The Crossed Rose - GoT - R.S.

By OneandOnlyElla

85K 2.6K 177

There she had stood, in place of her son, asking Lord Frey to let them pass by their bridge and they'd be on... More

Prologue: The Crossed Rose
Lady Stark
We stand together
Whispering Woods
King in the North
The name or the heart
A King in every corner
Until the end of my days
I swear it
Broken promises, kept vows
Terms of surrender
Stone by stone
Blueberry pie
Curse of Harrenhal
Grim, ferocious and dark
Martyn and Willem Lannister
Lies of betrayal
Who passes the sentence
Walder Frey
Harrenhal and a marriage
A good man
Now and forever
Young Frey girls
Passion fruit
A chance
Rains of Castamere
Hard to trust
Epilogue: The River Wolf
If Walder Frey wasn't a little b*tch

Winter is coming

1.1K 45 9
By OneandOnlyElla

After the storm, the road for the Twins was an easy one - maybe a little slippery at times, maybe, but nothing that good horses and experienced riders couldn't take. Robb had, once again, split his time in between riding at the head of the party and following along with Dahlia, Jeyne and his Mother and, as much as Dahlia assured Robb that she was fine, this time she wasn't. She had always enjoyed riding, that much was true, but with her babe growing inside of her everyday more, she couldn't deny the movement of the horse underneath her was becoming rather uncomfortable.

"We should be arriving at the Twins soon. At dusk, at most." Robb said, his voice gentle and reassuring as he rode beside Dahlia who was groaning rather annoyed at the pain in her back. "As soon as we get there, we will find you a chamber so you can rest."

"Of course." Dahlia nodded, so uncomfortable she didn't even bother arguing.

At that, Jeyne and Robb exchanged worried glances and as much as Robb wanted nothing more than stop for the day, set camp once more and rub Dahlia's pains away, he knew he couldn't. He had done that far too many times and one day more away from the Twins, was one reason more for Walder Frey to be angry. So, instead, Robb made sure to stay beside Dahlia as they rode, even asking her to accompany him to lead their party beside him at some point so that the two of them would be arriving at the Crossing and it would be a good idea to have his Queen - a former Lady Frey - beside him.

And so, for the rest of the day, Robb and Dahlia rode together, Robb stealing glances at his wife at every moment and with every breath she took until they finally reached the Twins. Stopping in front of the gates, Robb and Dahlia waited until it was opened so that a part of their party could ride inside.

"Your Grace." One of Lord Frey's sons - Robb assumed - bowed gently as Robb dismounted his horse. "I expect your ride was free of any trouble."

"Yes, my Lord." Robb nodded at him back as someone took his horse away and he walked straight at Dahlia to help her down from her own mount. "The ride was smooth as it could be. Thank you."

"Your Grace." Young Lord Frey smiled then as he turned to look at Dahlia then, who practically leaned against Robb. "You look well."

"Thank you, my Lord." She smiled back at him, but Robb could tell it wasn't genuine. "But if we could be taken to our Father, it would please me greatly. The trip was long and it wasn't meant for a pregnant woman such as myself."

"Of course, your Grace." Lord Frey nodded. "Our men will take care of your horses and you will be escorted to the Main Room to see Father, how does that sound?"

And even Robb could tell Dahlia wasn't pleased at all, not wanting to truly see her Father yet especially after the marriage arrangement, she smiled at her half-brother again, graceful and regal as the Queen she was.

"That sounds perfect."

And so, that was what had happened. While most of the Stark's party set camp outside, some of them - the most important lords and ladies along with the Tullys, Lady Stark and Lady Jeyne - were guided inside the Twins, through corridors and large sets of stairs. In spite of the fact that Dahlia knew the place, she refused to leave Robb's side, clinging to his arm as they followed one of Dahlia's oldest half-brothers - Lord Emmon Frey, Dahlia had told Robb earlier as she whispered with him while they walked; the eldest son of Lord Frey's second wife. While Robb was worried for Dahlia and the reaction she seemed to be having at being back at the castle she had spent some of her years of life, he couldn't deny he was pleased to see how she clung to him for comfort. So comfort he offered her, keeping a hand over hers that rested on his arm and an eye on her every movement, in high alert as if, at any point, she could start giving birth or die in some unexpected way.

Dahlia couldn't deny it didn't make her feel safer, having Robb so attentive to her every need. Having him there made being back at the Twins a little more bearable. Because, yes, she had spent some of her years here and no, they hadn't been all that terrible, but, as much as she loved her siblings, she had never truly felt at home there, never truly welcomed and always slightly out of place. As much as Roslin and Perwyn had gone out of their way to make it less so, it was still something she had always had to carry with her.

"She's much too Tyrell now." Emmon had said once as he talked to his brother Lyonel once. "Too pretty. Too delicate. She's probably just as gullible as those flowery fools from the Reach."

Dahlia had always felt weird. After all, she was a Frey, was she not? Why did it hurt so much to be compared to the Tyrells? She wasn't sure she was a Frey anymore. But she certainly wasn't a Tyrell. Lord Mace made a point of reminding her of it most days that she had spent at Highgarden. So what was she anyway? While she lived at the Twins of Highgarden, she didn't know. She didn't know where her home was at the time.

But now she did. And funnily enough, she had found her home while travelling all around. Because her home wasn't this castle or the other. Her home wasn't the Twins, or Highgarden or even Winterfell. No, her home, was Robb Stark. And it was thanks to him that she knew who she was now. Much too Frey for the Tyrells and much too Tyrell for the Freys, but a Stark through and through.

And maybe, that was all the more reason as to why she felt so out of place inside the walls of the castle she had once called home.

The hallways were familiar. The walls were familiar. The people working in the castle and bowing as she passed were familiar. But nothing felt right. Especially, it didn't feel right at all when she stepped into the main room.

She remembered the last time she had been there, more than a year before. Her eyes widened. Had it truly been that long? Had it truly been that long since she and Roslin talked of the Starks as they watched their party camping outside their northern tower? Had it truly been that long since Catelyn had come to their castle and struck a deal with her Father? Had it truly been that long since she stood off to the side of her Father's chairs with her sister, half-sisters and cousins as they watched Robb - well, Lord Stark at the time, she supposed - standing there and accepting Father's terms only so he could walk with his party through their bridges? Had it truly been that long since, from the bunch, Robb had picked her as a betrothed?

Had it truly been that long since her life changed that much?

Dahlia let out a heavy breath, stumbling back a bit as she stood in front of her Father in the main room again, the familiarity of it all, almost smacking her across the face. Robb was quick to aid her, his hand quickly moving to the small of her back to steady her as his head snapped in her direction.

"Are you alright, my love?" He whispered in her ear as the rest of the party that came with them started to take their places behind their King and Queen as they stood before Lord Frey in the main room of his castle.

"I just feel a little indisposed is all." She said, and that was half a truth, actually. She did feel tired and sore and she wanted nothing more than to sleep in a proper bed for a while but this needed to be done first so, as much as she hated it, she would push through it. "Let's just get this over with so I can lay down for a while."

Robb nodded then and, even though he wasn't happy with the situation at all, he also knew there was not much that he could do. So, instead, he just kept his hand on her back and turned to look at Lord Frey as he waited for what he meant to do next.

He felt even more an outsider there than Dahlia did, after all, the last time he had stepped foot in this place, he stayed for less than a night and he had taken with him a wife and some good 500 men. Now, he would be staying longer. He would take no wife, but even more men, though he would be giving away his Uncle in marriage, so he supposed that was alright. Besides, Lord Frey seemed willing to reinforce their guest rights, having some of his servants offering Robb and his men bread and salt for them to eat.

Robb did so, willingly. After all, as much as he trusted Dahlia, he knew better than to trust Walder Frey and if he was offering him his food and drink to share under his roof, who was he to deny it, after all?

"My honoured guests, be welcome within my walls and at my table." Lord Frey finally spoke up and just the sound of his voice brought a chill down Dahlia's spine. She felt her stomach turn in aprehension, but ate the bread that was offered to her in any case, nodding at the small kitchen wench who had brought it forward to her. "I extend to you my hospitality and protection in the light of the Seven."

"We thank you for your hospitality, my Lord." Robb said, as Lord Frey nodded at him, with little regard before turning his gaze to Dahlia instead.

"Your Grace!" He said, a smile on his lips, but everyone in the room could see it was not an honest one. "Your brothers have told me you looked well, but the picture they've painted doesn't do you justice."

"Thank you, Father." Dahlia said, through a tight-lipped smile.

"Come forward, my daughter, let me take a look at you."

Dahlia gulped down her nerves, but straightened her back and took a few steps forward, crossing the room from her safe place by Robb to walk toward her Father instead. All around her, she could tell everyone was tense, especially the men in her Guard, but no one dared pulling out their swords. Dahlia Stark was Lord Frey's daughter. She was their Queen. She was a guest under their roof. Hurting her would mean nothing if not death and bad omens to their family.

Still, Dahlia did not feel comfortable in the slightest as she stood before her Father in his chair and bowed her head just a little before looking up at him again.

"Oh, you certainly have the looks of your Mother." He said, and, for whatever reason, hearing him mention Lady Bethany made Dahlia frown just a little. "She was a pretty thing just like you. Just as young as you when we married and just as young as you as when she brought into the world our first child. She had the same full cheeks you have now when she was with child and the same glow to her skin too. She was a fertile little thing too. Seems to me his Grace got very lucky marrying you, my daughter. You will give him many heirs after this one. And judging by how far along you are, I can safely assume his Grace has enjoyed your company? Well, I suppose it should be good having someone to keep his furs warm while he rides for battle. And even better now that he doesn't have to pay."

Robb felt his hands tightening in fist. He hated the way Lord Frey spoke of his daughter as if she was nothing more than a cheap whore or another. He hated the way all of her half-brothers and cousins laughed at the distasteful comment. But, especially, he hated the way Dahlia's face fell when they all laughed at her expanse.

He'd have to reassure her later when they were alone. Reassure her that nothing her Father said was true that he valued her much more than just a body to keep him warm at night. So, so much more than that.

"Your daughter is delightful company, my Lord." He found himself saying instead of all the other things he thought about saying before. "And I am most glad she is the one I married and she is the Mother of my child."

Robb relaxed a little when Dahlia turned to him with a grateful smile, her eyes shining with pride and love as she silently let him know she understood. She knew she was more valuable to him than any other person in this room or any other room for that matter. She knew it and that was all Robb needed in any case.

"I bet." Lord Frey nodded, almost uninterested in the conversation now. "A pretty little Queen she must make, I'd hope."

"Wise and kind as well, my Lord." Robb nodded, but he wasn't talking to Frey. No, instead, his eyes were fixed on Dahlia as he spoke. "Just as a Queen should be."

Dahlia smiled at him again, her eyes falling to the ground for a second as a blush took over her cheeks for a moment, before she snapped her head up again as soon as her Father spoke up.

"That is all very well, then." He said, dismissing Robb yet again as he turned to face Dahlia instead. "But I suppose we have another matter to treat now, my sweet daughter. Now that you and your party have arrived, is it safe to assume your sister's wedding will be taking place soon?"

Dahlia gulped then. She wanted to say no. She wanted to scream it. She wanted to find Roslin and run away with her. But she knew she couldn't. Instead, the best she could do for her was give the girl some time to court the man she would supposedly spend the rest of her days with. The man twice her age. A good man, no doubt, but twice her age.

"The wedding will be taking place, of course, Father." She nodded and Dahlia had to gather all of her strength not to react when Lord Frey smiled, pleased. "But I would love to have some time with my sister first. Aid her with the preparations of her wedding, if it please."

"That would mean another fortnight for the wedding." Lord Frey said, as Dahlia smiled, as innocently as possible.

"I did not have the chance to have the wedding I have always dreamed of, Father." She said. "It would please me so if I could give little Roslin what I lacked."

Lord Frey did not like this arrangement at all, clearly, and he tried to walk around it as he turned to look at Robb instead.

"We are at war, my daughter." He said, as Dahlia bit back her own response to that and, instead of asking why he had demanded a wedding in such troubled times himself, she just smiled.

"It would be just a fortnight." She insisted.

A fortnight for Roslin to meet and, at least, have a few conversations with Lord Edmure before he would have to wed and bed the poor girl. It wasn't what Dahlia wanted at all, but it was the best she could do.

"I'm not sure his Grace would appreciate wasting a fortnight in feeble wedding preparations."

"His Grace agrees that his men need rest after the long trip here, Father." She said. "And if they mean to march South again after the wedding, it would do them well having a few nights in proper beds with proper food."

"We do not have the food to feed the whole army for a fortnight, daughter."

"Well, the trout in our rivers truly enjoy the colder water, don't they?" Dahlia asked then. "This is the best period for fishing, Father, since winter is coming."

Robb couldn't contain the smirk on his lips, watching as his wife sneakily stood her ground against her Lord Father, not once losing her composure as the Queen she was and asserting herself and her position as she recited to her Father her words by marriage - Robb's words, the Stark words.

Winter is coming, she had said, and she was not talking about the trout.

"Very well." Lord Frey relented, rather reluctantly. "As you wish, your Grace."

"Thank you, Father." Dahlia smiled, for the first time pleased ever since stepping foot at the Twins. "Now, if you will excuse me, I would like to lay down for a while. The journey has been long and I am in no state of staying up for too long."

"Of course." Lord Frey nodded then. "You and your husband can stay at your old chambers, I suppose you still remember your way around."

"I do." Dahlia nodded, a small smile on her lips at the thought of staying at her old chambers. Not because she particularly liked the place or anything, but because she knew that it meant, at the very least, she would be staying near Roslin.

Which meant it would be easier for her to find the girl and explain everything and beg for her forgiveness - which Dahlia truly hoped she would accept.

"Is Tyta still living here, Father?" Dahlia asked, as Lord Frey scoffed.

"What do you think?" He asked, causing Dahlia to frown a little. "Tried to marry her off to all the Lords in the Riverlands. No one wants a thirty-something maid. And I suppose she's far too gone to be a whore now, not that she ever had the looks for it."

Dahlia sighed, uncomfortable again with the way her Father spoke of his children, but deciding not to argue.

"Would she mind sharing a chamber with one of our cousins?" Dahlia asked, hoping to get Tyta's chambers vacant, knowing it was the one closest to hers. "I would very much appreciate have Lady Jeyne and Lady Catelyn sleeping close to me."

"We'll see to it." Lord Frey nodded, unbothered. "I'll have someone place a second bed in her chambers so the Ladies can sleep comfortably."

"Thank you, Father." Dahlia nodded. "That is much appreciated."

"Yes." He waved his hand at her before turning to Robb and the party. "Well, I've enough room in the hall for you lot. We'll set up tents outside with food and ale for the rest of your men."

"Thank you, my Lord." Robb nodded in appreciation.

"Well, let's get ready." Lord Frey clapped once as he stood up from his chair. "Soon enough, the wine will flow red and the music will play loud, so get as much rest in as you can."

And with that, Lord Frey and all of his sons and grandsons were out. Dahlia slowly made her way back toward Robb and she smiled a bit when she noticed him there, waiting for her as he offered her his arm for him to take. She laughed, amused, noticing the way he kept his soft eyes on her as she guided him through the castle and up toward her old chamber as everyone else was ushered around to their respectives rooms or tents outside.

"What?" She asked, as Robb just kept on smiling down at her. "What are you looking at me like that for?"

"You were incredible today." He praised as Dahlia just scoffed gently. "You were. You got him to agree to your terms and Lord Frey is not one to be known for relenting."

"Well..." Dahlia shrugged. "I suppose."

"And did you realize what you said earlier?" He asked, as Dahlia frowned.

"What did I say?"

"You said winter is coming." He commented, allowing Dahlia to pull him toward a set of stairs.

"Oh, that." She giggled. "Yes, I knew what I said. Why? Those are my words now too, are they not? I'm allowed to use them."

"Of course you are, my Queen." He nodded, almost proud as she smiled at him, keeping her eyes on him as she ascended the so familiar tower to her chambers - well, their chambers for now. "Say them again."

"Why?" Dahlia laughed as Robb shrugged.

"Just... Entertain me."

"Very well..." She shrugged back at him, knowing better than to argue with stubborn Robb Stark. "Winter is coming."

"Aye." Robb nodded then, enjoying the way the words sounded coming from her lips more than he ever enjoyed hearing them from anyone else before. "Winter is coming."

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