angela: well then you guys should get to studying your words so you guys can win *Mika and Miles go to their rooms to study*
(Back to the present)
Chapa: so what happened
Miles: I made it until the 2nd round of the finals
Chapa: and what about Mika
Miles: she won first place
Chapa: that's good you should've been happy for her
Miles: I was shes my sister of course I was happy for her until that was all my parents could talk about they never mentioned the fact that I made it to the finals just that Mika won
Chapa: that's so sad
Miles: yea and our grandparents on our moms side would always tell Mika that they wished our mom would've acted like her when she was a kid because of how well behaved and smart Mika is
Chapa: did they ever give you compliments
Miles: of course...not I've never gotten a compliment from my grandparents once while they flood Mika with them
Chapa: listen I don't now how to give you advice on something that I've never been through but I hope that your family starts to treat you better
Miles: I hope they do too also thank you for being such a great friend
Chapa: no problem
*Chapa hugs Miles right before he gets a text from Mika telling him she's 10 minutes away from where they live*

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