Under or Over: Hawkeye & Blac...

By AbztractIsight

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This story is based on the characters created by the Movie Avengers. I don't have any rights to these charac... More



2.4K 76 24
By AbztractIsight

When they had returned to the airship, Director Fury was not happy with their absence from communication.  Agent Barton and Romanoff's explanation of needing to immediately follow up on a lead given by the scientist, that took them to a dead zone, seemed plausible.  But he was not a stupid man.  Fury knew something else had happened, but he could prove nothing.  Even though he had an assignment that required them to work together again, it could wait until he was sure they were doing their jobs properly.  So agent Romanoff was assigned to get information from the scientist and he sent agent Barton on a reconnaissance operation in Kenya.  Both assignments would only take a few weeks, but it would help him assess their mental status. When the agents he had assigned to observe them, reported in, both of the analyses came back as normal.  After a long debriefing and a lecture about staying in communication with him, he finally sent them back out into the field together.  This operation sent them to Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic Ocean.  It was one of the most remote locations on planet Earth.  But recently S.H.E.I.L.D had intercepted satellite communications, that threatened world security. The Island had few roads and limited boat access. The agents would be dropping in on the island via air transport, as that was the fastest option.  Parachutes couldn't be used due to the strong air currents surrounding the mountain. 

"I think he's still punishing us for dropping off radar for a week," Clint said as he prepared his pack.

Natasha shrugged, "maybe.  I saw the communications being sent, it's definitely something that normal government agencies can't handle."

They walked out on to the carrier deck and to the awaiting quinjet. This aircraft had the ability to hover like a helicopter, but was easier to maneuver with the aggressive air currents of the island. They didn't know if they were dropping into a friendly zone or hostile.  So both agents were fully suited up and equipped for either situation. As they began the flight to the south atlantic ocean, the pilot advised that the area was known for volcanic activity, constant rain and mudslides.

"This is definitely punishment," Natasha agreed.

"Hopefully we'll get in and out quick.  Get what intel Fury wants and return to a much more hospitable location," Clint replied.

"When has it ever been just in and out for us?"

Barton smirked and raised an eyebrow.  She punched him in the arm and rolled her eyes.  "You know what I meant, don't be such a child."

"You're in a crusty mood today. I'm just happy to be doing something outside of Fury's direct scrutiny."

The pilot banked to the left and said, "we're approaching the island. Arrival is 5 minutes."

The agents got ready to exit the quinjet.  They would drop down on a line and the co-pilot would release the line when they communicated they were on the ground. As expected, the wind was challenging for the pilot to keep them steady.  To make matters even worse, the rain was coming down in a torrential downpour.  Agent Barton departed first, quickly getting to the ground and holding the line for his partner.  Agent Romanoff landed in the mud and they moved out of the way as the line was released. Agent Barton rolled up the line and put it in his pack.

"Let's get this party going," Natasha grumbled. 

Clint looked at the map they'd been given and a compass, "we have a long way to go.  For now let's head straight north towards Queen Mary's Peak."

The pilot had taken them in as close to the peak of the mountain as possible, but they still had a few days trek to reach the town. It wasn't long before they had to do some rock climbing.  Agent Barton sent two arrows high up on the cliff face and they anchored into the rock.  These they would use as safety lines, while climbing up.  They could see the area they were in recently had a mudslide. The good news about that is there was little vegetation to hinder their climb, but the bad news was the threat of another slide. The climb was slow going, but they eventually came to a ridge, where they could hike further in and then continue up.

Natasha was annoyed that Barton apparently was enjoying the hike and climbing. "Any idea what time night fall occurs?"

"Around 8pm.  My watch says that'll be in four hours. Not that we could even tell, it's dark just because of the damn rain."

"Let's try to get to an area that won't have a mudslide overnight.  I'm not into being buried alive."

"According to the map, if we get over this next ridge, there should be an open plateau. The next peak is far enough away that we should be safe overnight," Clint advised.

"I've packed a two man pop tent.  That should do to keep us relatively sheltered from the elements," Natasha added.

They couldn't really chat, as the wind picked up and the rain hammered down. Each was left with their own thoughts.  The hike was miserable, so by the time they reached the plateau, both were ready to call it a day.  Together they had to assemble the tent, as the wind kept trying to dismantle it.  Once inside the tent, they had very little personal space.

"Damn this rain," Clint said as he removed the rain poncho that covered him and his quiver of arrows.

Natasha gave him a sad smile.  "Here's dinner," she said handing him an energy bar and a packaged drink.

"Thanks."  He ate it and put the garbage in his pack. Then used the pack as a pillow and lay back. His quiver and bow beside him.

Romanoff did the same and they discussed the operation they were on. Then she talked about working the scientist over from their last assignment. Natasha said, "we thought Loki was evil, but he's nothing compared to the scientist."

"We have a lot of monsters in our own world, we don't need aliens," Clint sighed.

Natasha rolled on to her side and propped her head on her hand.  "I couldn't have done my job on that scientist, if you hadn't helped me at your cabin. He only gave up information, when he thought he had the ability to terrorize me.  I had to be tied down and alone in the lab with him, before I could get him to talk." 

"That must have been intense.  So no more nightmares?" Clint asked.

"I didn't say that.  I still have them occasionally, but not like they were before."  Natasha confessed, being completely honest with him.

He nodded.  "I'm glad I could help.  Especially since we are sleeping in tight quarters tonight and I don't want to be kicked or attacked," Clint teased.

"You should be safe tonight," she grinned.  Then Romanoff rolled over on to a side, her back to him.

"Back to back tonight?"

She shrugged, hoping that he would take the hint.  "Whatever you want."

Barton spooned her, putting an arm over her waist.  He waited for her reaction, when none came he relaxed. But she did wiggle her ass until it was perfectly up against his crotch.  He raised an eyebrow, not sure if she was playing games, just getting comfortable or what. When she moved again, he had to say something.

"If you keep doing that, don't be surprised with the response that happens."

Natasha stilled and then said over her shoulder, "sorry I was just getting comfortable." Then said softly, almost in a whisper, "it feels right this way."

Clint knew it took a lot for her to open up and say that.  "For me too. Good night Nat."

"Good night Clint."

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