I'm not your Hero, I'm your K...

By Lavender_Storys

76.8K 2.1K 81

Remember Danny? Son of Jack and Maddy Fenton, Jazz' Fentons Brother and best friend of Sam Manson and Tucker... More

Chapter 1 - The baddest news come from the best people
Chapter 2 - Plans and long speeches
Chapter 3 - Empty classrooms full with memories
Chapter 4 - Life is hard, afterlife is harder
Chapter 5 - The worst idea of the year
Chapter 6 - Cookies and more bad ideas
Chapter 7 - Silent nights and shining stars
Chapter 8 - Friday, 7.16 am
Chapter 9 - Did you build this?
Chapter 10 - He is not a hero!
Chapter 11 - He is our King?
Chapter 12 - He's a great King
Chapter 13 - I have so many questions!
Chapter 14 - Tiempo Fantomo
Chapter 15 - Well, thank you, Pandora
Chapter 17 - What happened to her
Chapter 18 - Exploring the castle of the dead
Chapter 19 - Unsolved questions and risks
Chapter 20 - The cousin
Chapter 21 - The friend
Christmas Special - Make this Christmas a wonderful one

Chapter 16 - It will never be the same

2.5K 71 0
By Lavender_Storys

A/N: Hey Guys, here I am again with a new Chapter :D I hope ya'll had a wonderful week, I for sure had a good week, even though it was pretty stressful. BUT I still had time for this Chapter, yay!^^ Feel free to vote and comment if you liked this Chapter, or if you have constructive criticism, I always try to improve my writing :)
Now have fun reading this Chapter, byee^^

Dash's pov.

"Ugh, I don't even have internet. I hate it here." Paulina curses and I look at her. She sits right next to me but looks at her phone.

"Probably because we're in another dimension. Don't you want to look outside? The Ghostzone is nothing we see every day." I say and smile softly, but Paulina gives me an annoyed look.

"But it'll be if I marry the Ghost boy. And it looks creepy, I don't like it here. I probably can convince my future husband to move into a castle in our world." I sigh a little bit, she is so obsessed with this Ghost dude.

"Whatever you say." I mutter and look around. Tucker, Sam, and Tony sit on the other side. Valerie sits next to Paulina.

"Do you think we can find him here?" I hear Sam asking her best friend Tucker. They are inseparable, I never see Sam without him. I wonder if they are dating, but Sam doesn't act like a girlfriend around him. They look more like siblings. If I think about it, she and Danny were really close. They acted like love birds even though they denied being in love with each other. I think Sam had a crush on Danny for a while, but their relationship changed someday. I don't know when exactly or what happened, but I saw Danny a little bit less around her and Tucker.

"I'm not sure. Maybe... but how are we supposed to find him? We don't know anything about this place." Tucker answers and Sam looks out of the window. She shrugs slightly and I hear her sigh. Who are they talking about?

"You're probably right."

I wonder what happened. Danny was always a little bit weird, I think he got that from his parents. But he had actual friends. As one of the popular kids, I have many friends. But they are... fake. They just like me because everyone does.

Maybe I was a little bit jealous that Danny had such good friends and I didn't, maybe that's the reason why I started bullying him. But whatever reason I had to bully him, now I feel really bad. After his death, I realized what I have done.

His body was never found, but I think he ran away from home and committed suicide. I wouldn't do that if I had crazy parents, got bullied in school, and had bad grades, but who knows what else happened in his life that he wanted to die. At least I think he wanted to die, he never fought back when I hurt him. His life was like hell, It was my fault too. His only lights were Sam and Tucker. Maybe they started dating and when Danny found out, he ran away. Because of his death, they broke up again, end of the story.

That's at least my theory, but there are many different theories about Danys death. No one knows what actually happened to him, it's a big mystery.

"Does anyone know where exactly we're going?"

Tony asks and looks at everyone in the carriage. I don't really like Tony, he moved into town half a year ago. He isn't really one of the popular kids, even though he is popular. He hangs out with Sam and Tucker, the "Techno-geek" and the "Goth Girl". Everyone likes him, he acts as the perfect dude. He has good grades, looks good, and has many friends... I like to call Tony "Prince Perfect". It just fits him perfectly. But it's kinda obvious that he likes Sam more than a friend, but she doesn't seem to notice.

I mean, yeah Sam looks hot but she is the Goth Girl that hangs out with Tucker and was one of Danny's best friends. Since Danny's death, some people noticed her, but she didn't let anyone near her. I don't know what's wrong with her, but if she would be less reserved, she could easily be one of the most popular girls at school. And maybe a little less Goth, but that's just her style.

"I don't know." Paulina answers Tony and smiles sheepishly at him. If the Ghost Kid wouldn't exist, the next one she would crush on was Tony. I really don't have a chance, Paulina is way out of my league.

"Pandora said we would travel the rest of the trip with the Carriages, we probably go back home." Sam mutters while rolling her eyes.

"Oh, yeah you're right. I almost forgot." Tony smiles brightly at his two friends, but they don't really react to the smile. Tucker at least tries to smile back, Sam just nods and continues daydreaming. Sam and Tucker aren't as happy as they used to, Danny's death really hurt them. But they are not the only ones who changed because of his death.

Mr. Lancer, for example, started to give Bullies detention, and helped kids who were failing classes or had problems with their families.

I and some of my friends stopped bullying, instead we try to help kids who aren't good in sports.

But there are also people who didn't change much. Most people at school sadly. Not many people had to do with Danny, mostly his class.

The first week after he was declared dead, some rumors went through the school but a few weeks later no one dared to talk about it again. Tony is like an innocent child, he doesn't even know how it was with Danny, he only heard about him. Someone must have told him about Danny's relationship with Sam and Tucker, now he tries to replace him but it will never be the same.

Flashback 2 years ago, after Lancers Class

"Hey, Fenturd!" The Jock screamed across the hallway. It hadn't taken long for the students in the hallway to run into their next classroom, no one wanted to stand in Dash's way when he was about to kick some butts.

The tired 15-year-old Danny Fenton sighed exhaustedly. Why does he always pick me, he thought to himself and shut his locker. Danny just wanted to get into the next class as soon as possible. Dash had other plans.

"Don't ignore me, loser!" Dash yelled again and stormed towards Danny who just rolled his eyes in annoyance. If Dash knew that Danny could beat him with his pinkie, he wouldn't talk to Danny how he does. But Danny didn't want to beat Dash up, he was used to the bullying and he couldn't bring himself to hurt 'innocent' people. A hero isn't allowed to hurt innocent people.

"What do you want from me?" Danny asked and looked Dash in the eyes. The Jock hesitated for a moment, Danny's tired eyes looked so... empty. He no longer had the same sparkle in his eyes that Danny always had, his eyes looked lifeless. As if they were dead.

They weren't always like that, but a few months after Danny had this accident in his parents' lab the sparkle in his eyes slowly faded away. Now it was like it never existed.

"Lancer gave me a C -. You know what that means!" With these words, Dash threw the kid into one of the lockers. Danny groaned and sank to the floor. Dash grinned and kicked Danny in the gut, but was slightly irritated when Danny looked shocked into nothing particular instead of whimpering in pain or crying like a baby. What Dash didn't know -or didn't notice, to be exact-, Danny's Ghost sense went off and he knew Danny Phantom had to play the Hero again.

"Yeah, just run away like a little baby!" Dash chuckled nervously and his friend Dale laughed hysterically. Dash looked after Danny as he ran away. That was weird,  Dash thought to himself as Danny disappeared behind the next corner.

Dash's pov.

"Dash, wake up!" Paulina says and shakes my shoulder. Did I fell asleep?

"Huh? Where... where are we?" I ask confused and Paulina sighs.

"This Skulker or whatever his name is said we will arrive soon."

"Oh, okay. Thanks, I guess." I mutter and look around. Tony and Valerie talk about Ghosts. They both seem to be really interested in Ghosts. As I look at Tucker and Sam, I see that Sam sleeps too. Tucker tries to wake her, and after a few attempts, she finally wakes up and rubs her eyes.

"Ah, good you're awake. Skulker said we'll arrive soon."

"Okay, thanks, Tuck." Sam smiles slightly and yawns. For a few minutes, everything is so... peaceful. Tony and Valerie talk silently about Ghosts, Tucker and Sam talk about something I can't understand. Are they talking in another language?

But suddenly, we all get silent. The Carriage stopped and someone opens the door.

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