Trolls: Mixed Music

By SprinkleDots37

2.8K 51 122

After moving back to Trollstopia, the leaders were having a game day. These 6 orbs were watching them and ove... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

368 5 9
By SprinkleDots37

Somewhere in the darkest areas, a certain someone was wandering the forest, laughing, on his way back to his buddy. He crossed a river then moved a thing of leaves out of the way

There was a cave

"OHHHH MARSHTATO MARYYYYYY where are youuuuuu?" He asked

He looked around the cave and picked something up off the floor there was a picture of more Party Crashers

Archer, Pow, Slamm-Oh, Smack, Peter, and last but not least


The creature growled and threw the picture frame on the floor. He pulled his hood down. It was indeed Bash

"Can't believe those worthless, disrespectful pieces of nothing totally kicked me out! They wouldn't be around if it weren't for me!!" Bash said

Bash took a deep breath

"Marshtatooooooo!" Bash said

Marshtato Mary came out to see Bash

"There you are!" Bash said

"So... whats the plan!" Marshtato Mary said

"Heh.. well! I already released those red orbs and now the leaders are in a panic. Now at this rate the Trolls will have no one to listen too, and we'll take charge." Bash said

"Actually they're called monster alien Trolls." Marshtato Mary said

"Same thing -.-" Bash said

"Orbs and monster alien Trolls aren't the same thing -.-" Marshtato Mary said

"You're an orb -.-" Bash said

"And you're a monster alien that doesn't look like a Troll." Marshtato Mary said

"You're not a Troll either." Bash said

"I know I'm not a Troll!!" Marshtato Mary said

"Neither am I!!" Bash said

"That's why I said you don't look like a Troll!!" Marshtato Mary said

"Then why are we arguing!!?" Bash asked

"I don't know!!" Marshtato Mary said

"Understandable!! Now what's the next step in our plan!!" Bash said

"We destroy the Trolls!! Ahahahahahahahaha!" Marshtato Mary laughed

Thunder struck which made Bash flinch

"Eugh you're weird. I like it! But how are we gonna do that?" Bash asked

"I don't know!! I don't have it planned out yet!" Marshtato Mary said

Bash facepalmed

"You're the mastermind!!" Bash said

"I need time!!" Marshtato Mary said

"Well we need-"

They heard something ring and looked at where it was coming from

"Did you hear that!?" Marshtato Mary said

"Well gee! If you heard it, HOW COULD I NOT!!" Bash shouted

"Who knows!! You seem like you're deaf sometimes!!" Marshtato Mary said

"What!!? I'm not deaf!" Bash said

"Well I think you are!!" Marshtato Mary said

"You're the one with no ears!!" Bash said

"You're the one with elf ears!!" Marshtato Mary said

"At least I have ears!!" Bash said

"If I did have ears at least they wouldn't look like elf ears!!" Marshtato Mary said

"Ooooooo -.-" Bash said


"We're supposed to be taking charge of the Trolls!!" Bash said

"Well let's go then!!" Marshtato Mary said

"You're the one who need to come up with a plan first!! AND SPEAKING OF!! Kaboom is taking the leader to switch them back to normal!!" Bash said

"Pffft he's you're brother!!" Marshtato Mary said

"If the leaders get switched back, our entire plan will be ruined!! We'll never have our revenge on the Trolls!!" Bash said

"Well why don't we just go after them and stop them!!" Marshtato Mary said

"That's a really great idea!!" Bash said

"Well thank you!!" Marshtato Mary said

"You're welcome!!" Bash said

"Now let's go after those Trolls!!" Bash said

"Yeah let's go!!" Bash said

"How it all began, if truth be told. Had a master plan; now I rule the world." Bash sang

Marshtato Mary bumped into Bash

"Took them by surprise, worked my way uphill. They looked into my eyes; I became invincible!" Marshtato Mary sang

"No one can stop us, for only We are in control. If you want us you'd better contact our people!" They sang

A group of creatures came out of the darkness. Bash and Marshtato Mary sang

"In my crown I am king. I love their endless worshiping. I am raw, a dinosaur, but I will never be extinct." Bash sang

"So don't mess with us; I'll shoot you down. Don't mess with us." Bash sang

"I've come, it's been fun. But won't you please disappear? Something tells me that you can't further my career." Marshtato Mary sang

"In my crown I am king. I love their endless worshiping! I am raw, a dinosaur. But I will never be extinct." Bash sang

"So don't mess with us. I'll shoot you down. Don't mess with us." They sang

"Cause all your heads are gonna roll. I've made your misery my goal. So if you want survival, kneel on my arrival!" Bash sang

"This is how we rule the world!" Marshrato Mary sang

"No one can stop us, for only we are in control. And if you want us you'd better contact our people." They sang

"See my crown? I am queen. I love the endless worshiping!" Marshtato Mary sang

"I am raw, a dinosaur, but I will never be extinct!" Bash sang

"So don't mess with us; we'll shoot you down!" They sang

"So don't mess with us; we'll shoot you down!" They sang

"So don't mess with us; we'll shoot you down!" They sang

"Don't mess with us." They sang, looking at each other

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