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By itsanet_17

2.1K 98 4

Cadelyn Andrews likes to be called Cade, but most likely known as a Public Danger with a Charming Smile. Cade... More

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A/N: Please Read!!!!

๐’ž๐’ฝ๐’ถ๐“…๐“‰๐‘’๐“‡ 17

55 1 0
By itsanet_17

Bellamy's POV


"Mom, please, let me get a doctor." I said as she groans with labor pains.

She gasped, "No! You can't tell anyone. Tell me what happens if you do. Say it." She said as she held her stomach.

"Y-you get floated. I don't understand. Why is it wrong to have more than one baby?"

"The Ark couldn't survive. The chancellor can't allow it." She answered as she started to take deep breaths.

"He's, like, the emperor Augustus, right?" I said as she smiled and looked at me.

"That's right. Just like the emperor we read about." She said when suddenly she gasped.

"The baby's coming. Get the blanket." She said as I grabbed thee blanket as the baby comes out.

we wrapped her as soon as she came out, "My brave boy. You have a sister." She said as she handed my sister to me.

"You should name her." She said while looking at both of us.

"Augustus had a sister. Octavia." I said as Octavia started to fuss.

"Bellamy, you can't let her cry. Here. Give her to me." She said as I gave Octavia to her.

Once I gave Octavia to her, she started to close her eyes.

"No, mom, mom, you can't fall asleep." I said as I held onto her shoulders, keeping her from falling.

"I'm so tired. Your sister. Your responsibility." My mom said as she slept and Octavia started to cry.

"Mom, mom, what do I do? Mom!' I said as I shake her.

I looked back at Octavia, "Shh! Please! Shh shh shh!" I said as I put my index finger in her mouth.

"See, I told you. It's okay. I won't let anything bad happen to you, Octavia. I promise." I said as she started to sleep.

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Flashback ends-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

"Octavia!" I screamed as I looked into her tent with a torch, but she wasn't in there.

I sighed and move to Clarke's tent, "You're up?" I asked her as she got out of her tent.

"Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it pretty hard to sleep." She said as I sighed.

"Raven and Cade's flares will work." I said as I looked at her in assurance.

"Raven's radio would've worked better." She said as I half scoffed and half laughed at her.

"You're doubting your friend now?" I asked her making her sigh and look at me.

"I try not too, but I can't help the feeling of worry in the pit of my stomach." She said as she looked at where the flares were launched.

"Look, For a week of me getting to know Cade, she has skills that no one can ever have." I said.

"I know what she's capable of." She said as I nodded.

"Have you seen Octavia?" I asked her as she shrugged.

"No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies." She said making me sigh.

"Clarke, I've checked the camp. She's not here." I said making her think.

"Ok. I'll help you find her. Let's check again. You go to the dropship. I'll check the rest of the tents." She said as I smiled at her.

"Thank you." I said making her look at me.

"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Octavia." She said as she walked past me to find Octavia.


Octavia's POV

I woke up with a groan coming out of my mouth and with a bad leg.

As soon as I heard footsteps, got up, "Aaah! Aaah!" I screamed as I backed up until I hit the wall.

"Please! Please, don't hurt me! Please don't- Aaah! No! " He pulls me towards to him as he brings a heated sword towards me.

"No, please! Nooo! Noooo!" I screamed as I felt the burning sensation at my thigh.


Cade's POV

"Hey, everybody, gather around and grab a weapon. My sister's been out there alone for 12 hours. Arm up. We're not coming back without her." Bellamy said as he gathered a search party for Octavia.

"Hey, Jasper, you don't have to do this. You haven't left camp since we brought you back." I said as he gave me a teasingly smile.

"Somebody's gonna miss me~" He said teasingly making me roll my eyes and punch him in the gut.

"I'll be worried Jasper." I said as he sighed.

"Cade, I need to do this." He said as I sighed and looked at him.

"Fine. Be careful Nuthead." I said as he gave a reassuring smile.

"I will. Little Danger." He said as both of us laughed at the nicknames we gave to each other.

"We need a tracker." Bellamy said as he raised his voice.

He looked at me, "Sorry. Can't join, I have to help Clarke around here." I said as he nodded.

"Finn. Get out here." He said.

"I'll call him." I said as I went to His and Raven's tent.

"Hey. Mind if I join." I looked to see Clarke walking beside me.

"Yeah, sure." I said as both of us went to their tent.

"Finn, they're leaving." I said outside from their tent.

"All right. I'm coming." He said as he went outside with Raven.

"Nice hair." I complimented him as he gave me a smile.

"Thanks." He said, he spotted Clarke way ahead of us.

He ran towards her leaving me and Raven walking together.

"Did you cut his hair?" I asked her as she turned to me.

"I did." She said as she gave me her gorgeous smile.

"I guess being a mechanic has it's perks." I said as she gave me a confused look.

I chuckled on how cute she looks, "Steady hands." I said as she chuckled in realisation.

As we arrived, I've noticed something odd with Clarke and Finn and I wasn't the only one who noticed.

The tension was so thick that I can't move a muscle.

"Guys, guys. Come here!" A delinquent said as he pointed on what looks like a shooting star.

"What is that? So bright."

"Did you see that? Look up there. It's so beautiful." They said as hundreds of shooting starts all from the sky.

"They didn't work. They didn't see the flares." Raven said beside me.

"A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy said fuelling the anger Raven has for him.

"It's not a meteor shower, it's a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being returned to the earth from the ark. This is what it looks like from the other side." Clarke said and looked at me.

"They didn't get our message." She said making Raven march up to Bellamy.

"This is all because of you!" She said as she pushed Bellamy in the chest.

"I helped you find the radio." He said as Raven scoffed at him.

"Yeah, after you jacked it from my pod and trashed it!" She said as she almost lunged at Bellamy, when I grabbed her by the waist and lifting her up from the ground.

"Raven. Raven. Calm down. Ok?" I said as I continued hush and say comforting things at her ear making her stop squirming.

"Look. Raven, he knows. Now he has to live with it." I said as I glared at Bellamy, as I still held Raven not removing my grasp.

"All I know is that my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her." Bellamy said.

"You coming or what?" He said as he looked at Finn.

"Yeah." Finn answered.

"What are we waiting for? Move out!" Bellamy said as they started to walk towards the woods.

Raven got out of my grasp and walked towards Finn.

"We have to talk to them. Three hundred won't be enough. The oxygen level will just keep dropping. And if we don't tell them that they can survive down here, They'll kill more people. They have to." Clarke said looking at me.

"Guys... They're leaving. We gotta go." Jasper said as he looked at Finn.

Finn nodded at him, "I gotta do this. And you should stay and fix the radio, ok?" Finn said making Raven look at him in disbelief.

"Fix it? Finn, the transmitter's smashed. Unless there's a parts depot down here, we're not talking to the ark." She said making me have an idea.

"Art supply store." I muttered only making Clarke hear it.

"I know a place you might be able to get a transmitter." I said as I look back at Raven.

She looked between me and Finn, "Great. It looks like I'm coming with you instead." She said.

"Finn? We're not gonna find her without you." Jasper said making Finn look back at Raven.

He lets go of Raven and walked towards me, "Take care of them." He said making me nod.

"Don't worry I'll keep my eye on these two." I said chuckling making him chuckle too.

"Thanks." He said and walked back to Raven.

"Be careful." He said looking at both Raven and Clarke, then makes his leave when Raven stopped him, "Hey." She said and kissed him making me look at the ground, "I love you." She said.

" I love you, too." Finn said hesitancy was evident in his voice and leaves with the search party.

"It's this way" Clarke said as she started to lead the way.

"They're so beautiful." Raven said as we walked through the path, I was walking behind them.

"Raven, I know you just got here yesterday, but we don't have time for this. Come on." Clarke said making Raven dropped the flower she was holding.

"Hurry up and save the world. You're just like your mom." She said making me walk there in silence listening to them bicker.

"I'm nothing like my mom."

"Relax. That's a compliment. Abby's a badass. The pod was her idea. It broke her heart not being able to come down with me, but she never stopped believing you were alive."

"Yeah. Mother of the year."

"Well, my mom was awol most of my life. When she did show up, it was empty-handed. Pretty sure she had me just to trade in my rations for moonshine." Raven said, but Clarke walked there in silence not answering Raven.

Raven backed up a bit making her walk with me, "What's up with your friend." she asked nodding her head towards Clarke.

"I think she has a lot on her plate right know." I said making her raise her brow.

"You think?" She asked making me chuckle.

"We haven't talked to each other ever since we landed here." I said making her nod.

"How'd you survive?" I asked her making her tilt in confusion.

"How'd you survive growing up without a mom." I said making her realise my question.

"Boy next door. Finn. He shared his rations. Remembered my birthday. Saved my life. He's my family." Raven said chuckling, making me nod.

"How bout you? How'd you and princess meet?" She asked me making me chuckle.

"HAH. Well, Abby took me in, treated me as they're daughter and sister" I said making her nod.

"Wait. What about your parents?" She asked looking at me and raising her brow.

"Same thing as you except it was my father." I said making her look at me guilty.

"I shouldn't have asked I-"

"Its fine, it was up to me to tell you or not, and I decided to tell you, so don't fret it." I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Besides at least were both broken goods. Right?" I said making her look at me in belief and punched my arm but instantly making her regret it.

"Fuck. What is your arm made of?" She asked making me stiffle a laugh.

"Muscle and Experience." I said making her look at me in disgust.

"That's disgusting." She said making me chuckle.

"What I meant was experience in climbing. What did you think I said?" I asked her making her blush.

I gasped, "Gosh Raven, didn't know you were that dirty." I said as she blushed furiously.

"Shut the fuck up." She said and started to walk faster making her way ahead of me.

As we arrived Clarke started to rummage through the stuff inside, "Let's try this one." She said as she showed Raven.

"How did you find this place?" Raven asked looking at Clarke.

'I didn't. Finn found it." Clarke said as she continued to look for a transmitter.

"Found it!" I said as I held an RC Monster Truck.

"Sweet. Rf. Radio frequency." Raven said looking at me smiling, I smiled back and examined the truck.

"If we can just find the controller, we'll be golden." I said making Clarke nod.

"All right." She said as both of us started to find the controller.

"Finn made this." Raven said making me and Clarke look at her.

"Oh, uh, yeah. we saw this two-headed deer our first day on the ground. Welcome to paradise, right?" Clarke said as she turned back to finding the controller.

"Finn always does that. Finds the beauty in the unexpected." Raven said making Clarke shift uncomfortably.

"Got it." She said holding the controller in her hand.

"Good to go?" I asked as she gave me the controller and look at Raven.

"Hurry up and save the world, right? Yeah. We're good." She said.

We all went outside and went back to camp.

A/N, Hey guyss its me again, anyway next chap tomorrow. I hope you enjoy reading this book. Anyway thank you and keep voting. love you guys

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