Bliss Kingdom 5: The Inner Ci...

By alexrelatado

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After Alex Auditore vanquished The Fiend Bray Wyatt at SummerSlam, purging his influence on his wife Alexa Bl... More

Chapter 1: Confrontation After SummerSlam
Chapter 2: Join Us
Chapter 3: Order of the Dark Circle
A/N: Group Structure
Chapter 4: Jiu Jitsu Past
Chapter 5: The Order Increases
Chapter 6: Escalation
Chapter 7: Past Revealed and Secret Revealed
Chapter 8: The Pinnacle of the Dark Circle
Chapter 9: Drifting and Reaping
Chapter 10: Evolution 2.0
Chapter 11: Reaping the Pinnacle
Chapter 12: Drifting to a Dangerous Debut
Chapter 13: Unexpected Backup
Chapter 14: Lunch Time with the Joshi Judas
Chapter 16: Gauntlet Match
Chapter 17: Champions vs. Challengers
Chapter 18: Two Matches, One Night
Chapter 19: The Gears Grind
Chapter 20: On the Same Page
Chapter 21: AEW Full Gear
Chapter 22: Eight Man Tag Team Main Event

Chapter 15: Shiny Drift

232 5 18
By alexrelatado

While Io was having her eyes on Scott, the same can be said for Tegan, as she has her eyes on the Ambassador of Anger, Vade Drifter.

As Io left with Scott, Tegan was looking for Vade.

Tegan: Vade? Where are you?

Alexa came in to the locker room and saw Tegan.

Alex: hey Tegan, you need help?

Tegan: oh hey, have you seen Vade?

Alex: I last saw Vade in his locker room, all by himself

Tegan: he's alone?

Alex: well uhh... that's how he is, he wants to be on his own, where no one would bother him while he warms up for his match

Tegan: I want to see him

Alex: locker room is the only place

Tegan: thanks

The Shiniest Wizard went to Vade's door and knocked.

Inside, Vade has just finished washing up and put on his clothes as he heard the door knock. He got up and walked to open the door to see Tegan waving and smiling at him.

Tegan: hi!

Vade: hey Tegan, what can I do for you?

Tegan: uh yeah Vade, is it okay if... I mean, if it's okay with you

Vade: yes?

Tegan: can the two of us hang out tomorrow?

Vade: just us?

Tegan: yeah, if it's okay with you

Vade thought about it for a second.

Vade: okay sure, I have nothing planned for tomorrow anyway

Tegan: great! And uh, do you have your phone with you?

Vade: my phone? Yeah I do, why?

Tegan: let me see it

Vade was confused, but he got out his phone and handed it to Tegan. The Shiniest Wizard took his phone and put her number in with her name.

Tegan: there you go

She smiled. 

Vade: thanks Tegan, I can't wait to hang out with you tomorrow

Tegan: I'm looking forward to it

Tegan saw she got a text from Billie telling her she is waiting for her in the car.

Tegan: Billie is waiting for me, I'll see you tomorrow

Vade: yeah

The Ambassador of Anger watched as the Shiniest Wizard left his locker room. Vade saw something in Tegan that made him feel a bit different, like a little source of light shining in a dark, vast empty area.

Vade got his bags and left the arena to drive to his hotel room.

(At his hotel room)

Vade was in his hotel room, laying in his bed as he is ready for bed; however, before he turned off his lamp for the night, he received a text message from Tegan. Vade was curious and saw what the Shiniest Wizard said.

Tegan: can't wait to hang out with you tomorrow. Sleep well 😊

The message made Vade smile a bit; he then put his phone away and turned off his lamp and went to sleep for the night.

(The next day)

Vade woke up the next morning and remembered his hang out day with the Shiniest Wizard. The Ambassador of Anger went to wash up and wore his casual clothes along with a hoodie.

As he went out of his hotel room, he received a text from Tegan.

Tegan: I'm downstairs in the lobby, see you there 😊

He saw her message and rode down the elevator to the ground floor. He looked around the lobby and saw Tegan wearing a black shirt and a pair of jean shorts. Tegan saw Vade and smiled as she stood up and walked to him.

Tegan: good morning Vade

She said with a smile.

Vade: good morning to you too Tegan

Tegan: so ready to go?

Vade: yeah, but where are we going?

Tegan: there is one place I want to go

Vade: oh okay, where?

Tegan: let's go to the zoo

Vade: the zoo? Okay sure, we can take my car

Tegan: great!

The two went inside Vade's car and drove around the area until they turned around and drove along a road until they found the zoo.

Tegan: we're here!

Vade: you're excited, aren't you

Tegan: yes, and out of the animals, I really want to see a hippo!

Vade: a hippo?

Tegan: I want pet and feed one!

Vade: well for sure they must have a petting area, so let's go

Tegan: how about you Vade?

Vade: what about me?

Tegan: any animals you want to see?

Vade: lions, snakes and tigers

Tegan: we can see those first if you like

Vade: okay sure

The two went inside and paid for their admissions; they walked around to see a lot of the wildlife.

Tegan: wow, this is awesome!

Vade silently nodded in agreement.

Tegan: I see the lions over there, you said you want to see them?

Vade: oh yeah I do

Tegan: let's go!

Tegan held Vade's wrist and gently pulled him to where the lions are. Vade and Tegan admired the majestic King of the Jungle itself.

Vade: that lion looks so majestic

Tegan: that mane is so graceful

Vade nodded in agreement while Tegan took pictures of the King of the Jungle. 

Tegan: what's next on the list?

Vade: I believe it's the tigers

Tegan: let's walk around and look for them

Vade nodded as they walked around while checking out the other animals such as various birds and reptiles. They also saw some people feeding the crocodiles. Then they found the tigers walking around their area.

Vade: wow

Tegan: they look nice, aren't they?

Vade: oh yeah they are

The two of them took pictures of the Bengal tigers while they admire them. Tegan noticed some tiger cubs walking with its mother.

Tegan: aww, look at those cute cubs

Vade: they're adorable

They also took pictures of the cubs before they were done.

Tegan: now for the hippos!

She jumped excitedly which made Vade smile a bit.

Vade: let's go

The Shiniest Wizard smiled big as she pulled Vade by the arm as they walked around to find the hippos.

Tegan: there they are!

Vade: they look ferocious

Tegan: but they're so adorable! Come on, let's feed and pet them!

Vade: okay

The two went to the zookeeper and asked if they can pet and feed them. The zookeeper gave them the green light to let them pet and feed the hippos.

Vade grabbed a watermelon and proceeded to feed the hippo. The animal opened its mouth wide as it was waiting to be fed. The Ambassador of Anger followed the zookeeper's direction of just gently tossing the melon in the mouth, and watched in amazement as the hippo crushed the huge fruit with its mouth and jaw.

Vade fed another hippo another watermelon and watched as the fruit is crushed in between its mouth and jaw.

Tegan: Vade, take a picture of me feeding this hippo

She said as she handed Vade her phone.

Vade: okay, go for it

Vade watched as Tegan pet and fed the hippo; he can hear her excitement and saw her cute smile on her face.

Vade took a couple of pictures of Tegan feeding and petting the hippo.

Vade smiled a bit as he admires Tegan and her adorable personality. He also took a video of Tegan tossing the fruit into the hippo's mouth.

Tegan: that was so fun!

Vade: glad you enjoyed yourself

Tegan: did you get the chance to feed them too?

Vade: I fed them watermelons and watched them crush it in between their jaws

Tegan: that's cool and I heard them crush the fruit

Vade: I didn't get to pet them though

Tegan: aww, there's always next time

Vade: so what's next?

Tegan: we've seen all the animals, so let's go see what they have in the souvenir shop

Vade: alright, let's go

The two went to the souvenir shop and look around. Nothing seemed to interest Vade as most of the souvenirs are either not the right price for him or it's not the kind of stuff he likes; for Tegan however, she decided to get a small tiger plush along with some wristbands.

Tegan: alright, is there any place you want to go?

Vade: let's go to a café and grab some snacks, then we can go to the place I want

Tegan: sounds great, let's go!

The two left the zoo and got in the car as they drove back to the city; they stopped at a little café to buy some snacks and drinks. Then they got back in the car and drove off to where Vade wants.

(A few minutes later)

Vade and Tegan drove up to a serene park where it was all quiet and no people were around. Tegan was a bit surprised of Vade's chosen destination.

Vade: let's go?

Tegan: okay sure

The two got out of the car and walked around the quiet park. Vade felt at ease as the quiet scenery of the park made him calm down.

Tegan felt a bit concerned and was wondering why Vade has chosen this location. She saw that Vade had his eyes closed while he breathed deep. As his eyes open, she opened up a conversation.

Tegan: uhh Vade, any reason why we came here?

Vade sighed and answered.

Vade: I always come here to just be on my own

Tegan: why?

Vade: I want to get away from the noises and the people because I don't want to be bothered; you can see why I have my own locker room so I can be on my own and all of my concentration and focus won't be interrupted. I have no one

Tegan: Vade... you don't have to be alone

Vade: what do you mean?

Tegan: you do have people who really care about you

Vade: like who?

Tegan: Bliss Kingdom, your brothers in the New Evolution, especially Alex and Scott

Vade: that is true, Alex always had my back in the indies

Tegan: you see Vade, you're not alone, and also you have someone who can help you come out of your lone darkness

Vade: oh? And who will that be?

Tegan smiled as she put her hand on his arm.

Tegan: me

Vade was surprised of hearing this, but he managed to hide his blushing cheeks.

Vade: r-really?

Tegan: yes Vade, I will never leave your side, you can count on me, Alex, Scott and everyone

Vade smiled as he put his hand on her shoulder.

Vade: thank you Tegan

Tegan smiled and the two slowly shared a hug as Vade felt the warmth comfort of the hug.

The two let go and smiled at each other. They proceeded to eat the snacks they bought before they drove back to the hotel to end the day.

(At the hotel)

Tegan: I really enjoyed today, Vade

Vade: me too Tegan, I enjoyed too; I got to see the animals I wanted to see for a long time

Tegan: and I got to feed a hippo, but most of all, you opened up to me

Vade: it wasn't easy, but it was all thanks to you

Tegan smiled and hugged Vade. The Ambassador of Anger's confidence boosted and was about to ask Tegan a question.

Vade: uhh Tegan?

Tegan: yes Vade?

Vade: can we do this again next time? You know, you and me going out?

Tegan blushed a bit.

Tegan: are you asking me on a date?

Vade: oh uhh yeah

Tegan: I would love to! I'm already looking forward to it

Vade smiled as he will have his first date with the Shiniest Wizard, Tegan Nox.

Vade: great, so I'll call you

Tegan: okay!

The two smiled at each other.

Vade: I'll see you again, Tegan

Tegan: yeah me too

Then they went to their hotel rooms while Tegan blushed heavily while she is excited for her first date with Vade.

(With Vade)

Vade was laying in bed as he recalled the whole day he spent with Tegan. Something about the Shiniest Wizard is really helping him open up given that Vade was always on his own for a long time. He smiled as he remembered that Tegan will always be there for him and nodded to himself of the people like Alex, Scott and the rest of Bliss Kingdom truly care of him.

Vade took a nap as he is excited for his first date with Tegan.

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