Echidna's Beasts {On Hold}

By Violapawz2677

307 21 49

Amara is not your unsuspecting, ordinary girl next door. She's a goddess. A wanted one at that, and she's be... More

Important Character Profiles
Chapter 1: Men Ain't Sh*t
Chapter 2: Under The Influence
Chapter 4: Psychological Without The Logical
Chapter 5: The Enemy's Enemy
Chapter 6: Mutation Situation
Chapter 7: Rescued...Sort of
Chapter 8: Medical Attention
Character Profiles pt. 2
Chapter 9: Family Reunion

Chapter 3: Once Upon A Crime

21 3 4
By Violapawz2677







Zagreus's P.O.V

I closed my eyes and meditated in silence as the limousine cruised along a dark New York street.

I bent forward and covered my face with my gloved hands, resting my elbows on my knees. Complete darkness made easier to focus on what I wanted to visualize. 

My other senses instantly started to heighten to make up for my loss of sight.

The sound of the rubber wheels rolling over asphalt and the rumbling of the car engine filled my head, but I pushed past that white noise and listened for noises coming from outside of the vehicle.

My ears pricked up as the sounds inverted. It was as if I was hearing the same noises except this time my perspective was outside of the car.

The rumbling of the engine was much louder, and I could hear the crunch of little rocks and pebbles as the vehicle rolled over them.

Because no one was outside, the surrounding area was eerily quiet but as a few seconds passed, a deep, thumping bass emerged from the silence and my eyes flew open.

Three minutes.

As I looked outside of the car, I saw that we were driving around a large lake and smiled wickedly. Perfect.

I adjusted my coat and leaned back in my seat, reaching to pick up my phone just as it started to ring.

I turned it over and smirked when I saw the caller ID.

"Are you coming?" I asked after I answered the call.

"No, we're a little preoccupied tonight," a female voice answered on the other end of the line, " Expect a flock of Harpees in your area around noon tomorrow."

I scoffed, " Your job is to kill them, Melinoë, not send them my way."

High pitched, maniacal laughter echoed through the receiver and my eye twitched in annoyance.

"Don't take that tone with me brother, without my help she'd be dead by now." Melinoë sneered.

"Without your help she wouldn't have one of Zeus's mutts tailing her," I countered.

"That had nothing to do with me, he's been following her long before we came into the picture. Speaking of which, he'll be there tonight. Aren't you worried that he's going to recognize you?"

Now it was my turn to laugh.

"He's a demigod....tell me, what is there to be worried about?" I asked smugly.

My sister let out an derisive chuckle, "Alright Zagreus, just don't get too cocky or you might get your ass beat."

I clenched my jaw and without a word, hung up on her.

As I placed the phone in my jacket pocket, the car rolled to a slow stop, and the loud bass from the strip club rattled the car windows.

The middle-aged driver rolled down the partition and the stark smell of pee and sweat wafted into the back compartment.

"W-we're here s-sir," the man stuttered.

I stared at his shaking figure and my eyes rose to the rearview mirror, where I could see his face.

Beads of sweat fell from his wispy, white hair and mixed with the tears that fell down his cheek.

I raised my brow and tilted my head, watching as he struggled to catch his breath and whimpered slightly.

How boring. I hadn't even done anything yet.

The man quivered in silence for a moment more before looking in the rearview mirror and meeting my eyes. When he saw that I stared back at him he jumped and fumbled to open his door.

"Don't bother," I sighed, flipping open my sunglasses and putting them on.

I opened the limo door and stepped out of the vehicle, admiring the red carpet and chrome poles that welcomed me into the club.

I straightened my jacket and  reached my hand into my back pocket and threw a bundle of hundred dollar bills into the front seat.

The man's eyes opened wide and he scrambled to pick up the money.

"Ah...thank you!" he exclaimed as a giddy smile crept onto his face, "Thank you very much sir I really-"

"Get lost." I interjected.

The man immediately shut up and nodded in my direction. I closed the car door and patiently watched as he drove off.

After he was a few meters away, I flicked back the left flap of my trench coat, reached into my waistband, and pulled out a gun.

My eyes narrowed as I started calculating how far I could let him drive without having the distance of the vehicle risk the shot.

I waited three seconds and aimed the gun at the back of the limousine. Another second passed and I pulled the trigger twice.

Two muffled gunshots rang out and the car brakes squealed as the back tires were blown out.

The limo swerved to the left and drove straight into a steep ditch that bordered the lake. While sliding down the ditch, the large car lost it's balance and flipped right into the water.

I watched in satisfaction as the car slowly submerged, hissing and creaking on it's way down.

Though, my feeling of contempt quickly faded as the vehicle stopped sinking and the driver's end of the car still stuck out above the water.

"Oh, fuck me," I growled, angrily stalking towards the vehicle.

With a flick of my hand, a cloud of darkness enveloped me,  a second passed before I stood on the bank of the lake, peering through the passenger window of the upside-down limousine.

I leaned forward and turned my head as far left as I could, trying to get a right-side-up view of the inside.

From where I stood, I could hear muffled coughing and cries for help, but the loud sloshing of water almost completely drowned it out.

I gripped the handle of the gun and waited for a clear view of the man's head. He moved forward and struggled to unbuckle his seatbelt.

I took aim once again, and pulled the trigger just as he freed himself. Blood splattered on the driver's window and his head slumped forward onto the wheel.

Letting out a heavy sigh, I straightened my back and put the gun on safety before tucking it back into the waistband of my pants.

Briefly, I pulled out my phone and walked away from the scene of the accident.

"Hey Siri," I called, pulling off my leather gloves.

What can I help you with, Manhunter 6-9 6-9? The computer automated voice replied.

"Remove the name, Garrison Locke from my kill list." 

O-kay. Removing the name Garrison Locke from your kill list. 

A shroud of darkness covered me once again and before I knew it, I was back in front of the strip club.

I spared a look at my watch and cursed to myself. Her show was in ten minutes.

I tucked my left hand into my pocket and opened the door to the club, gagging as the smell of booze, sex, and cigarettes hit me all at once.

The deafening R&B music filled my ears and I winced, gripping my temples as I walked inside.

Multiple colored lights swirled around the giant room, and even with my sunglasses on they irritated my eyes.

My brain felt as though it was going through a sensory overload, and I struggled to stay upright as a splitting headache hit me like a slab of bricks.

Gods, I couldn't do it.

I turned to head back outside when a voice called after me.

"Mr. Wilson? Zachary Wilson?"

I stopped in my tracks and turned to see two half naked women standing behind me with playful smiles on their faces.

One was a delicious dark-haired and dark-skinned woman with a neon yellow, lace bodysuit, and her friend, the one that spoke, sported beautiful olive toned skin with blonde hair and big blue eyes.

"Hello Mr. Wilson, We heard from your colleague Mr. Trenton that you would be visiting us today, and he told us to take extra good care of you. My name is Alicia, and this is my friend Danshelle. If you'd just follow us, we'll show you to your VIP booth and get you started with some complimentary drinks." she said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

I stood there for a few moments, frowning to myself.

Mr. Trenton? Who the hell was that?

Mr. Trenton?

Mr. Triton.

Triton.....that son of a bitch.

Alicia motioned to a booth that stood in the middle of the club on an elevated platform. Before I could even say anything, both women looped their arms through mine and pulled me towards it.

Heat immediately surged through my body as the smell of their strong perfumes seeped into my nostrils like a slow poison.

I fought against the urge of ripping my arms out of their grasps and leaving the club altogether.

On the way to the table, we passed by a group of men who looked at Alicia and Danshelle with lustful glints in their eyes.

One man with platinum white hair, stared a little too long, and I eyed him as I walked past. Something was off about this place, I didn't feel like a normal,  human strip club.

The two women ushered me into the center of the booth and stood in front of the table, looking at me.

I rested my elbow on the table and covered my forehead with my hand, trying to tune out the noise and somehow lessen the throbbing in my head.

A few seconds went by, and I glared at Alicia and Danshelle who were still at the other end of the the table, watching me with open mouths.

"What? " I asked through gritted teeth.

The women quickly snapped out of their daze, and Danshelle finally spoke up.

"Uh...what would you like to drink, sir?" she asked.

"Anything with alcohol in it." I replied curtly, waving her away.

Danielle spared Alicia look and then departed. After she had left, Alicia looked around rubbing her arm dubiously and after some consideration, slid into the booth in next to me.

I didn't pay her any mind at first, but as she moved closer and cozied up next to me, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked, impatiently, massaging my forehead.

Alicia was silent for a moment, bit her lip, and looked up at me with big doe eyes. She carefully  placed her hand on my inner thigh and ran her thumb along my leg.

Ah, the fuckery. 

I curiously examined the rings on my fingers, fidgeting with the line of spiked ones on my right hand. The best way to conceal a weapon was to make jewelry out of it, and my spiked knuckles were meant to make people bleed.

With the way things were going, Alicia was going to become familiar with them very soon.

"Are you alright?" the annoying girl asked.

I raised my head up and gave her a bored, sidelong look. Alicia met my eyes with an alluring smile and squeezed my leg.

"Move your hand." I said gruffly.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Alicia's eyes widen and I sighed in relief when she removed her hand from my thigh; but before I knew the girl was reaching up to touch my face.

"You look like you have a headache," Alicia started, "Should I get you some ice or-"

I grabbed her wrist and gave her an icy glare.

Her wrist was so small and feeble in my hand. If I applied just the right amount of pressure...I could shatter it.

With that thought, I let out a chuckle, and Alicia looked at me worriedly as my grip tightened and my rings started digging into her skin.

Just a little pressure...that's all it took.

My gaze fell beyond her shoulder, and I saw Danshelle coming back to the booth with a tray of drinks in her hand, and a trail of strippers behind her.

I looked back at Alicia, and pulled her in close, holding my breath as I brushed my lips up her neck.

When I reached her ear, I clenched her wrist so tightly that she cried out in pain.

"Touch me again, " I said huskily, "And I'll put a bullet through your skull."

I roughly released her arm, and turned away from her, trying my best to concentrate on not passing out.

Danshelle strutted over to our booth with a smile, and six drinks on a tray. As soon as she set the drinks down, I pulled all six towards my side of the table and started downing them one by one.

The group of girls that she brought with her all watched me in shock as I quickly went through their light, cocktailed drinks. On the third drink, I looked up at the women who were still standing there watching me.

One of the newer women giggled, "Mr. Wilson you seem to be enjoying yourself with those fruity drinks."

This led the other women into a fit of laughter, and I mockingly laughed along with them before my face fell into a murderous expression. The women immediately went quiet, and only the pumping bass of the upbeat club song could be heard in the background.

"Do you need anything else sir?" Danshelle asked after some time. 

I looked at the now four empty glasses, and shook my head, scooting out of the booth, and sparing a glance at Alicia who rubbed her hurt wrist and stared at me uneasily.

I shot her a wink, and made my way over to a large, empty leather couch nestled right in front of the stage. 

As I passed by a man with a full glass of Hennessey, I bumped his shoulder and casually finessed it from his drunk hand.


"Sorry, sorry," I mumbled, spinning out of his reach and bringing the glass to my mouth for a much needed sip.

I nestled myself on the edge of the couch, just as a well dressed, middle aged man walked onto the stage and placed a single, wooden chair in the center of it.

"Ladies and Gentlemen"  he started, "I want to welcome you tonight to Silver Cloud strip club. We have complimentary drinks for the females in the audience, and lineup of beautiful ladies here to perform for you tonight."

My eyes scraped across the audience as they migrated from the dance floor and settled themselves into seats around the stage.

She was nowhere to be seen, and I sincerely hoped that it wouldn't be long before she emerged from backstage because the flashing lights and loud music were really starting to faze me. 

I went to take another sip of my drink as the announcer continued.

"I would like to introduce to you, our first performer of the night, the prized dancer of Silver Cloud, and the star of tonight's showcase...Amara."

My eyes shot up, and the lights went out, leaving the club in darkness. I could hear the stage curtains moving and when the entire audience erupted into applause, I chuckled, lowering my glass and staring ahead.

"You're popular." I stated sourly.

That was going to be problematic.

Two LED floor lights lit up red, and outlined the silhouette of a woman who stood with her head turned to the side and her hands on her hips.

A few moments passed before the stage lights came back on and the face and body of Amara Galanis finally came into view.

She moved in a casual and calculated manner towards the chair in the middle of the stage, staring out at Gods knows where and fluffing her long, brown hair.

As much as I had followed her for the past two weeks, I had never seen her  so close before. She was of average build, and was quite short, but her body was nothing compared to her babyish face and piercing blue eyes.

Goddamn her eyes. 

They were expertly outlined with black eyeliner and dark eyeshadow,  my eyes slowly trailed down her body and took in her black lingerie and heels. Amara's puckered lips turned up into a slow, slick smile as if she knew that I was checking her out.

She took her time, teasing the audience with a full view of her ass as she caressed her legs and whipped her hair. 

My eyes narrowed as the beat dropped for the chorus and she bent backwards in her chair before flipping off and landing in a split. Cheers and whistles of approval could be heard from all around me, and my eye twitched involuntarily.

I had to give her props, she knew exactly how to work the stage.

Amara moved across the floor, grinding and crawling sensually as she made her way to the edge of the stage. She lay on her back, and let her head hand off the edge of the stage peering into the audience.

I felt my back straighten when her determined eyes finally locked on me.

You better not  I thought as she got off the stage and started strutting in my direction. 

I pushed my sunglasses onto my head, and took another sip of my drink as she approached, silently praying that she would just walk right past me.

Amara did a playful little twirl in front of me, giving me a full, up-close-and-personal view of her body before she dropped into a squat and threw my legs open.

I placed my glass down and quickly tried to replace any emotion on my face with an even expression as she leaned into my legs and started massaging my thighs.

I swallowed hard as her eyes slowly moved from in between my legs to meet my gaze and when she finally had my attention, she bit her lip.


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