Forbidden Mates(boyxboy)

By DasiyC

10.7K 648 88

What happens when vampires and werewolves,( natural born enemies.) Decide to live together as equals on the s... More

Chapter 1- Mates
Chapter 2- Mates part 2
Chapter 3- What would happen
Chapter 4- Siblings
Chapter 5-The scent
Chapter 6- The twin
Chapter 7- Go
Chapter 8- The cottage
The cottage pictures.
Chapter 9- Friends
Chapter 10- Who's the villian.
Ouestion/Answer- special
Chapter 11- Yuan
Chapter 12-Yuan part 2
Chapter 13- Caught
Chapter 14- Vic
Chapter 15- Dad
Chapter 16- Coma
Chapter 17- Coven
Chapter 18- The Ambassadors
Chapter 19- The Pack
Chapter 20- Bad Alpha
Chapter 21- New Traitor
Chapter 22- It's Just A Feeling
Chapter 23- Awkward conversation
Chapter 25- The Past
Chapter 26- Foreign Help
Chapter 27- Ultrasound
Chapter 28-New plan
Chapter 29- Wicked Surprise
Chapter 30- The Battle
Chapter 31- The End

Chapter 24- The Nursery

177 15 0
By DasiyC

Wesley's POV
A:/N(ah where back) 

My heart pounded in my chest as I raced through the forest of the werewolf territory. My bare feet bled from the heavy contact with the hard forest floor as I ran at top speed. I could smell them, I could hear their heart's pounding in their chest as they chased me, so desperately trying to catch me. I kept looking back as I heard them getting closer. And just like in all those horror movies how the person running always magically falls. I fell, tripping over a tree root that just decided to be in the way. Breaking my foot in the process. I bit my lip so hard that it drew blood just so I wouldn't cry out. From how much pain I was feeling because of my stupidity. I quickly wiped the blood from my lips before I began to drag myself backwards. As one of the vampire warriors of my clan and a warrior of the Dark Moon Pack came into view. They both wore evil smirks as they slowly began to walk to me.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," came a familiar voice from behind the two warriors who were now considered traitors.

Why was everyone betraying us?

 My eyes widened as the person who nearly tore me and my mate apart stepped out of the shadows of the forest.
"Wesley, stop running from me!" He ordered as a sadistic smirk spread across his face.
"Stay away from me," I spat as I tried to drag myself  back faster.
"Oh why so hostile," he laughed.
"Stay away you monster," I sneered, causing his face to harden. Before he stomped up to me and grabbed my legs, putting extreme pressure on my broken leg.
I cried out loudly as a set of hot new tears began to rush down my bruised cheeks.
"You will take those words back," he growled and even though the pain was excruciating. I still managed to spit in his face before I spoke.
"," I stated between ragged breaths. 
Killian looked furious but it only made me smile at how affected by my words he was.
"Ok then," was his calm answer that caused a shiver to run down my spine, and not a good shiver. He then gestured for the traitors behind him to bring something out. 

A loud gasp escaped my lips as I spotted who the person was.
Alpha Killian held my mate by his neck with a silver dagger.
 "No, please don't!" I cried as a hot new batch of tears began to rush down my face. Storm looked badly beaten and bruised and his shirt was ripped in front allowing me to see the deep claw marks that were there. 

I pleaded and begged Alpha Killian to not do it, but he just wouldn't bog. That was his son, how could he kill his own son.
 "I will rip away everything from him and that means ripping everything away from you,"  he growled before my breath hitched as I watched him slit my lover's throat. Before he was thrown on the floor like some rag doll before me. I screamed out again as I quickly moved over to Storm. Ripping the shirt that I was wearing off before I placed it by the slash on his neck desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

 My vision was beginning to get blurry but I refused to stop and when his eyes began to close all but screamed at him not to.
"Storm, baby don't sleep please don't sleep. Wake up please wake up. I'll take us away from this place and we can go wherever you want to go. Just please baby please wake up," I begged through my tears. But no matter how much I begged or cried, Storm just wouldn't get up. He was dead.

For some weird reason all of this felt too real to just be a dream. I don't know if it was a vision and I was seeing the future or if it was just my deepest fear coming out to play with my head. But all I knew was that I could feel every emotion, every sharp crack of the broken leg that I still very much had. Every tingel of my fingers brushing against Storm's cold and lifeless body.  Whatever this was whether it was just a dream or something much much more. I didn't like it and I wanted out. I didn't want to witness the death of the man that I love with all my heart. Or I didn't want to watch the evil smirk that was currently plastered on Alpha Killian's face. And just when I thought that I was going to lose my mind and curl up in a ball and cry someone called out to me.

"Wesley, Wesley wake up," called a familiar voice. And it took me a while to realize that it was Storm who was calling out to me as he gently but firmly shook me awake. 
I groaned a bit before my eyes fluttered open immediately shutting back when the light from the open window blinded me. I heard my mate chukle sweetly before  I took a chance and perked my eyes open slower this time. Only to gaze up into the icy blue eyes of my mate. I cracked a half smile before I sat up with the help of Storm.
"Are you ok Wesley?" He asked concernedly as he sat on the edge of the bed next to me.
"Yeah, why?" I lied.
"Well you were shouting and crying in your sleep, so I assumed that you had a nightmare," he spoke softly, causing me to fake a laugh and peck his cheek.
"Yes baby I'm fine really. Just a bad dream," I replied and it wasn't a lie because I really had a bad dream. I just didn't tell him what it was about.

I laced our fingers together and watched fundly as Storm brought our hands to his lips. Before he pecked my hand causing a shy smile to spread across my face.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asked after a while and I just shook my head before I answered.
"Maybe another time," I began and my mate just nodded his understanding.
"Now can you inform me of the reason why you disturb our nap?" I asked with a bit of sass. Trying to change the subject and the mood.
"Our?" He asked, a bit confused.
"Yeah me and the babies," I replied as I rubbed a hand over my pregnant stomach.
"Oh," was his awkward answer causing me to laugh out loud.
"I didn't mean to be rude and wake up my precious people. But I have a surprise for you," he said, causing me to cock a brow. "Oh really now?"
"Yes, and I don't know if you're going to like it but I'm going to show you anyways," my mate stated, causing my curiosity to spike.
"Ok then let's go," I said before I pulled him off the bed and allowed him to guide me down the halls. We soon came up to a yellow painted door that wasn't labeled.
"Hmm, what's in here?" I asked with a playful voice and a wiggle of my brows.

Storm just gestured with his hand for me to open the door. I looked up at him a little skeptical, suddenly not liking the idea of a surprise anymore.
"I promise that you'll like this one baby," Storm stated and I glared up at him for reading my mind. I then grasped the door handle before I hesitantly opened the door.
Only to slap a hand over my mouth as silent tears began to roll down my cheeks.
"Do you like it?" He asked hopefully and I just nodded before I began to walk around the room.

The room walls were painted in a beautiful greyish kind of blue color. And were decorated with stars and a pretty tree print behind the three white cribs that were lined against the wall. Hanging from the ceiling was a ceiling fan and lights. On the left side of the room opposite the cribs were two wooden rocking chairs and a dark blue sofa that was decorated with soft pillows and a blanket. On a shelf above the chairs were various ways to take care of a child,  books and a night light. A medium sized wardrobe was also placed inside the large room and a small window was covered by a pretty white curtain. The air itself was filled with the calming smell of a baby and what I imagined pregnancy smelling like. There was even a picture of me sleeping on a small desk.

"Storm this is great, I love it," I commented as I tried to wipe my happy tears away but they just kept on flowing.
"I know that things have been really tohge on you with my dad and your mom missing and you almost dying. So this was the only thing I could think of to cheer my tiger up," Storm stated, causing a broad smile to stretch  across my face.
"Well you definitely cheered me up, thank you," I thanked as I hugged him around the waist causing a sigh of relief to escape past his lips. He then pulled me back so he could wipe my tears away before he caressed my face.
"I'm glad you like it, tiger. But you should also thank Markus and Mary-kay because they helped out a lot," Storm informed and as if right on cue. Said best friends entered the room arguing about something.

"I told you that pink was a better color, you insensitive bimbo !" Shouted Mary-kay  causing Markus to scoff very loudly.
"I'm insensitive? If it's a boy you want him to sleep in a pink colored room? I don't think so!" He spat back.
"Your brain is filled with air and sometimes I wonder why we're even friends!" Sneered Mary.
"Hah, I think the same damn thing you sassy bitch!"
"Oh look you're using big words you ding dong!"
"You know what I'm so tired of you and your bullshit!"
"Same here!"

Storm and I shared a look before I cried out immediately getting my friends' attention.
"Why the hell are you guys fighting?" I asked after they had settled down.

"Well I told Markus to paint the room in pink but he chose this color instead," explained Mary-kay.
"Because this is a unisex color and because we don't know what he's having it was a good color," replied Markus.
"But I like pink."
"And I like chocolate but you don't see me painting an entire room in it now do  you?" 
"Because who would paint a room in chocolate?" 
"Because your stupid."
"That may be so but at least I don't want a room to look like a hundred fairy princesses threw up in it!"
"That's so gender biased."
"Or is it?"

"Guys guys," you're giving me a headache," I stated as I placed a hand  on my head.
Markus and Mary-kay looked really guilty but I just waved them  off.
"The room looks good just the way it is so can you guys stop fighting and just come and give me a hug?" I said and they both smiled at me before I was squashed  in the middle of them.
"Huh, thank you guys so much for all your hard work,"  I said with a satisfied sigh as I hugged my friends tightly.
"Your welcome Wesley, it's the least we could do. You know with all this shit that's going now," stated my lean muscular friend.
"For once I agree with Markus," Mary-kay stated, causing Mark to huff.
"I'm right sometimes," he answered defensively.
"Mark, you just stated that if you had a chance you'd paint a room in chocolate," I joked. Causing us all to burst out into a fit of laughter. But we soon stopped when the nursery door opened and in came Tony. The young wolf admired  the wolf before his eyes landed on Storm.

"Hey Tony, why are you here?" Calmly asked my mate.
"Um.. your dads would like to have a word with you guys in your dad's office and  I wanted to tell Wesley that his sister drank four blood bags and is currently sleeping in my room," Tony stated, causing me to look up at him weirdly.

'Why in his room though?' I couldn't help but ask  myself.

'Their mates,' Storm replied through our private mind link that we just figured out we had.

'Oh,' was my lame answer.

"Ok we'll be down in a moment ," Storm exclaimed and Tony respectfully bowed before he took leave. I turned back to my friends giving them a goodbye wave  before Storm took my hand in his and we left the room.

As we slowly made our way down to Storm's fathers office I could feel eyes on me. And when I quickly turned to my mate and caught him staring at me. I couldn't help but laugh at  the way he quickly turned away before he laughed nervously. And he just looked so cute when a blush creeped up into his cheeks.
The short walk was silent but peaceful as my mate warmed larger hands tightened around my smaller one. Finally we reached the big door that was labeled Alpha before Storm knocked.
"Come in," came Alpha Jack's voice. We silently entered the room and by the dark gloomy aura that was present in the room. You could just tell that whatever our dads wanted to talk to us about. Was nothing happy. But apart from that my dad and Alpha Jack were looking much better than the last time we saw them.
Dad looked much better than better.  His deathly pale skin from earlier were now replaced with a healthy vampire pale. Allowing me to know that he had drunk a few blood bags and that he had  taken a shower. As he sat in front of  Alpha Jacks desk in a pair of short brown khakis and a black t-shirt. His hair looked combed and placed back in its neat style and his eyes were filled with life again. While Storm's dad looked like he also had taken a shower and ate. As he sat behind his desk in casual blue jeans and a white t-shirt. His hair also looked comb and neat and his icy blue eyes were sparkling with authority and dominance. 

"Storm, Wesley please sit," ordered Storm's dad and we immediately did as we were told.
"Dad, what's up?" Asked my mate hesitantly as he looked at the men before us.
"It's time for you boys to know why Killian is angry and out for vengeance," dad began.
"And why he will stop at nothing to destroy you both," added Alpha Jack. 
'Oh this should be fun.'

Thank you guys for reading this chapter and I thank all of you who have taken their time to read my story. The next chapter would be about Newell, Jack, Lucy's, and Killian's past being told by Newell. You you'll be able to understand why  Killian is so hostile to Jack and Newell. That's all for now bye and stay safe.

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