The Pogues

By Forest127

303K 3.3K 575

"You know, maybe I could just go for Cassie!" Rafe yelled out to a lonesome JJ walking away. He turned and t... More

The Pogues
Hurricane Agatha
Motel Crime Scenes
What Have You Got to Lose?
Getting Killed for a Compass
A Dead Rooster
To Going Full Kook
Restaurant Dances
Protecting Her from Big Bad Kooks
A Midsummer Party
Falling Off the Ledge
Pick Her
Just A Little Gold / The Price Tag of Happiness
Jacuzzi Dripped
Stolen Gold
The Phantom
Cassie and JJ Part Two!!
The End (Of Season 1)

Buried Memories

7.1K 94 14
By Forest127

Cassie ripped out of John B's arms, who had tried to pull her into a warm hug. "Get off of me," she gave him a murderous look, "John B, you're supposed to be his best friend and yet you can't see past your nose." She gestured to all of the teens in front of her, "None of you can. He's broken, can't you see? JJ is in constant pain and none of you even bother to ask him what's happening! Pope, you're still worried after he takes the fall for you, Brandy, you and Sarah are only worried about your next secret date, and Kie," she let out a sigh, a tear almost forming, "I don't know what to say to any of you."

She put her hands to her face to cover before huffing and throwing them down. She looked between all of them, "None of you get it. At all. He acts strong for every single one of us and it's killing him because he wants to just be able to be vulnerable for once and he has done that for every single one of you. JJ is the love of my life and he's hurting. He deserves the world and what he's getting is some friends that can't even understand him."

"Cassie-" "No John B! You can say you're my best friend hundreds of times but show it. Your best friend since third grade is walking away. I really hope you all see what you're doing."

And that is how Cassie ended up walking home.


Cassie opened the glass front door slowly to her house. She pulled off her shoes and closed the door behind her, sliding down the side, finding it harder and harder to breathe. She started to hyperventilate, not cry, but repeatedly breathing louder and louder, maybe hoping that someone would find her, a certain someone with beautiful golden skin and the gliding smirk that he always held.

Cassie gripped her neck, where a chain held up a stunning ring with a single diamond heart. JJ had gotten it for her, when they were small kids. JJ had worked some odd jobs, mowing lawns, dogsitting to pool enough money for Cassie's friend, Anya, to give him a discount at the jewelry store in the middle of town. Anya was a middle aged lady that had known Cassie since she was two years ago, sometimes babysitting when her parents had to leave.

Anya remembered watching the small blonde boy shyly walk up to the counter and ask her how much a ring was. She had recalled him walking around with Cassie giving her a look that she only remembered when she saw her soulmate look at his wife that was sadly not herself. She couldn't let Cassie and the boy end up like that so she bent down and smiled, "How much do you have, kiddo?"

His voice was high pitched and young, squeaking out a, "$117 and 54 cents."

Anya smiled and told him to go pick one out as she took the money and cashed it into the register. He then brought over a large band with a diamond heart as the only decoration. "That's a promise ring," she said, "It means you are making a promise to whoever the lucky person is that you will one day become their always."

JJ's lips instantly broke into a smile, "That's perfect."

Anya didn't comment about how the band was going to be a lot larger than any girl's finger his age as she typed it into the register and bypassing the $750 that was still owed. She wrapped it carefully as he watched intently, finally setting it into his hands. "Good luck," she smiled, "Come back if you need anything else." And with that, a small JJ ran out of the store to go find Cassie.

He remembered her teasing him about why he was so nervous and when he finally took it out she looked at him funny. "JJ, what is that?" she had asked, scratching her head and running a hand through her hair.

"The lady said this was a promise ring. So here's my promise. I promise I'll always be there for you."

Cassie put a hand to her mouth when he opened it because she had seen those types of rings in Anya's shop as she noticed the wrapping was the same in her store. This had been expensive and expensive to JJ and his family was impossible.

Cassie passed the ring as she hugged his small, bony body as people watched and seemed to melt at the two small children that clearly showed a stronger bond than most people had ever gotten to experience. And that's what they were to each other, their always.

As Cassie sat on the floor of her entrance, she gripped the ring tightly, "Always."


"JJ, stop!" Cassie squealed with a smile on her face as he ran around the tree to catch her. "You better run faster!" he grinned as his missing tooth gave him a slight lisp, which Cassie never let him forget. The brilliant sun was smiling upon the children as it blessed them with a glistening ray spread on the water with a slight cool breeze.

She started to laugh too hard, holding her stomach and trying to keep running, but her predicament gave the boy the advantage as he caught her and started to tickle her.

"John B! Help me!" John B ran over with a smirk and helped JJ, making Cassie try to crawl into a ball as her ribs ached of laughter and fun. "Stop! Stop it!" She cried as John B's father ran over and picked the boys up off of her. "Boys!" He faked a serious scolding as he then let out a billow of laughter and pointed the three kids at the water, "You guys ready for a ride?"

Cassie was nervous, it was one of her first times going on the water as she hesitated. JJ went to run with John B but walked back and put his hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, I won't let you fall."


"Cassie, you know why we have to leave," her mom said as Cassie clung to her father's leg. She didn't want them to leave again.

"But everyone at school gets to have their parents, why can't I?"

Her mother sighed as she pulled out a necklace, "See this is like wearing us around your neck. And if we didn't love you, why would we buy this stuff for you? Just think about that when I'm gone."

Cassie awaited a kiss from her father but instead he pushed her off and gave a slight wave to then walk out the door with his suitcase, leaving his small daughter alone with the seaside.

But maybe she wasn't alone.

She heard a clang from the back of the house that made her jump out of her small green dress. She cautiously walked to the living room where she let herself breathe when she saw JJ on the floor. He had toppled over the side table after coming through the window. He stood up and gave a toothy grin as Cassie gave him a strange look, "Why are you here?"

He revealed his hand which held two peanut and butter sandwiches, "I thought you would be hungry." Cassie smiled for the first time that day, finally able to be herself in front of someone, finally able to find someone that she could cry about how her parents didn't want her.

So for some blissful moments, they sat in the dark of the living room eating sandwiches, for once, feeling like they could let go of their expectations.


Cassie was not happy. Her smirk had turned into a frown that seemed to be growing into a glare for the girl in front of her. Seventh grade was not easy when you were more rich than the other girls, more pretty than the other girls, and got more gifts than them. Rochelle Amarado was a mean, tall and lanky girl that wanted the best of the best.

Rochelle had wide eyes that could slim into lines when she was scowling and had wide lips that were tainted red. She wasn't a pretty girl, maybe she could be if she smiled once in awhile.

"Cassandra," she spat out, "Be a nice little friend and give me that necklace. That's what best friends are for, right?"

Cassie had been fighting her for so long, she didn't want to have to keep fighting with the other girls everyday.

The two were surrounded by a crowd of other kids, trying to get a glimpse of the two popular kids fighting in the front yard of the school. Cassie was looking around nervously. JJ always picked her up after school and they would walk past the beach and finally drop her off at her house. She thankfully didn't see him, looking back at Rochelle. "It's Cassie, maybe you'd get that if your brain was filled with boys and lollipops," the boys around her ooed at her sass while Rochelle gave a glare.

"You always have so much privilege, you have boys around your arms and poor little Cassie really is just a brat."

Cassie was about to open her mouth, but was surprised when an arm wrapped around her shoulders. She looked up and was met with beautiful sea green eyes and the familiar messy blonde hair. He smirked at Rochelle, "You know, maybe if you were nicer, people would actually like you. Sorry, but I will have to steal Cassie from you. And if you're looking to change, Cassie is a good example to look up to. Later kooks, see ya in the banks."

And with that, Cassie leaned into him as they walked away, his arm still hooked around her shoulder as they walked away. Cassie never forget that day, one of the many times that JJ proved that he would always protect her.


"Cass, this is Amanda."

Cassie felt bile rising in her throat. She felt like the world was spinning as she felt John B's hand slip into hers. Pope noticed the action and tried to clear his throat to make it less awkward, but to no avail.

Amanda was a blonde, as usual. She was skinny and toned, a Pogue because JJ never wanted a kook. She was pretty with brown eyes and freckles, something Cassie always wished to have. Amanda wore shorts and a bathing suit, smiling and putting her hand up to give a small wave.

"I've heard so much about you," she said in a high squeaky voice. Cassie almost cringed but kept a fake smile, "Cool, nice to meet you."

JJ gave a grateful smile to Cassie as she withheld the urge to roll her eyes. JJ looked his two best friends and apparent girlfriend, "Ready to surf?"

As Cassie finally smiled and John B led her to get their boards, Amanda stopped the situation, "Wait, surfing? JJ, I don't really surf. It's not that fun. Why don't we just go get some food? Please?" She batted her eyelashes making Cassie get even more frustrated. She desperately wanted to say something but when JJ had introduced her, he looked happy. She didn't want to take that from him.

"Aw, c'mon Amanda, just try it?" JJ gave a smile but she rolled her eyes in return, "Fine."

They all ran out together towards the sea as Cassie dropped her board, putting her arms out, taking in the sea spray and enjoying the sun. John B ran up behind her, "Last one's a bad clam!"

With that, Cassie tore off her shirt and shorts to show a lavender bikini, picking up her board, and running towards the water where she laid out the board and started to let the water flow below her.

She looked back for a moment, finding Amanda and JJ arguing with Pope off to the side. She watched enough to see and finally Amanda storming off while JJ sighed and ran towards the sea. He murmured something to Pope as they both threw down their surfboards and started to surf. The four of them surfed for about an hour, riding the perfect waves to show off their best skills.

After they were drenched and their legs ached, they all retreated from the water and all threw down their boards and all crashed into the sand. JJ looked into the water as Cassie look at the side of his face. "What happened to Amanda?" She asked cautiously. He didn't look at her but gave a small smile, "She doesn't like to surf. That means no go. She also -nevermind." Cassie didn't pry but held a smile to herself.

She nudged him playfully, "Hey, you'll find someone better. Someone who makes you better."

She then got up at John B's request to play some volleyball. JJ watched her figure walk towards the net as he pulled himself up, "What if I've already found her?"


Cassie didn't want a boyfriend, but when she saw JJ with a girlfriend, she felt like she had to move on.

Bryce was an attractive, funny guy that loved Cassie's guts out. But Bryce was too smart for Cassie and saw right through her facade.

Bryce had fluffy brown hair with pretty boy blue eyes. He was very fit and the best soccer player in the Outer Banks. He was a kook but never ever showed off to everyone else. He was nice. Maybe too nice for Cassie. He was a gentleman but Cassie always felt the sense that she was missing something, she was bored.

JJ did not like Bryce.

Cassie had them meet at a Pogue party that they were hosting where half of the outer banks attended. There were party lights everywhere and beer cans littering the sand as Cassie pulled up in her car with Bryce sitting shotgun. "Ready?" she asked as he nodded.

They let themselves out of the car and Cassie immediately was drawn to her friends who were sitting and observing the party. JJ almost smiled at her but his face quickly morphed into a dark glare at the sight of Bryce. Cassie pulled Bryce's hand, as she "Guys, this is Bryce. Bryce, this is Pope, John B, Kie, and JJ." Her eyes softened when she met JJ's sad eyes that looked up at her longingly.

After about an hour of mingling and smiling, Cassie had split off from her boyfriend as her and Kie walked around, sticking their feet in the sand. For a moment, she was able to pretend that everything was perfect in her life. Her friends, her life, her boyfriend. But when she had pictured JJ's face when she brought Bryce to the party, the hole in her heart began to grow.

Kie touched Cassie's arm, snapping her back to the reality that there was a fight starting. Cassie made a confused face at Kie but ran over to the forming circle as she recognized the two voices. She broke apart the crowd as she found Bryce and JJ tackling each other.

"Bryce!" She yelled as she dropped her cup and pulled JJ off of her boyfriend. She stood in front of them, who were both breathing heavily and glaring at one another. She looked at the crowd, "What are you staring at?" She matched it with an equal glare and the crowd slowly turned to go back to their business.

She looked at JJ, who made eye contact with her and pressed his chest to her hand. He felt calmer.

Bryce looked down at the small, but affectionate movement, and looked at Cassie. "Both of you are acting like children. Reality check, you're not! Whatever both of your problems are, get over it!"

Both of them couldn't help but love her fiery side coming out as she looked back and forth. She huffed, "Bryce, will you give us a second?" He scoffed but walked away. Cassie turned to JJ, who had messy hair and a skinned lip. "Explain, now."

He took a deep breathe, "There's something about him Cass. I don't like him." "You've said that about every guy." "Just trust me, please?" And Cassie couldn't say no. She sighed as JJ brought her into a small hug that she immediately melted into. She pulled away slowly and before she walked away, she turned and pointed, "I'll take care of that lip later."

She found Bryce sitting along on one of the logs that looked out onto the ocean. She sat down, "Hey."


"I'm sorry about JJ and I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore."

He gave a genuine smile at her, "You should've just told me." She gave a confused look as he gave a bitter laugh and continued, "You love him, and I guess you haven't even admitted it to yourself. I get it. I guess I always knew, even when I asked you out," he took a deep breathe. "I'll always love you Cass, I always have since 2nd grade but I remember seeing the same look you gave him when we were 9 that my dad gave to my mom. And I know it's a feeling that not many people find, so do me a favor and do something about it, because he loves you too."

And with that, Bryce left Cassie alone on the log to watch the sun finally go to sleep.

Minutes later, Pope and Kie walked over to her with the party slowly dying down. Cassie gave them a sad smile as they sat on either side, "Why does he do this to just not care about me the next day?"

Pope looked at her, "You remember Amanda, right?" Cassie slowly nodded as Kie placed her head on her shoulder. Pope went on, "I remember when you took off your covering and JJ couldn't stop staring so Amanda yelled at him. He then argued back that if she couldn't take the heat, to leave. Boy, she was mad after that so then she tried to say that he should leave you and that blew him over the top." "I listened to them yelling and he said, 'If you even think that I'd ever love you as much as I do her, you belong in kook town'," Kie finished slowly as Cassie gave an astonished look.

Maybe there was a place for Cassie in JJ's heart.

She had no idea.


All the memories came flooding back to her as she sat on the cold marble floor, holding that necklace. She glanced around and even her house was decorated with pictures of the two of them, dancing, cuddling, fishing, surfing, boat riding, running, anything you could think of. Her favorite picture was in her bedroom. She slowly walked up the stairs, admiring all the still captures of their times together through the years.

The frame sat on her bedside table. It was a gold frame that enclosed the picture of the two of them laughing together as they stayed close. She picked it up and ran her hand over it, admiring it. It had been a cold day for the other banks but the Pogues had wanted to go to one of the museums on the Kook side of town, which had been a strange desire for the Pogues.

JJ and Cassie had gone through the exhibit together and so they were waiting at the exit for the rest of their friends. Cassie remembered them just fooling around together and then JJ had tried to impersonate the man on the loud speaker who had an Australian accent. His horrendous attempt had made her bust out laughing, infecting his face with a smile. There was an older woman watching them who took a picture saying, "You two have that special bond that lasts forever."

And that's what Cassie and JJ were, forever.

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