Haven ( Book one )

By writingsbyHannah

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[ WATTYS SHORTLIST 2021 ] She's always assumed werewolves was a fantasy, but on her 16th birthday, she learns... More

Author's note ( start )
Twenty One
Author's note ( end )


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By writingsbyHannah

Myles and I had just walked into principal Colstone's office. He looked at us, and then he said "you two look extremely annoyed. Did something happen?" I nodded and then I responded with "yeah, I'm just curious to know why you abandoned me and then told everyone that I was dead, including your son, who is my biological brother. I can't believe that I've been here for about four months, and if I wasn't bringing it up right now, you wouldn't have said anything. Myles almost didn't believe me. I had to show him my birth certificate as proof, because it has you listed as the father, not to mention, I have your last name. So the fact you and mum have been lying to me, yeah, it doesn't sit well. I've been waiting for the right moment to call you out, and then after I told Myles, we decided that there was no time like the present. So please explain to both of us, why you lied about almost everything." He took a deep breath and then he said "okay, right. I didn't expect you two to find out like this, but that's how it's happened, and there's no hiding from it anymore. Both of you, sit down, and I'll tell you the full story." We both sat down in the chairs. Principal Colstone closed his laptop, and then he continued to say "before I start, I just want to apologise to both of you, because what I did was extremely wrong. And nothing I say, or do is going to change that. I at least want you to hear my side of the story. Sixteen years ago, I had a girlfriend, which was neither of you guys mums. One night, I was playing truth or dare with my friends, and the dared me to sleep with the two most popular girls in the year. That was your mum Haven, and your mum Myles. I had to do it three months apart, simply because of timing. Then both of them came to me a couple months later, telling me that they were pregnant with my children. I knew I had to make a choice, so I told my girlfriend the truth and she broke up with me.  Myles, a couple months later, you were born. Haven, your mum was six months pregnant, and I still hadn't made a choice about what I wanted. It was after haven was born that I found out that her mother was a werewolf, and that's what made me make my choice. Everybody knew that werewolves and witches couldn't ever be together. So I couldn't be with your mum, Haven. Even if I wanted to, Myles' mum was human, so it would make sense that I was with her. About a year later, my parents died in a plane crash, so I inherited all of the money that they left for me. They turned out to be extremely rich, so I made my dream come true and I bought an abandoned hospital, and turned it into a boarding school. This took years to happen, so by the time everything was finished, Myles was about five years old. And I really started to miss my other child, but I knew that your mother would never let me see you, simply because she thought that you were too young to have this new surprise in your life. I wanted you to be remembered though, I didn't want people to think that you never existed. So I made up a lie, and I told everyone that you died when you was two years old. I did that to feel better about myself, so I could've had sympathy. I always wanted to have a piece of you, even though I couldn't see you. That's when I decided to name the school Luna Coast Boarding  Academy. I named you Luna. After I left, your mum obviously changed it to Haven, she kept Luna is your middle name. Then one day, your mum was calling schools in California, when she spoke to me on the phone, I immediately knew that it was her. We then started talking for hours, and that's when she told me that she was thinking of applying for you to come here. I didn't even look at your grades, or any of your files. I accepted you because you are my daughter. I know that you probably don't see me as a father, because I have not been there at all. I'm really sorry that I've had to lie about you to everyone, and that I had to make people believe that you were dead. I chose my reputation over my children, and that was extremely wrong. It will never happen again." Myles and I looked at each other. Myles stood up and then he said "bullshit. Absolute bullshit. You went through that entire story, just to end up telling us that you did it to protect your ego? I don't think you understand how pathetic you sound. You literally made a grave for Haven. I used to go to that grave every month to replace the flowers. I used to talk her. Wishing that she was here, and she's been here this entire time. There's lines that you don't cross, dad. Keeping me away from my sister was one of them." He then grabbed his bag, and walked out. I was still sitting down and then I said "he's right. The worst part is that, what you did to him was bad, but what you did to me was worse, because at least he had you. I can't say the same." He nodded and he responded with "trust me, it's the biggest mistake I ever made. I can't believe that I did that to you. Haven, I'm begging you to give me a chance. Let me be the father that you have so desperately dreamed of having. I just need to prove to you, that I'm worthy of that." I smiled sarcastically and then I replied with "yeah, you do. But it's going to take a a lot more than an apology, and a couple sympathy stories. You've been lying to both of your children for their entire lives. So if you ever want either of us to talk to you again, I suggest you start putting in the work. Dad, I'm just letting you know, you really fucked this one up." And then I walked out of his office.

I thought hearing the truth would've made me feel better, but I feel worse. Now that I've heard it from the horse's mouth, I know that it's a hundred percent real. I was holding on to this little slither of hope, that maybe, just maybe, Sapphire was wrong. I should've known that she wasn't. She was a hybrid like me. Reading minds is our specialty. The minute I finally accepted that I was a witch, is the minute I started being able to read minds. The first one being Harrison. That night he kissed me, I could read everything that he was feeling, and thinking. That moment, that was the moment he got over Jessica. Now that he's over her, I guess I'm ready to be in a relationship with him. I just don't know how to approach him. We've barely spoken since that kiss. After the group split, we just kinda all went our separate ways. Harrison and I included. I want him back, especially now. I need someone that I can lean on.

I got to Harrison's dorm. The door was open, so I walked in. He looked up at me and then he asked "Haven, I wasn't expecting to see you. Is everything okay?" I nodded and then I said "everything's fine. I've spent the last three months avoiding you, which I'm sure you've probably realised. It's not because I don't like you, it's because I'm never going to be like Jess. She's the perfect girlfriend. I'm a btec version of her. All I ever wanted was to be enough for you. I know I could never be that though." He looked at me and then he responded with "that's bullshit. I would chose you over Jessica, a million times over. Jess is a bully who feeds off of people's vulnerability. You're not like that in the slightest." I nodded and then I replied with "I'm not perfect either. I have a lot of baggage, baggage that you don't know about. Baggage that I don't want to drag you into. You have enough going on, especially with Sapphire. Being with me will ruin you, because situations that I get into, you would be involved. I can't do that to you, I can't put you through more pain and stress. I can't see you get hurt more than you already have. I don't think you understand how selfish that would be, if I let you come into my life. I'm protecting you. I wish you could see that." Harrison looked at me then he asked "I'm a werewolf. Does it look like I need protecting? I've got my own baggage, Haven. Some of the things that I've done, is going to make you never want to speak to me again. I'm not pushing you away though. I'm not being a coward. You're not protecting me, you're protecting yourself. You're scared that your trauma is going to push me away. News flash, it's not. What's pushing me away is this. You acting as if I can't handle you being a little bit damaged. Now, I'm going to say the same thing that you said to me three months ago. Haven, look me in the eye and tell that you don't want to be with me, regardless of what baggage you have. If you can do it, then I'll leave you alone. If you can't, then I guess I'm right." I nodded and then I said "I can't do it. You're right. But I can do this." And I kissed him, exactly the way he did it. It was literally deja vu.

Kissing him passionately, with nothing standing in our way. I've been waiting for this moment for three months. I didn't think I'd get it.
His hands went up my dress, and he undid my bra. I pulled away and looked at him, and then he asked "are you okay with where this is about to go?" I'll stop if you're uncomfortable." I gave him the nod of consent, and then he continued.
He lifted my dress off and threw it on the floor. He then lifted me up and gently placed me on the bed. He took off his top and jeans. And there he was, bare butt naked. I was laying on the bed, I was also wearing absolutely nothing. I admired his body, as I felt my stomach do backflips. He laid down on the bed next to me, and then he spun me over so that I was on top of him. He looked at me and then he asked "are you ready?" I nodded and then he slowly placed his dick inside of me. I was a virgin, so it started off as pain and slowly turned into pleasure. I let out a loud moan, as he continued thrusting himself into me. There was a weird sensation going through my body, I felt free. It was hard to explain, but all I knew is that it wasn't a bad feeling. His thrust started getting harder, and I started moaning louder. I grabbed onto the railings of the bed as he continued shoving himself into me. It was no longer pain, it was just intense pleasure. I could feel my vagina enjoying this. It was still a new experience to me. I felt his thrusts getting sloppier, I knew he was reaching his climax. I was reaching mine too. We both let out a huge moan, as we cummed at the same time. It was over, but it was a good experience. I don't regret it at all.
We got ourselves cleaned up, and got dressed. We then laid down facing each other, and that's when I asked "so does this make you my boyfriend?" He laughed and then he responded with "yeah, it does. And as my girlfriend, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the winter ball with me?" I nodded and then I said "absolutely." We were about to kiss, and that's when he heard Myles coming. Since we were werewolves, we had super-hearing. Which meant that we could hear Myles from a mile away. We both sat up on the bed. Then, Myles walked in. He looked at both of us and then he said "I'm just letting you guys know, I can read your mind. I'm a wizard, you're not slick. I know what you've been doing. Now, I've just came back from fifth period, and I'm extremely tired. So, I'm going to be staying here, since this is my dorm." I got up and then I looked at Harrison and I said "that's my cue to leave. I will see both of you, in class tomorrow. Bye boys" Both of them waved, as I left the room.

Recently, my life has taken an interesting turn of events. Not exactly in the best way, but I'm managing. And even with everything that happened today, with my dad, Harrison was still able to make me feel like the only girl in the world. I needed that right now, I needed to be happy. Today is the happiest I've been in a very long time. That's because of Harrison, I wish I didn't wait so long to tell him that I liked him.
Myles on the other hand, it's good to know that I have a brother in this school. Someone else who I can rely on. I'm trying to keep Naomi out of my problems. She's got extremely strict parents, and I can't risk her losing her opportunities to do something that she loves. I had to start being selfless, for myself and other people.

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